- mine.conf: set sysprefix, it defaults to / in Makefile
- scripts/functions: mandir is $oot/usr/man for prefix=/
git-svn-id: http://www.rocklinux.org/svn/rock-linux/trunk@2106 c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc
the code with a post-flist solution which works more package independet
and allows the adaption of the .la files
git-svn-id: http://www.rocklinux.org/svn/rock-linux/trunk@1582 c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc
16:58 < clifford> ..but that shouldn't hurt since patchopt="-bfp1 -z .orig"
16:59 < clifford> rxr: could you eighter remove the eval for the 2nd patch or
add it to the 1st?
git-svn-id: http://www.rocklinux.org/svn/rock-linux/trunk@1560 c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc
this is a not-tested proposal for make check when asked and supported. (no-cross only)
plus some non-tested name changes ans additions by Rene Rebe
git-svn-id: http://www.rocklinux.org/svn/rock-linux/trunk@1486 c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc
really adds support for .Z files (tested this time, thx to dcc package)
it uses the fortunate support of .Z files by gunzip
it also fixes the dcc package
git-svn-id: http://www.rocklinux.org/svn/rock-linux/trunk@1411 c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc
re-disabled the build of binary packages for packages with error
Rene Rene:
improved create_package_db to not include failed packages into the database file
git-svn-id: http://www.rocklinux.org/svn/rock-linux/trunk@1254 c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc
non-optimized binaries for debugging. also removed some -O and -strip
hardcodings in package .conf files ..._
git-svn-id: http://www.rocklinux.org/svn/rock-linux/trunk@1061 c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc