git-svn-id: c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bcrocklinux
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
Building ROCK Linux |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1. Requirements |
=============== |
For building ROCK Linux you need a good internet connection for downloading the |
sources, a lot of disk space, a fast computer and some time. Depending on the |
configuration you are going to choose and your hardware, a build of ROCK Linux |
can take some days to complete. You also need root permissions to build ROCK |
Linux. |
The distribution you are building ROCK Linux on should also be ROCK Linux. |
It is also possible to build ROCK Linux on other distributions, but don't expect |
it to work without some hacking ... |
If you are building on older ROCK Linux versions (1.4/1.6) you should at least |
make sure to upgrade/install the packages "Curl" "mktemp" and "coreutils". |
2. Extracting the sources |
========================= |
Download the ROCK Linux sources (a tar.bz2 file of a few MB) from |
||| and extract it somewhere as root. The resulting directory |
is the ROCK Linux 'base' directory. |
3. Configure the build |
====================== |
Type './scripts/Config' and a configuration menu comes up. Choose |
your configuration (or simply leave the default values untouched). You need to |
start the Config tool - even if you don't want to change anything. |
It's also possible to have multiple configurations. Use the command |
'./scripts/Config -cfg config-name' (where config-name can be any text not |
containing whitespaces or any special characters). If you have choosen a name |
for your configuration, you need to pass the '-cfg config-name' option as |
first parameter to all the other scripts too - so they know which |
configuration to read. |
The default configuration name (when no -cfg option is passed) is 'default'. |
The configuration is stored in the 'config/config-name' directory. |
4. Downloading the package sources |
================================== |
Now you need to download the sources for the packages which are build in the |
configuration you have choosen. Simply type './scripts/Download -required'. |
If you want to download the sources for all packages (regardless if they are |
required for your configuration), type './scripts/Download -all'. |
5. Building the distribution |
============================ |
Type './scripts/Build-Target'. As mentioned already, it may take multiple |
days for the build to complete. |
The resulting distribution is stored in the build/ directory. |
6. Creating CD Images |
===================== |
To create a CD-Image to install from you can use './scripts/Create-ISO'. |
Create-ISO takes at least two arguments: a name used as prefix for the |
filename of the ISO images and the name of the configuration you |
just built (usually 'default' or whatever you choose after -cfg). |
Optionally you can use -size <MB> to specify the size of your CD-Rs. |
Another optional parameter is -mkdebug which will create a VMWare-Config |
to be used with your newly created iso. |
The iso will, however, not be bootable, unless you configured and built |
a 'bootdisk'-Target. This configuraton has to be the first configuration to |
be passed to './scripts/Create-ISO'. |
So, a complete call might look like this: |
# ./scripts/Create-ISO rock-cd -size 700 -mkdebug bootdisk athlon pentium4 generic |
This would create a CD-Set of iso images which are at most 700 MB big, the |
first CD would be bootable and the set would contain the builds 'athlon', |
'pentium4' and 'generic'. |
You see, it's perfectly possible to have several optimised or just different |
builds on one CD-Set. So you would only need one set to install different |
machines. |
If you have a DVD-Writer, you could also pass '-size 4300' and write that iso |
on a DVD. That would make approx. 5 to 6 builds on one DVD. |
7. Cleaning up the source tree |
============================== |
Simply type './scripts/Cleanup' to remove the src* directories. DO NOT REMOVE |
THEM BY HAND! These directories may contain bind mounts to the rest of the |
source tree and it is possible that you are going to remove everything in the |
ROCK Linux base directory if you execute a simple 'rm -rf' to remove them .. |
If you also want to remove the build/ directory type './scripts/Cleanup --full'. |
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ |
Building ROCK Linux on a cluster |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1. Basics |
========= |
I'm assuming you have read the BUILD file and know how to make a 'normal' |
build of ROCK Linux. I'm also assuming that you know how to use a Linux |
cluster (since you are reading this, you might have one). I'm now going to |
explain how to build ROCK Linux on a cluster. The techniques described here |
can also be used to build ROCK Linux on an SMP machine to get the best |
performance out of all CPUs. |
ROCK Linux can be build on a simple cluster of workstations connected with |
a normal LAN (ethernet, etc). No low-latency or high-bandwith network is needed |
to build ROCK Linux on a cluster with good performance. |
ROCK Linux has it's own job scheduler to distribute jobs over the cluster |
nodes. But you can also use any job scheduler you have already installed on |
your cluster to do the job. |
When building ROCK Linux in parallel (cluster) mode, the build scripts simple |
decide based on the package dependencies which packages might be build in |
parallel and builds them parallel (instead of serial, which is the default |
behavior). |
For building ROCK Linux you always have to be root. That doesn't change |
when you are building on a cluster. The 'Abort when a package-build fails' |
config option is not available when making a parallel (cluster) build. |
2. Amdahl's law |
=============== |
In a famous paper Amdahl observed that one must consider an entire application |
when consider the level of available parallelism. If only one percent of a |
problem fails to parallelize, then no matter how much parallelism is available |
for the rest, the problem can never be solved more than one hundred times |
faster than in the sequential case. |
Almost every package in ROCK Linux depends on a few very basic packages like |
the C-library, the C-compiler and the shell. So it's not possible to make use |
of the power of your cluster in the early phase of the build where this |
essential packages are build. Later in the build there are almost always a few |
more packages which can be build in parallel (than 100 packages is very common |
after the base packages have been built). |
The tool './scripts/Create-ParaSim' can be used to "simulate" a parallel build. |
Just configure your build and run './scripts/Create-ParaSim'. The output is a |
graph showing how many paralell jobs are available for building in which phase |
of the Build. It looks like this: |
----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
181 | ::::. | |
| .:::::::. | |
P | .:::::::::::::: | |
a | .::::::::::::::::. | |
r | :::::::::::::::::::::. | |
a | ..::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
l | . .. ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
l | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
e | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
l | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
| .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
J | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
o | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
b | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
s | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
| :.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
1 |...::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.| |
----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| 1 Number of Jobs build so far 424 | |
You can see that the build doesn't parallelize very well in the early phase |
but soon reaches a state where over 100 jobs can be built at the same time. |
That the number of available jobs going down in the right side of the graph |
is normal. When E.g. 400 of 424 jobs are already built, there are only 24 |
jobs left and so it's not possible anymore to have 100 parallel jobs. |
Note that the X-axis is the number of jobs built already - and not the time. |
so that graph is telling you somethign about the level of parallelism which |
is possible in your selected configuration in general - but it does not provide |
exact numbers how much faster the build would be e.g. on a 16 node cluster. |
You can pass the option '-jobs N' to ./scripts/Create-ParaSim to get a |
simulation of the build on a cluster with N nodes. The script assumes that the |
cluster nodes are as fast as the system which has done the reference build. If |
your cluster nodes are e.g. about 20% faster, your build will be about 20% |
sooner compleated as printed in the stat. You can even compare builds - e.g. |
"-jobs 1,2,8" would compare a "normal" single-node build with a build on a |
2-node cluster and an 8-node cluster: |
-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
8 | : ::: | |
| :. ::::. | |
| ..:: ::::: | |
| ::::..:::::. | |
1 |:::::::::::::::::: | |
-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
2 | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
| :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
|.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
1 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
1 |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
1 |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
Jobs | 00:00 Time 14:41 | |
If you have 'gnuplot' installed and $DISPLAY set, you can also pass the option |
'-x11' to ./scripts/Create-ParaSim so it will use the program 'gnuplot' to |
graph the results. A screenshot of the '-x11' mode of ./scripts/Create-ParaSim |
can be found at |
3. Setting up the master |
======================== |
Extract the ROCK Linux source somewhere and export this directory read-write |
to all nodes using NFS. In many cases there will be already a directory on |
your cluster which is shared between all nodes (e.g. /home). I will assume |
the directory name /home/rock-master in this document. |
Configure your build as usual. Enable the config option 'Make a parallel |
(cluster) build'. The config option 'Maximum size of job queue' should have |
a value which is higher than the maximum number of jobs which will be built |
on our cluster. Set this config option to '0' (unlimited) when building on a |
big cluster. |
The option 'Command for adding jobs' will be explained in section 6 (Building |
with an external job scheduler) and can be left blank if you are using the |
built-in job scheduler. |
You also might want to enable the 'Always clean up src dirs (even on pkg |
fail)' option so the local disks of your cluster nodes are not filled up |
with the src dirs of broken packages. |
Download the required source packages as usual (if you don't have them already |
all downloaded). |
4. Setting up the nodes |
======================= |
The following has to be done on every node. If you have many nodes in your |
cluster you might mant to use 'prsh' from |
to perform the following steps on all nodes. |
You need to create a local build directory on every cluster node (building |
the packages on the NFS share would cost too much performance). In many cases |
there will be already a directory on the cluster for this (e.g. /scratch). I |
will assume the directory name /scratch/rock-node in this document. |
Set up the /scratch/rock-node directory using the commands: |
# mkdir -p /scratch/rock-node |
# cd /home/rock-master |
# ./scripts/Create-Links -config -build /scratch/rock-node |
Now your cluster is ready for building ROCK Linux. |
5. Building with the built-in job scheduler |
=========================================== |
Run './scripts/Build-Target' in /home/rock-master the master. Instead of |
building the packages the master will create a job queue and add those |
packages to the queue which can be built next. |
Run './scripts/Build-Job -daemon' in /scratch/rock-node on the nodes. Again, |
you might want to use 'prsh' to do this on all nodes. If you want to build |
multiple packages parallel on one cluster node (e.g. because they have two |
CPUs) you need to run './scripts/Build-Job -daemon' as often as many jobs |
you want to run on the node at the same time. |
"Build-Target" on the master will show you what's going on. You can view |
the current status of your build from every console using the tool |
'./scripts/Create-ParaStatus'. The output of the script looks like: |
18:41 2002-05-08: --- current status --- |
Build-Job (daemon mode) running on node01 with PID 18452 |
Build-Job (daemon mode) running on node02 with PID 18665 |
Build-Job (daemon mode) running on node03 with PID 19618 |
Job 3-kdenetwork node02 (18665) since 18:32 2002-5-08 |
Job 3-kdeutils node03 (19618) since 18:41 2002-5-08 |
Job 3-kdevelop node01 (18452) since 18:30 2002-5-08 |
Job 3-kdebindings waiting in the job queue (priority 2) |
Job 3-kdeadmin waiting in the job queue (priority 1) |
Job 3-kde-i18n-fr waiting in the job queue (priority 1) |
Job 3-kde-i18n-es waiting in the job queue (priority 1) |
Job 3-kde-i18n-de waiting in the job queue (priority 1) |
Job 3-kdeartwork waiting in the job queue (priority 0) |
Job 3-kdeaddons waiting in the job queue (priority 0) |
18:41 2002-05-08: ---------------------- |
"Build-Job -daemon" on the nodes forkes in the background and only prints a one |
line message containing the filename of the logfile which contains the output |
of the script. This logfile is in the build/ directory, which is shared between |
all nodes so you can view all logs from the master node. |
6. Building with an external job scheduler |
========================================== |
Let's say the command for adding jobs in your job scheduler is 'addjob' and |
has only one parameter, which is the command to execute. You would set the |
config option 'Command for adding jobs' to the value |
addjob 'cd /scratch/rock-node ; {}' |
The text {} will automatically replaced with the Build-Job invocation for |
building the package and always has the form of: |
./scripts/Build-Job -cfg <config-name> <stagelevel>-<package-name> |
So if you want to make some inteligent job scheduling (e.g. build large |
packages on a faster node) you can also pass {} to another script and |
have the command in $*, the config name in $3 and the stagelevel and |
package name in $4. |
If not all jobs can be executed, the job scheduler should prefer those jobs |
which have been submitted first. This is importand to make sure that it always |
is possible that multiple packages can be build in parallel. |
Note that './scripts/Build-Job -daemon' does not work if the 'Command for |
adding jobs' config option is set. The './scripts/Create-ParaStatus' script |
works as usual. |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
Cross-Building ROCK Linux |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1. Cross building ROCK Linux itself |
=================================== |
Cross-Building ROCK Linux from one architecture to another is pretty easy. |
Just follow the steps described in the Documentation/BUILD file and make |
sure that you selected the 'This is a cross-build between architectures' |
configuration option. |
Now, when you start './scripts/Build-Target' it will first build a cross |
compiler and then cross compile a minimal ROCK Linux for you. This minimal |
system contains everything needed for a full-functional command-line system |
including init-process, shell, etc. but excluding the linux kernel itself. |
You can install this cross-compiled ROCK Linux system on your target |
architecture and make a full rebuild of ROCK Linux there if you need the |
more advanced packages (like X11). |
Note that not all targets can be cross-compiled without errors - but the |
target 'generic' should do fine. |
2. Cross building the kernel |
============================ |
First extract the kernel sources somewhere. Do not cross-build the linux kernel |
in /usr/src/linux - this might screw up your system headers! Change to the |
linux kernel source directory. |
Before we can build the kernel we need to tell the system where the cross |
compiler we build with './scripts/Build-Target' is installed. It's in the |
ROCK Linux base directory under build/<config-id>/tools/crosscc. So we extend |
the PATH variable using a command like e.g. for PowerPC: |
export PATH="/rock-linux/build/powerpc-1.7.0-DEV-powerpc-cross-generic/tools/crosscc:$PATH" |
We also need to tell the kernel about the architecture and cross-compiler. Set |
in the Makefile the variables ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE to e.g. for PowerPC: |
ARCH = ppc |
CROSS_COMPILE = powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu- |
Now you can configure and build a kernel as usual using "make menuconfig" |
and "make vmlinux" (or something like "make bzImage"). |
3. Installing the results |
========================= |
This is the most complitated step and may be diffircult for some architectures. |
You need to export the system in build/<config-id>/root using NFS and boot the |
cross-built kernel on the target architecture with nfs-root. |
Let's say we want to install our PowerPC cross-built on an RS/6000 with |
OpenFirmware. In that case we need to copy the kernel chrp image to a floppy |
disk and boot the kernel with the Openfirmware command: |
boot floppy:,zImage.prep root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=/ppc-nfs-root \ |
ip= |
Assuming that the nfs server has the ip, the client should |
use and the exported directory is "/ppc-nfs-root". Read |
Documentation/nfsroot.txt from the linux kernel sources for details. |
Now you can use the standard Linux commands for creating a filesystem on a |
local partition and copy all system data. |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
Dietlibc-target |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Index |
~~~~~ |
1) Preface |
2) What is dietlibc |
3) Prepare for the build |
4) Build |
1) Preface |
~~~~~~~~~~ |
Hi, this here is a small howto build the dietlibc target. I hope that it |
will be some time no more needed because the target will be so |
strateforward. Currently it is more a draft for a howto but who cares it |
is more then nothing, right ? ;-) |
Some pretty internal stuff is in Documentation/Developers/TODO . There |
are also current problems and bugs put together so even if you are not a |
developer you probably would like to read it. |
The target is currently experimental like the whole 1.7 tree. So be |
careful because it can kill your pet, make your mother angry, make you |
sleepless or simply not work and/or compile. |
2) What is dietlibc |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Dietlibc is a small alternative libc. In contrary to glibc it is not so |
bloated so it is very useful for embedded systems or installation disks |
where space is very expensive. |
Dietlibc is still under heavy development. There are many bugs that |
shall be fixed. But it is functional enough to try build a system based |
fully on dietlibc. (Someone has to start with it ;-) ) We will get this |
baby running helping the dietlibc developers find bugs in their child. |
;-) |
3) Prepare for the build |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
You have to install dietlibc. You can use the source that is being |
downloaded by rocklinux (you can find it in |
download/base/dietlibc/dietlibc-$ver.tar.bz2) or get it from |
||| |
The next step is to replace the cc command with a script that runs gcc |
with prepended diet wrapper. For this run this commands: |
# mv /usr/bin/cc /usr/bin/cc.bak |
# vi /usr/bin/cc |
And insert the following code it the file: |
#!/bin/sh |
exec diet gcc "$@" |
Then you have to change the rights for the shell script: |
# chmod +x /usr/bin/cc |
That is all that you need to do to start with the compile process of |
dietlibc target. |
4) Build |
~~~~~~~~ |
Do the same what is described in Documentation/Build apropriatly |
selecting dietlibc target in scripts/Config . |
Please disable the "Create cache files after packages have been built" |
option in the expert section of scripts/Config . It is not working |
That should be all. |
Send comments to the rocklinux mailing list ( |
and/or directly to me ( |
(C) 2002 by Piotr Esden-Tempski ( |
@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ |
This copyright does not cover the packages ROCK Linux is based on. They have |
their own copyrights. This copyright covers all ROCK Linux specific parts |
like build scripts and patches (i.e. the files in the ROCK Linux source |
tarball), but not if they have their own copyright note or if it's a patch for |
a package which forces patches to be distributed under a special License |
different from GPL. |
Note, that the "Official ROCK Linux" Logo and all pictures containing the |
logo (e.g. the files in the directory Documentation/Official-Logos) have a |
strict copyright (read Documentation/Official-Logos/COPYING.txt for details). |
Also note that a program which is written to run on a ROCK Linux system does |
not fall under the heading of "derived work". |
- Clifford Wolf (aka Michael Wolf) |
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
Version 2, June 1991 |
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA |
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies |
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. |
Preamble |
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your |
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public |
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free |
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This |
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software |
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to |
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by |
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to |
your programs, too. |
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not |
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you |
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for |
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it |
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it |
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. |
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid |
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. |
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you |
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. |
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether |
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that |
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the |
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their |
rights. |
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and |
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, |
distribute and/or modify the software. |
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain |
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free |
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we |
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so |
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original |
authors' reputations. |
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software |
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free |
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the |
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any |
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. |
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and |
modification follow. |
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains |
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed |
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, |
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" |
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: |
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, |
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another |
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in |
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". |
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not |
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of |
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program |
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the |
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). |
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. |
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's |
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you |
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate |
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the |
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; |
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License |
along with the Program. |
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and |
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. |
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion |
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and |
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 |
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: |
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices |
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. |
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in |
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any |
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third |
parties under the terms of this License. |
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively |
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such |
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an |
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a |
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide |
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under |
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this |
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but |
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on |
the Program is not required to print an announcement.) |
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If |
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, |
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in |
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those |
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you |
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based |
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of |
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the |
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. |
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest |
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to |
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or |
collective works based on the Program. |
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program |
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of |
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under |
the scope of this License. |
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, |
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of |
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: |
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable |
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections |
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, |
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three |
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your |
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete |
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be |
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium |
customarily used for software interchange; or, |
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer |
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is |
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you |
received the program in object code or executable form with such |
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) |
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for |
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source |
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any |
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to |
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a |
special exception, the source code distributed need not include |
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary |
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the |
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component |
itself accompanies the executable. |
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering |
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent |
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as |
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not |
compelled to copy the source along with the object code. |
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program |
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt |
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is |
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. |
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under |
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such |
parties remain in full compliance. |
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not |
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or |
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are |
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by |
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the |
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and |
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying |
the Program or works based on it. |
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the |
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the |
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to |
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further |
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. |
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to |
this License. |
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent |
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), |
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or |
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not |
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot |
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this |
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you |
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent |
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by |
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then |
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to |
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. |
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under |
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to |
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other |
circumstances. |
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any |
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any |
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the |
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is |
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made |
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed |
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that |
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing |
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot |
impose that choice. |
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to |
be a consequence of the rest of this License. |
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in |
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the |
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License |
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding |
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among |
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates |
the limitation as if written in the body of this License. |
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions |
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will |
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to |
address new problems or concerns. |
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program |
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any |
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions |
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free |
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of |
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software |
Foundation. |
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free |
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author |
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free |
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes |
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals |
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and |
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. |
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs |
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest |
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it |
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. |
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest |
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively |
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least |
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. |
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> |
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author> |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. |
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. |
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this |
when it starts in an interactive mode: |
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author |
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. |
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it |
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. |
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate |
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may |
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be |
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. |
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your |
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if |
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: |
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program |
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. |
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 |
Ty Coon, President of Vice |
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into |
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may |
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the |
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General |
Public License instead of this License. |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/perl |
# |
# ** Please have a look at CHANGELOG-<Maintainer> for the CHANGELOGs ** |
# |
# This perl script can be used to create one big CHANGELOG from the others... |
# |
my %changes; |
my ($d, $m); |
print "\n"; |
chdir $1 if $0 =~ m,(.*)/,; |
foreach $m (qw/CLIFFORD RENE ESDEN/) { |
open(F, "CHANGELOG-$m") || die "Can't open CHANGELOG-$m: $!"; |
for ($d=''; <F>; $changes{$d} .= $_ if $d) { |
$d=$_ if s/^(\*.*)\n/$1 [$m]\n/; |
} |
close F; |
} |
print $changes{$_} foreach sort {$b cmp $a} keys %changes; |
############################################################################ |
# # |
# # |
# With Yoda strapped to his back, Luke climbs up one of the many thick # |
# vines that grow in the swamp until he reaches the Dagobah statistics # |
# lab. Panting heavily, he continues his exercises -- grepping, # |
# installing new packages, logging in as root, and writing replacements # |
# for two-year-old shell scripts in Python. # |
# # |
# YODA: Code! Yes. A programmer's strength flows from code # |
# maintainability. But beware of Perl. Terse syntax...more than one way # |
# to do it...default variables. The dark side of code maintainability # |
# are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you when code you write. If # |
# once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your # |
# destiny, consume you it will. # |
# # |
# LUKE: Is Perl better than Python? # |
# # |
# YODA: No... no... no. Quicker, easier, more seductive. # |
# # |
# LUKE: But how will I know why Python is better than Perl? # |
# # |
# YODA: You will know. When your code you try to read six months from now. # |
# # |
############################################################################ |
@ -0,0 +1,769 @@ |
*) 2001-12-31 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Download: use *.desc files directly instead of pkg-archive/INDEX |
- Created ./scripts/Create-PkgList (removed scripts/packages) |
- Build-Pkg: New options "-root <rootdir>" and "-prefix <prefix-dir>" |
- Added first target: generic (doesn't build yet) |
*) 2001-12-30 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed pcmcia-cs (config) and sysfiles (/sbin/init.d link) |
- Use tcpd in inetd.conf per default (netkit-base) |
- Linux and modules: use "-j1" for "make dep" |
- Version Number contains snapshot release date now |
- Removed *.pz files (downloads and versions in *.desc) |
- More Cleanups, Refetched sourceforge packages |
*) 2001-12-25 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Merged base-config and ext-config to pkg-config/{base,sourceforge}/ |
- Merged base-archive and ext-archive to pkg-archive/{base,sourceforge}/ |
- Build-Pkg: Added switch -O (install to /opt), No more "ext packages" |
- Removed old subdist system and disabled Build-All (needs rewrite now) |
- Some Cleanups, Refetched sourceforge packages |
*) 2001-12-24 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Marry X-Mas! Updated Version numbers after releasing 1.5.12. |
*) 2001-12-22 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Hackbard: Updated galeon-1.0.1 and mozilla-0.9.6 |
- Updated linux-2.4.17, Fixed libtiff ($MAKE) |
- Minor changes in the Build-Pkg log output |
- Fixed install-disks, Refetched all extensions |
*) 2001-12-21 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Added Documentation/CD-Label containing the CD cover and labels |
- Fixed fdisk help (devfs device names), Added "src/ on tmpfs" option |
- Added config option for 'make -j <n>' where <n> is configureable |
- Disabled 'make -j <n>' setting for some packages (thx to Andreas Huebner) |
- Fixed install-disks space problem (root-disk.img was > 1.44 MB) |
*) 2001-12-20 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- New ./scripts/Config script (much more flexible for future extensions) |
- Removed the remaining symbolic links from the source tree |
- Fixed ./scripts/Build-Pkg: read /etc/profile in first_run (before exec) |
- Added ext-config/INDEX.conv (containing the results of .ext conversion) |
- Refetched all extensions, Hackbard: Updated freetype-2.0.5 |
*) 2001-12-19 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed build stage config for shadow and libtool (building on ROCK <= 1.4.0) |
- GCC Wrapper: Added config variable GCC_WRAPPER_SPECS |
- Generic Intel Arch: keep i386 compatible but optimize for i686 |
- Extending $PATH in scripts/parse-config (instead of overwriting) |
- No more need for 'bc' for checksum tests in ./scripts/Download |
- Dimitar Jekov: Updated readline-4.2a |
*) 2001-12-18 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- GCC Wrapper: added config variable GCC_WRAPPER_FILTER |
- Fixed nautilus using a short GCC_WRAPPER_FILTER script |
*) 2001-12-17 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Joan Picanyol: Fixed scripts/Updated (-package <extname> didn't work) |
- Andreas Huebner: Fixed scripts/Create-CD (some paths have changed) |
- Dimitar Jekov: Fixed ./scripts/Build-All free diskspace check |
- Matthias Langhammer: Updated libxml2-2.4.12 |
*) 2001-12-15 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Pjotr Prins: scripts/Download fixes and added comments |
- Hackbard: Updated ifhp-3.5.0 and fixed install-disks package (tar -I) |
- Andreas Huebner: Fixed gsl (k6_k7.patch) and apmd |
- Name logfiles for extensions e-*{log,err} (instead of 5-*.{log,err}) |
- Matthias Langhammer: Updated modutils-2.4.12 and bash-2.05a |
- Mike Gorse: Added mktemp-1.4 and updated bind-9.2.0 |
- Fixed kbd, Refetched all ext packages |
*) 2001-12-12 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed qt (using optmization -O0 for building qmake) |
- Also build binutils and gcc in stage 3 (thx to Dimitar Jekov) |
- Also stripping all debug infos from *.so files (thx to Dimitar Jekov) |
*) 2001-12-11 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Strip debug symbols from *.{a,o,so} (thanks to Dimitar Jekov) |
- Pjotr Prins: small ruby fixes, Updated: apmd-3.0.2, python-2.2b2 |
- Pjotr Prins: Fixed freetype URL and rep-gtk URL |
- Terry Mackintosh: Some scripts/Download improvements |
- Oliver Regehr: Disable grub for non-intel systems |
- Fixed memtest86 paths in subdists/install-disks/intel/ |
- Disable (unset) CONFIG_SITE in parse config |
- Downgraded: GConf-1.0.7, Refetched all extensions |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Updated gsl-1.0, ifhp-3.4.9, irda-utils-0.9.14, |
libsafe-2.0-9, LPRng-3.8.2, pine4.43, rsync-2.5.0, whois_4.5.16 |
- Added logfile rotation (/etc/cron.d/20-logrotate in sysklogd pkg) |
*) 2001-12-10 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Stefan Paletta: Removed ext-config/INDEX.stefanp (moved to Sourceforge) |
- Disabled use of our own gcc-specs file for stage 1 (Build-Pkg) |
*) 2001-12-03 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed linux kernel patches, Fixed alsa (don't check kernel config) |
- Disable language/locale settings from the environment in parse-config |
*) 2001-11-27 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Dimitar Jekov: Updated gdb-5.1 |
- Pjotr Prins: Added comments to pkg-remove script, Moved ruby into base |
- Updated linux-2.4.16, Fixed Download, Refetched all extensions |
*) 2001-11-19 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed minicom and qt, Skaar: Updated ghostscript-7.03 |
- Armijn Hemel: Documentation fixed |
*) 2001-11-16 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated: alsa-0.9.0beta9, bind-9.2.0rc9, bonobo-1.0.17, cron_3.0pl1-72, |
memtest86-2.8a, galeon-0.12.7, gconf-1.1.4, gdm-, |
gnome-print-0.32, hdparm-4.4, intltool-0.12, lesstif-0.93.15, |
libsafe-2.0-8, libungif-4.1.0, libxml2-2.4.10, linux-2.4.14, |
lsof-4.60, modutils-2.4.11, nautilus-1.0.6, apache_1.3.22, |
stunnel-3.21c, openssh-3.0p1, pciutils-2.1.9, qt-x11-free-3.0.0, |
tcltk-8.3.4, util-linux-2.11m |
- Dimitar Jekov: Improved/Fixed the gcc specs adoption code |
*) 2001-11-14 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Same package format for base and ext (adopted old-style base) |
- Wrote converter for old-style .ext files to new general pkg format |
- Improved GCC_WRAPPER settings for stage 1 (use alternate gcc specs file) |
- Fixed: shadow, Updated: ImageMagick-5.4.0-5, dhcp-3.0.1rc4 |
- Moved improved ./scripts/ to ./scripts/Download |
- ./scripts/Internal fixes and cleanups (mostly for new ext format) |
*) 2001-11-13 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Skaar: Updated bind-9.2.0rc8, cdrtools-1.10 (was: cdrecord), |
libole2-0.2.4, linux-2.2.20, psmisc-20.2, dhcp-3.0.1rc3 |
- Skaar: Use kernel pci.ids in pciutils |
*) 2001-11-10 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Moved ext-config/*.ext to ext-config/*/*.ext |
- Hackbard: Fixed binutils and Create-CrossCC |
- Updated: minicom-2.00.0 (thx to ripclaw) |
- Skaar: Fixed at (also thx to jimmy), gtk-pixbuf, gtk-perl, librep, |
mesalib, aspell, xaw3d, alsa (kernel cfg), lilo (also thx to jimmy) |
- Changed default setting for EASYFSCK in /etc/conf/bootdown to 1 |
- Pjotr Prins: Various documentation fixes |
*) 2001-11-01 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Skaar: Updated GConf-1.0.7, Gtk-Perl-0.7008, ImageMagick-5.4.0, |
ORBit-0.5.12, Xaw3d-1.5, at-3.1.7, binutils-, |
bison-1.30, bonobo-1.0.14, emacs-21.1, galeon-0.12.6, |
gdk-pixbuf-0.13.0, gnome-print-0.31, gnome-utils-, |
hdparm-4.3, imlib-1.9.11, iptables-1.2.4, libpcap-0.6.2, |
libxml2-2.4.7, lilo-22.1, ncftp-3.0.4, popt-1.6.2, |
sawfish-1.0.1, strace_4.4-1, tcpdump-3.6.2, tree-1.3, |
xscreensaver-3.34 |
*) 2001-10-30 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Skaar: Updated bonobo-1.0.13, ggv-1.0.2, mutt-1.3.23i, netpbm-9.20, |
openssh-2.9.9p2, ORBit-0.5.11, scrollkeeper-0.2, |
sendmail.8.12.1, shadow-4.0.0, sysvinit-2.83, |
ucd-snmp-4.2.2, whois_4.5.13, oaf-0.6.7, util-linux-2.11l |
*) 2001-10-28 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed glibc/gettext (libintl.h should be part of glibc package) |
- Terry Mackintosh: Imroved Download (for now as ./scripts/ |
- Added opt-archive/*/README, Fixed kernel config (and cleanups) |
*) 2001-10-27 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Mozilla: Added ROCK Linux URLs and compat-libs (needed by java plugin) |
- GCC-Wrapper Intel Config: Also added "-mcpu=.." options (from glibc) |
- Removed old bash workarround from alpha-axp config |
- Fixed: gedit and nautilus, Fixed stage 1 gcc_wrapper config |
- Dag B: Set lesstif base to /usr/X11 (was /usr) |
- Stefan Paletta: Updated quota-3.01-final (new location) |
- Mount tmpfs (aka "shm") on /tmp per default (in addition to /dev/shm) |
- Added usr/include/libgnomeprint compatibility symlink |
*) 2001-10-26 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Added the FreeDOS boot-disk image to opt-archive/ (for bios updates, etc.) |
- Re-structured the opt-archive/ tree in subdirectories |
*) 2001-10-25 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed bdb (create symlink for /usr/include/db3), Updated linux-2.4.13 |
- Kernel Patches: Enable DevFS per default, Added Ext2FS SUID-Dir Patch |
*) 2001-10-23 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Minor libxml fix, Fixed gcc_wrapper config for stage 1 |
- Esden: Fixes download paths for: sawfish, tcltk and unzip |
- Added last missing cksums to *.pz files, removed cksum.cache |
- Fixed binutils (binutils.pz typo) and modules ($archdir) |
- Fixed fbset (typo in fbset.conf - unexpected EOF) |
*) 2001-10-22 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Skaar: Updated LPRng-3.8.0, ORBit-0.5.10, Python-2.2b1, gnome-utils-1.4.1, |
binutils-, galeon-0.12.4, GConf-1.0.6, gdm-, |
gedit-0.9.7, gnome-print-0.30, gnome-vfs-1.0.3, libxml2-2.4.6, |
lsof_4.59_W, man-pages-1.42, modutils-2.4.10 |
- Hackbard: Updated lmbench-2.0-patch2 and fixed zip url |
- Various Cross-Compilation improvements (including better gcc-wrapper) |
- Created subdirectories for every base package in base-archive/ |
- Updated nautilus-1.0.5, Fixed galeon, Skaar: Fixed ghostscript |
- Renamed pdksh binary ('ksh' => 'pdksh') |
*) 2001-10-19 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed isdn4k-utils (hotfixes.patch), Refeteched all extensions |
- Skaar: Updated bonobo-1.0.9 and mozilla-0.9.5 |
*) 2001-10-17 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed gnome-vfs (use-bash.patch), xscreensaver (when KDEDIR is not set) |
*) 2001-10-16 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed mozilla (mozzilla.conf cleanups and fixes) |
- Fixed sawfish (ign_po_errors.patch), Added gcc/protector-docs.patch |
- Fixed netkit-ntalk (glibc2.2.patch) and pdksh (5.2.14-2.patch) |
- Removed dirty/broken gnome-vfs hotfix |
*) 2001-10-15 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Skaar: Updated: samba-2.2.2, lilo-22.0.2, lesstif-0.93.12, |
libpng-1.2.0 and librep-0.15.1 |
- Chris Hamilton: Fixed pine, Pjotr: Added comments to build scripts |
- Added the Stack-Smashing Protector to gcc (-fstack-protector) |
- Roland Schulz: Fixed tcl/tk (removed --enable-threads for tcl) |
*) 2001-10-12 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed file (disabled in stage 2), lilo and alsa |
- Fixed galeon (mozilla check) and sendmail (user/group already exists) |
*) 2001-10-11 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated linux-2.4.12, Fixed various packages (pkg-* => base-*) |
*) 2001-10-10 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated linux-2.4.11, New Roadmap, Refetched all extensions |
- Fixed gconf, ggv, oaf, scrollkeeper, autoconf and sendmail |
- Renamed pkg-{archive,config} to base-{archive,config} (uhh!) |
- Chris Hamilton: Fixed apmd, bsd-finger, ghostscript, iproute2, |
libxml, mozilla, nssdb, xawd3d and xscreensaver |
- Chris Hamilton: Fixed ghostscript and gnome-vfs |
*) 2001-10-09 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Stefan Paletta: 3 small fixes (runlvedit, and skel-profile.txt) |
- Chris Hamilton: Fixed imagemagick (needs libxml2) |
*) 2001-10-08 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Dimitar Jekov: Added fbset-2.1 |
- Chris Hamilton: Added bdb-3.3.11, Added 0.9.0beta8a, Updated rpm-4.0.2 |
- Chris Hamilton: Fixed bison, gpm, guile, minicom, popt, termutils xaw3d, |
esound, gnome-vfsm libglade, lilo, mc, minicom, modules, |
netpbm, python and sendmail |
- Chris Hamilton: Added ammonite, eel, galeon, intltool, |
librsvg, medusa, mozilla, nautilus |
- Chris Hamilton: Moved from libxml2 to libxml |
- Brandon Stepler: Fixed file, ghostscript, gsl and iproute |
*) 2001-10-05 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Chris Hamilton: Updated linux-2.4.10 and file-3.37, Fixed tcsh URL |
- Chris Hamilton: Upgrade to glibc-2.2.4, Fixed strace and termcap |
- Chris Hamilton: Added nssdb package (was part of glibc-2.1) |
- Fixed script/make-env, Re-created arch-conf/intel/include |
*) 2001-09-27 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed xfree86, pine, python, Updated: lilo-22.0.1 (thx to skaar) |
- skaar: Updated cvs-1.11.1p1, file-3.36, ifhp-3.4.7, nfs-utils-0.3.3, |
Python-2.2a4 and qt-x11-2.3.1, lilo-22.0 |
- skaar: Fixed URL for freefonts, freetype, Welcome2L and LMbench |
- Moved 'intern' extension to, Refetched all ext packages |
- Pjotr: More Documenation in scripts/Download and fixes in scripts/help.txt |
*) 2001-09-24 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed bison (removed usr-share.patch) and cron (updated patch filename) |
- Fixed gpm/ldconfig bugfix, Added more information to freefonts.desc |
- Added gettext to stage 1 (needed by xargs and others for building stage 2) |
*) 2001-09-23 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Robin Cook: Updated ntp-4.1.71 and tcsh-6.11 |
- Added glibc-2.2.4 to pkg-archive/ |
*) 2001-09-22 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated: ImageMagick-5.3.9, LPRng-3.7.7, audiofile-0.2.2, dump-0.4b24, |
automake-1.5, bind-9.2.0rc3, binutils-, |
bison-1.29, bsd-games-2.13, busybox-0.60.1, cron_3.0pl1-71, |
devfsd-v1.3.18, e2fsprogs-1.25, esound-0.2.23, gdm-, |
gettext-0.10.40, gnome-applets-, gnome-libs-, |
gnome-vfs-1.0.2, gsl-0.9.3, iproute2-2.4.7-now-ss010824, |
iptables-1.2.3, iputils-ss010824, lesstif-0.93.9, libtool-1.4.2, |
libxml2-2.4.5, lsof_4.58_W, mc-4.5.55, modutils-2.4.8, |
mutt-, netpbm-9.19, pcmcia-cs-3.1.29, pidentd-3.0.14, |
pine4.40, procmail-3.22, screen-3.9.10, sendmail.8.12.0, |
squid-2.4.STABLE2, whois_4.5.8 |
- Small procps (top) bugfix (procps_check-zero-sum.diff, thx to jimmy) |
- Updated: libglade-0.17, libsafe-2.0-5, Linux-HowTos, RFCs |
- Robin Cook: Updated python-2.2a3, lvm-1.0.1-rc2, psmisc-20.1 |
*) 2001-09-14 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed Create-CrossCC bug (thx to hackbard), Fixed qt (thx to Dimitar Jekov) |
- Removed arch-conf/*/include/* symlinks to intel (solves var. problems) |
- Flist_Wrapper Workarround for and |
*) 2001-09-03 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Dimitar Jekov: Various smaller bugfixes (mesalib, core scripts, tar, ...) |
- Added LD_LIBRARY_PATH and C_INCLUDE_PATH to list of bad environment |
variables in scripts/parse-config (thx to Christian Pfaffel) |
- Updated util-linux-2.11i (thx to tfing) |
*) 2001-08-29 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Added: lcap, Fixed: netpbm, modules, gnome-applets, gnome-utils |
- Fixed: aspell, ghostscrip, Removed: perlfs (Claudio Calvelli) |
*) 2001-08-28 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Downgraded: gcc-2.95.3, perl-5.6.1, Fixed: lynx, modutils |
- Mike Gorse: Fixed util-linux, Updated gettext-0.10.39 |
- Christian Pfaffel: Heavy improved pkg-update script |
*) 2001-08-22 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated: linux-2.4.9, Linux-HOWTOs, RFCs, util-linux-2.11h, |
GConf-1.0.4, ImageMagick-5.3.8, LPRng-3.7.5, MesaDemos-3.5, |
MesaLib-3.5, aspell-.33.7.1, autoconf-2.52, automake-1.4-p4, |
binutils-, busybox-0.60.0, devfsd-v1.3.17, |
dump-0.4b23, e2fsprogs-1.23, file-3.36, freetype-2.0.4, |
gcc-3.0.1, gdm-, gimp-1.2.2, gnome-applets-, |
gnome-games-, gnome-libs-, gnome-media-1.2.3, |
gnome-utils-, groff-1.17.2, grub-0.90, iputils-ss010805, |
lesstif-0.93.0, libpng-1.0.12, libxml2-2.4.2, lmbench-2.0-patch1, |
lvm_0.9.1_beta8, lynx2.8.4, man-pages-1.39, memtest86-2.7, |
netpbm-9.16, openssh-2.9p2, openssl-0.9.6b, pcmcia-cs-3.1.28, |
perl-5.7.2, pilot-link.0.9.5, popt-1.5.1, procmail-3.21, |
sawfish-1.0, sendmail.8.11.6, sketch-0.6.12, stunnel-3.20, |
syslinux-1.63, ucblogo-5.1, uml-patch-2.4.9, units-1.74, |
mod_perl-1.26, modutils-2.4.7, bind-9.2.0rc1 |
*) 2001-07-19 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Removed (now on sourceforge), Refetched all extensions |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Added 'dump' to install shell, fixed menu |
*) 2001-07-17 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Added menu-mode to the install shell |
- Added (Tobias Hintze), Refetched all extensions |
*) 2001-07-12 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Removed the mmv dependency and adopted install-disks (thx to Dimitar Jekov) |
- Removed ext-config/INDEX.riplcaw (moved to sf), Refetched all exts |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Updated librep-0.14, librep-0.14, |
pcmcia-cs-3.1.27, uudeview-0.5.15, ext3-0.0.7a, lmbench-2.0, |
samba-2.2.1a, tomsrtbt-1.7.361, Fixed some download URLs |
- Drew Metz: Spelling correction in the docs, devfs kernel bugfix |
*) 2001-07-07 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated: linux-2.4.6, Refetched all extensions |
- Fixed scripts/Download bug (ext/archive/INDEX recreation) |
- Btee: handle '\r' in input (only in memory buffer, needed for fsck -C) |
*) 2001-07-02 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Glibc downloads: changed .gz to .bz2 (thx to Urmane Hendrake) |
- New download location fro glibc-crypt, Updated e2fsprogs-1.22 |
- Rebuild lib/* for new gcc release, Boot: status bar in fsck |
*) 2001-07-01 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed gcc (don't build in srcdir), Updated cksum.cache |
- Downgraded to gcc-2.95.3 (problems with glibc) |
- Drew Metz: scrollkeeper (typo in last fix) |
*) 2001-06-30 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Mike Gorse: Fixed irda-utils, Drew Metz: fixed minicom and fist cksums |
- Drew Metz: Make sure mounted file systems are unmounted (Build-All/finish) |
- Drew Metz: Fixed aspell, emacs, fileutils, gpm, isdn4k-utils, shadow |
- Drew Metz: Fixed kernel and modules build, masalib, scrollkeeper |
*) 2001-06-28 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated all extension packages, Added Documentation/Developers/PATCHES |
- Enabled full optimazation (-march=) for all IA-32 CPUs (arch-conf/*/) |
- Fixed: bonobo, gnome-applets, gnome-print, libgtop and shadow |
*) 2001-06-27 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Benchmark: now using nbench as base for detecting best compiler options |
- Updated to gcc-3.0, Improved lilo setup script, Fixed ghostscript |
- Fixed ./scripts/Puzzle and arch-conf/*/*.cpp, Fixed ggv |
*) 2001-06-17 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed: netscape, gconf, gnome-core, gnome-vfs, lesstif, libglade |
- Fixed: netpbm, shadow, install-disks (intel subdist) |
*) 2001-06-11 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Mike Gorse: Fixed bc, e2fsprogs, mutt, openssl, python |
- Mike Gorse: Updated bsd-games-2.12, imagemagick-5.3.5 |
- Mike Gorse: Updated cron-3.0p1-69, popt-1.5, lsof-4.56 |
- Mike Gorse: Added liblockfile-1.03 (needed for mailx) |
*) 2001-06-10 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Alan J. Wylie: Fixed gnupg (removed old patch) |
- Renamed all stagelevel.txt to devlevel.txt |
- Fixed bin86 and man, Updated iptables-1.2.2 (thx to Mike gorse) |
*) 2001-06-08 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated: perl-5.6.1, Fixed: autoconf, fileutils |
- Fixed: install-disks, util-linux, wget, xfree86 |
*) 2001-06-07 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated: libole2-0.2.3, libpng-1.0.11, librep-0.13.6, libtool-1.4, |
libxml2-2.3.10, lmbench-2beta3.tgz, lvm_0.9.1_beta7, |
magicpoint-1.08a, mailx_8.1.1-11, man-1.5i2, man-pages-1.37, |
mc-4.5.54, memtest86-2.6, mod_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20, mtools-3.9.8, |
mtr-0.44, ncftp-3.0.3, net-tools-1.60, netpbm-9.14, nqc-2.3.r1, |
openssh-2.5.2p2, openssl-0.9.6a, pspell-.12.2, readline-4.2, |
samba-2.2.0, screen-3.9.9, sendmail.8.11.4, sketch-0.6.10, |
squid-2.4.STABLE1, syslinux-1.62, tcl8.3.3, thttpd-2.21b, tk8.3.3, |
uml-patch-2.4.5, util-linux-2.11d, wget-1.7, whois_4.5.7, |
xscreensaver-3.33, net-snmp-4.2.1 |
- Fixed ext-archive/INDEX recreation in ./scripts/Puzzle |
- Minor ./scripts/Download bugfix, Refetched all extension packages |
*) 2001-06-06 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated: GConf-1.0.1, ImageMagick-5.3.4, MesaLib-3.4.2, ORBit-0.5.8, |
XFree86-4.1.0, aspell-.33.6, autoconf-2.50, autofs-4.0.0pre10, |
automake-1.4-p2, bash-2.05, bin86-0.16.0, bind-9.2.0a1, |
binutils-, bonobo-1.0.2, busybox-0.51, |
control-center-, cvs-1.11.1, |
devfs-patch-v99.20, dump-0.4b22, e2fsprogs-1.20, file-3.35, |
fileutils-4.1, fistgen-, freetype-2.0.3, gawk-3.1.0, |
gd-2.0.1, gdk-pixbuf-0.11.0, gdm-2.2.2, |
ggv-1.0, glade-0.6.2, glib-1.2.10, |
gnome-applets-, gnome-core-, gnome-games-, |
gnome-media-1.2.2, gnome-pim-1.4.0, gnome-print-0.29, |
gnome-python-1.4.1, gnome-vfs-1.0.1, gnupg-1.0.6, groff-1.17, |
gtk+-1.2.10, inn-2.3.2, isapnptools-1.26, lesstif-0.92.32 |
- Braescu Florin: small (but importand) patch to "etc/conf/network.conf" |
- Very small (but tricky) kernel patch for Alpha AXP systems |
*) 2001-06-01 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed kernel and modules packages, Added missing infos to the netscpae pkg |
- Fixed 'intern extensions' (only ucblogo was broken) |
*) 2001-05-31 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Install-Disks: Don't keep files from installation source (CD-ROM) open |
and so make umounting and switching CDs possible |
- Added grub- (thanks to pekdon and others who recommended it before) |
- Updated: linux-2.4.5, modutils-2.4.6, Fixed lilo setup (install_bin.c) |
*) 2001-05-28 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Replaced all perl scripts in scripts/Puzzle with shell code |
- Execute /etc/profile before starting xdm (set full PATH, etc.) |
*) 2001-05-09 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed iproute2 (new kernel), Added reiserfsprogs, Added thttpd-2.20b (opt) |
- Updated lilo-21.7.5 and libsafe-2.0-2 (thx to Terry Mackintosh) |
- Fixed install-disks (removed SCSI modules 'BusLogic' and 'qlogicfc') |
*) 2001-05-04 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Minor './scripts/Internal ...' and snapshot-webpage changes |
- Minor fix in the README file (thx to Anders Jensen) |
*) 2001-05-03 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Splitted up source-cdrom in 'base' and 'ext' CDs |
- Added 'zip' and 'unzip' to rescue subdist |
- Updated: linux-2.4.4, Refetched all extensions |
*) 2001-04-26 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Dag Bakke: fixed XFree86 (apm vs. devfs pathname patch) |
- Refetched all extensions |
*) 2001-04-13 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Dag Bakke: fixed XFree86 (s/bunzip/bunzip2/ in xfree86.conf) |
- Martin Sieper: fixed procps (tiny top vs. locale problem) |
- Updated the ROCK Surfstation Subdistribution |
*) 2001-04-11 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Added first version of the ROCK Surfstation Subdistribution |
- Martin Sieper: Updated: dialog-0.7, lilo-21.7.3, man-1.5i, |
man-pages-1.35, modutils-2.4.5, ppp-2.4.1 |
- Terry Mackintosh: Updated bin86-0.15.5 |
- Fixed ./scripts/Create-CD (thx for the paches, but I created my own one) |
*) 2001-04-08 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed install-disks subdist (diskspace problems) |
- This is the first 1.5.12 release candidate! |
*) 2001-04-05 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Changed build order of gconf, oaf and gnome-vfs |
- Fixed './scripts/Internal list-err', New Documentation/TEAM file |
- Fixed gsl (problems with optimization for k6) |
*) 2001-03-30 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Added opt-archive/lmbench-2beta1.tbz2 (thx to Dag Bakke) |
- Updated: linux-2.4.3 and linux-2.2.19 |
*) 2001-03-27 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Small fix in misc/bench/ (set OPT_INFO) |
- Fixed bonobo (libxml2.patch - ./configure) |
*) 2001-03-26 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Stefan Boresch: Added/updated 33 package descriptions |
- Refetched all ext, Workarround for multiple exts (simply take 1st one) |
- Created Documentation/Developers/CHANGELOG-2000 |
*) 2001-03-25 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed gnome-utils (bug in kernel includes) |
- Added scrollkeeper (needed by gnome-games) |
*) 2001-03-23 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed (adopted patches): gnome-print, gnome-utils and oaf |
- Added gnome-vfs (needed by other gnome packages) |
- Merged ripclaws mmv patch with the existing qd-fix.patch |
*) 2001-03-22 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed: cron (typo in syslog_atrun.patch), gcc (/lib/cpp fix), |
hdparam (adopted patches), sysklogd (removed old patch), |
xfree86 (applying the 403 patch correctly) |
*) 2001-03-21 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed: gcc, util-linux, man (groff format error ".pl (nlu+10"), |
nvi (multiple cleanups), libsafe (install setup script), |
lilo setup script (get root device from /etc/mtab - not fstab), |
install-disks (busybox config + skip libsafe), libgd |
- Fixed gcc-wrapper ($PATH was not correctly set - so the wrapper hasn't |
been used at all. Please test with optimizations.) |
- Fixed the path to /dev/sound/* in cdrecord, esound and xanim |
- Stefan Boresch: Added/updated 22 package descriptions |
*) 2001-03-20 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Updated: GConf-1.0.0, ImageMagick-5.3.0, XFree86-4.0.3, apache-1.3.19, |
audiofile-0.2.1, binutils-, busybox-0.50, |
control-center-1.4.0, gcc-2.95.3, gd-2.0.0, gdk-pixbuf-0.10.1, |
gdm-2.2.0, glade-0.6.1, gnome-games-1.4.0, gnome-libs-1.2.13, |
gnome-print-0.27, gnome-utils-1.4.0, gtk-engines-0.12, gtop-1.0.13, |
hdparm-4.1, iptables-1.2.1a, lesstif-0.92.21, libgtop-1.0.12, |
libxml2-2.3.4, lvm_0.9.1_beta6, mc-4.5.52, mod_ssl-2.8.1-1.3.19, |
oaf-0.6.5, openssh-2.5.2p1, pcmcia-cs-3.1.25, procinfo-18, |
sawfish-0.38, sendmail.8.11.3, sysklogd-1.4.1, syslinux-1.53, |
tomsrtbt-1.7.218, util-linux-2.11a, whois_4.5.4, xscreensaver-3.30 |
- Added misc/archive/ |
*) 2001-03-17 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Yudhi Kusnanto: Fixed zero-size XFree86 manpages |
- Added XFree86 manpages for OpenGL (thx to Dag Bakke) |
- Stefan Boresch: Updated netscape-476 (and flash-0.4.10) |
- Refetched all extensions |
*) 2001-03-09 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed scripts/Update (don't preserve uid and gid when downloading) |
- Fixed flex (added little shell script which emulates the old lex) |
*) 2001-03-05 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Don't save debug messages with syslog on default (inspired by A. Karlsson) |
- Cron: don't create syslog entries for atrun (hack in the sources) |
*) 2001-03-04 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Fixed: libglade, gnome-core, gnome-utils, gnome-print, |
gnome-pim, oaf, bonobo and ggv (libxml2.patch) |
- Minor install-disks improvements, Updated Documentation/TEAM |
- Added "./scripts/Build-Pkg -save-src" (see ./scripts/Help Build-Pkg) |
- Added "./scripts/Update" (inspired by Dag B :-) |
*) 2001-03-02 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Added first version of 'simplebench' (misc/bench/*) |
- Fixed rpm, Updated gtk+-1.2.9 and glib-1.2.9 |
*) 2001-03-01 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- DagB: Fixed util-linux (./clock dir is now named ./hwclock) |
- From stable tree: fixed perl (hostname = localhost), |
ggv (update to 1.0-beta1 and a small patch), |
fixed netpbm (fixed path of perl in 'configure') |
- DagB: updated misc/linux/00-hotfixes.patch |
- Small but importand fix in arch-conf/intel/kernel.conf.cpp |
*) 2001-02-28 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- From stable tree: Updated and fixed location: ltrace_0.3.10, man-1.5h1, |
man-pages-1.34, unzip542, util-linux-2.10s, whois_4.5.3, lvm_0.9.1_b5 |
- Added extension packages from G. Bevin (INDEX.gbevin) |
- Updated to cron 3.0pl1-65 (debian patch) |
*) 2001-02-27 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- DagB: Updated: ImageMagick-5.2.9, lilo-21.7, modutils-2.4.3, |
sawfish-0.37.3, slang-1.4.4 |
- Changed all download URLs from |
to |
- Updated: MesaLib-3.4.1, ORBit-0.5.7, audiofile-0.2.0, binutils-, |
control-center-1.2.4, dialog-0.61a, eog-0.6, ext3-0.0.6b, |
glade-0.6.0, gnome-audio-1.4.0, gnome-libs-1.2.12, rpm-3.0.6, |
gnome-pim-1.3.2, gnome-python-1.4.0, gnome-utils-1.3.1, |
gtk-engines-0.11, gtop-1.0.12, libglade-0.16, libgtop-1.0.11, |
libole2-0.2.0, libxml2-2.3.2, lsof_4.55_W, net-tools-1.59, |
netpbm-9.11, oaf-0.6.4, syslinux-1.52, xscreensaver-3.29 |
- From stable tree: Eog fixes, OpenSSH disable-suid-ssh |
*) 2001-02-26 (1.3.11 - 1.5.12) |
- Set Version Number to 1.5.12 (the stable tree project has split up the |
latest snapshot souces for ROCK Linux 1.4.0 development) |
*) 2001-02-25 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Fixed gnome-print, Updated to linux-2.4.2 |
- Chris Hamilton: Updated qt-2.2, Removed kdelibs |
- Jeffrey Thompson: Updated bonobo-0.37 (needed by eog) |
- Martin Sieper: added huge xv.patch |
- Chris Hamilton: Added perl site and vendor directory settings |
- Chris Hamilton: Added gperf, Replaced cmu-snmp with net-snmp |
- Mike Gorse: Updated openssh-2.5.1p1 |
- Refetched all ext packages |
*) 2001-02-23 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Pjotr Prins: Allow './scripts/Build-Pkg ext-config/apache-embperl.ext' |
- Allow './scripts/Download ext-config/apache-embperl.ext' |
- Geert Bevin: enable building the 'raw' utility in util-linux |
*) 2001-02-16 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Fixed: oaf, install-disks, isapnptools, libgd |
- Added gimp-data-extras to the gimp package |
- Updated: freetype-2.0.1, bind-9.1.0 |
*) 2001-02-12 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Fixed: wget, slang, imagemagick, Updated: uml-patch-2.4.1 |
*) 2001-02-06 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Updated: GConf-0.12, RFCs and HowTos, apache_1.3.17, aspell-.33, |
busybox-0.49, devfs-patch-v99.19, devfsd-v1.3.11, dump-0.4b21, |
ext3-0.0.5e, fistgen-0.0.4, gd-1.8.4, gimp-1.2.1, pine4.33, |
gnome-libs-1.2.11, gnotepad+-1.3.3, gtop-1.0.11, inn-2.3.1, |
iptables-1.2, isapnptools-1.24, libghttp-1.0.9, librep-0.13.4, |
libxml2-2.2.12, lilo-21.6.1, linux-2.0.39, linux-2.4.1, |
mod_perl-1.25, mod_ssl-2.8.0-1.3.17, modutils-2.4.2, |
netpbm-9.10, oaf-0.6.2, pcmcia-cs-3.1.24, procmail-3.15.1, |
pspell-.12, quota-2.00, recode-3.6, sawfish-0.36, sendmail.8.11.2, |
slang-1.4.3, syslinux-1.51, wget-1.6, xscreensaver-3.28 |
- Martin Sieper <>: Fixed mutt and sysklogd |
- Added extension packages from Theis Peter Hansen (INDEX.tph) |
*) 2001-02-05 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Updated: ImageMagick-5.2.8, Added Presentation: Building ROCK Linux |
- Pjotr: updated netscape communicator download link |
- Re-fetched all extension packages, Removed mozilla from ext-intern |
*) 2001-01-20 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- skaar: updated traceroute 1.4a12, michiel: updated extensions |
- martin sieper: fixed mutt (/usr/share), fixed isdn4k-utils (devfs) |
- Presentation updates for LinuxExpo in Amsterdam next week |
- Updated the ROCK Linux Guide to Version 1.2 (20/01/2001) |
*) 2001-01-17 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Fixed: apmd, install-disks (still not tested) |
*) 2001-01-16 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Kent Radek ( Better PowerPC fix for emacs |
- Some linux kernel and modules fixes ($ARCH - thx to Kent Radek) |
*) 2001-01-15 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Wrote more package descriptions, Refetched all extensions |
- Only build stable exts automatically (thx to Stefan Paletta) |
- Updated to modutils 2.4.1 (thx to Dag Bakke) |
*) 2001-01-14 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Fixed eog (now all base packages should build fine) |
- Updated user-mode-linux to kernel 2.4.0 |
- Dab Bakke: Small changes in the README file |
*) 2001-01-06 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Fixed: ggv (without-bonobo), findutils (usr/var), imagemagick (ltdl) |
- Create-CD: Splitted binaries up to a base and an extension CD |
*) 2001-01-05 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Added a "See man xyz for details" comment to some config files |
- Fixed: bsd-games (sgid games), openssl (hide man pages), bonobo (libxml2) |
- Fixed: shadow (login.defs), etc/setup.d/00-general (create info dir) |
- Added/updated some package descriptions |
*) 2001-01-04 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Fixed: xfree86, install-disks, traceroute, libxml2 |
- Updated: ksymoops-2.3.6, modutils-2.3.24, linux-2.4.0 |
*) 2001-01-01 (1.3.11 - 1.3.12) |
- Happy new year to all ROCK Linux developers and users! |
- Finished the TODO cleanups and reorganisation, Various minor fixes |
- Fixed: diffutils, findutils, flex, m4, shadow, termcap |
@ -0,0 +1,801 @@ |
*) 2003-07-28 (2.0.0-beta7 - 2.0.0-rc1) |
- Fixed gawk-3.1.3 for dietlibc (e.g. needed in install disks and router) |
- Fixed package selection generator for router target |
- Minor fixes in Build-Job and dietlibc pase-config output |
- Fixed strace flist wrapper for symbolic and hard links |
- Enabled serial console in default kernel |
*) 2003-07-04 (2.0.0-beta6 - 2.0.0-beta7) |
- Added 'mkpkg' command-line tool for creating packages (sysfiles) |
- Alan J. Wylie: Fixed memtest86 (nedds to be built with gcc2) |
- Added 'jed' package to clifford repository |
*) 2003-06-28 (2.0.0-beta6 - 2.0.0-beta7) |
- Fixed obscure "missing linuxrc in bootdisk" problem |
- Fixed endless-loop if package doesn't create *.err or *.log file |
- Minor fixes in gdm, gpm, prelink and |
- Added some SVN helpers to scripts/Internal |
*) 2003-06-26 (2.0.0-beta6 - 2.0.0-beta7) |
- Fixed package manager stone module for network install |
- Speedup in Build-Tools for all the large .svn directories |
- Some minor changes in various scripts |
*) 2003-06-24 (2.0.0-beta5 - 2.0.0-beta6) |
- Replaced outdated netkit-tftp with up-to-date tftp-hpa |
- Added PXE and Etherboot images to grub package |
- Some minor changes in various scripts |
*) 2003-06-09 (2.0.0-beta3 - 2.0.0-beta4) |
- Added magicpoint package and some linux2[45](-src) related fixes |
*) 2003-05-25 (2.0.0-beta3 - 2.0.0-beta4) |
- Added new *.cache files from latest reference build |
- Moved 'missing or wrong file detection' from target/generic to Built-Target |
- Multiple importand fixes to 'missing or wrong file detection' |
- Fixed mine.conf for real cross-building between architectures |
*) 2003-05-22 (2.0.0-beta2 - 2.0.0-beta3) |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Cleanups in perl5.conf |
- Fixed many shared-files conflicts in base, x11, rene, tsa and gnome2 rep. |
- Added package/base/perl5/ for imagemagick and gtk-perl |
- Added linux-drm package and disabled drm drivers in standard kernel |
- Fixed cross-building mine (in stages 0 and 1) |
*) 2003-05-20 (2.0.0-beta2 - 2.0.0-beta3) |
- Fixed autoconf and automake in stage 1 (a general cross-build fix) |
- Fixed gpart (errno.patch), Updated mine-0.13 (now using libtar 1.2.11) |
*) 2003-05-18 (2.0.0-beta2 - 2.0.0-beta3) |
- Did run ./Create-CopyPatch and applied the patch (>1 MB) |
*) 2003-05-16 (2.0.0-beta2 - 2.0.0-beta3) |
- Added 'ln' and 'mv' to install_wrapper and improved the performance |
- Added version numbers to gem and tar.bz2 packages (config option) |
*) 2003-05-14 (2.0.0-beta2 - 2.0.0-beta3) |
- Added 'install wrapper' (handling 'cp' and 'install' - use with care!) |
*) 2003-05-10 (2.0.0-beta2 - 2.0.0-beta3) |
- Removed ugly 'hardware' init script and 'kernelmods' stone module |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Fixed squaroid (use [SRC] and fixed /dev/dsp bug) |
- Stefan Fiedler: Added workarround for RH 7.1 tar bug (kiss package) |
- Alejandro Mery: Added scripts/Download support for src/Download-Proxy |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Added more spanish documentation files |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added package foobillard (in kasc repository) |
*) 2003-05-07 (2.0.0-beta - 2.0.0-beta2) |
- Copied cache files from latest reference build |
*) 2003-05-05 (2.0.0-beta - 2.0.0-beta2) |
- Some cross-build fixes (mostly glibc and gcc related) |
- Some other fixes (, pam/cvs-fixes.patch, etc.) |
*) 2003-05-04 (2.0.0-beta - 2.0.0-beta2) |
- Always create gem package file (even for empty/broken packages) |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Added 'elf' package (ELF header analyzer and editor) |
- Alejandro Mery: Fixes and cleanups in Create-CopyPatch and |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Added maildrop and courier-imap |
- Michael Obster: Fixed shared file conflicts with openmotif |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Added D_bindir and others to install_init() |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Various fixes and updates in his repository |
*) 2003-05-03 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Fixed build errors in perl5, dhcp and nssdb |
- Added 'bad-files-check' (see lprng/parse-config for examples) |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated lvs-1.0.8 and lilo-22.5.2 |
- Juergen "George" Sawinski: Fixed lesstif/tcltk/perl shared files |
- Juergen "George" Sawinski: Fixed libpam (use gcc -fPIC) |
- Included some fixed from pam cvs (thanks to George) |
- Nikolaus Filus: Fixed some net-snmp and util-linux issues |
- Alejandro Mery: Small fixes in Build-Tools and |
*) 2003-05-02 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Copied cache files from latest reference build |
- Verbose error messages when download-files are not found |
- Burkhard Linke: Fixed smpeg and php+openldap |
- Burkhard Linke and Kai Schwenzfeier: Fixed OpenAL + ALSA |
- Terry Mackintosh: Some spelling corrections in Documentation/BUILD |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added various new games, Added [SRC] *.desc tag |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated iptables-1.2.8 and openssh-3.6.1p2 |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Fixed x86 kernel config creation (m4) |
- Fixed [SRC] (broke implementation of 'normal' packages) |
- Removed coreutils acl/xattr dependency for stages < 3 |
- Added my helper script to misc/archive |
*) 2003-04-30 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Added support for %include tags in all files |
- Cleanups in misc/config/* using %include and subconfig-*.in files |
*) 2003-04-29 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Applied big repository redesign patch |
- Removed 'pingus' in blindcoder rep. in favor of the pkg in the 'kasc' rep. |
- Added microcode_ctl package (x86 repository) |
- Updated gcc-3.2.3 (thanks to Rene for the hint) |
- Fixed bdb33 and bdb41 (s/hock_add/hook_add/ ;-) |
- Fixed smaller bugs (module-init-tools, grub) |
*) 2003-04-28 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Alessandro Ferrari: $custmain cleanups in various packages |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Added dmail packages and some jailing updates |
- Benjamin Schieder: Added pingus (with it's own clanlib library) |
- Merged pingus and clanlib package and added glx fix to pingus clanlib |
- Benjamin Schieder: Fixed gnugo and added koules |
- Juergen "George" Sawinski: Updated gcc3 protector-3.2.2-6 |
- Burkhard Linke: Fixed python for new tcl/tk version |
- Alejandro Mery: Added smartmontools |
*) 2003-04-26 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Added small nvidia nforce(2) kernel bugfix |
- Upgraded mine to version 0.12 (various small fixes) |
*) 2003-04-24 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Module autoloading on bootdisk now using hwscan again |
- Always prefer ALSA modules in hwscan (if found) |
*) 2003-04-22 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Updated mine-0.11 (support for network install using http and ftp) |
- Bootdisk target: Added support for installing from network (http and ftp) |
- Michael Obster: Fixed openmotif duplicate files |
*) 2003-04-20 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Added big packages.db file to CDs, single files only on disk 1 now |
- Updated mine-0.10 (support for packages.db) |
- New cache files from latest reference build |
*) 2003-04-19 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Fixed some build problems with attr, acl and coreutils |
- Juergen "George" Sawinski: Added usb hotplug package |
*) 2003-04-14 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Stefan Gutschireiter: Added HTTP loading of 2nd stage fs (bootdisk) |
- Disabled Download -mirror none (needs a ROCK_DEBUG_ variable) |
- Sirkull: Various updates/additions to sirkull repository |
- Benjamin Schieder: Fixed licq after upgrade to 1.2.6 |
- Activeted (static) USB and USB-HID support in standard kernel config |
- Small redesign |
*) 2003-04-12 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Mathieu: Updated jpilot-0.99.5, Nikolaus Filus: Fixed ethereal |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Removed not needed custmain in some packages |
- Fixed libacl/libattr library location and stupid install dynlink error |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added senken (city simulation game) |
- Alan J. Wylie: Fixed net-snmp (scapi.patch) |
- Alessandro Ferrari: apache, openldap and postgresql jailing cleanups |
- Auto-execute hooks if $custmain doesn't execute them |
- Jan Veninga: Updated evolution-1.2.4 and added ssl-support |
- Miguel Bolanos: Updated acl-2.2.7, attr-2.4.1, curl-7.10.4, file-4.02 |
- Miguel Bolanos: Updated libelf-0.8.3, module-init-tools-0.9.11a |
- Miguel Bolanos: Updated amodutils-2.4.25, sed-4.0.6, licq-1.2.6 |
- Jan Veninga: Fixed avifile (configure.patch) |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated alien-8.25 |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Some custmain-cleanups in base repository |
- Slightly changed the package category scheme |
*) 2003-04-09 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Added coreutils (again) with support for xattributes and acls |
- Fixed some coreutils related stuff (Build-Pkg, dietlibc, bootdisks) |
*) 2003-04-07 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Updated powermanga-0.75, Fixed checksum |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Updated lsof_4.67, mktemp-1.5, RFCs3501-latest |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Version Updates: crimson, mahjong and lbreakout2 |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Small Fixes: plib, libsdl_perl, simgear |
- Michael Obster: Fixed openmotif download url and libmikmod checksum |
- Replaced GNU fileutils, sh-utils and textutils with GNU coreutils |
*) 2003-04-06 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Added/Fixed dietlibc patches for module-init-tools, gawk and iproute2 |
- Added mkinitrd script to linux2[45] packages and linked it in (grub, etc.) |
*) 2003-04-05 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Improved hwscan script (now also detect connected USB devices) |
- Added first version of the dumpnetcfg script (for ROCK Router) |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Added openldap init script, Added some spanish docs |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Fixed ddclient, evolution and gnapster download URLs |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Webmin security fixes, init script and stone module |
- Nikolaus Filus: Fixed vsftpd ( |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added gnomemeeting and openh323 |
- Updated mine-0.9 (two small bugfixes, thanks to Dagmar for the reports) |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated lilo-22.5.1 and nmap-3.20 |
*) 2003-04-02 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Nikolaus Filus: Added ISDN modules to default kernel config |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated evolution-1.2.3 |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Fixed povray35 and termcap downloads |
*) 2003-04-01 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Added 'uucp' package |
- Michael Obster: Added 'praenti' repository |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Fixed rocksndiamonds |
- Benjamin Schieder: Updated: sendmail-8.12.9 |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Added rp-pppoe and fixed samba |
- Burkhard Linke: Fixed 'xjdic23' package |
- Some changes in default kernel configuration (input and usb) |
*) 2003-03-28 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Blindcoder: Fixed e2fsck, irssi, libsdl and mplayer |
- Blindcoder: Added kanatest and updated nullmailer-1.00RC7 |
- Added first version of router target (thanks to miguel) |
- Fixed librep, kterm and xjdic23 (PkgFormat Errors) |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Added mysql init script |
- Sirkull: Fixed dansguardian init script |
- Finished alpha version of router target (it can route now ;-) |
- New nice init scripts are default now |
- Added example config for ide cd-writers to etc/conf/kernel |
*) 2003-03-26 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed many init scripts (killall, etc.) |
- Improved "nice output" mode for sysv init scripts |
- Sirkull: Updated jfsutils-1.1.2 |
*) 2003-03-25 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Nikolaus Filus: fixed some gnome2 and rene packages |
- Sirkull: Added dansguardian, hpijs and nano |
- Rene: Various gimp-related fixes, added gimp-1.2 |
- Mathieu: Updated bogofilter- |
*) 2003-03-23 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Sirkull: Updated mutt-1.4.1i (security fix) |
- Rene Rebe: Various updates, including a fix for 'rc' |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Fixed php database driver support |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Update on the jailing subsystem |
- New mine version (0.7) with handling of package sizes and a few fixes |
- Fixed xfree86 Imake.rules (InstallAppDefaults and others) |
- Removed packages rosegarden[23] and anthem from clifford repository |
- Nikolaus Filus: Fixed php, licq, xconq, xskat, gnucach, dpkg, ggrab and ctwm |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added scilab-2.7 and glide3 (3dfx voodoo3 drivers) |
- Fixed btee bug (EOT mark has been written to output and logfile) |
*) 2003-03-22 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Added autodetected /dev/mouse and fbdev examples to default XF86Config |
- Added a big fb.modes file to fbset and moved fbset to /sbin |
- Small fixes: grep (install.patch) and pcsc-lite (devfsd.conf) |
- Some fixes in 'stone install', 'stone setup' and 'stone network' |
- Added /etc/stone.d/ and /sbin/hwscan |
- Removed isolinux splashscreen from bootdisk target |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Updated procps-3.1.8 and splitted changelog 2002/2003 |
- Sirkull: Added support for KDE and GNOME to Window Maker |
- Moved all packages from package/jimmy to package/miguel |
- Mathieu: Fixed ocaml (tcltk.patch) |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Fixed webmin init script install |
- Fixed openssh stone module and init script |
- Fixed flist creation bug introduced by last weeks flistdel changes |
- New mine version (0.7) with various fixes and improvements |
- Added gnome/kde/twm selection to xfree86 stone module |
*) 2003-03-20 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated opera-6.12 |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Updated curl-7.10.3, dialog-0.9b-20030308, dump-0.4b33, |
file-3.41, grep-2.5.1, libpcap-0.7.2, linux-2.5.64, LPRng-3.8.20, |
lvm_1.0.7, man-1.5l and mtools-3.9.9 |
- Juergen "George" Sawinski: Updated gcc3-protector-3.2.2-3 |
- Mathieu: Fixed mldonkey package |
- Nikolaus Filus: fixed several gnome2 packages as well as other package |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Updated DirectFB-0.9.17, gnuchess-5.06, KXL-1.1.7, |
SDL_net-1.2.5, SDL_ttf-2.0.6, mj-1.5.1-src, metakit-, |
plib-1.7.0, toppler-1.0.0, Video-DVDRip-0.50.8, postfix-2.0.7 |
keepalived-1.0.1, nasm-0.98.36, nvrec-20030316, openldap-2.1.16 |
- Jan Veninga: updated and fixed enlightenment 17 related packages |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Added lcdproc, Fixed w3m and lxdemu, Updated gkrellm |
- Nikolaus Filus: Fixed mysqlcc and updated mysql-4.0.12 |
*) 2003-03-18 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- New *.cache files from latest full reference build on x86 |
- Some fixes and improvements in snapshots release scripts and rock-src |
*) 2003-03-16 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Downgraded umix-0.9.2 and nullmailer-1.00RC5 |
- Fixed rock-src for "cvs -z 9 update -d -P" |
- Rene Rebe: Gnome and other fixes and updates |
- Added a $CC Wrapper debug output to Build-Pkg |
- Rene Rebe: Fixed all package categories |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Updated dietlibc-0.22 |
*) 2003-03-14 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Some bootdisk target fixes and more dietlibc fixes |
- Fixed Config (stty size) and xfsprogs (libuuid location) |
- Rene Rebe: Various x11, rene, gnome and kde updates |
- Rene Rebe: Added -ignore-chksum options to Update-System |
*) 2003-03-13 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Bootdisk target is now using MDLBL for creating boot floppies |
- Some attempts to fix dietlibc (still doesn't work as expected) |
*) 2003-03-12 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Added "./scripts/Create-ErrList -newdelete" |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated ethereal-0.9.11 |
- Rene Rebe: Various patches for his repositories |
- Rene Rebe: Removed kde30 repository |
- Rene Rebe: Moved some packages from rene/ to miguel/ |
- Miguel A. Bolanos: Updated aboot-0.9b, alsa-driver-0.9.1, alsa-lib-0.9.1, |
alsa-utils-0.9.1, alsa-tools-0.9.1, alsa-oss-0.9.1, automake-1.7.3, |
bacterium_gui-0.2, beaver-0.2.6, bogofilter-0.10.3, eruby-1.0.3, |
fltk-1.1.3-source, gaim-0.59.9, gqview-1.2.2, hercules-2.17.1, |
SDL_image-1.2.3, SDL_mixer-1.2.5, licq-1.2.4, mldonkey-2.04rc1, |
mod_ruby-1.0.6, mysql-4.0.11a-gamma, mysqlcc-0.8.10, postfix-2.0.6, |
nullmailer-1.00RC7, pinfo-0.6.7, ruby-1.6.8, w3m-0.4.1, snort-1.9.1, |
tse3-0.2.7, umix-1.0, vlan.1.7m, openldap-2.1.15 and gnucash-1.8.2 |
- Rene Rebe: converted gnome14 gnome2 and x11 actegories to new scheme |
- Juergen "George" Sawinski: Fixed "package/*/*/gnome-2.conf" for gnome packages |
- Added Printing System Selection (lprng and cups) |
- Fixed: acl, attr, xfsprogs, screen |
*) 2003-03-11 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- More bootdisk target cleanups, fixes and improvements |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated acl-2.2.3, attr-2.2.0, whois_4.6.2, |
module-init-tools-0.9.10, slang-1.4.8, xfsprogs-2.3.9 |
- Added MTA selection (sendmail, exim, postfix, nullmailer) |
- Juergen "George" Sawinski: Various gnome2 filename fixes |
*) 2003-03-10 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed screen (check for pam libs wasn't complete in configure) |
- Added a simple 'freeramdisk' program to util-linux |
- Rene Rebe: Converted openssh to use a stone style setup |
- Rene Rebe: Improved gpm stone setup |
- Rene Rebe: Updated GNOME to 2.2 and removed some outdated packages |
- Rene Rebe: Fixed some gnome and kde packages |
- Rene Rebe: Added gcc-snapshot for regression tests |
- Moved package/(.*?)-(.*?)/ to package/$1$2/ |
- Various bootdisk target cleanups |
*) 2003-03-09 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added xkobo-1.11+-do4 and toppler-0.99.1 |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added flightgear, metakit, plib and simgear |
- Rene Rebe: Started fixing the kernel configuration and also moved |
some desktop kernel options into the default config |
- Rene Rebe: Fixed _all_ [I] tags to not include the package name |
- Added dialog nice_scroll.patch (for better 'gasgui' usability) |
- Updated mine-0.6 (various fixes and gasgui package dependencies) |
- Updated ccbench-0.2 (added benchmark for gcc builtin functions) |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Added chrony-1.19 |
*) 2003-03-08 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed eval_config_command() (adding --cache-file to $@, not $confopt) |
- Re-fixed glibc23 (looks like sync with rxr inverted my glibc fixes) |
- Fixed glibc23 stage 0 (header files creation) for old gcc-2 |
*) 2003-03-07 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Rene Rebe: stone_mod_install allow to activate an existing swap partition |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added gltron, wakkabox, squaroid and freedroid |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added mahjong, xblasttnt and xconq |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Fixed package categories for all his games |
- Blindcoder: Added gnogo and cgoban packages |
- Alejandro Mery: fix to pkgcheck() and added eval_config_command() |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Various chroot jailing updates |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated lilo-22.5, tcltk-8.4.2, bind-9.2.2 and postfix-2.0.5 |
- Alejandro Mery: Various 'mnemoc' repository updates and fixes |
*) 2003-03-06 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) [synced with rxr tree] |
- Daniel Chabrol: fixed syslog-ng download url |
- simplified cyrus-sasl config |
- updated qt (3.1.2) and fixed xfree to not install the deprecated XftConfig |
- fixed the desktop target to include architecture specific packages |
- updated sendmail |
- Merged various patches from the ML: |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: updated nessus |
- Alejandro Mery: added rsbac |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: added directfb, libsdl_perl, dfbsee, frozen-bubble |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: added gnuchess, xboard, gnubg, xarchon, xskat |
- Juergen Sawinski: fixed errno for jfsutils, tcp_wrappers and portmap |
- Benjamin Schieder: updated categories in his repository |
- fixed kdelibs-31/ to check for the correct package |
- updated sodipodi |
- fixed mine (don't ask how long this took) |
- merge with Clifford |
- updated libmng |
- fixed XFree86 (version check, source files) |
- restored desktop kernel config (lost it during merging) |
- updated and moved gpa into the rene repository |
- updated xfree86-4.3.0 |
- merged the "Tilmann Bitterberg" tree and renamed the less-pipe |
- updated mgadrivers (HALlib) |
- fixed gnome2 package to not package the scrollkeeper index |
- fixed lesstif to not install a host.def (conficts with xfree86) |
- updated neon |
- updated xfree86-cvs and yaboot |
- updated _all_ gnome-20 packages and moved some not gnome |
related packages out of the gnome- into the rene-repository |
- updated freetype (to a rc sice the next stable release was "broken") |
- fixed the SPARC and made the 32bit user-space the default choice |
- sysklogd: errors to vc/10 for the desktop target |
- fixed gpm for SPARC and fixed the gpm stone script |
- Alejandro Mery: updated libxml, libxslt |
- Tilmann Bitterberg: fixed soap and updated transcode |
- updated ogle |
- finally fixed for xfree86-cvs |
*) 2003-03-06 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Various glibc-2.3.2 related fixes |
- Created PAM configuration for shadow utils |
*) 2003-03-02 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Alejandro Mery: Added ktcpvs-0.0.11 |
- Benjamin Schieder: Updated nethack-3.4.1, added bzflag-1.7g0 |
- Benjamin Schieder: Added misc/archive/ (helper script) |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Categories update for alessandro repository |
- Rene Rebe: Fixed gpm for sparc and some other sparc fixes/updates |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Updated vsftpd-1.1.3, webmin-1.070 |
*) 2003-03-01 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed cmd_wrapper (tools) auto-rebuild after building a compiler |
- Tilmann Bitterberg: Created 'tibit' package repository with many packages |
- Added an etc/devfsd.d directory (all included from etc/devfsd.conf) |
- Updated glibc-2.3.2 and glibc-linuxthreads-2.3.2 |
*) 2003-02-26 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Added new package category scheme (old still there for some time) |
- Converted 'base', 'x86' and 'clifford' repositories to new category scheme |
- Added misc/archive/ script for editing package categories |
*) 2003-02-25 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Tilmann Bitterberg: Build mplayer with --enable-shared-pp |
- Create symbolic links from $libdir/mysql/.. to $libdir/.. |
- Alejandro Mery: updated patchutils-0.2.21, libxml and libxslt |
- Tilmann Bitterberg: fixed soap and updated transcode |
- Rene Rebe: updated ogle and finally fixed for xfree86-cvs |
- Alejandro Mery: Added -user, -group and -chroot to dhcpd (security fix) |
- Jocelyn: Created 'jocelyn' repository and added 'snort' package |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Updated syslog-ng-1.5.26 and libol-0.3.9 |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated nessus-2.0.0, php-4.3.1 and postfix-2.0.4 |
- Alejandro Mery: Added openvpn-1.3.2 and lzo-1.08 packages |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added ClanLib-0.6 package |
*) 2003-02-24 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) [synced with rxr tree] |
- simplyfied xfree86/ and fixed the original twmrc saving |
- updated xfree86.cron to use fc-cache if available |
- fixed the old dRock packages that still installed special GNOME |
menu entries (xzgv, xcdroast, gnapster, gtoaster) |
- added prelink cron-job and default config |
- updated blender-2.26, subversion-0.18 |
- disabled the package generator for the default kernel |
- various rene repository changed incl. renaming the microsoft fonts package, |
adding the new bitstream-vera-fonts, ... |
- fixed xfree86 to create the TrueType font-dir |
- more desktop target kernel work |
- Merged various patches from the ML: |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: updated galeon and various tsa repository updates |
- Alejandro Mery: updated ccache-2.2, procps-3.1.6 and pkgconfig-0.15e |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: updated libxml-2.5.3 |
- Dimitar Zhekov: fixed xfree86 to install a executeable crond.d script |
- fixed tabs in the |
*) 2003-02-23 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Don't build stage 0 if cross-compiler has been disabled in configuration |
- Added etc/conf/console and etc/sysctl.conf to sysfiles package |
*) 2003-02-22 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Some mine/install-disks fixes, Fixed PAM, Fixed jailing menu title |
- Rene Rebe: Update irssi-0.8.6 and some cleanups in blindcoder repository |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Various 'tsa' repository updates |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated dhcp-3.0pl2 and webmin-1.060 |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Updated mplayer-0.90rc4 |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated less-381 and file-3.40 |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated procps-3.1.6 and ccache-2.2 |
- Rene Rebe: Various 'rene' and 'x11' repository updates |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added more games to his repository |
*) 2003-02-19 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed "Build-Pkg -update" and fixed pam default config |
- Fixed gcc[23]: Also apply protector in stage 0 (cross-compiler) |
*) 2003-02-17 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Rene Rebe: Added desktop target and some packages updates/fixes |
- Fixed glib?? and kdelibs?? files (new package names) |
*) 2003-02-15 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Removed Build-CrossCC (replaced by new stage 0) |
- Always create flist, etc. (even on package fail) |
*) 2003-02-14 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added two more games to his repository |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Added misc/jailing (install servers to chroot) |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Fixed mysql package (use $libdir, add users) |
- Renamed many packages (s/<package>-<version>/<package><version>/) |
*) 2003-02-13 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed install scripts (automatic creation of fstab file) |
- Fixed bdb33/bdb4 conflict (bdb33 is default) |
- Benjamin Schieder: Various 'blindcoder' repository updates |
- Rene Rebe: Updated rsync-2.5.6 |
*) 2003-02-12 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Major re-writes of the stone modules for installation and pkg management |
- Some fixes in bootdisk-target (tools.cross/diet-bin in PATH, etc) |
- Improved -mkdebug code of Create-ISO to also create vmware disk files |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Fixed bug with empty domainnames and info/dir creation |
- Alejandro Mery: Updates in mnemoc rep., Added var_insert_before_regex() |
- Updated mine-0.5, Added support for misc/*/{parse-config,} |
*) 2003-02-11 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated texinfo-4.5, man-pages-1.55 and postgresql-7.3.2 |
- Alejandro Mery: Fixed CrossCC (glibc23) and added Download -proxy option |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated util-linux-2.11z, Mathieu: Added lftp-2.6.4 |
- Updated mine-0.4 (now also includes gasgui, a gui for package management) |
- First implementation of 'setmailer' (for choosing a mta after installing) |
- Rene Rebe: Updated xine-0.9.18, fixed rxvt |
*) 2003-02-10 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Some configuration fixes and cleanups (now using more sub-menus) |
- Fixed some packages for linux-2.5.x (lilo, hdparm and lcap) |
- Fixed nssdb for libdb4, Renamed package glibc to glibc23 |
- Some 'stone' gui_dialog fixes (variable screen size) |
*) 2003-02-09 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Rene Rebe: Various 'rene' repository updates |
- Some fixes and cleanups in etc/rc.d/rc, sbin/rc, sbin/btee and etc/inittab |
- Removed old 62-select-blankscr.patch (use 'setterm' instead) |
- Some etc/profile fixes and cleanups and added etc/gshadow |
*) 2003-02-08 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Added expert option for custom kernel configuration |
- Sebastian Jaenicke: Updated bin86-0.16.11 and added some includes to rc.c |
- Added the missing code to rc.c for resetting all process attributes |
- Moved 'pam' package to 'base', removed all patches and fixed it |
- Burkhard Linke: Fixed 'openldap' package for db4 library |
- Rene Rebe: Various 'rene' repository updates |
- Nikolaus Filus: Fixed rosegarden4 |
*) 2003-02-06 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Updated galan-0.2.13d, gcc-3.2.2 and protector-3.2-6 |
- Added libcap-1.10, Fixed Build-CrossCC (new gcc3+protector) |
- Renamed 'su' from the gnu sh-utils package to 'su-shutils' |
- Rene Rebe: Added seperate packages for bdb33 and bdb4 |
*) 2003-02-04 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Rene Rebe: Removed some $flistdel uses in gnome-14 and gnome-20 |
- Added 'libdialog.a' (might need it for some 'stone' helper apps) |
- Added '/sbin/rc' tool for starting rc scripts in a clean environment |
*) 2003-02-03 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed dietlibc cross-compilation between architectures |
- Rene Rebe: Created linux2[45]-header packages for kernel headers |
- Rene Rebe: Updated lilo-22.4.1, Sparc architecture updates |
- Rene Rebe: Updated 'x11' and 'rene repositories |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Updated beaver-0.2.5, Fixed ne and pciutils |
- Merged 'ia32' and 'x86_64' to a single 'x86' architecture |
*) 2003-02-02 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Added 'kasc' repository (with some games) |
- Fixed wrong dependencies caused by usr/share/aclocal/* |
- Fixed gcc[23] for dietlibc (thanks to Piotr Esden-Tempski) |
- Rene Rebe: kde3[01], xfree-cvs, sparc/sparc64 updates |
*) 2003-01-31 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fake: Some binutils fixed for mips architecture |
- Moved 'popt' to 'base' and 'libart_lgpl-23' to 'x11' |
- Stefan Gutschireiter: Fixed 'bootdisk' for systems with old lilo |
- Copied *.cache files and deb_db.txt from last reference build |
*) 2003-01-30 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Chris Hamilton: Added 'cchamilt' repository (cracklib and pam) |
- Alejandro Mery: Added $pkg_linux_brokenfiles parse-config variable |
- Alejandro Mery: Added vserver package, Fixed lvs, Updated expat-1.95.6 |
- Fixed grub-0.93 (use -Os) and fixed -fstack-protector (disable for glibc) |
- Fake: Updated binutils- (checksum fixed by Alejandro) |
*) 2003-01-27 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Added module-init-tools (the 'modutils' package for linux-2.5.x kernels) |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Fixed Config screen-size detection (tput -> stty) |
*) 2003-01-27 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Rene Rebe: Various fixes and updates in 'gnome-14' and 'rene' repositories |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated lilo-2.4, postfix-2.0.3 and openldap-2.1.12 |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Added "create busybbox emergency toolkit" config option |
- Fixed modutils for dietlibc (required for bootdisk target) |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Fixed disable nls (use $prefix), Updated mplayer-0.90pre3 |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Fixed gcc3 (skip installing libz.a) |
*) 2003-01-26 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed isdn4k-utils, nfs-utils, pcmcia-cs, raidtools and wu-ftpd |
- Fixed mycc (renamed to mysqlcc) and mysql-perl (thanks to Nikolaus Filus) |
*) 2003-01-25 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed dietlibc for build systems with no native dietlibc installed |
- Fixed ncurses for termcap-enabled configurations |
- Replaced misc/bench/ by package/base/ccbench/ |
*) 2003-01-24 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Rene Rebe: Merged in some fixes from Nikolaus Filus |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Updated strace-4.4.92 and fixed Download 'XXXX..' handling |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated patchutils-0.2.19, stunnel-4.0.4, cvs-1.11.5, |
and postfix-2.0.2, Fixed broken ccache priority number |
- Fake: Updated/Fixed mips/misel architecutre definitions |
- Fake: Fixed dietlibc, openssl and linux24 for for mips/mipsel |
- Added 'mktemp' paranoia check, Improved scripts/Create-ErrList |
*) 2003-01-22 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Alejandro Mery Pellegrini: Updated keepalived-1.0.0 |
- Mathieu: Updated to pango-20030108c in mldonkey |
- Burkhard Linke: Fixed python build and libraries problem |
- Rene Rebe: Various gnome/kde/rene repository updates |
- Nikolaus Filus: New lsof URL, updated pine-4.53, fixed raidtools and gdb |
- Blindcoder: Added "Creating CD Images" to Documentation/BUILD |
- Blindcoder: Added libgli package, updates licq-1.2.3 |
- Nikolaus Filus: Fixed isdn4linux, spirtalsynth, nvidia and man-pages |
- Rene Rebe: Fixed xfree86-cvs, Enabled MTRR kernel feature on ia32 |
*) 2003-01-18 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Building sysfiles in stage 3 instead of 2 (thx to Alessandro Ferrari) |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Fixed groff by updating to groff-1.18.1 |
- Kai Schwenzfeier: Fixed microsoft-tt-fonts build priority |
- Fixed screen+ncurses and pcmcia-cs+linux24 (shared files conflicts) |
*) 2003-01-16 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Burkhard Linke: Fixed util-linux (disable cramfs in stage 1) |
- Use the value of /dev/root in /etc/fstab (instead of "/dev/root") |
- Disabled gcc -fomit-frame-pointer option (caused troubles with glibc) |
*) 2003-01-15 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Rewritten Check-Deps-2 in perl (faster and better algorithm) |
- Rene Repe: Various fixes, updates, etc. in his repositories |
- Updated: raidtools-1.00.3, mysql-4.0.9-gamma and mysql-perl-1.2219 |
*) 2003-01-14 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Updated: alsa-0.9.0rc6, anthem-0.0.17, autoconf-2.57, automake-1.7.2, |
bison-1.875, bonnie++-1.03a, ccache-2.1.1, curl-7.10.2, |
dump-0.4b32, gdb-5.3, gdbm-1.8.3, gmp-4.1.2, gpm-1.20.1, |
grub-0.93, gsl-1.3, indent-2.2.9, kbd-1.08, ksymoops-2.4.8, |
linux-2.5.57, LPRng-3.8.19, lsof_4.66, man-pages-1.54, |
modutils-2.4.22, mtr-0.52, mycc-0.8.5, nasm-0.98.35, |
ucd-snmp-4.2.6, ntp-4.1.1b, patchutils-0.2.18, pciutils-2.1.11, |
quota-3.08, rosegarden-4-0.8.5, screen-3.9.13, slang-1.4.7, |
SpiralSynthModular-0.1.1, sweep-0.5.13, texinfo-4.3, tree-1.4b3, |
util-linux-2.11y, whois_4.6.1 |
- Added xfsprogs-2.3.6, attr-2.0.11, and acl-2.0.19 packages |
- Burkhard Linke: Fixed xmp and xmms build order |
*) 2003-01-13 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Ported suiddir fs extension to reiserfs, fixed patches for kernel 2.5 |
- Use gcc option -fomit-frame-pointer if binaries are stripped (no debug) |
- Many kernel config fixes for 2.4 and 2.5 kernels |
*) 2003-01-12 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Tobias Rittweiler: Updated strace-4.4.91 and xinetd-2.3.10 |
- Fake: Added some mips patches to glibc-2.3.1 |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Various dietlibc cleanups and fixes |
*) 2003-01-10 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Sebastian Jaenicke and Fake: Fixed python (needs -lcrypt) |
- Burkhard Linke: Diasable the glibc profiling support by default |
- Tobias Rittweiler: Upadted pine-4.52, tsa: Updated ircii-20021103 |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Added webmin-1.050 (to "alessandro" repository) |
- Introduced pkg* function in files (thx to Alejandro Mery) |
- Updated the copyright statement in all files (it's 2003 now) |
*) 2003-01-08 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed pentium[23] optimization for glibc-2.3.1 (pentium23_fix.patch) |
- Fixed various 'shared files' conflicts in base packages |
- Updated mine-0.3 (fixed blanks-in-filenames bug and improved help) |
- Rene Rebe: Add download user cvs-on-ssh, glibc fix (prelink-fix.patch) |
- Rene Rebe: Added xfree86-cvs and fam, added PowerPC optimisations |
*) 2003-01-07 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Fixed various 'shared files' conflicts in base packages |
- Rene Rebe: Fixed evas and gamix, updated xpdf-2.01 |
- Create-CkSumPatch can now also create cksums for target and miscdown files |
- Added dependency groups 'kernel-bin' and 'kernel-src' |
- Alejandro Mery: Updated ccache-2.0 and php-2.3.0 |
- Added CCACHE_DONT_STAT_COMPILER variable to ccache program |
- Use different ccache dirs for native, cross and chroot builds |
*) 2003-01-06 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Now also set domainname in etc/rc.d/init.d/system (thanks to Dimitar Zhekov) |
- Commented out all $flistdel lines in package/base/*/*.conf files |
- Chris "Sirkull" Efant: Added jfsutils-1.1.1 to base repository |
- Added JFS support to standard kernel and install system |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Fixed bash+readline (get-char-len-fix and overwrite-fixes) |
- Dimitar Zhekov: Various 'jimmy' repository updates, fixed 'man' $flistdel |
- Blindcoder: Fixed Build-CrossCC (gcc2 confopt) and updated linux-2.5.50 |
- Alessandro Ferrari: Added 'busybox' package in 'alessandro' repository |
- Alejandro Mery Pellegrini: Fixed gcc3 (not install libiberty) |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Various dietlibc fixes (Build-Tools, ccache and gcc3) |
- Updated mine-0.2, sendmail.8.12.7, openssl-0.9.7 and perl-5.8.0 |
*) 2003-01-03 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Added $finish hook which will be executed _really_ late |
- Implemented new (more clean and abstract) hook system (see hook_add()) |
*) 2003-01-02 (1.5.12 - 1.7.0) |
- Rene Rebe: Updated binutils-, cdrtools-2.0 and pcmcia-cs-3.2.3 |
- Rene Rebe: Fixed zlib url, Kde-*, gnome-*, x11 and rene repository updates |
- Now also build cross-compiler with stack protection (thx to Alejandro Mery) |
- Added automatic check for shared files which lets a pkg build fail |
- Mathieu: Updated mldonkey (including pango) from 'mathieu' repository |
- Piotr Esden-Tempski: Various dietlibc cleanups and fixes |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
This is a changelog for Dietlibc-Target, Alpha Target and all changes esden |
does for ROCKLinux ;-) |
*) 2003-04-19 (2.0.0-alpha - 2.0.0-beta) |
- fixed Build-Tools to not use parse-config*~ files |
- added netcat package to esden repository |
- added prefix_WRAPPER_APPEND_PO option to the command wrapper that is adding |
an option before other wrappers are being run (needed for -lcompat in |
dietlibc target) |
- fixed coreutils, sed and curl in dietlibc target |
- removed gcc2 from the dietlibc target because that package is not building |
and to honest not nessesary for this target ... |
- set DISABLE_NLS in dietlibc target (localization is not supported by |
dietlibc yet) |
@ -0,0 +1,989 @@ |
The ROCK Linux Hacking Howto |
============================ |
Written by Clifford Wolf |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
The Jargon File defines a "Hacker" as: |
# hacker n. |
# |
# [originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe] 1. A person |
# who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and |
# how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who |
# prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. 2. One who programs |
# enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming |
# rather than just theorising about programming. 3. A person capable |
# of appreciating hack value. 4. A person who is good at programming |
# quickly. 5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently |
# does work using it or on it; as in `a Unix hacker'. (Definitions 1 |
# through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.) 6. An |
# expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, |
# for example. 7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of |
# creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations. 8. [deprecated] |
# A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information |
# by poking around. Hence `password hacker', `network hacker'. The |
# correct term for this sense is cracker. |
So this "ROCK Linux Hacking Howto" has nothing to do with host- or |
network-security. |
Table of Contents |
================= |
0. Preface |
1. ROCK Linux directory tree |
1.1. Documentation/ |
1.2. scripts/ |
1.3. package/ |
1.3.1. package/base/ |
1.3.2. package/x11/ |
1.3.3. package/<architecture>/ |
1.3.4. package/<person>/ |
1.4. misc/ |
1.5. target/ |
1.6. architecture/ |
1.7. download/ |
1.8. src*/ and build/ |
1.9. config/* |
2. Build- and other scripts |
2.1. ./scripts/Config |
2.2. ./scripts/Download |
2.3. Scripts for building stuff |
2.3.1. ./scripts/Build-Target |
2.3.2. ./scripts/Build-Pkg |
2.3.3. ./scripts/Build-TarBz2 |
2.3.4. ./scripts/Build-Tools |
2.3.5. ./scripts/Build-CrossCC |
2.3.6. ./scripts/Build-Job |
2.4. Various small Helpers |
2.4.1. ./scripts/Cleanup |
2.4.2. ./scripts/Create-Links |
2.4.3. ./scripts/Create-PkgList |
2.4.4. ./scripts/Create-PkgQueue |
2.4.5. ./scripts/Create-SrcTar |
2.4.6. ./scripts/Create-Diff |
2.4.7. ./scripts/Create-CkSumPatch |
2.4.8. ./scripts/Create-DescPatch |
2.4.9. ./scripts/Create-PkgUpdPatch |
2.4.10. ./scripts/Create-ErrList |
2.4.11. ./scripts/Create-UpdList |
2.4.12. ./scripts/Update-System |
2.4.13. ./scripts/Puzzle |
2.4.14. ./scripts/Help |
2.4.15. ./scripts/Internal |
2.5. Scripts for doing checks |
2.5.1. ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion |
2.5.2. ./scripts/Check-PkgFormat |
2.5.3. ./scripts/Check-System |
2.5.4. ./scripts/Check-Deps |
2.6. Scripts for updating the source tree |
2.6.1. ./scripts/Update-Src |
3. Configuration System |
3.1. Fundamentals |
3.2. Special Commands |
3.2.1. comment 'Description' ["Help"] |
3.2.2. comment_id 'Description' 'ID' ["Help"] |
3.2.3. bool 'Description' Variable Default ["Help"] |
3.2.4. text 'Description' Variable Default ["Help"] |
3.2.5. choice Variable Default Value1 'Description1' [ ... ] |
3.2.6. const Variable Default |
3.2.7. block_begin and block_end |
3.2.8. expert_begin and expert_end |
3.3. Special Variables |
3.3.1. ROCKCFG_* |
3.3.2. ROCKCFGSET_* |
3.3.3. CFGTEMP_* |
3.4. call-tree |
3.5. Creation of the Packages file |
4. Packages |
4.1. Fundamentals |
4.2. The *.desc files |
4.2.1. Package Priority |
4.2.2. Download URLs |
4.3. The *.conf files |
4.3.1. FIXME |
4.4. The *.patch files |
4.5. The *.doc files |
4.6. The *.init files |
5. Targets |
6. Architectures |
( created with >> perl -pe '$_="" unless /^\t?[0-9]/; s/^\t/\n/;' << ) |
0. Preface |
========== |
This document describes how to extend and modify the ROCK Linux Build Scripts. |
You need to know shell scripting well to understand the techniques described |
in this document. Some practise with building and installing software on UNIX |
systems might also help. |
Use the existing code (packages, targets, etc.) as examples. The explanations |
given here are often very brief and looking at the code might help you to |
understand. |
Corrections, etc. are always welcome (unified diffs preferred). |
- Clifford wolf <> |
1. ROCK Linux directory tree |
============================ |
1.1. Documentation/ |
=================== |
The ROCK Linux Documentation. Read everything - if you can! You should also |
visit our homepage at and subscribe to the mailing list. |
1.2. scripts/ |
============= |
All the build and helper scripts can be found here. A detailed description of |
them can be found in chapter 2. |
Make sure to always call them from the base directory (like "./scripts/Config") |
and _do_not_ change into scripts/ and execute the script there! |
1.3. package/ |
============= |
The ROCK Linux specific part of the package sources are stored in this tree. |
This is for every package at least a ".desc" file (read chapter 4 for more |
details about the package format). |
Within the package/ directory, every "package repository" has it's own |
subdirectory. A "package repository" is an organisational unit to group |
packages together. All packages with a repository do belong to the same |
maintainer or maintainer-team. |
Within the repository-directory, every package has it's own subdirectory. |
E.g. the 'gcc3' package can be found in "package/base/gcc3/". |
1.3.1. package/base/ |
-------------------- |
The "base" repository contains the most important core-packages. Stuff like |
the compiler, the kernel and the standard unix command-packages (fileutils, ..). |
The "base" packages are maintained by Clifford Wolf <>. |
1.3.2. package/x11/ |
------------------- |
The "x11" repository contains the basic X11 packages. Everything you need |
to set up a graphical workstation including the most important tools. |
The "x11" packages are maintained by Rene Rebe <>. |
1.3.3. package/<architecture>/ |
---------------------- |
There are some architecture specific repositories like 'alpha', 'powerpc', |
'spar', 'x86', ... They contain packages that are only useful on this one |
architecture. |
1.3.4. package/<person>/ |
---------------------- |
Other packages are grouped together into repositories named by the maintainer. |
Those are e.g. 'clifford', 'rene', 'esden', ... and many more. |
But functional grouping like kde and gnome repositories are also possible. |
1.4. misc/ |
========== |
Various stuff which doesn't fit elsewhere can be found here. |
1.5. target/ |
============ |
A 'target' is a ROCK Linux based distribution. The 'normal ROCK Linux' is |
the 'generic' target, build with the default settings. |
Every target has it's own subdirectory in this tree. |
1.6. architecture/ |
================== |
Every architecture supported by ROCK Linux has it's own subdirectory in this |
tree. |
1.7. download/ |
============== |
The original package tar files are downloaded to that directory by the |
./scripts/Download script. Only the files required for building the selected |
target will be downloaded. |
1.8. src*/ and build/ |
===================== |
This directories are created by the Build-Scripts. They can be easily removed |
using './scripts/Cleanup'. |
1.9. config/* |
============= |
The build configurations (created with './scripts/Config') are stored in |
the config/ tree. Every configuration has it's own subdirectory there. |
2. Build- and other scripts |
=========================== |
2.1. ./scripts/Config |
===================== |
./scripts/Config is the main configuration script. If no config-name is |
specified via the option -cfg config-name the name default is used. |
It parses the metaconfig files described in chapter 3 and creates the files |
in config/<config-name>/. If an config-name is specified it also has do |
been passed to the other scripts, too. |
2.2. ./scripts/Download |
======================= |
The ./scripts/Download script is the tool for downloading the package sources. |
Calling the script without any parameters prints out the help message. |
You can download single files: |
./scripts/Download download/base/linux24/linux-2.4.18.tar.bz2 |
All files for a single package: |
./scripts/Download -package linux24 |
All files required for building the configured target: |
./scripts/Download -required |
Or simply everything: |
./scripts/Download -all |
If you don't specify a mirror using the -mirror option, the script will |
contact and auto-detect the best mirror. |
Downloading all files required from a local (mounted) cdrom: |
./scripts/Download -mirror file:///mnt/cdrom/ -required |
2.3. Scripts for building stuff |
=============================== |
2.3.1. ./scripts/Build-Target |
----------------------------- |
Builds the configured target. Depending on your hardware and the configuration |
made with ./scripts/Config this may take a few days (or a week or even longer) |
to complete. |
2.3.2. ./scripts/Build-Pkg |
-------------------------- |
Builds a single package. Calling this script without any option prints |
out a usage message. In most cases the options are only needed by Build-Target |
when building the entire distribution. |
Building a single package: |
./scripts/Build-Pkg gawk |
Warning: Re-building a package might overwrite or remove config files - using |
the option -update backups modified files and restores them after the package |
build. |
2.3.4. ./scripts/Build-Tools |
---------------------------- |
This script creates the '' directory (where 'xxxxxx' is the |
config id) which contains various helper applications needed by Build-Pkg and |
other scripts. |
When the script is called with the -cleanup option, a rebuild of the files in |
the tools directory is forced. In most cases this script will be called by |
other scripts (and not by the user). |
2.3.5. ./scripts/Build-CrossCC |
------------------------------ |
For cross-building ROCK Linux you need a cross-compiler. This script creates |
the cross-compiler for you. The cross-compiler and cross-binutils will be |
installed in the build/ tree where the Build-Pkg script expects them to be. |
2.3.6. ./scripts/Build-Job |
-------------------------- |
This script is the client when you run ./scripts/Target in parallel |
build (cluster) mode. |
2.4. Various small Helpers |
========================== |
2.4.1. ./scripts/Cleanup |
----------------------- |
The Cleanup script can be used to remove the src* and build* directories which |
are created by the build scripts. Never remove this directories manually!!! |
On default ./scripts/Cleanup only removes the src* directories. the build* |
directories are only removed when the -full option is passed. |
2.4.2. ./scripts/Create-Links |
----------------------------- |
This very simple script creates symlinks from you ROCK Linux base directory |
to another directory. This can be useful if you have the ROCK Linux sources |
on one harddisk (NFS Share, etc) and want to build somewhere else: |
/disks/raid/archive/os/rock# mkdir -p /disks/fast/rock |
/disks/raid/archive/os/rock# ./scripts/Create-Links /disks/fast/rock |
2.4.3. ./scripts/Create-PkgList |
------------------------------- |
Creates a list of all packages available. If an architecture name is passed |
as parameter, only the packages available on that architecture are listed. |
This script is used by ./scripts/Config in the process of creating the |
packages file. |
2.4.4. ./scripts/Create-PkgQueue |
-------------------------------- |
Creates a list of packages which could be built next. The first parameter is |
the maximum number of packages to print (0=no limit) and the 2nd parameter is |
the root directory where the script can find the /var/adm/... information it |
need. E.g.: |
# ./scripts/Create-PkgQueue 3 build/1.7.0-DEV-intel-generic/root |
2 X --2------9 010.050 base strace 4.4 / development/tool 159 |
2 X --2------9 010.052 base ltrace 0.3.10 / development/tool 85 |
2 X --2-4----9 010.055 base perl5 5.6.1 / development/interpreter 125 |
The script is primary used by ./scripts/Build-Target. |
2.4.5. ./scripts/Create-SrcTar |
------------------------------ |
Creates a .tar.bz2 file containing the ROCK Linux sources. This script is |
used by the ROCK Linux core developers when releasing snapshots or releases. |
2.4.6. ./scripts/Create-Diff |
---------------------------- |
This script is the recommended tool for creating diff patches. (When you |
made a change to the ROCK Linux sources and want to share your work). |
E.g.: ./scripts/Create-Diff ../rock-src.orig . > mychanges.diff |
2.4.7. ./scripts/Create-CkSumPatch |
---------------------------------- |
This script can be used by ROCK Linux developers to automatically create the |
download checksums in the .desc files in one or more package repositories. |
E.g.: ./scripts/Create-CkSumPatch extra2 ; patch -p1 < cksum.patch |
2.4.8. ./scripts/Create-DescPatch |
--------------------------------- |
This script can be used by ROCK Linux developers to automatically adopt the |
format of the package .desc files. |
E.g.: ./scripts/Create-DescPatch -repository extra2 |
2.4.9. ./scripts/Create-PkgUpdPatch |
----------------------------------- |
This script can be used by ROCK Linux developers to automatically create |
package update patches (after evaluating the output of the |
./scripts/Check-PkgVersion script). E.g.: |
./scripts/Create-PkgUpdPatch > update.patch << EOT |
automake-1.6.1, bin86-0.16.3, bison-1.35, curl-7.9.6, |
diffutils-2.8.1, dump-0.4b28, ifhp-3.5.7, net-snmp-4.2.4, |
ntp-4.1.1, pciutils-2.1.10, sendmail.8.12.3, silo-1.2.5, |
tree-1.4b2, util-linux-2.11q, whois_4.5.25 |
The resulting update.patch file should be checked manually before being |
applied with 'patch -p1 < update.patch'. |
2.4.10. ./scripts/Create-ErrList |
-------------------------------- |
Outputs the list of packages which failed to build (including the stage |
numbers) in the right order. |
2.4.11. ./scripts/Create-UpdList |
-------------------------------- |
Create a list of packages which are active in the current configuration and |
have changed since the binaries installed on the local system have been |
generated. The compare is done using the package source checksums stored |
in /var/adm/packages/<package-name>. |
2.4.12. ./scripts/Update-System |
------------------------------- |
Update (re-build) all packages on the local system for which newer versions |
are available. Create-UpdList is used to generate the list of packages which |
do need an update. |
2.4.13. ./scripts/Puzzle |
------------------------ |
Some files in the ROCK Linux source tree are automatically created. This |
script recreates all of them and should be called whenever one of the source |
files have been changed. |
2.4.14. ./scripts/Help |
---------------------- |
This script expects the filename of a script in ./scripts/ and jumps to |
the right position in this document. It's a very simple wrapper for 'less'. |
2.4.15. ./scripts/Internal |
-------------------------- |
This script is used by Clifford Wolf to release snapshots and to keep the |
FTP Mirrors up-to-date. |
2.5. Scripts for doing checks |
============================= |
2.5.1. ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion |
--------------------------------- |
This script is used by the ROCK Linux developers to check for new package |
versions. The results of the last run are always stored in a directory called |
checkver/ and if there is a difference in the current run, a *.msg file will |
be written to checkver/. (read the script for details) |
E.g.: ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion -repository base |
for x in checkver/*.new ; do mv -f $x ${}.txt ; done |
cat checkver/*.msg > todo.txt |
Note: An old *.msg file will automatically removed when you run |
Check-PkgVersion the next time. |
2.5.2. ./scripts/Check-PkgFormat |
-------------------------------- |
This script does a few very simple tests to auto-detect errors in the package |
*.desc and *.conf files. |
E.g.: ./scripts/Check-PkgFormat -repository extra1 |
2.5.3. ./scripts/Check-System |
----------------------------- |
This script does a very simple tests to auto-detect possible problems |
with the host linux system. |
2.5.4. ./scripts/Check-Deps |
--------------------------- |
This command checks if the current package build order is ok for solving all |
package dependencies. |
2.6. Scripts for updating the source tree |
========================================= |
2.6.1. ./scripts/Update-Src |
--------------------------- |
Update the source tree with rsync from |
Warning: This will remove the changes you made to the source tree. |
3. Configuration System |
======================= |
3.1. Fundamentals |
================= |
The configuration script ./scripts/Config generates the files in the |
config/${config}/ directory: |
config the configuration options |
packages the packages which are build in this configuration |
./scripts/Config defines some special shell functions and contains the |
main-loop of the configuration program. The structure of the config menus |
is stored in scripts/ (and other files included by it). |
Have a look at scripts/ for more information on which file is |
including which other files. |
3.2. Special Commands |
===================== |
Whenever the menu is displayed (i.e. after starting ./scripts/Config and |
whenever a change has been made), scripts/ is executed and is using |
he following special commands to write the 'config' file and add items to the |
menu. |
3.2.1. comment 'Description' ["Help"] |
------------------------------------- |
Add a comment to the config menu (and item without any function). E.g.: |
comment '- Architecture, CPU and Optimisation' " |
Select which CPU optimalization is right for your machine." |
<Description> Title of the item in the config menu (comment text) |
<Help> This is an optional field where you can add a longer comment |
that will be displayed when you highlight this comment line |
and hit the Help button |
3.2.2. comment_id 'Description' 'ID' ["Help"] |
--------------------------------------------- |
Add a comment to the config menu (and item without any function). E.g.: |
comment '- Architecture, CPU and Optimisation' COMMENT_ARCH_CPU_OPT " |
Select which CPU optimalization is right for your machine." |
<Description> Title of the item in the config menu (comment text) |
<ID> ID which will be used to identify a comment. It is |
usefull when you use config.hlp files to store help |
<Help> This is an optional field where you can add a longer comment |
that will be displayed when you highlight this comment line |
and hit the Help button |
3.2.3. bool 'Description' Variable Default ["Help"] |
--------------------------------------------------- |
Add a bool (on/off) menu item. E.g.: |
bool 'Abort when a package-build fails' ROCKCFG_ABORT_ON_ERROR 1 " |
When you select this option Build-Target will abort when a packet |
fails to compile" |
<Description> Title of the item in the config menu |
<Variable> Name of the config variable triggered by this menu item |
<Default> '1' = On, '0' = Off |
<Help> This is an optional field where you can add a longer comment |
that will be displayed when you highlight this item line |
and hit the Help button |
The variable will be set to '1' or '0'. |
3.2.4. text 'Description' Variable Default ["Help"] |
--------------------------------------------------- |
Add a text menu item. If the text must fit a special pattern, modify the |
config variable _before_ calling the text function. E.g.: |
ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS="`echo $ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS | sed 's,[^0-9],,g'`" |
text 'Number of parallel make jobs (make -j)' ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS 1 |
<Description> Title of the item in the config menu |
<Variable> Name of the config variable triggered by this menu item |
<Default> Default value |
<Help> This is an optional field where you can add a longer comment |
that will be displayed when you highlight this item line |
and hit the Help button |
3.2.5. choice Variable Default Value1 'Description1' [ ... ] |
------------------------------------------------------------ |
Add a multiple-choice menu item. E.g.: |
choice ROCKCFG_INTEL_OPT generic \ |
generic "No special optimisation" \ |
i386 "Optimised for Intel 386" \ |
i486 "Optimised for Intel 486" \ |
i586 "Optimised for Intel Pentium" \ |
i686 "Optimised for Intel Pentium-Pro" \ |
k6 "Optimised for AMD K-6" \ |
k7 "Optimised for AMD Athlon" |
<Variable> Name of the config variable triggered by this menu item |
<Default> Default value |
<ValueN> Value for option N |
<DescriptionN> Title of the item in the config menu if option N is active |
3.2.6. const Variable Default |
----------------------------- |
Sets the given variable to the given default value without displaying any |
menu item. |
3.2.7. block_begin and block_end |
-------------------------------- |
A set of menu items which belongs together should be surrounded with |
block_begin and block_end. block_begin expects a numeric parameter which |
specifies the number of characters the menu item titles should be shifted |
to the right. E.g.: |
comment '--- Default compiler for building (almost) everything' |
block_begin 5 |
choice ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_DEFAULT_CC gcc2 $list |
if [ $ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_DEFAULT_CC = 'gcc2' ] ; then |
bool 'Use GCC Stack-Smashing Protector' ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_STACKPRO 0 |
ROCKCFG_ID="$ROCKCFG_ID-stackprotector" |
else |
fi |
block_end |
3.2.8. expert_begin and expert_end |
---------------------------------- |
Options which should only be displayed if the 'expert mode' is active should be |
surrounded with expert_begin and expert_end. |
3.3. Special Variables |
====================== |
3.3.1. ROCKCFG_* |
---------------- |
All Configuration variables should start with "ROCKCFG_". Non-core variables |
have extended prefixes: |
Arches: ROCKCFG_ARCH_<Arch-Name>_* |
Targets: ROCKCFG_TRG_<Target-Name>_* |
Packages: ROCKCFG_PKG_<Pkg-Name>_* |
Some variables are handled by ./scripts/Config in a special way: |
ROCKCFG_ID Is the short-description of the configuration. Important |
config options should append something to this variable. |
ROCKCFG_EXPERT If set to '0', config items between expert_begin and |
expert_end will not be displayed and the default values |
for those options will be used. |
3.3.2. ROCKCFGSET_* |
------------------- |
The ROCKCFGSET_* variables can be used to preset an option (e.g. in a target). |
If e.g. ROCKCFGSET_STRIP is set to 1, ROCKCFG_STRIP will have the value 1 and |
the user would not be able to change this setting. |
3.3.3. CFGTEMP_* |
---------------- |
This variables can be used for data-exchange between the various |
files. Non-core variables have extended prefixes: |
Arches: CFGTEMP_ARCH_<Arch-Name>_* |
Targets: CFGTEMP_TRG_<Target-Name>_* |
Packages: CFGTEMP_PKG_<Pkg-Name>_* |
E.g. dynamic creation of a multiple-choice option: |
architecture/intel/ |
architecture/powerpc/ |
scripts/ |
3.4. call-tree |
======================== |
All files are executed from scripts/ the the following |
order: |
- architecture/*/ |
* Selecting Architecture |
* architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/ |
- target/*/ |
- package/*/*/ |
* Selecting Target |
* target/$ROCKCFG_TARGET/ |
* package/*/*/ |
* Various common build options |
- package/*/*/ |
- architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/ |
- target/$ROCKCFG_TARGET/ |
Only scripts marked with '*' might interact with the user (create menu |
items). The others might only set and modify various variables. |
3.5. Creation of the Packages file |
================================== |
The ./scripts/Config script creates a 'packages' file with all packages |
available for the selected architecture before calling scripts/ |
Every file might now modify this Packages file by creating a |
||| file and renaming it to Packages. E.g.: |
if [ $ROCKCFG_TRG_GENERIC_BUILDSF != 1 ] ; then |
awk '$4 != "sourceforge" { print }' \ |
< config/$config/packages \ |
> config/$config/ |
mv config/$config/ config/$config/packages |
fi |
The packages file is blank-separated and easy to parse with grep, sed and awk. |
The fields are: |
X/O 'X' = packages is active, 'O' = package is not active |
If you don't want another to re-activate a package you might |
also simply remove the line from the file. |
Stages Stage levels as specified in the packages [P] tag (see next chapter) |
Pri. Priority as specified in the packages [P] tag (sort-key for the file) |
Resp. Repository name where the package is found |
Name Package Name |
Ver. Package Version |
Prefix Package prefix (with leading '/') |
Cat. Package categories (always lower case, contain at least one /) |
Flags Package flags (always upper case) |
Counter Simply ignore that filed |
Because of the 'counter' field, categories and flags are always pre- and |
postfixed with a ' '. So you can e.g. easy remove all not dietlibc-ready |
packages with a command like: |
grep ' DIETLIBC ' < config/$config/packages \ |
> config/$config/ |
Read the existing files for details. |
4. Packages |
=========== |
4.1. Fundamentals |
================= |
Every package has it's own subdirectory in package/<repository>/. The |
repositories are organisational units to group packages. Every repository |
belongs to one ROCK Linux developer or developer group. The per-package |
directory must have the same name as the package. |
The Package name is 2-25 characters long and must match the regular expression: |
/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\+_-]*[a-z0-9\+]$/ |
(Minimum of 2 characters. First one: lower case letter or number. Last |
one: lower case letter, number or '+'. Rest: lower case letter, number |
or one of '.', '+', '_' or '-'.) |
A package name must not be used in more than one repository. |
Other (non-package) subdirectories are allowed, if they don't begin with |
a lower case letter or number (so e.g. "CVS" subdirectories are ok) and |
do not contain any *.desc files. |
This per-package directory contains all information needed to download and |
build a package. |
4.2. The *.desc files |
===================== |
Every Package _must_ have a <packagename>.desc file. It contains all the |
meta-information for the package. Have a look at the PKG-DESC-FORMAT file |
for a description of the available tags. The more complex ones are described |
in detail in this howto. |
4.2.1. Package Priority |
----------------------- |
The [P] tag is used to set the "package priority". The [P] tag has three |
fields: |
[P] X --3-----9 010.066 |
The first field ('X' or 'O') specifies if this package should be built per |
default (X) or not (O). This is 'X' for almost all packages. This flag might |
be overwritten by the configuration (see chapter 3). |
The 2nd field lists the stages in which the package should be built. There |
are 10 stages (0-9). Build-Target will start with building stage one, then |
stage 2 and so on. Stage 9 is only built if 'Make rebuild stage (stage 9)' |
is activated in the configuration. Stages 0 and 1 are cross-build stages and |
should only contain packages which can be cross-built. So, the stages can be |
used to specify the build order (e.g. stage 3 is built before stage 5) and |
to re-build a package multiple times. |
The 3rd field is used to specify the build order within the stages. It's |
simply text-sorted. |
4.2.2. Download URLs |
-------------------- |
Usually a package must download one or more original source file. This files |
are downloaded using the ./scripts/Download script and stored in the |
directory 'download/<repository-name>/<package-name>/'. |
Every file which should be downloaded has it's own [D] tag in the package |
*.desc file. The [D] tag has three fields: |
[D] 354985877 gcc-2.95.3.tar.gz |
The first field is the checksum for this file. Those checksums are created |
with e.g.: |
./scripts/Download -mk-cksum download/base/gcc2/gcc-2.95.3.tar.bz2 |
If the checksum is simply '0', this means that no checksum has been created so |
far. The script ./scripts/Create-CkSumPatch can be used for creating a patch |
which fills in thos checksums. |
For files which should not have a checksum for one or another reason (e.g. |
because the content on the original site is changing often), a checksum-string |
consisting of only 'X' characters can be used. E.g.: |
[D] XXXXXXXXXX RFCs3001-latest.tar.gz |
The 2nd field is the filename. Files with the postfix *.gz or *.tgz are |
automaticallt converted to *.bz2 or *.tbz2 files by the ./scripts/Download |
script. |
The 3rd parameter is the download URL without the filename part. If the local |
filename differs from the remote filename, the URL must be prefixed with a '!' |
character. E.g.: |
[D] 2447691734 services.txt ! |
The ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion script is also using this [D] tags for checking |
for new package versions. The ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion can also be directly |
configured using the tags [CV-URL], [CV-PAT] and [CV-DEL]. |
4.3. The *.conf files |
===================== |
./scripts/Build-Pkg has a semi-intelligent code for building and installing a |
package. It's the build_this_package() shell function which can be found in |
./scripts/functions. This script is configured using various variables |
which can be set or modified in the *.conf file. A list of those variables |
can be found in the PKG-BUILD-VARS file in this directory. Read the existing |
*.conf files for examples. |
4.3.1. FIXME |
------------ |
4.4. The *.patch files |
====================== |
All *.patch files in the package directory are automatically applied after the |
package source tar file has been extracted. The *.patch.<architecture> patch |
files are only applied when building for the specified architecture. |
4.5. The *.doc files |
==================== |
All *.doc files in the package directory are automatically copied to the |
package documentation directory (e.g. /usr/share/doc/$pkg) without the ".doc" |
postfix. |
4.6. The *.init files |
===================== |
Init scripts are installed using the shell function install_init. This function |
is converting a *.init file into a SysV Init Script. Have a look at |
package/base/devfsd/devfsd.conf and |
package/base/devfsd/devfsd.init |
or |
package/base/sysklogd/sysklogd.conf and |
package/base/sysklogd/sysklogd.init |
for small examples. The conversion from *.init files to SysV Init Scripts is |
done using m4 and the macro file 'package/base/sysvinit/init_macros.m4'. |
5. Targets |
========== |
A ROCK Linux target is a distribution based on ROCK Linux. It can alter the |
package selection, force some special configuration to be used, supply |
additional patches to each package, modify any build aspect of a package and |
more. |
The most important file of a target is the '' file where there |
target needs to register itself via: |
When a target is selected the file '' is evaluated. Here options |
can be forced to be set/unset and new options can be introduced. |
The file is executed for the build of the target. If the target is |
a straight-forward build only the ROCK Linux auto-build-system needs to be |
called: |
pkgloop |
or to also generate some databse files for the install-cd the generic |
||| can be reused: |
. target/generic/ |
A target specific .conf file or patch for a package may be easily be added |
by placing it under the name pkg_$pkg.conf or pkg_$pkg.patch in the target's |
directory. Where $pkg is the name of the respective package. |
Some package mmight have target specifig hooks, like the linux* package use |
a in the target's directory to perform additional config |
work on the kernel's .config file. |
6. Architectures |
================ |
Aside from the fact that each arcitecture needs at least to register itself |
to the ROCK Linux build system, it might provide patches and kernel |
configuartion to work properly. |
The registering works via the file - just like for the targets: |
CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST="$CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST arch_name4 Long_Visible_Name" |
The usual can be used to force options to be set/unset or to |
introduce new options (just like the in several other places). |
The file gcc-options controls additional options passed to GCC. |
The files kernel{$treever,}.conf{m4,sh,} and kernel-disable{treever,}.lsl |
are used to control the options used for the linux kernel build. |
As already mentioned in the explaination of packages, architecture specific |
patches are added to the respective package with a patch.$arch suffix. |
A archtest.out or file should be present to define some constants |
like: |
arch_sizeof_short=2 |
arch_sizeof_int=4 |
arch_sizeof_long=4 |
arch_sizeof_long_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_char_p=4 |
arch_bigendian=yes |
arch_machine=powerpc |
arch_target=powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
The ROCK Linux Patch Guide |
========================== |
In order to make applying patches as efficient as possible, submitted |
patches should be in the format described here. I (and some maintainers |
of subsystems) might be refusing patches if they don't conform to this |
document. |
Please put the string [PATCH] at the beginning of the Mail Subject. It might |
not be seen if the word isn't part of the first few characters, since many |
console mail clients do only show the start of the subject in the mail |
index. |
package updates, etc. it's already enought to test if the package still |
builds fine in a more or less generic configuration. |
1. Patches should be in the the unified- or context-format. We prefer |
unified diffs. It should be possible to apply the patch with the |
command 'patch -p1 < patchfile' in the base directory. |
Patches created with 'cvs diff' or 'svn diff' and simmilar are also ok, |
as long as they are context diffs and can be applied with the the |
misc/archive/ script. |
2. The Patch shouldn't contain any files which are automatically generated |
by ./scripts/Puzzle. |
The script "./scripts/Create-Diff <old-dir> <new-dir>" can be used to |
easily create patches conforming to 1. and 2. |
3. The patch should be against one of the latest development snapshots or |
(even better) the relevant Revision Control System used for the source |
tree. |
4. One patch should solve only one issue. If you have multiple (independent) |
fixes, send multiple patches. |
5. If a patch isn't two-lines self-describing, add a little comment and a |
properly formated CHANGELOG entry at the top of the patch file or the |
mail body. |
6. If you don't get any feedback and the patch doesn't show up in the |
snapshots after a week, resend the patch to the maintainer. |
7. Don't pack your patches to tar-files. That makes it much harder to open |
and read them in a mail-reader. Only compress a patch if it's _really_ big. |
8. Inform the responsible maintainer when you start working on a problem to |
make sure you are not doing duplicate work. |
9. Don't just send me the files you have been added or modified. Send me |
a patch against the ROCK Linux Sources (as described above). |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
The following hooks which may be extended using hook_add() from parse-config |
files are available (see 'man' and 'ccache' parse-config files for examples): |
prepare |
prepatch |
postpatch |
postdoc |
preconf |
premake |
inmake |
postmake |
postflist |
postinstall |
finish |
They always contain an entry for the equally named variable (which has a |
description in PKG-BUILD-VARS) with priority '5'. |
See calls to hook_eval() in Build-Pkg if you want to know when the hooks |
are executed. |
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
Variables used in the package build scripts |
=========================================== |
config ........ Name of the active configuration ($base/config/$config/..) |
extraver ...... version text after the fist whitespace, or $rockver |
rockver ....... ROCK Linux Version (including rel. date for snapshots) |
pkg ........... name of the package we are building |
ver ........... package Version (from *.desc - until first whitespace) |
desc_[A-Z] .... Data from the *.desc file |
id ............ unique ID for this Build-Pkg invocation |
arch .......... architecture (subdir name in architecture) |
target ........ target distribution (subdir name in targets) |
stagelevel .... stagelevel (0-1 = crossbuild, 2-8 = native, 9 = rebuild) |
arch_sizeof_long_long .... arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out |
arch_sizeof_int .......... arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out |
arch_machine ............. arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out |
arch_sizeof_char_p ....... arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out |
arch_sizeof_long ......... arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out |
arch_bigendian ........... arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out |
arch_sizeof_short ........ arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out |
arch_target .............. arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out |
arch_build ............... like 'arch_target' - but for the build host |
archdir ....... directory containing the package tar files (download/..) |
confdir ....... directory containing the package build config (package/..) |
targetdir ..... directory containing the target config (target/...) |
builddir ...... directory in which the package is build (src.$id) |
base .......... ROCK Linux sources base directory |
root .......... root directory (usually '/') |
xroot ......... real root (/ when in chroot mode) |
prefix ........ install prefix (usually '/usr' or '/opt/...') |
prefix_auto ... '1' = you may auto-detect a better value for $prefix in *.conf |
build_log ..... Big build log file ... (Build-Target only) |
build_pkgs .... Packagfiles go here .. (Build-Target only) |
build_root .... Chroot dir name ...... (Build-Target only) |
bindir ........ where the binaries (programs) should be installed |
sbindir ....... where the system binaries should be installed |
libdir ........ where the library files should be installed |
sysconfdir .... where the configuration should be installed (i.e. etc) |
localstatedir . where the variable data should be installed (i.e. var) |
datadir ....... where the arch-indep. data should be installed (i.e. share) |
docdir ........ where the documentation should be installed |
mandir ........ where the info man pages should be installed |
infodir ....... where the info files should be installed |
autoextract ... '0' = skip automatic untar |
autopatch ..... '0' = skip automatic patching |
chownsrcdir ... '0' = don't make a chown to root after extracting the $srctar |
srctar ........ filename of source tar file ('auto' = autodetect) |
srcdir ........ directory in source tar file ('auto' = autodetect) |
xsrctar ....... filename of source tar file after 'auto' has been processed |
xsrcdir ....... directory in source tar file after 'auto' has been processed |
taropt ........ tar options for extracting |
createprefix .. '0' = skip creation for directory skeleton for $prefix |
createdocs .... '0' = skip automatic copying of documentation files |
custmain ...... command to execute instead of 'configure, make, make install' |
mainfunction .. alternate main function instead of build_this_package() |
prepare ....... command to execute before main build-block |
prepatch ...... command to execute before automatic patching |
patchfiles .... list of patchfiles found in $confdir |
postpatch ..... command to execute after automatic patching |
patchopt ...... options passed to the patch program |
preconf ....... command to execute before running configure |
runconf ....... set to '0' if you want to skip running configure |
autogen ....... set to '1' if you want to run the autogen script |
confopt ....... options for GNU autoconf './configure' |
extraconfopt .. options which should be appended to $confopt by set_confopt() |
configprefix .. variable declarations only for GNU autoconf './configure' |
configscript .. script file name of the GNU autoconf configure script |
runxmkmf ...... set to '0' if you want to skip running 'xmkmf' |
runmkpl ....... set to '0' if you want to skip running 'perl Makefile.PL' |
premake ....... command to execute before running 'make' |
makeopt ....... options for 'make' (default = ' ') |
inmake ........ command to execute between 'make' and 'make install' |
makeinstopt ... options for 'make install' (default = 'install') |
postmake ...... command to execute after running 'make install' |
postflist ..... command to execute after creating the flist |
postinstall ... command to execute after finishing all the standard stuff |
finish ........ command to execute after everything else outside build-block |
crossnative ... has the value 'cross' or 'native' |
archprefix .... prefix for binutils and compiler binaries (for cross-building) |
flistdel ...... regex describing files which shouldn't go to package db |
flistrfilter .. regex describing which lines to ignore in flist rlog |
flistroot ..... list of top-level directories which should be used for flist |
check_shared ...... Check for files which are shared with other packages |
check_usrlocal .... Check for files which are installed in usr/local |
check_badfiles .... Check for files which are registered 'bad files' |
BUILDCC ....... C compiler for helper apps (usually that's just 'cc') |
BUILD_CC ...... C compiler for helper apps (must be the same as $BUILDCC) |
HOSTCC ........ C compiler for helper apps (must be the same as $BUILDCC) |
HOST_CC ....... C compiler for helper apps (must be the same as $BUILDCC) |
MAKE .......... make executable name (including -j option according to Config) |
CC ............ C compiler executable name for target architecture |
CXX ........... C++ compiler executable name for target architecture |
STRIP ......... strip executable name for target architecture |
LD ............ ld executable name for target architecture |
AR ............ ar executable name for target architecture |
RANLIB ........ ranlib executable name for target architecture |
AS ............ as executable name for target architecture |
GASP .......... gasp executable name for target architecture |
NM ............ nm executable name for target architecture |
CC_WRAPPER_* ...... configuration for C compiler wrapper |
CXX_WRAPPER_* ..... configuration for C++ compiler wrapper |
KCC_WRAPPER_* ..... configuration for Kernel C compiler wrapper |
F77_WRAPPER_* ..... configuration for Fortran 77 compiler wrapper |
STRIP_WRAPPER_* ... configuration for strip wrapper |
ROCKCFG_* ..... configuration from 'Config' file |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
# Maintained by Rene Rebe <> |
# |
# File Format: |
# - Lines starting with '#' and empty lines are ignored |
# - One line per category, no leading whitespaces |
# - Categories followed by '-> other_cat' is an alias |
# - Categories may be postfixed with a one line description |
# |
# Base package. Only stuff which most people would usually expect to be |
# present on a system should go here. |
# |
# Don't add a package to base/development _and_ extra/development. |
# Stuff like c-compiler, etc. which is required to build most/many packages |
# should go to base/development. Optional stuff (like editors with syntax |
# highlighting) should go to extra/development. |
# |
base/boot |
base/kernel |
base/setup |
base/tool |
base/development |
base/system |
base/library |
base/x11 |
# Application-Programs and Libraries for special tasks go to this categories. |
# This will be most packages. |
# |
extra/archive |
extra/base |
extra/crypto |
extra/configuration |
extra/database |
extra/desktop/gnome |
extra/desktop/kde |
extra/development |
extra/documentation |
extra/editor |
extra/education |
extra/emulator |
extra/filesystem |
extra/font |
extra/game |
extra/icon |
extra/login |
extra/multimedia |
extra/network |
extra/office |
extra/printing |
extra/scientific |
extra/screensaver |
extra/security |
extra/server |
extra/shell |
extra/text |
extra/theme |
extra/tool |
extra/windowmanager |
extra/religion |
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ |
Documentation of the package description tags format. This tags are used in |
the *.desc files. If you want to add additional tags, their names have to start |
with 'X-' (like [X-FOOBAR]). |
Please use the tags in the same order as they are listed in this file. Add |
a blank line wherever a '--' is found here and use the X-* flags after all |
the other tags. "./scripts/Create-DescPatch" can help you here. |
All tags marked with (*) are required. And should be present in every .desc |
file. |
- Clifford and Rene |
---- |
[COPY] |
The ROCK Linux Copyright text (and maybe additional copyright information |
regarding the ROCK Linux package sources). |
-- |
[I] [TITLE] (*) |
A short description of the package. Can be given only once. |
-- |
[T] [TEXT] (*) |
A detailed package description. |
-- |
[U] [URL] |
A URL related to the package. |
Format: [U] Description of foo bar |
can be used more than once. |
-- |
[A] [AUTHOR] (*) |
Format: # [A] Clifford Wolf <> {Core Maintainer} |
The <e-mail> and the {description} are both optional. Can be user more |
than once. |
[M] [MAINTAINER] (*) |
Same format as [A] but contains the maintainer of the ROCK package. |
-- |
[C] [CATEGORY] (*) |
Format: [C] console/administration x11/administration |
A list of possible categories can be found in the file PKG-CATEGORIES. |
[F] [FLAG] |
Format: [F] DIETLIBC |
A list of possible flags can be found in the file PKG-FLAGS. |
Format: [R] + intel |
Format: [R] - sparc powerpc |
Usually a packge is built on all architectures. If you are using [R] |
with '+' the package will only be built for the given architectures. |
If you use it with '-' it will be built for all except the given |
architectures. |
-- |
Format: [E] group compiler |
All dependencies to a package in this group (compiler) will get expanded to |
dependencies to all packages in this group. |
-- |
[L] [LICENSE] (*) |
Format: [L] GPL |
I will add a list of possible values to Documentation/Developers/REGISTER |
[S] [STATUS] (*) |
Format: [S] Stable |
where 'Stable' also can be 'Gamma' (very close to stable), 'Beta' or |
'Alpha' (far away from stable). |
[V] [VER] [VERSION] (*) |
Package version and revision (example: '[V] 2.3 19991204'). |
[P] [PRI] [PRIORITY] (*) |
Format: [P] X --3-----9 010.066 |
The first field specifies if the package should be built on default or |
not (X=on, O=off). The second and third field specify the stages and |
build-order for that package. |
-- |
[CV-URL] |
Format: [CV-URL] |
The URL used by ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion. |
[CV-PAT] |
Format: [CV-PAT] ^libsafe-[0-9] |
The search pattern for ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion. |
[CV-DEL] |
Format: [CV-DEL] \.(tgz|tar.gz)$ |
The delete pattern for ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion. |
-- |
[O] [CONF] |
Format: [O] srcdir="$pkg-src-$ver" |
The given text will be evaluated as if it would be at the top of the |
package *.conf file. |
-- |
Download a file. (example: '[D] cksum foo.tar.bz2') |
The cksum can be initially 0. |
-- |
Format: [SRC] tarball1 tarball2 |
This will enable build_this_package to build the content of more than |
one tarball. |
NOTE: do not put the extension of the tarballs (e.g. tar.gz) into this |
tag, as it will be autodetected. |
NOTE2: a pattern to match the needed tarball should be enough. |
(example: |
> [D] cksum mypkg-version1.tar.gz http://some.url.tld |
> [D] cksum mypkg-gfx-version2.tbz2 http://some.url.tld |
> [D] cksum mypkg-data-version3.tar.bz2 http://some.url.tld |
> [SRC] mypkg-version1 gfx |
This would run the whole build cycle with mypkg-version1.tar.bz2 and |
mypkg-gfx-version2.tbz2 but not with mypkg-data-version3.tar.bz2. |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
# Maintained by Clifford Wolf <> |
# |
# File Format: |
# - Lines starting with '#' and empty lines are ignored |
# - One line per flag, no leading whitespaces |
# - Flags are followed by a tab and a short description |
DIETLIBC Packages which can be linked with dietlibc |
JAIL Packages which can be jailed (see misc/jailing/...) |
CC A C compiler (the package is using ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_CC) |
CXX A C++ compiler (the package is using ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_CXX) |
F77 A Fortran compiler (the package is using ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_F77) |
KCC A C compiler for building the kernel (ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_KCC) |
KERNEL A OS kernel package |
MTA Package is an MTAs and is using install_setmailer() |
PRINTER Printing System and is using install_setprinter() |
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
The ROCK Linux coding policy |
Hello, |
So you decided to help us with developing ROCK Linux? That's great! First you |
should read this file carefully and than you should contact me per e-mail |
( and tell me what you like to do or ask for open tasks. |
happy hacking, |
- Clifford ( |
----- |
** ROCK Linux Philosophy |
1. Keep it small and simple |
ROCK Linux follows the KISS (keep it small and simple) concept. The most |
packages are used as they are (without tons of patches). It contains |
only packages which are used by most users. Packages which are normally |
compiled by the user/admin are only included as source code and not as binary |
package (e.g. Apache). |
2. Packages sharing files |
One file must be in exactly one package. It's not possible that two |
packages share one file. If a package likes to install a file which is |
already there because of another package, you need to patch the make file |
or installation script or use the flistdel variable. |
A few files are not owned by any package. These are e.g. /etc/ |
or usr/share/info/dir. These files are re-generated by the /etc/cron.d/* |
scripts (invoked by /usr/sbin/ |
3. Package installation scripts |
There are no scripts which can be started after the package has been |
installed. This has a simple reason: what ever such a script could do |
which can't be done by the build scripts would break rule 1. |
4. Patches |
A patch should always be submitted to the package maintainer if it could |
be useful to the rest of the world - a bug should always be reported to the |
package maintainer, if possible. |
It's useless to fix a bug only for ROCK Linux and not letting the rest |
of the community profit from the patch ... |
5. System start up |
A service/daemon should be only started on default if it's absolute |
necessary. A fresh installed system should not open any network port or |
configure a network interface. If the administrator needs it, he/she will |
enable it! |
6. Less packages |
Don't split a package into subpackages everyone would install either none or |
all of them. Don't mark a package as to be installed on default if a |
standard server wouldn't need it. There will be no package included into |
ROCK Linux that would only be used by a small number of users. |
7. Be Terminal-Friendly |
Don't make lines longer than 80 characters - if possible. 75 characters is |
a good value. Also don't use upper-case letters or any special-characters in |
package names. That's confusing people. |
** Package Checklist |
- puzzle.pz - Download and Build record(s) |
- <pkg>.conf / default.conf - Build instructions |
- <pkg>.desc / default.desc - Package description |
- devlevel.txt - Should be equal to $devlv |
- Is the Documentation installed at the right place |
- Check the resulting file list (FHS, shares, temp-files, ...) |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
Reserved User and Group IDs: |
---------------------------- |
- uucp users: - uucp groups: |
uucp 14 uucp 14 |
- hardware access groups: |
video 16 |
sound 17 |
- sendmail users: - sendmail groups: |
smmsp 18 smmsp 18 |
- sshd users: - sshd groups: |
sshd 19 sshd 19 |
- qmail users: - qmail groups |
alias 20 nofiles 20 |
qmaild 21 qmail 21 |
qmaill 22 |
qmailp 23 |
qmailq 24 |
qmailr 25 |
qmails 26 |
- nullmailer users: |
nullmailer 38 |
- mysql users: - mysql groups: |
mysql 39 mysql 39 |
- oracle users: - oracle groups: |
oracle 40 oracle 40 |
dba 41 dba 41 |
- clamav user: - clamav group: |
clamav 54 clamav 54 |
- dansguardian user: - dansguardian group: |
dansguardian 56 dansguardian 56 |
- gopher user: - gopher group: |
gopher 70 gopher 70 |
- sfs user: - sfs group: |
sfs 71 sfs 71 |
- httpd user: - httpd group: |
http 80 http 80 |
Free IDs: 27-37,42-53,55,57-69,72-79 |
Licence Names (for package description): |
---------------------------------------- |
Unknown The Licence of this package isn't known |
GPL The GNU General Public Licence |
LGPL The GNU Library General Public Licence |
FDL The GNU Free Documentation License |
MPL The Mozilla Public Licence |
MIT The MIT License |
BSD The BSD Licence |
OpenSource Any other Open Source licence |
Free-to-use Any other non Open Source (but free to use) licence |
Commercial Any other non Open Source (commercial) licence |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
Policy for Stable Tree Maintainance |
=================================== |
The Stable Tree Project has three defined goals: |
1. Fixing bugs and security issues |
2. Updating packages to newer versions |
3. Creation of reference build binaries |
The set of changes in the stable tree should be kept to an absolute minimum. |
There is one single maintainer for the ROCK Linux Stable tree. Nobody else |
may write to the source tree, but everybody is free to send patches to the |
maintainer. |
1. Fixing bugs and security issues |
---------------------------------- |
Whenever there is a security problem reported, the required updates or |
bug-fixes should be performed in the stable tree and an advisory should be |
send to the mailing list. |
Bugfixes should be applied unless fixing the bug would introduce more new |
troubles than it solves (e.g. requires redesignes of core build scripts). In |
this case, it should be considered to drop the feature or marking it as |
broken instead of fixing it. |
2. Updating packages to newer versions |
-------------------------------------- |
Package updates should be performed unless the newer vrsion of a package |
introduces new problems or brakes compatibility with the old package and so |
would require rebuilding a large part of the system. |
3. Creation of reference build binaries |
--------------------------------------- |
The stable tree maintainer is responsible for creating and distributing |
ISOs of an un-optimized x86 reference build and also creates and distributes |
update gem packages for updated packages. That includes maintaining an |
ftp or http archive with the ISO images and the GEM package files. |
A. Release and Sourcecode Management |
------------------------------------ |
The source-code must be available via an open-source versioning-system like |
cvs or subversion and via ftp or http. |
Major releases should be done after important security of bug-fixes. |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
ROCK Linux Todos and Ideas: |
- Add Targets: ROCK Router Linux, Benchmark/HW-Tester |
- Something like a watchdog-timer for stalled package builds |
- lcd (lcdproc) support in build- and init-scripts (status messages) |
- install-disks: support multiple keyboards |
- Write ROCK Linux Hacking HowTo (writing packages and targets) |
- Fix -fstack-protector for glibc (currently it's simply disabled) |
- Append full version number and architecture to GEM packages |
- Add an FHS-checker to 00-dirtree (using 'postinstall' hook) |
- lcap has a broken URL and seams to be disapared from the net. |
- refactor the architecture boot code from the bootdisk to the |
architecture subdir - so the mulitple targets can utilize the |
code |
- dietlibc target problems and ideas |
- net-tools related problems |
- fix fddi support |
- fix ipv6 support |
- add strptime support to dietlibc so that tune2fs and some |
other programms compile fully and correctly |
- ask for locale support in dietlibc so that for example cal |
compiles (there surely are others) ;-) (cal currently compiles |
due to a bad hack from Olaf) |
- find out why "Plan A" of patch does not work on dietlibc (-x 16 |
switch for patch in scripts/Create-Pkg) |
- add perl to the target. textutils needs it :-/ |
- reanable man generation in textutils |
- the gcc version compiled with dietlibc has problems with the |
-pipe option. When you use this option then you get linker errors. |
It is a very strange problem because it is not always there. |
Sometimes the compile succeeds. The errors you get are also mostly |
random. I hope I will find the source of the problem. (Esden) |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
____ ___ ___ _ __ _ |
| _ \ / _ \ / __| |/ / | | _ _ __ _ _ _ _ |
| . _/| | | | | | '_/ | | |_| '_ \| | | | \/ | |
| |\ \| |_| | |__| . \ | |__| | | | | `_' |> < |
|_| \_\ ___/ \___|_|\_\ |____|_|_| |_|\___/|_/\_| |
[============> <============] |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
* * |
* ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf * |
* * |
* Read the file 'COPYING' for licensing details. * |
* * |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
Read if you don't know what ROCK Linux is. |
The following documentation on building ROCK Linux can be found here: |
Documentation/BUILD A Guide to Building ROCK Linux |
Documentation/BUILD-CROSS Cross-Building ROCK Linux |
Documentation/BUILD-CLUSTER Building ROCK Linux on a cluster |
BUILD-DIETLIBC-TARGET Buildinf a dietlibc based ROCK Linux |
If you want to extend ROCK Linux (add your own packages, targets or |
architectures) or just want to know how it all works, read: |
Documentation/Developers/HACKING-HOWTO |
To read the documentation available for ROCK Linux in other languages than |
english, you can can select your language in: |
Documentation/i18n/ |
There are some ROCK Linux Mailinglists. You can subscribe to the main ROCK |
Linux List by sending an e-mail with the subject "subscribe rock-linux" |
to <>. You can unsubscribe by sending an e-mail |
with the subject "unsubscribe rock-linux" to the same address. The lists |
address is A mailing list archive can be found at: |
||| |
Please don't send questions or bug-reports directly to one of the |
maintaners unless you have a really good reason for. |
We also have a channel on the Open Projects IRC Network. The channels name |
is #rocklinux. There are also IRC Logs and IRC Stats available online at: |
||| and |
||| |
If you want a more human introduction to ROCK Linux, please visit |
||| |
- Clifford Wolf <> |
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ |
N: The Name (real or pseudonym) |
E: The persons E-Mail address |
W: Webpages or other URLs |
F: Whatever the person is doing in the project |
--- |
The ROCK Linux Core Group |
========================= |
N: Clifford Wolf |
E: |
W: |
F: Team Leader, Core-Scripts and Base Distribution (development tree) |
F: PowerPC Port, Alpha Port, Router Target, Webpage |
N: Rene Rebe |
E: |
W: |
F: 2.0 Stable Tree |
F: Desktop Target (dRock), SPARC Port, PowerPC Port |
F: X11 + GNOME + KDE |
N: Piotr Esden-Tempski |
E: |
F: Alpha Port maintainer, Dietlibc Target maintainer, ROCK Linux Polish |
N: Jocelyn Yeo |
E: |
F: Public Relations |
N: Alejandro Mery Pellegrini |
E: |
F: Package maintainer, Issue fixing |
N: Alessandro Ferrari |
E: |
F: Jailing maintainer, Package maintainer |
N: Sebastian Jaenicke |
E: |
W: |
F: Package maintainer, Beta testing |
N: Miguel Bolanos |
E: |
F: ROCK Linux Guide Spanish, Public Relations, Documentation |
F: Router Subdist, Webpage (spanish), ROCK Linux Spanish |
N: Dimitar Zhekov |
E: |
W: |
F: Package maintainer, Beta testing |
N: Stefan Paletta |
E: |
F: tester, tinker, bum |
F: work on i18n dedicated to Isabella O. |
N: Andreas Huebner |
E: |
F: 1.6 Stable Tree |
N: Chris Hamilton |
E: |
F: MPP (Clustering) Project |
F: Package Management Project |
N: Stefan "Ripclaw" Koerner |
E: |
W: |
F: SPARC Port |
N: Matthias Langhammer |
E: |
N: Kent Skaar |
E: |
N: Pjotr Prins |
E: |
W: |
F: ROCK Linux Guide, Example Configurations Project, Sourceforge |
N: Dag Bakke |
E: |
F: Documentation |
N: Jeffrey Thompson |
E: |
N: Jos Visser |
E: |
F: Rock Solid Credit Card Project |
N: Martin Sieper |
E: |
W: |
N: Drew Metz |
E: forward to <> |
F: Beta Testing, Documentation |
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ |
Compilando ROCK Linux sobre un cluster |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1. Cosas básicas |
================ |
Asumiremos que has leido el fichero BUILD y que sabes como realizar una |
compilación 'normal' de ROCK Linux. También asumiremos que sabes como usar un |
cluster en linux (si estas leyendo esto, tendrás uno). Ahora voi a explicar como |
compilar ROCK Linux sobre un cluster. Las técnicas aquí descritas pueden también |
ser utilizadas para compilar ROCK Linux sobre una máquina SMP para obtener el |
mejor rendimiento de todas las CPUs. |
ROCK Linux puede ser compilado sobre un cluster simple de estaciones de trabajo |
conectadas por medio de una LAN normal (ethernet, etc). No es necessaria una |
baja latencia o un gran ancho de banda en la red para construir ROCK Linux en |
un cluster con buen rendimiento. |
ROCK Linux tiene su propio programador (scheduler) para distribuir trabajos |
sobre los nodos del cluster. Pero puedes usar cualquier programador de trabajos |
que tengas actualmente instalado en tu cluster para hacer realizar esta tarea. |
Cuando se compila ROCK Linux en modo paralelo (cluster), los scripts de |
compilación deciden basandose en las dependencias entre paquetes, que paquetes |
deberán de ser compilados en paralelo y lo hara en paralelo (en lugar de hacerlo |
en serie, que es el comportamiento por defecto). |
Para construir ROCK Linux tienes que ser siempre administrador. Esto no cambia |
cuando estas compilandolo sobre un cluster. La opción 'Abort when a |
package-build fails' no esta disponible al realizar una compilación en paralelo |
(cluster). |
2. La ley de Amdahl |
=================== |
En un famoso escrito Amdahl observó que hay que considerar una aplicación entera |
cuando se considera el nivel de paralelismo disponible. Si un único 1% del |
paralelismo de un proceso falla, entonces no importa el paralelismo disponible |
para el resto, el problema nunca podrá ser resuelto mucho más rápido que unas 100 |
veces de si se tratara de modo secuencial. |
Cada paquete en ROCK Linux depende de al menos unos pocos paquetes básicos como |
la librería estándar de C, el compilador de C o la shell. Así que no será posible |
hacer uso de la potencia del cluster durante las primeras fases de la compilación |
, durante las cuales se crearán esos paquetes básicos. Más tarde, durante la |
compilación, habrá siempre algunos paquetes que podrán ser compilados en |
paralelo (es común que sean unos 100 paquetes, después de que los básicos hayan |
sido construidos). |
La herramienta './scripts/Create-ParaSim' puede ser usada para simular una |
compilación en paralelo. Sólo configura tu compilación y entonces ejecuta |
'./scripts/Create-ParaSim'. La salida es un gráfico que muestra cuántos trabajos |
en paralelo hay disponibles para la compilación y en que fase de la misma. Es |
algo como esto: |
----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
181 | ::::. | |
| .:::::::. | |
P | .:::::::::::::: | |
a | .::::::::::::::::. | |
r | :::::::::::::::::::::. | |
a | ..::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
l | . .. ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
l | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
e | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
l | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
| .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
J | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
o | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
b | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
s | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
| :.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | |
1 |...::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.| |
----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| 1 Number of Jobs build so far 424 | |
El gráfico muestra en el eje vertical el número de trabajos ejecutándose en |
paralelo, y en su eje horizontal el número de paquetes construidos. |
Como se puede ver durante las primeras fases de la compilación, no se logra un |
paralelismo muy óptimo, pero pronto alcanza un estado donde cerca de 100 |
trabajos(compilaciones de paquetes) pueden ser realizados al mismo tiempo. |
Que disminuya el número de procesos ejecutados en paralelo en el lado derecho |
del gráfico es normal. Por ejemplo, cuando se han compilado 400 de 424 |
paquetes, sólo quedan 24 paquetes por compilar, con lo que es imposible tener |
100 trabajos ejecutándose en paralelo. |
Ten en cuenta que el eje de las X es el número de paquetes compilados, y no el |
tiempo. Por lo que el gráfico muestra información acerca del nivel de |
paralelismo que es posible alcanzar con tu configuración en general, pero no |
provee números exactos de cuanto más rápido sería por ejemplo en un cluster de |
16 nodos. |
Puedes pasar la opción '-jobs N' al script './scripts/Create-ParaSim' para |
obtener una simulación de la compilación en un cluster de N nodos. El script |
asume que los nodos del cluster son tan rápidos como el sistema que ha hecho |
la compilación de referencia. Si los nodos de tu cluster son, por ejemplo, un |
20% más rápidos, la compilación será completada un 20% más rápido de lo que |
indica el status. Puedes incluso comparar compilaciones - por ejemplo "-jobs |
1,2,8" compararía una compilación en un nodo simple normal con una en un |
cluster de 2 nodos y una en uno de 8 nodos: |
-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
8 | : ::: | |
| :. ::::. | |
| ..:: ::::: | |
| ::::..:::::. | |
1 |:::::::::::::::::: | |
-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
2 | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
| :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
|.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
1 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | |
-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
1 |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
1 |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |
-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
Jobs | 00:00 Time 14:41 | |
Si tienes instalado 'gnuplot' y activa $DISPLAY, puedes también pasar la |
opción '-x11' a './scripts/Create-ParaSim', de esta forma usará el programa |
'gnuplot' para mostrar los resultados. Una captura de pantalla del modo |
'-x11' de './scripts/Create-ParaSim' puede encontrarse en |
||| |
3.Preparando el maestro |
======================= |
Estrae los fuentes de ROCK Linux en algún lugar y exporta éste directorio |
como lectura y escritura a todos los nodos usando NFS. En muchos casos |
habrá listo un directorio en tu cluster que es compartido entre todos los |
nodos (por ejemplo /home). Asumiré el directorio /home/rock-master en este |
documento. |
Configura tu compilación de forma normal. Activa la opción en la |
configuración 'Make a parallel (cluster) build'. La opción 'Maximun size |
of job queue' debería de tener un valor tan alto como el máximo número de |
trabajos que serán compilados en el cluster. Pon esta opción a '0' |
(ilimitado) cuando compiles en un cluster grande. |
La opción 'Command for adding jobs' será explicada en la sección 6 |
(compilando con un programador de trabajos externo) y puede ser dejada en |
blanco si estás usando el programador de trabajos incluido. |
También podría ser que quieras activar la opción 'Always clean up src dirs |
(even on pjg fail)' para que los discos locales de los nodos de tu cluster no |
se llenen con los directorios de fuentes de los paquetes fallidos. |
Descarga los fuentes requeridos de forma normal (si no los tienes descargados |
aún). |
4.Preparando los nodos |
====================== |
Los pasos siguientes han de ser realizados en cada nodo. Si posees varios en |
tu cluster podrías querer usar 'prsh' ( |
para realizarlos en todos los nodos. |
Necesitas crear un directorio local para la compilación en cada nodo del |
cluster (compilar los paquetes a través de un recurso NFS podría disminuir |
bastante el rendimiento). En algunos casos habrá ya un directorio para esto |
(por ejemplo /scratch). Asumiré que el directorio es /scratch/rock-node en |
este documento. |
Prepara el directorio /scratch/rock-node usando los comandos: |
# mkdir -p /scratch/rock-node |
# cd /home/rock-master |
# ./scripts/Create-Links -config -build /scratch/rock-node |
Ahora tu cluster está listo para compilar ROCK Linux. |
5. Compilando con el programador de trabajos incluido |
===================================================== |
Ejecuta './scripts/Build-Target' en el directorio /home/rock-master del |
maestro. En lugar de compilar los paquetes, el maestro creará una cola de |
trabajos y añadirá esos paquetes a la cola, que podrá ser compilada después. |
Ejecuta './scripts/Build-Job -daemon' en el directorio /scratch/rock-node de |
los nodos. Nuevamente, quizás quieras usar 'prsh' para hacerlo en todos los |
nodos. Si deseas compilar múltiples paquetes en paralelo en un nodo del |
cluster (por ejemplo por que tiene 2 CPUs), necesitas ejcutar |
'./scripts/Build-Job -daemon' tantas veces como procesos quieras correr en |
el mismo nodo a la vez. |
"Build-Target", ejecutado en el maestro te mostrará que esta haciendo. |
Puedes ver el estado actual de tu compilación en cada consola con la |
herramienta './scripts/Create-ParaStatus'. La salida del scripts es similar |
a esta: |
18:41 2002-05-08: --- current status --- |
Build-Job (daemon mode) running on node01 with PID 18452 |
Build-Job (daemon mode) running on node02 with PID 18665 |
Build-Job (daemon mode) running on node03 with PID 19618 |
Job 3-kdenetwork node02 (18665) since 18:32 2002-5-08 |
Job 3-kdeutils node03 (19618) since 18:41 2002-5-08 |
Job 3-kdevelop node01 (18452) since 18:30 2002-5-08 |
Job 3-kdebindings waiting in the job queue (priority 2) |
Job 3-kdeadmin waiting in the job queue (priority 1) |
Job 3-kde-i18n-fr waiting in the job queue (priority 1) |
Job 3-kde-i18n-es waiting in the job queue (priority 1) |
Job 3-kde-i18n-de waiting in the job queue (priority 1) |
Job 3-kdeartwork waiting in the job queue (priority 0) |
Job 3-kdeaddons waiting in the job queue (priority 0) |
18:41 2002-05-08: ---------------------- |
"Build-Job -daemon", ejecutado en los nodos, se clona en segundo plano y sólo |
imprime una linea de mensaje conteniendo el nombre del fichero del log que |
contiene la salida del script. Este log esta en el directorio build/, el cual |
es compartido entre todos los nodos por lo que puedes ver todos los logs desde |
el nodo maestro. |
6. Compilando con un programador externo |
======================================== |
Digamos que el comando para añadir trabajos en tu programador de trabajos es |
'addjob', y que sólo tiene un parámetro, el comando a ejecutar. Deberías de |
activar la opción de configuración 'Command for adding jobs' al valor |
addjob 'cd /scratch/rock-node ; {}' |
Los carácteres {} serán automáticamente reemplazados por la invocación de |
Build-Job para el paquete en compilación, y siempre tiene la forma: |
./scripts/Build-Job -cfg <config-name> <stagelevel>-<package-name> |
Así que si quieres añadir algo de inteligencia al programador de trabajos (por |
ejemplo compilar paquetes largos en un nodo más rápido) puedes pasar {} a otro |
script, estando el nombre del comando en $*, el nombre de la configuración en |
$3 y el nivel del stage y el nombre de paquete en $4. |
Si no pueden ser ejecutados todos los trabajos, el programador de trabajos |
debería de escoger los paquetes que hayan sido requeridos primero, esto es |
importante para asegurarse que siempre sea posible que múltiples paquetes |
puedan ser compilados en paralelos. |
Ten en cuenta que './scripts/Build-Job -daemon' no funciona si la opción de |
configuración 'Command for adding jobs' está activa. El script |
'./scripts/Create-ParaStatus' funcinará de forma normal. |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
Compilación Cruzada de ROCK Linux |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1. Compilacion cruzada de ROCK Linux en si mismo (la distribución) |
================================================================== |
La compilación cruzada de ROCK Linux desde una arquitectura a otra es sencilla. |
Únicamente sigue los pasos descritos en el fichero Documentation/BUILD y |
asegurate de haber seleccionado la opción en la configuración 'This is a |
cross-build between architectures'. |
Ahora, cuando ejecutes './scripts/Build-Target', primero se creará un compilador |
cruzado y después se realizará una compilación cruzada de una distribución ROCK |
Linux mínima. Esta compilación mínima contiene todo lo necesario para un sistema |
completo con línea de comandos incluyendo proceso init, shell, etc., pero sin |
incluir un núcleo Linux. |
Puedes instalar este sistema ROCK Linux compilado en cruzado sobre la |
arquitectura destino y realizar una recompilación completa de ROCK Linux en ella |
si necesitas los paquetes más avanzados (como X11). |
Ten en cuenta que no todos los destinos pueden ser compilados de forma cruzada |
sin dar errores, pero el objetivo 'generic' debería de hacerlo sin problemas. |
2. Compilando el núcleo de forma cruzada |
======================================== |
Primero extrae los fuentes del núcleo en algún lugar. No compiles el núcleo en |
/usr/src/linux - esto podría destrozar los ficheros de cabecera del sistema! |
Vete al directorio de los fuentes del núcleo de linux que extrajiste. |
Antes de que podamos continuar con la compilación, debemos de decirle al sistema |
donde está instalado el compilador cruzado que construimos con |
'./scripts/Build-Target'. Este esta en el directorio base de ROCK Linux, bajo |
build/<config-id>/tools/crosscc. Así que debemos extender la variable de |
entrono PATH con esa ruta, usando un comando como este, ejemplo para PowerPC: |
export PATH="/rock-linux/build/powerpc-1.7.0-DEV-powerpc-cross-generic/tools/crosscc:$PATH" |
También necesitamos indicarle al núcleo el compilador cruzado que usaremos y la |
arquitectura. Añade en el Makefile las variables ARCH y CROSS_COMPILE. Por |
ejemplo para PowerPC: |
ARCH = ppc |
CROSS_COMPILE = powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu- |
Ahora ya puedes configurar y compilar el núcleo normalmente usando "make |
menuconfig" y "make vmlinux" (o "make bzImage"). |
3. Instalando los resultados |
============================ |
Este paso es el más complicado y quizas sea dificultoso para algunas |
arquitecturas. Necesitas exportar el sistema en build/<config-id>/root usando |
NFS y arrancar el núcleo compilado cruzado sobre la arquitectura destino por |
medio de nfs-root. |
Digamos que queremos instalar nuestra compilacion cruzada desde PowerPC sobre |
un RS/6000 con OpenFirmware. En ese caso necesitaremos copiar la imagen del |
núcleo a un disco floppy y arrancar el núcleo con el comando de Openfirmware: |
boot floppy:,zImage.prep root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=/ppc-nfs-root \ |
ip= |
Asumiendo que el servidor NFS tiene la dirección ip, el cliente |
debería de usar la ip y el directorio exportado es "/ppc-nfs-root". |
Lee el fichero Documentation/nfsroot.txt en los fuentes del núcleo de linux para |
más detalles. |
Ahora puedes usar los comandos normales de Linux para crear un sistema de |
ficheros sobre una particion local y copiar todos los datos del sistema. |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
Dietlibc-target |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Índice |
~~~~~~ |
1) Prefacio |
2) ¿Qué es dietlibc? |
3) Preparación para la compilación |
4) Compilación |
1) Prefacio |
~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Hola, éste es un pequeño COMO compilar el target dietlibc. Espero que llegue el |
día en que ya no haga falta por que el target sea algo evidente. Actualmente es |
más bien un boceto de howto, pero ¿a quién le importa? es mejor que nada, |
¿cierto? |
Algunas cosas muy internas se encuentran en Documentation/Developers/TODO. Hay |
también problemas actuales y bugs, así que aunque no seas un desarrollador |
probáblemente quieras leerlo. |
El target es actuálmente experimental, como el arbol 1.7 entero. Así que se |
cuidadoso por que puede matar tu mascota, poner a tu madre furiosa, quitarte el |
sueño o simplemente no funcionar o compilar. |
2) Qué es dietlibc |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Dietlibc es una pequeña alternativa para libc. Al contrario que libc, no esta |
tan hinchado y es muy util para sistemas embebidos o discos de instalación, |
donde el espacio de disco es algo caro. |
Dietlibc está aún bajo un intenso desarrollo. Hay varios bugs que deberían de |
ser arreglados. Pero es lo suficiente funcional para intentar compilar un |
sistema basado completamente en dietlibc. (Alguien ha de empezar con ello ;-) ) |
Pondremos a funcionar a este pequeñín ayudando a los desarrolladores de |
dietlibc a encontrar bugs en su criatura ;-). |
3) Preparando la compilación |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Tienes que instalar dietlibc. Puedes usar los fuentes que han sido descargados |
por rocklinux (puedes encontralos en download/base/dietlibc/dietlibc-$ver.tar.bz2) |
o conseguirlos desde |
El próximo paso es reemplazar el comando cc con un script que arranque gcc con |
un emvoltorio diet preañadido. Para hacer esto ejecutaremos estos comandos: |
# mv /usr/bin/cc /usr/bin/cc.bak |
# vi /usr/bin/cc |
E insertaremos el siguiente código en el fichero: |
#!/bin/sh |
exex diet gcc "$@" |
Entonces debes cambiar los permisos del script: |
# chmod +x /usr/bin/cc |
Eso es todo lo que necesitas hacer para empezar con el proceso de |
compilación del target dietlibc. |
4) Compilación |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Haz lo mismo que está descrito en Documentation/Build seleccionando el |
target dietlibc en scripts/Config. |
Por favor desactiva la opción "Create cache files after packages have |
been built" en la sección expert de scripts/Config. Por lo que se no |
funciona. |
Eso debería de ser todo. |
Envía comentarios a la lista de correo de rocklinux ( |
y/o a mi directamente ( |
(C) 2002 by Piotr Esden-Tempski ( |
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
Compilando ROCK Linux |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1. Requerimientos |
================= |
Para compilar ROCK Linux necesitas una buena conexión a internet para descargar |
los fuentes, bastante espacio en disco, un ordenador rápido y algo de tiempo. |
Dependiento de la configuración que escogas y de tu hardware, la compilación de |
ROCK Linux puede tomar algunos días hasta completarse. También necesitas |
permisos de administrador para construir ROCK Linux. |
La distribución sobre la que compilas ROCK Linux debería de ser una ROCK Linux. |
También es posible compilar ROCK Linux sobre otra distribución, pero no esperes |
lograrlo sin algo de hacking ... |
2. Estrayendo los fuentes |
========================= |
Descarga el código fuente de ROCK Linux (un fichero tar.bz2 de unos pocos MB) |
desde y extráelo en cualquier lugar como root. El directorío |
obtenido es el directorio 'base' de ROCK Linux. |
3. Configura la compilación |
=========================== |
Teclea './scripts/Config' y un menú de configuración aparecerá. Escoge tu |
configuración (o simplemente deja los valores por defecto sin tocar). Necesitas |
arrancar la herramienta de configuración incluso aunque no quieras cambiar |
nada. |
Es posible tener múltiples configuraciones. Usa el comando './scripts/Config |
-cfg nombre_config' (donde nombre_config puede ser cualquier texto que no |
contenga espacios en blanco ni carácteres especiales). Si has escogido un nombre |
para tu configuración, necesitas pasar la opción '-cfg nombre_config' como |
primer parámetro también al resto de scripts - para que puedan saber que |
configuración leer. |
El nombre de configuración por defecto (cuando no se pasa la opción -cfg) es |
'default'. La configuración es almacenada en el directorio |
'config/nombre_config'. |
4. Descargando los fuentes de los paquetes |
========================================== |
Ahora necesitas descargar los fuentes para compilar los paquetes que escogiste |
en la configuración. Sólo escribe './scripts/Download -required'. |
Si quieres descargar los fuentes para todos los paquetes (a pesar de que no sean |
necesarios para tu configuración), escribe './scripts/Download -all'. |
5. Compilando la distribución |
============================= |
Teclea './scripts/Build-Target'. Como se mencionó antes, esto puede tomar varios |
días hasta completar la compilación. |
La distribución resultante es almacenada en el directorio build/. |
6. Creando imágenes de CD |
========================= |
Para crear una imagen de CD desde la que instalar, puedes usar |
'./scripts/Create-ISO'. Create-ISO toma al menos un argumento: el nombre de la |
configuración que compilaste (generalmente 'default' o cualquiera que escogieras |
después de la opción -cfg). |
Opcionalmente puedes usar la opción -size <MB> para especificar el tamaño de |
tus discos CD-R. |
Otro parámetro opcional es -mkdebug, el cual creara una configuración WMWare |
para ser usada con la nueva imagen creada. |
La imagen no será, sin embargo, arrancable, a menos que configurases y |
compilases un 'bootdisk'. Esta configuración ha de ser la primera configuración |
en ser pasada a './scripts/Create-ISO'. |
Así, una llamada al comando podría parecerse a esto: |
# ./scripts/Create-ISO -size 700 -mkdebug bootdisk athlon pentium4 generic |
Esto creará un conjunto de imagenes de CDs, las cuales serán como mucho de 700 |
MB de tamaño, el primer CD debería de ser arrancable y el resto contendrá las |
compilaciones 'athlon', 'pentium4' y 'generic'. |
Como ves, es perfectamente posible tener varias optimizaciones o diferentes |
compilaciones en un mismo conjunto de CDs. De esta forma sólo necesitarias un |
conjunto de CDs para instalar diferentes máquinas. |
Si posees una grabadora de DVD, podrías pasar el argumento '-size 4300' y |
escribir la imagen en un DVD. Deberían de coger aproximandamente 5 o 6 |
compilaciones en un solo DVD. |
7. Limpiando el arbol de fuentes |
================================ |
Símplemente escribe './scripts/Cleanup' para borrar los directorios src*. NO LOS |
BORRES DE FORMA MANUAL!. Estos directorios quizás contengan montajes unidos al |
resto del arbol de fuentes y es posible que vayas a borrar todo en el directorio |
base de ROCK Linux is haces un simple 'rm -rf' para borrarlo ... |
Teclea './scripts/Cleanup --full' para borrar también el directorio build/. |
@ -0,0 +1,964 @@ |
Hacking ROCK Linux COMO |
=========================== |
Escrito por Clifford Wolf |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
El diccionario Jargon define a un "Hacker" como: |
# hacker n. |
# |
# [originalmente, alguien que construye muebles con un hacha] |
# 1. Persona a la cúal le divierte explorar los detalles de sistemas |
# programables y como apurar sus capacidades, al contrario que la |
# mayoria de los usuarios, los cuales prefieren aprender sólo lo |
# mínimo necesario. 2. Alguien que programa entusiasmádamente (incluso |
# obsesivamente) o a quién le divierte más la programación que la |
# teoría acerca de ella. 3. Persona capaz de apreciar un valores de |
# hacker. 4. Persona que es buena programando rápidamente. 5. Un |
# experto en un programa particular, o alguien que frecuéntemente |
# realiza el trabajo usándolo, o sobre él. como en 'hacker de Unix'. |
# (Las definiciones de la 1 a la 5 son coorelativas, y las personas |
# que encajan en ellas se congregan.) 6. Un experto o entusiasta de |
# algo. Uno podría ser un hacker de la astronomía por ejemplo. 7. |
# Alguien a quién divierte el reto intelectual de superar o rodear las |
# limitaciones de forma creativa. 8. [desaprobado] Un intruso malicioso |
# que intenta descubrir información delicada fisgoneando. De ahí |
# `hacker de passwords', `hacker de redes'. El término correcto para |
# este sentido es cracker. |
Por lo tanto este "ROCK Linux Hacking COMO" no tiene nada que ver con |
seguridad de máquinas o de redes. |
Índice |
====== |
0. Prefacio |
1. Arbol de directorio de ROCK Linux. |
1.1. Documentation/ |
1.2. scripts/ |
1.3. package/ |
1.3.1. package/base/ |
1.3.2. package/x11/ |
1.3.3. package/<architecture>/ |
1.3.4. package/<person>/ |
1.4. misc/ |
1.5. target/ |
1.6. architecture/ |
1.7. download/ |
1.8. src*/ and build/ |
1.9. config/* |
2. Build- y otros scripts |
2.1. ./scripts/Config |
2.2. ./scripts/Download |
2.3. Scripts para construir lo necesario |
2.3.1. ./scripts/Build-Target |
2.3.2. ./scripts/Build-Pkg |
2.3.3. ./scripts/Build-TarBz2 |
2.3.4. ./scripts/Build-Tools |
2.3.5. ./scripts/Build-CrossCC |
2.3.6. ./scripts/Build-Job |
2.4. Varias pequeñas ayudas |
2.4.1. ./scripts/Cleanup |
2.4.2. ./scripts/Create-Links |
2.4.3. ./scripts/Create-PkgList |
2.4.4. ./scripts/Create-PkgQueue |
2.4.5. ./scripts/Create-SrcTar |
2.4.6. ./scripts/Create-Diff |
2.4.7. ./scripts/Create-CkSumPatch |
2.4.8. ./scripts/Create-DescPatch |
2.4.9. ./scripts/Create-PkgUpdPatch |
2.4.10. ./scripts/Create-ErrList |
2.4.11. ./scripts/Create-UpdList |
2.4.12. ./scripts/Update-System |
2.4.13. ./scripts/Puzzle |
2.4.14. ./scripts/Help |
2.4.15. ./scripts/Internal |
2.5. Scripts para realizar chequeos |
2.5.1. ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion |
2.5.2. ./scripts/Check-PkgFormat |
2.5.3. ./scripts/Check-System |
2.5.4. ./scripts/Check-Deps |
2.6. Scripts para actualizar el arbol de fuentes |
2.6.1. ./scripts/Update-Src |
3. Configuración del sistema |
3.1. Fundamentos |
3.2. Comandos especiales |
3.2.1. comment 'Descripción' ["Ayuda"] |
3.2.2. comment_id 'Descripción' 'ID' ["Ayuda"] |
3.2.3. bool 'Descripción' Variable Valor_Defecto ["Ayuda"] |
3.2.4. text 'Descripción' Variable Valor_Defecto ["Ayuda"] |
3.2.5. choice Variable Valor_Defecto Value1 'Descripción1' [ ... ] |
3.2.6. const Variable Valor_Defecto |
3.2.7. Block_begin y block_end |
3.2.8. expert_begin y expert_end |
3.3. Variables especiales |
3.3.1. ROCKCFG_* |
3.3.2. ROCKCFGSET_* |
3.3.3. CFGTEMP_* |
3.4. Jerarquia de llamada de |
3.5. Creacción del fichero Packages |
4. Paquetes |
4.1. Fundamentos |
4.2. Los ficheros *.desc |
4.2.1. Prioridad de paquetes |
4.2.2. URLs de descargas |
4.3. Los ficheros *.desc |
4.3.1. FIXME |
4.4. Los ficheros *.patch |
4.5. Los ficheros *.doc |
4.6. Los ficheros *.init |
5. Targets |
6. Arquitecturas |
( created with >> perl -pe '$_="" unless /^\t?[0-9]/; s/^\t/\n/;' << ) |
0. Prefacio |
=========== |
Este documento describe como extender y modificar los scripts de compilación |
de ROCK Linux. |
Necesitas tener buenos conocimientos de shell scripting para entender las |
técnicas descritas en éste documento. Algo de práctica compilando e instalando |
software en sistemas UNIX también te ayudará. |
Usa el código existente (paquetes, targets, etc.) como ejemplos. Las |
explicaciones dadas en ellos, son con frecuencia muy informativas y leer el |
código te ayudará a entenderlos. |
Corecciones, etc. son siempre bienvenidas (mejor si es en diffs unificados). |
-Clifford wolf <> |
1. Arbol de directorio de ROCK Linux |
==================================== |
1.1. Documentation/ |
=================== |
La Documentación de ROCK Linux. Léela toda - si puedes! Deberías también |
visitar nuestra página oficial en y subscribirte a las |
listas de correo. |
1.2. scripts/ |
============= |
Todos los scripts de compilación y ayuda pueden ser encontrados aquí. Una |
descripción detalla de ellos, pueden ser encontrados en el capítulo 2. |
¡Estate seguro de llamarlos siempre desde el directorio base (como |
"./scripts/Config") y NO entrar a scripts/ y ejecutarlos desde ahí! |
1.3. package/ |
============= |
La parte específica de los fuentes de paquetes de ROCK Linux es almacenada |
en este arbol. Hay para cada paquete al menos un fichero ".desc" (mira el |
capítulo 4 para más detalles acerca del formato de paquetes). |
Dentro del directorio package/, cada contenedor de paquete posee su propio |
subdirectorio. Un contenedor de paquete es una unidad organizativa que |
agrupa paquetes juntos. Todos los paquetes en un mismo contenedor son |
mantenidos por la misma persona o por el mismo grupo. |
Dentro del directorio del contenedor, cada paquete tiene su propio |
subdirectorio. Por ejemplo el paquete 'gcc' puede ser encontrado en "package/ |
base/gcc". |
1.3.1. package/base/ |
-------------------- |
El contenedor "base" incluye los paquetes más importantes del corazón del |
sistema. Cosas como el compilador, el núcleo y los paquetes de comandos unix |
estándar (fileutils, ...). |
Los paquetes "base" son mantenidos por Clifford Wolf <>. |
1.3.2. package/x11/ |
------------------- |
El contenedor "x11" incluye los paquetes de x11, gnome y kde. Todo lo que |
necesitas para configurar una estación gráfica incluyendo las herramientas más |
importantes. |
Los paquetes "x11" son mantenidos por Rene Rebe <>. |
1.3.3. package/<architecture>/ |
------------------- |
1.3.4. package/<person> |
------------------- |
1.4. misc/ |
========== |
Varias cosas que no tienen cabida en otro lugar son incluidas aquí. |
1.5. target/ |
============ |
Un "target" es una distribución basada en ROCK Linux. El "rock linux estándar" |
es el target "generic", construido con las opciones por defecto. |
Cada target tiene su propio subdirectorio en este arbol. |
1.6. architecture/ |
================== |
Cada una de las arquitecturas soportadas por ROCK Linux tiene su propio |
subdirectorio en este arbol. |
1.7. download/ |
============== |
Los ficheros tar de los paquetes originales son descargados a este directorio |
por el script ./script/Download. Sólo los ficheros necesarios para compilar el |
target seleccionado serán descargados. |
1.8. src*/ y build/ |
=================== |
Las configuraciones de compilacion (creadas por './scripts/Config') son |
almacenados en el arbol config/. Cada configuración posee su propio |
subdirectorio ahí. |
2. Build- y otros scripts |
========================= |
2.1. ./scripts/Config |
===================== |
El fichero ./script/Config es el script configuración principal. Este analiza |
los ficheros de metaconfiguración descritos en el capítulo 3 y crea los |
ficheros de configuración en config/<config-name>/. |
2.2. ./scripts/Download |
======================= |
El script ./scripts/Download es la herramienta encargada de la descarga de |
los fuentes de los paquetes. Una llamada al script sin parámetros imprime |
un mensaje de ayuda. |
Para descargar ficheros sólo: |
./scripts/Download download/P_base/linux/linux-2.4.18.tar.bz2 |
Descargar todos los ficheros de un sólo paquete: |
./scripts/Download -package linux |
Todos los ficheros necesarios para el target escogido: |
./scripts/Download -required |
O símplemente para descargar todo: |
./scripts/Download -all |
Si no especificas un mirror con la opción -mirror, el script conectará a |
||| y autodetectará el mejor mirror. |
La descarga de todos los ficheros requeridos desde un cdrom local (montado): |
./scripts/Download -mirror file:///mnt/cdrom/ -required |
2.3. Scripts para construir lo necesario |
======================================== |
2.3.1. ./scripts/Build-Target |
----------------------------- |
Compila el target seleccionado. Dependiendo de tu hardware y de la |
configuración seleccionada con ./scripts/config, esto puede tomar algunos |
días para terminar. Este script ignora cualquier opción pasada. |
2.3.2. ./scripts/Build.Pkg |
-------------------------- |
Compila un único paquete. Una llamada a este script sin argumentos, imprimirá |
un mensaje de ayuda. En la mayoría de los casos, las opciones son sólo |
necesitadas por Build-Target cuando se construye una distribución completa. |
Para la construcción de un sólo paquete: |
./scripts/Build-Pkg gawk |
Cuidado: La recompilación de un paquete podrá sobreescribir o borrar los |
ficheros de configuración. Si no deséas que ésto ocurra, usa pkg-update con un |
paquete binario precompilado. |
2.3.3. ./scripts/Build-TarBz2 |
----------------------------- |
Este script crea un paquete binario (.tar.bz2) basado en los ficheros |
encontrados en el sistema. Es usado por ./script/Build-Pkg cuando es llamado |
con la opción --maketar, aunque es también posible usarlo directamente. |
2.3.4. ./scripts/Build-Tools |
---------------------------- |
Script que crea el directorio '' (dónde 'xxxxxx' es el |
identificativo de configuración) el cual contiene varias aplicaciones de |
ayuda usadas por Build-Pkg y otros scripts. |
Cuándo el script es llamado con la opción -cleanup, es forzado a realizar una |
recompilación de los ficheros en el directorio de herramientas. En la mayoría |
de los casos éste script será llamado por otros scripts (y no por el usuario). |
2.3.5. ./scripts/Build-CrossCC |
------------------------------ |
Para una compilación cruzada de ROCK Linux necesitas un compilador cruzado. |
Este script crea el compilador-cruzado. El compilador cruzado y las binutils |
cruzadas serán instaladas en el arbol build/ dónde el script Build-Pkg espera |
encontrarlo. |
2.3.6. ./scripts/Build-Job |
-------------------------- |
Este script es el cliente cuando corres ./scripts/Target en una compilación |
en modo paralelo (cluster). |
2.4. Varias pequeñas ayudas |
=========================== |
2.4.1. ./scripts/Cleanup |
------------------------ |
El script Cleanup puede ser usado para borrar los directorios src* y build*, |
los cuales son creados por los scripts de compilación. Nunca borres estos |
directorios de forma manual!. |
Por defecto ./scripts/Cleanup sólo borra los direcorios src*. Los directorios |
build* serán borrados cuando sea pasada la opción -full. |
2.4.2. ./scripts/Create-Links |
----------------------------- |
Este sencillo script crea enlaces simbólicos desde el directorio base de ROCK |
Linux a otro directorio. Esto puede ser util si tienes los fuentes de ROCK |
Linux en un disco (Compartido por NFS, etc ) y quieres construirlo en algún |
lugar más: |
/disks/raid/archive/os/rock# mkdir -p /disks/fast/rock |
/disks/raid/archive/os/rock# ./scripts/Create-Links /disks/fast/rock |
2.4.3. ./scripts/Create-PkgList |
------------------------------- |
Crea una lista de todos los paquetes disponibles. Si se le pasa el nombre de |
una arquitectura como parámetro, sólo los paquetes disponibles sobre esa |
arquitectura seán listados. |
Es script es usado por ./scripts/Config durante el proceso de creacción de |
los ficheros de paquetes. |
2.4.4. ./scripts/Create-PkgQueue |
-------------------------------- |
Crea una lista de paquetes que podrían ser los siguientes a compilar. El |
primer parámetro es el número máximo de paquetes a imprimir (0=sin límite) y |
el segundo parámetro es el directorio raiz dónde el script puede encontrar la |
información de /var/adm/... que necesita. Por ejemplo: |
# ./scripts/Create-PkgQueue 3 build/1.7.0-DEV-intel-generic/root |
2 X --2------9 010.050 base strace 4.4 / development/tool 159 |
2 X --2------9 010.052 base ltrace 0.3.10 / development/tool 85 |
2 X --2-4----9 010.055 base perl5 5.6.1 / development/interpreter 125 |
Este script es usado al inicio por ./scripts/Build-Target. |
2.4.5. ./scripts/Create-SrcTar |
------------------------------ |
Crea un fichero .tar.bz2 que contiene los fuentes de ROCK Linux, Este script |
es usado por los desarrolladores de ROCK Linux cuando liberan snapshots o |
nuevas versiones. |
2.4.6. ./scripts/Create-Diff |
---------------------------- |
Este script es la herramienta recomendada para construir los parches diff. |
(Cuando haces algún cambio a los fuentes de ROCK Linux y quieres compartir tu |
trabajo). |
Por ejemplo: ./scripts/Create-Diff ../rock-src.orig . > mychanges.diff |
2.4.7. ./scripts/Create-CkSumPatch |
---------------------------------- |
Script que puede ser usado por los desarrolladores de ROCK Linux para crear de |
forma automática los checksums de las descargas en los ficheros .desc en uno |
o más contenedores de paquetes. |
Por ejemplo: ./scripts/Create-CkSumPatch extra2 ; patch -p1 < cksum.patch |
2.4.8. ./scripts/Create-DescPatch |
--------------------------------- |
Este script puede ser usado por los desarrolladores de ROCK Linux para que de |
forma automática adopten el formato del paquete los ficheros .desc. |
2.4.9. ./scripts/Create-PkgUpdPatch |
----------------------------------- |
Script que permite a los desarrolladores de ROCK Linux crear automáticamente |
parches de actualización de paquetes (después de evaluar la salida del script |
./scripts/Check-PkgVersion). Por ejemplo: |
./scripts/Create-PkgUpdPatch > update.patch << EOT |
automake-1.6.1, bin86-0.16.3, bison-1.35, curl-7.9.6, |
diffutils-2.8.1, dump-0.4b28, ifhp-3.5.7, net-snmp-4.2.4, |
ntp-4.1.1, pciutils-2.1.10, sendmail.8.12.3, silo-1.2.5, |
tree-1.4b2, util-linux-2.11q, whois_4.5.25 |
El fichero .patch de actualización resultante debería de ser chequeado |
manualmente antes de ser aplicado con 'patch -1 < update.patch'. |
2.4.10. ./scripts/Create-ErrList |
-------------------------------- |
Muestra una salida con la lista de paquetes que fallaron al compilarse |
(incluyendo los números de stage). en el orden correcto. |
2.4.11. ./scripts/Create-UpdList |
-------------------------------- |
Crea la lista de paquetes que están activos en la configuración actual y han |
cambiado desde que los binarios instalados en el sistema han sido generados. |
La comparación es realizada usando los checksum del paquete fuente almacenados |
en /var/adm/packages/<nombre-de-paquete>. |
2.4.12. ./scripts/Update-System |
------------------------------- |
Actualiza (recompila) todos los paquetes en el sistema local para los cuales |
hay disponible alguna nueva versión. Create-UpList es usado para generar la |
lista de paquetes que necesitan ser actualizados. |
2.4.13. ./scripts/Puzzle |
------------------------ |
Algunos ficheros en el árbol de fuentes son creados automáticamente. Este |
script los regenera todos, y debería de ser llamado cada vez que uno de los |
ficheros de los fuentes haya cambiado. |
2.4.14. ./scripts/Help |
---------------------- |
Este script espera el nombre de fichero de un script en ./scripts/ y salta a |
la posición correcta en la documentación. Es una sencilla envoltura para |
'less'. |
2.4.15. ./scripts/Internal |
-------------------------- |
Script que usa Clifford Wolf para liberar snapshots y mantener los Mirrors de |
FTP actualizados. |
2.5. Scripts para realizar chequeos |
============================= |
2.5.1. ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion |
--------------------------------- |
Script que es usado por los desarrolladores de ROCK Linux para chequear por |
nuevas versiones de paquetes. Los resultados de la última ejecución son |
siempre almacenados en un directorio llamado checkver/ y si hay alguna |
diferencia en la ejecución actual, un fichero *.msg será escrito en checkver/. |
(lee el script para más detalles) |
Por ejemplo: ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion -repository base |
for x in checkver/*.new ; do mv -f $x ${}.txt ; done |
cat checkver/*.msg > todo.txt |
Nota: Los ficheros .mgs viejos serán automáticamente borrados cuando corras |
Check-PkgVersion la próxima vez. |
2.5.2. ./scripts/Check-PkgFormat |
-------------------------------- |
Este script hace unos pocos testeos sencillos para autodetectar errores en los |
ficheros *.desc y *.conf de los paquetes. |
Por ejemplo: ./scripts/Check-PkgFormat -repository extra1 |
2.5.3. ./scripts/Check-System |
----------------------------- |
Este script hace uns simple test para autodetectar posibles errores con el |
sistema de la máquina linux. |
2.5.4. ./scripts/Check-Deps |
--------------------------- |
Este comando chequea si el orden del paquete de la compilación actual es |
correcto para pasar todas las dependencias de paquetes. |
2.6. Scripts for updating the source tree |
========================================= |
2.6.1. ./scripts/Update-Src |
--------------------------- |
Actualiza el árbol de fuentes con rsync desde |
Cuidado: Esto borrará los cambios que realizaras en el árbol de fuentes. |
3. Configuration System |
======================= |
3.1. Fundamentos |
================ |
El script de configuración ./sripts/Config genera los ficheros en el |
directorio /config/${config}/: |
config las opciones de configuración |
packages los paquetes que son compilados en esa configuración |
./scripts/Config define algunas funciones de shell especiales y contiene el |
bucle principal del programa de configuración. La estructura de los menús de |
configuración es almacenada en scripts/ (y otros ficheros |
incluidos por el). Echa un vistazo a scripts/ para más información |
sobre qué ficheros incluyen a qué otros. |
3.2. Comandos especiales |
======================== |
Cada vez que el menú es mostrado (por ejemplo, después de arrancar ./scripts/ |
Config y cada vez que se realiza algún cambio), scripts/ es ejecutado |
y está usando sus propios comandos especiales para escribir el fichero de |
configuración y añadir items al menú. |
3.2.1. comment 'Descripción' ["Ayuda"] |
------------------------------------- |
Añade un comentario al menú de configuración (y lo hace sin ninguna función). |
Por ejemplo: |
comment '-Arquitectura, CPU y Optimización' " |
Selecciona que optimización de CPU se corresponde con tu máquina." |
<Descripción> Título del item en el menu de configuración (texto del |
comentario). |
<Ayuda> Este es un campo opcional donde puedes añadir un comentario |
más largo que será mostrado cuando selecciones esta línea de |
comentario y pulses sobre el botón de ayuda. |
3.2.2. comment_id 'Descripción' 'ID' ["Ayuda"] |
--------------------------------------------- |
Añade un comentario al menú de configuración (y lo hace sin ninguna función). |
Por ejemplo: |
comment '-Arquitectura, CPU y Optimización' COMMENT_ARCH_CPU_OPT " |
Selecciona que optimización de CPU se corresponde con tu máquina." |
<Descripción> Título del item en el menu de configuración (texto del |
comentario). |
<ID> Identificativo que será usado para identificar un comentario. |
Es útil cuando usas ficheros config.hlp para almacenar la |
ayuda. |
<Ayuda> Este es un campo opcional donde puedes añadir un comentario |
más largo que será mostrado cuando selecciones esta línea de |
comentario y pulses sobre el botón de ayuda. |
3.2.3. bool 'Descripción' Variable Valor_Defecto ["Ayuda"] |
--------------------------------------------------- |
Añade un item booleano (on/off) al menú. Por ejempo: |
bool 'Abortar cuando la compilación de un paquete falle' |
Cuándo selecciones ésta opción, Build-Target abortará cuando un paqute |
falle al compilar" |
<Descripción> Título del item en el menú de configuración |
<Variable> Nombre de la variable de configuración asociada a éste item |
del menú |
<Valor_Defecto> '1' = On, '0' = Off |
<Ayuda> Este es un campo opcional donde puedes añadir un comentario |
más largo que será mostrado cuando selecciones esta línea de |
comentario y pulses sobre el botón de ayuda |
La variable estará activada a '1' o a '0'. |
3.2.4. text 'Descripción' Variable Valor_Defecto ["Help"] |
--------------------------------------------------- |
Añade un item de texto en el menú. Si el texto debe de coincidir con un patrón |
especial, modifica la variable de configuración antes de hacer la llamada a la |
función text. Por ejemplo: |
ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS="`echo $ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS | sed 's,[^0-9],,g'`" |
text 'Número de procesos make paralelos (make -j)' ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS 1 |
<Descripción> Título del item en el menú de configuración |
<Variable> Nombre de la variable de configuración asociada a éste item |
del menú |
<Valor_Defecto> Valor por defecto |
<Ayuda> Este es un campo opcional donde puedes añadir un comentario |
más largo que será mostrado cuando selecciones esta línea de |
comentario y pulses sobre el botón de ayuda |
3.2.5. choice Variable Valor_Defecto Valor1 'Descripción1' [ ... ] |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Añade un item al menú de múltiples opciones. Por ejemplo: |
choice ROCKCFG_INTEL_OPT generic \ |
generic "Sin optimización especial" \ |
i386 "Optimizado para Intel 386" \ |
i486 "Optimizado para Intel 486" \ |
i586 "Optimizado para Intel Pentium" \ |
i686 "Optimizado para Intel Pentium-Pro" \ |
k6 "Optimizado para AMD K-6" \ |
k7 "Optimizado para AMD Athlon" |
<Variable> Nombre de la variable de configuración asociada a éste item |
del menú |
<Valor_Defecto> Valor por defecto |
<ValorN> Valor para la opción N |
<DescripciónN> Título del item en el menú de configuración si la opción N |
está activa |
3.2.6. const Variable Valor_Defecto |
----------------------------------- |
Asigna la variable con el valor por defecto dado sin mostrar ningún item en |
el menú. |
3.2.7. block_begin y block_end |
------------------------------ |
Un conjunto de items de menú, los cuales permanecen juntos, deben estar entre |
block_begin y block_end. block_begin espera un parámetro numérico que |
especifica el número de carácteres que el título del item del menú deberá ser |
desplazado a la derecha. Por ejemplo: |
comment '--- Compilador por defecto para compilar (casi) todo' |
block_begin 5 |
choice ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_DEFAULT_CC gcc2 $list |
if [ $ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_DEFAULT_CC = 'gcc2' ] ; then |
bool 'Usar GCC Stack-Smashing Protector' ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_STACKPRO 0 |
ROCKCFG_ID="$ROCKCFG_ID-stackprotector" |
else |
fi |
block_end |
3.2.8. expert_begin y expert_end |
-------------------------------- |
Las opciones que sólo deberían de ser mostradas si el 'modo experto' está |
activo, deben ir entre expert_begin y expert_end. |
3.3. Variables especiales |
========================= |
3.3.1. ROCKCFG_* |
---------------- |
Todas las variables de configuración deberían de empezar con "ROCKCFG_". Las |
variables que no son principales tienen prefijos de extensión: |
Arquitecturas: ROCKCFG_ARCH_<Nombre-Arquitectura>_* |
Targets: ROCKCFG_TRG_<Nombre-Target>_* |
Paquetes: ROCKCFG_PKG_<Nombre-Paquete>_* |
Algunas variables son manejadas por ./scripts/Config de una manera especial: |
ROCKCFG_ID Es la descripción corta de la configuración. Las opciones |
de configuración importantes deberían de añadir algo a ésta |
variable. |
ROCKCFG_EXPERT Si ésta puesta a '0', los items entre expert_begin y |
expert_end no serán mostrados y los valores por defecto para |
esas opciones serán usados. |
3.3.2. ROCKCFGSET_* |
------------------- |
Las variables ROCKCFGSET_* pueden ser usadas para preservar una opción (por |
ejemplo, en un target). Si por ejemplo, ROCKCFGSET_STRIP está puesta a 1, |
ROCKCFG_STRIP tendrá el valor 1 y el usuario no podrá cambiar su valor. |
3.3.3. CFGTEMP_* |
---------------- |
Estas variables pueden ser usadas para intercambio de datos entre los |
distintos ficheros Las variables no principales tienen prefijos de |
extensión: |
Arquitecturas: ROCKCFG_ARCH_<Nombre-Arquitectura>_* |
Targets: ROCKCFG_TRG_<Nombre-Target>_* |
Paquetes: ROCKCFG_PKG_<Nombre-Paquete>_* |
Por ejemplo, la creacción dinámica de una opción de múltiples elecciones: |
architecture/intel/ |
architecture/powerpc/ |
scripts/ |
3.4. Jerarquia de llamada de |
====================================== |
Todsos los ficheros son ejecutados desde scripts/ en el |
siguiente orden: |
- architecture/*/ |
* Selecting Architecture |
* architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/ |
- target/*/ |
- package/*/*/ |
* Selecting Target |
* target/$ROCKCFG_TARGET/ |
* package/*/*/ |
* Various common build options |
- package/*/*/ |
- architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/ |
- target/$ROCKCFG_TARGET/ |
Sólo los scripts marcados con '*' podrán interactuar con el usuario (creando |
items del menú). El resto podrá sólo activar y modificar distintas variables. |
3.5. Creacción del fichero Packages |
=================================== |
EL script ./scripts/Config crea un fichero de paquetes con todos los paquetes |
disponibles para la arquitectura seleccionada antes de llamar a |
scripts/ Cada fichero podrá ahora modificar este fichero |
Packages creando un fichero y renombrándolo a Packages. Por |
ejemplo: |
if [ $ROCKCFG_TRG_GENERIC_BUILDSF != 1 ] ; then |
awk '$4 != "sourceforge" { print }' \ |
< config/$config/packages \ |
> config/$config/ |
mv config/$config/ config/$config/packages |
fi |
EL fichero de paquetes esta separado por blancos y es facil de analizar con |
grep, sed y awk. |
Los campos son: |
X/O 'X' = el paquete está activo, 'O' = el paquete no está activo |
Si no quieres que otro reactive un paquete, podrás también, |
símplemente borrar la línea del fichero. |
Stages Niveles de stage igual que los especificados en la marca [P] de los |
paquetes (ver el próximo capítulo) |
Pri. Prioridad especificada igual que en el tag [P] de los paquetes (atajo |
para el fichero) |
Resp. Nombre del contenedor dónde se encuentra el paquete |
Name Nombre del paquete |
Ver. Versión del paquete |
Prefix Prefijo del paquete (seguido de '/') |
Cat. Categorías del paquete (siempre en minúsculas, conteniendo al menos |
un /) |
Flags Banderas del paquete (siempre mayúsculas) |
Counter Símplemente ignora éste fichero |
Cómo el campo 'counter', las categorías u las banderas son siempre seguidas y |
precedidas de un ' ', puedes de forma sencilla borrar todos los paquetes menos |
dietlibc-ready con un comando como: |
grep ' DIETLIBC ' < config/$config/packages \ |
> config/$config/ |
Leete los ficheros que hay para más detalles. |
4. Paquetes |
=========== |
4.1. Fundamentos |
================ |
Cada paquete tiene su propio subdirectorio en package/<contenedor>/. Los |
contenedores son unidades organizativas que agrupan paquetes. Cada contenedor |
pertenece a un desarrollador de ROCK Linux o a un grupo de desarrolladores. |
El nombre del paquete es de 2 a 25 carácteres de largo y debe coincidir con |
la expresión regular: |
/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\+_-]*[a-z0-9\+]$/ |
(Con un mínimo de 2 carácteres. El primero: letra en minúscula o número. El |
último: letra en minúscula o número o '+'. El resto: letras en minúscula, |
números o uno de los siguientes carácteres: '.', '+', '_' o '-'.) |
Un nombre de paquete no debe aparecer en más de un contenedor. |
Otros subdirectorios (que no sean de paquetes) están permitidos, si no empiezan |
con una letra minúscula o un número (así por ejemplo, los directorios "CVS" |
están permitidos) y que no contenga algún fichero *.desc. |
Este directorio de paquete contiene toda la información necesaria para |
descargar y compilar un paquete. |
4.2. Los ficheros *.desc |
======================== |
Cada paquete DEBE tener un fichero <nombre_de_paquete>.desc. Este contiene toda |
la metainformación del paquete. Echa un vistazo al fichero PKG-DESC-FORMAT para |
una descripción de las etiquetas disponibles. |
4.2.1. Prioridad de paquetes |
---------------------------- |
La etiqueta [P] es usada para indicar la prioridad del paquete. Esta etiqueta |
tiene 3 campos: |
[P] X --3-----9 010.066 |
El primer campo ('X' o 'O') especifica si el paquete debería de ser construido |
por defecto o no. Este valor suele valer 'X' en casi todos los paquetes. Esta |
bandera podrá ser sobreescrita por la configuración (capítulo 3). |
El segundo campo lista los stages en los cuales el paquete debería de ser |
compilado. Hay 10 stages (0-9). Build-Target empezará con la compilación en el |
stage 1, después stage 2, etc... El stage 9 sólo es construido si se activa en |
la configuración 'Make rebuild stage (stage 9)'. Los stages 0 y 1 son stages |
para la compilación cruzada, y deberían sólo de contener paquetes que soporten |
este tipo de compilación. De esta forma los stages pueden ser usados para |
indicar el orden de compilación (por ejemplo, el stage 3 se construye antes que |
el stage 5) y para reconstruir un paquete varias veces. |
El tercer campo es usado para especificar el orden de compilación junto con los |
stages. Este es un ordenado por texto simplemente. |
4.2.2. URLs de descarga |
----------------------- |
Generalmente un paquete debe descargar uno o más ficheros de fuentes. Estos |
ficheros son descargados usando el script ./scripts/Download y se almacenan en |
el directorio 'download/<nombre-de-repositorio>/<nombre-de-paquete>/'. |
Cada fichero que pueda ser descargado tiene su própia etiqueta [D] en el |
fichero *.desc del paquete. La etiqueta [D] tiene 3 campos: |
[D] 354985877 gcc-2.95.3.tar.gz |
El primer campo es el checksum para el fichero. Esos checksums son creados con |
por ejemplo: |
./scripts/Download -mk-cksum download/base/gcc2/gcc-2.95.3.tar.bz2 |
Si el checksum es '0', significa que no ha sido creado un checksum. El script |
'./scripts/Create-CkSumPatch'puede ser usado para crear un parche que añada |
esos checksums. |
Para los que no tengan checksum, por alguna u otra razón (por ejemplo, por que |
el contenido del sitio original esta cambiando con frecuencia), una cadena |
consistente de sólamente carácteres 'X' puede ser usada. Por ejemplo: |
[D] XXXXXXXXXX RFCs3001-latest.tar.gz |
El segundo campo es el nombre del fichero. Los ficheros con el sufijo *.gz o |
*.tgz son automáticamente convertidos a *.bz2 o *.tbz2 por el script ./scripts/ |
Download. |
El tercer parámetro es la URL de descarga sin la parte correspondiente al |
nombre del fichero. Si el nombre del fichero local difiere del remoto, la URL |
debería de ser antecedido por un carácter '!'. Por ejemplo: |
[D] 2447691734 services.txt ! |
El script ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion también usa esta etiqueta [D] para buscar |
por nuevas versiones del paquete. El script './scripts/Check-PkgVersion' puede |
también ser directamente configurado usando las etiquetas [CV-URL], [CV-PAT] y |
[CV-DEL]. |
4.3. Los ficheros *.conf |
======================== |
./scripts/Build-Pkg tienen un código semi-inteligente para compilar e instalar |
un paquete. Esto lo hace la función de shell build_this_package(), la cual |
puede se encontrada en ./scripts/Build-Pkg. Este scripts se configura usando |
varias variables que pueden ser activadas o modificadas en el fichero *.conf. |
Una lista de esas variables puede ser encontrada en el fichero PKG-BUILD-VARS |
en este directorio. Lee los ficheros *.conf para ver ejemplos. |
4.3.1. FIXME |
------------ |
4.4. Los ficheros *.patch |
========================= |
Todos los ficheros *.patch en el directorio de paquetes son automáticamente |
aplicados despues de que el fichero tar de los fuentes del paquete sea |
extraido. El parche *.patch.<arquitectura> sólo se aplica cuando se compila |
para la arquitectura indicada. |
4.5. Los ficheros *.doc |
======================= |
Todos los ficheros *.doc en el directorio de paquetes son automáticamente |
compiados al directorio de documentación del paquete (por ejemplo /usr/share/ |
/doc/$pkg) sin el sufijo ".doc". |
4.6. Los ficheros *.init |
======================== |
Los scripts de inicialización son isntalados usando la función install_init. |
Esta función convierte un fichero *.init en un script de inicio estilo SysV. |
Echale un vistazo a |
package/base/devfsd/devfsd.conf y |
package/base/devfsd/devfsd.init |
o |
package/base/sysklogd/sysklogd.conf y |
package/base/sysklogd/sysklogd.init |
para pequeños ejemplos. La conversión desde los ficheros *.init a scripts de |
inicio SysV es realizada usando m4 y el fichero de macros 'package/base/ |
/sysvinit/init_macros.m4'. |
5. Targets |
========== |
6. Arquitecturas |
================ |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
La Guía de Parches de ROCK Linux |
================================ |
Para lograr que la aplicación de los parches sea lo más eficiente posible, |
el envío de los parches debería de ser en el formato descrito aquí. Yo |
(y alguno de los desarrolladores de subdistribuciones) rechazaremos los |
parches si no están conforme a este documento. |
Por favor, pon la cadena [PATCH] al inicio del campo Asunto del correo. |
Podría no ser visto si no forma parte de los primeros carácteres, ya que |
algunos clientes de correo sólo muestran el inicio del campo Asunto en la |
lista de correos. |
caso de actualizaciones de paquetes, etc. es suficiente con asegurarse |
que el paquete aún se compila correctamente con una configuración más |
o menos genérica. |
1. Los parches deben estar en un formato unificado. Yo prefiero diffs |
unificados. Debería ser posible aplicar el parche con el comando 'patch |
-p1 < patchfile' en el directorio base. |
2. El parche no debe contener nigún fichero que sea generado de forma |
automática por ./scripts/Puzzle. |
El script "./script/Create-Diff <dir_antiguo> <dir_nuevo>" puede ser usado |
para crear facilmente parches conformes al punto 1 y 2. |
3. El parche debe ser contra uno de los últimos snapshots del desarrollo. |
4. Un parche debe arreglar sólo un tema. Si pretendes arreglar varias cosas |
(independientes), envía varios parches. |
5. Si un parche no es autodescriptivo en pocas líneas, añade un pequeño |
comentario al principio del fichero del parche. |
6. Si no recives ningún tipo de respuesta y no ves el parche en los snapshots |
después de una semana, reenvía el parche al desarrollador del paquete. |
7. No empaquetes los parches en ficheros tar. Los hace mucho más pesado para |
abrirlos y leerlos en un cliente de correo. Comprime un parche sólo si es |
reálmente grande. |
8. Informa al responsable del mantenimiento del paquete cuandO empiezas a |
trabajar en un problema, para asegurar que estás duplicando trabajo. |
9. No me envíes los ficheros que hayas añadido o modificado. Envíame un parche |
contra los fuentes de ROCK Linux (como se describe atrás). |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
____ ___ ___ _ __ _ |
| _ \ / _ \ / __| |/ / | | _ _ __ _ _ _ _ |
| . _/| | | | | | '_/ | | |_| '_ \| | | | \/ | |
| |\ \| |_| | |__| . \ | |__| | | | | `_' |> < |
|_| \_\ ___/ \___|_|\_\ |____|_|_| |_|\___/|_/\_| |
[============> <============] |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
* * |
* ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2002 Clifford Wolf * |
* * |
* Read the file 'COPYING' for licensing details. * |
* * |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
Lee si no sabes que es ROCK Linux. |
La siguiente documentación sobre la compilación de ROCK Linux puede ser |
encontrada aquí: |
Documentation/BUILD Una guía para compilar ROCK Linux |
Documentation/BUILD-CROSS Compilación cruzada de ROCK Linux |
Documentation/BUILD-CLUSTER Compilando ROCK Linux sobre un cluster |
Si quieres extender ROCK Linux ( y añadir tus propios paquetes, targets o |
arquitecturas) o sólamente quieres leer como funciona todo, lee: |
Documentation/Developers/HACKING-HOWTO |
Pare leer la documenta\xf3n disponible para ROCK Linux en otros idiomas ademas |
del ingles, puedes selecionar tu idioma en: |
Documentation/i18n/ |
Hay algunas listas de correo para ROCK Linux. Puedes subscribirte a la lista |
principal de ROCK Linux enviando un correo con el subject "subscribe |
rock-linux" a <>. Puedes desubscribirte enviando un |
correo con el subject "unsubscribe rock-linux" a la misma dirección. La |
diección de la lista es Un archivo de las listas de |
correo se puede encontrar en: |
||| |
Por favor, no mandes preguntas o avisos de bugs directamente a uno de los |
desarrolladores a menos que tengas una buena razón para ello. |
También tenemos un canal en la red de IRC de Open Projects. El nombre del canal |
es #rocklinux. Hay también logs y estadísticas del IRC disponibles en: |
||| y |
||| |
Si quieres una introducción a ROCK Linux un poco más human, por favor visita |
||| |
- Clifford Wolf <> |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
This directory contains files you need to (cross-)compile ROCK Linux on |
various architectures. There is a subdir for each architecture supported by |
ROCK Linux. Such a directory can contain this files: |
README Architecture dependent documentation |
AUTOCREATED Exists if created by a script |
archtest.out Output of the archtest.c program |
kernel.conf Linux kernel configuration |
||| To be started by ./scripts/make-misc puzzle |
gcc/float.h GCC: ./configure ; cd gcc ; make float.h-nat |
gcc/libgcc1.a GCC: ./configure ; cd gcc ; make libgcc1.a |
bin/* Wrappers and other funny programs |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
arch_sizeof_short=2 |
arch_sizeof_int=4 |
arch_sizeof_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_long_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_char_p=8 |
arch_bigendian=no |
arch_machine=alpha |
arch_target=alpha-unknown-linux-gnu |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
CONFIG_NVRAM 2002-07-24 2.4.18 nvram.c |
CONFIG_FTAPE 2002-07-24 2.4.18 ftape-calibr.c |
CONFIG_ISDN_CAPI 2002-07-24 2.4.18 b1dma.c |
CONFIG_ISDN_DRV_SC 2002-07-24 2.4.18 shmem.c |
CONFIG_SCSI_DPT_I2O 2002-07-24 2.4.18 dpt_i2o.o |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
define(`ALPHA', `Alpha AXP')dnl |
# CONFIG_BINFMT_EM86 is not set |
include(`kernel-common.conf') |
include(`kernel-scsi.conf') |
include(`kernel-net.conf') |
include(`kernel-fs.conf') |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/alpha/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST="$CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST alpha Generic_Alpha_AXP_Workstations" |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
arch_sizeof_short=2 |
arch_sizeof_int=4 |
arch_sizeof_long=4 |
arch_sizeof_long_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_char_p=4 |
arch_machine=arm |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
EL) |
arch_bigendian=no |
arch_target="arm-unknown-linux-gnu" ;; |
EB) |
arch_bigendian=yes |
arch_target="arm-unknown-linux-gnu" ;; |
esac |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/mips/config.hlp |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
Please select if you want to build for big-endian or little-endian |
machines. |
Please select the CPU you want to optimise for. |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/mips/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
EB "build for big endian machines" \ |
EL "build for little endian machines" |
choice ROCKCFG_ARM_OPT generic \ |
generic "No special optimisation" |
if [ $ROCKCFG_ARM_OPT != generic ] ; then |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
if [ $ROCKCFG_ARM_OPT != generic ] ; then |
var_append GCC3_WRAPPER_INSERT " " \ |
"-march=$ROCKCFG_ARM_OPT" |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
define(`MIPS', `MIPS')dnl |
include(`kernel-common.conf') |
include(`kernel-scsi.conf') |
include(`kernel-net.conf') |
include(`kernel-fs.conf') |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/mips/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
for x in * ; do [ -L $x -o -f $x/AUTOCREATED ] && rm -rf $x ; done |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
# |
# Manually read from the gcc-3.2 sources. Hopefully this is correct.. |
# |
arch_sizeof_short=2 |
arch_sizeof_int=4 |
arch_sizeof_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_long_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_char_p=8 |
arch_bigendian=no |
arch_machine=ia64 |
arch_target=ia64-unknown-linux-gnu |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/ia64/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST="$CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST ia64 Generic_Intel_IA-64_Workstations" |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
arch_sizeof_short=2 |
arch_sizeof_int=4 |
arch_sizeof_long=4 |
arch_sizeof_long_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_char_p=4 |
arch_machine=mips |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
EL) |
arch_bigendian=no |
arch_target="mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu" ;; |
EB) |
arch_bigendian=yes |
arch_target="mips-unknown-linux-gnu" ;; |
esac |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/mips/config.hlp |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
Please select if you want to build for big-endian or little-endian |
machines. |
Please select the CPU you want to optimise for. |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/mips/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
EB "build for big endian machines" \ |
EL "build for little endian machines" |
choice ROCKCFG_MIPS_OPT generic \ |
generic "No special optimisation" \ |
R2000 "Build for R2000 CPU" \ |
R3000 "Build for R3000 CPU" \ |
R3900 "Build for R3900 CPU" \ |
R4000 "Build for R4000 CPU" \ |
R4100 "Build for R4100 CPU" \ |
R4300 "Build for R4300 CPU" \ |
R4400 "Build for R4400 CPU" \ |
R4600 "Build for R4600 CPU" \ |
R4650 "Build for R4650 CPU" \ |
R5000 "Build for R5000 CPU" \ |
R6000 "Build for R6000 CPU" \ |
R8000 "Build for R8000 CPU" \ |
orion "Build for Orion CPU" |
if [ $ROCKCFG_MIPS_OPT != generic ] ; then |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
if [ $ROCKCFG_MIPS_OPT != generic ] ; then |
var_append GCC3_WRAPPER_INSERT " " \ |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
define(`MIPS', `MIPS')dnl |
include(`kernel-common.conf') |
include(`kernel-scsi.conf') |
include(`kernel-net.conf') |
include(`kernel-fs.conf') |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/mips/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
arch_sizeof_short=2 |
arch_sizeof_int=4 |
arch_sizeof_long=4 |
arch_sizeof_long_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_char_p=4 |
arch_bigendian=yes |
arch_machine=powerpc |
arch_target=powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/powerpc/config.hlp |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
Please select the CPU you want to optimise for. |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/powerpc/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
choice ROCKCFG_POWERPC_OPT generic \ |
generic "No special optimisation" \ |
rs6000 "Optimised for rs6000" \ |
rios1 "Optimised for rios1" \ |
rios2 "Optimised for rios2" \ |
rsc "Optimised for rsc" \ |
601 "Optimised for 601" \ |
602 "Optimised for 602" \ |
603 "Optimised for 603" \ |
603e "Optimised for 603e" \ |
604 "Optimised for 604" \ |
604e "Optimised for 604e" \ |
620 "Optimised for 620" \ |
740 "Optimised for 740" \ |
750 "Optimised for 750" \ |
403 "Optimised for 403" \ |
505 "Optimised for 505" \ |
801 "Optimised for 801" \ |
821 "Optimised for 821" \ |
823 "Optimised for 823" \ |
860 "Optimised for 860" \ |
power "Optimised for generic POWER" \ |
power2 "Optimised for generic POWER 2" \ |
powerpc "Optimised for pure Power PC (i.e. not MPC601)" \ |
common "Optimised for both POWER and Power PC" |
if [ $ROCKCFG_POWERPC_OPT != generic ] ; then |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
Q: How do I boot Linux on an RS/6000 (OpenFirmware) |
Build the kernel with "make zImage" and use "arch/ppc/boot/images/ |
zImage.chrp-rs6k" as kernel image for booting your RS/6000. |
If you are running your RS/6000 on a serial console, remember to set your |
terminal program to 9600 Bps (8N1). Read Documentation/serial-console.txt |
for the linux kernel sources for details on how to let the kernel use a |
serial console. |
Enter the OpenFirmware (can be done by pressing 'F8' on startup when using |
the VGA console or just '8' on a serial console). The RS/6000 BIOS calls the |
OpenFirmware prompt the "OK Prompt". Put the kernel image on a floppy with |
MS-DOS FAT filesystem. Use a filename like "zimage" without extension. The |
RS/6000 OpenFirmware doesn't know about long file names on a DOS floppy. Boot |
the kernel with: |
boot floppy:,<filename> <kernel-options> |
e.g.: |
0 > boot floppy:,zimage root=/dev/discs/disc1/part3 |
Note that 'floppy' is a device-alias. |
Other useful commands: |
printenv shows the current contents of the variables |
dev / ls shows the device tree |
devalias shows the device aliases and the OpenFirmware pathnames |
setenv variable value set the content of the variable |
reset-all restart the machine |
shut-down power off the machine |
If you want to permanently boot a linux kernel from the OpenFirmware, create |
a small partition of the 'PPC PReP Boot' (Id 41) partition type for it and |
write the kernel image directly to the partition block device: |
# dd if=/mnt/zImage of=/dev/discs/disc0/part1 |
Now reboot to the OpenFirmware prompt (F8 again) and type: |
0 > setenv boot-device disk:1 |
0 > setenv boot-file root=/dev/discs/disc0/part2 |
now you con boot with |
0 > boot |
and if you don't enter the OpenFirmware (F8) on further reboots this kernel |
will automatically be loaded. If you need any other kernel parameters, just |
append them to the 'setenv boot-file ..' line. |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
if [ "$ROCKCFG_POWERPC_OPT" != "generic" ] ; then |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
CONFIG_ISDN_DRV_PCBIT 2002-07-23 2.4.18 edss1.c |
CONFIG_SCSI_DPT_I2O 2002-07-23 2.4.18 dpt_i2o.o |
CONFIG_FB_TRIDENT 2002-07-23 2.4.18 tridentfb.c |
CONFIG_PARIDE 2002-07-23 2.4.18 bpck6.c |
CONFIG_AGP 2002-07-23 2.4.18 agpgart_be.c |
CONFIG_FTAPE 2002-07-23 2.4.18 ftape-calibr.c |
CONFIG_MTD 2002-07-23 2.4.18 various files |
CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C7xx 2002-07-23 2.4.18 53c7,8xx.c |
CONFIG_FB_SIS 2002-07-23 2.4.18 sisfb.c |
CONFIG_IEEE1394_AMDTP 2002-11-01 2.4.19 amdtp.c |
CONFIG_AMD_PM768 2002-12-20 2.4.20 amd76x_pm.c |
CONFIG_SCSI_CPQFCTS 2002-12-22 2.4.20 cpqfcTS*.c |
CONFIG_SCx200_I2C 2003-06-06 2.4.20 |
CONFIG_SCx200_ACB 2003-06-06 2.4.20 |
CONFIG_SCx200_GPIO 2003-06-09 2.4.20 |
CONFIG_QIC02_TAPE 2003-06-06 2.4.20 |
CONFIG_ISAPNP 2003-06-09 |
CONFIG_ISDN_DRV_HISAX 2003-06-12 2.4.20 |
CONFIG_HISAX_TELESPCI 2003-06-12 2.4.20 |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
define(`PPC', 'PowerPC')dnl |
dnl System type (default=Macintosh) |
dnl |
CONFIG_6xx=y |
# CONFIG_4xx is not set |
# CONFIG_PPC64 is not set |
# CONFIG_82xx is not set |
# CONFIG_8xx is not set |
# CONFIG_PREP is not set |
# CONFIG_CHRP is not set |
# CONFIG_ALL_PPC is not set |
# CONFIG_GEMINI is not set |
# CONFIG_APUS is not set |
# CONFIG_SMP is not set |
# CONFIG_ALTIVEC is not set |
# additional 2.6 kernel configs |
# CONFIG_40x is not set |
# CONFIG_POWER3 is not set |
include(`kernel-common.conf') |
include(`kernel-scsi.conf') |
include(`kernel-net.conf') |
include(`kernel-fs.conf') |
dnl macs need an FB |
dnl power management |
# for 2.6 kernels |
dnl make sure old OSS modules are build (ALSA does not yet work correct) |
dnl some network teaks (the GMAC is obsoleted by SUNGEM) |
# CONFIG_GMAC is not set |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/powerpc/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST="$CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST powerpc Generic_PowerPC_Workstations" |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
#include <stdio.h> |
char * isbigendian () { |
/* Are we little or big endian? From Harbison&Steele. */ |
union { long l; char c[sizeof (long)]; } u; |
u.l=1; return (u.c[0] == 1)?"no":"yes"; |
} |
int main() { |
printf("arch_sizeof_short=%d\n",sizeof(short)); |
printf("arch_sizeof_int=%d\n",sizeof(int)); |
printf("arch_sizeof_long=%d\n",sizeof(long)); |
printf("arch_sizeof_long_long=%d\n",sizeof(long long)); |
printf("arch_sizeof_char_p=%d\n",sizeof(char *)); |
printf("arch_bigendian=%s\n",isbigendian()); |
printf("arch_machine="); fflush(stdout); system("uname -m"); |
system("echo arch_target=`uname -m -p | tr ' ' -`-linux"); |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
incdir=${1:-/usr/include} |
incdir=${incdir%/} |
echo 'Created by architecture/share/' > README |
find . -type f -name '*.h' | xargs rm -fv |
find . -type d -empty | xargs rmdir -p 2> /dev/null |
files="stdio.h string.h stdlib.h unistd.h errno.h limits.h fcntl.h |
signal.h sys/socket.h sys/un.h sys/ucontext.h sys/syslog.h" |
for file in $files ; do |
mkdir -p `dirname $file` |
[ -f "$file" ] || cp -v "$incdir/$file" "$file" |
egrep '^# *(include|define.*_H)' < $file > temp.h |
cpp -w -D_GNU_SOURCE -M -I "$incdir" temp.h | |
tr ' ' '\n' | grep "^$incdir/" | while read fn ; do |
xfn=${fn#$incdir/} |
mkdir -p `dirname $xfn` |
[ -f "$xfn" ] || cp -v $fn $xfn |
done |
done |
rm -f temp.h |
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ |
dnl Enable experimental features (like DevFS ;-) |
dnl |
dnl On default we build SMP kernels and mods |
dnl |
dnl Enable modules |
dnl |
dnl Loopback device can always be usefull |
dnl |
dnl We need initrd for install system and other stuff |
dnl |
dnl Enable PCMCIA (PC-Card) as modules |
dnl |
CONFIG_I82092=y |
CONFIG_I82365=y |
dnl Misc stuff |
dnl Math emulation in the default kernel |
dnl (we could also run this on an old 386) |
dnl |
dnl Sound system |
dnl (module support is enought - default is y ...) |
dnl |
dnl Input devices |
dnl |
dnl USB drivers |
dnl |
dnl Crypto API |
dnl |
dnl Console (FB) Options |
dnl |
dnl Console (Serial) Options |
dnl |
dnl Video for Linux |
dnl |
dnl Disable kernel DRM drivers (they are usually outdated so |
dnl we use the seperate linux driver package from XFree86) |
dnl |
# CONFIG_DRM is not set |
dnl The 2.6 kernel has several debuggin options enabled |
dnl |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ |
dnl Enable Quota Support |
dnl |
dnl FAT is still very importand |
dnl |
# CONFIG_UMSDOS_FS is not set |
dnl NTFS for installation on esoteric notebooks where the user |
dnl might have the ISOs on an NTFS partition due to unsupported |
dnl floppy, CD, ... drives |
dnl ISO9660 support (including JOLIET and ZISOFS compression) |
dnl |
dnl Enable IBM JFS |
dnl |
# CONFIG_JFS_DEBUG is not set |
dnl Enable SGI XFS |
dnl |
# CONFIG_XFS_RT is not set |
# CONFIG_XFS_QUOTA is not set |
dnl DevFS and Proc |
dnl in the past we had DEVPTS disabled since it is done in DevFS |
dnl unfortunately it got removed in 2.5 due to the code duplication. |
dnl So now even with devfs devpts must be enabled and used. |
dnl |
# CONFIG_DEVFS_DEBUG is not set |
dnl Enable ext2fs and ext3fs |
dnl |
dnl Reiser Filesystem |
dnl |
dnl Network FS settings |
dnl Version 3 has several advantages ... |
dnl |
dnl ROMFS, RAMFS, CRAMFS and TMPFS (for initrd, install and /tmp) |
dnl |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ |
dnl Widest used non-on-board network card (3Com 905) |
dnl |
dnl some more module which are not activated by default |
dnl Widest used on-board network card (Tulip) |
dnl |
dnl Enable some categories so drivers are enabled as modules |
dnl |
dnl Misc network device support |
dnl |
dnl Enable IP autoconfiguration |
dnl |
dnl Enable some nice networking features |
dnl |
dnl Enable QoS and IP-Tables (drivers themself are modules) |
dnl |
dnl Disable dangerous packet generator |
dnl |
# CONFIG_NET_PKTGEN is not set |
dnl Enable ISDN drivers as modules |
dnl |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
dnl Activate SCSI discs and cd-roms - but not the verbose |
dnl SCSI error reporting (CONSTANTS) |
dnl |
dnl Do use IDE SCSI emulation support for ATAPI Devices |
dnl per default. |
dnl |
dnl Use multi-mode and DMA since this reduces the CPU load and |
dnl also increases the IDE I/O performance in general |
dnl Activate widest used IDE drivers (for proper DMA support) |
dnl |
dnl Widest used non-on-board card |
dnl |
dnl Widest used on-board card |
dnl |
dnl Enable PCMCIA SCSI (drivers themself are modules) |
dnl |
dnl Enable non-scsi cd-rom drives (drivers themself are modules) |
dnl |
dnl Enable software-raid |
dnl |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
arch_sizeof_short=2 |
arch_sizeof_int=4 |
arch_sizeof_long=4 |
arch_sizeof_long_long=8 |
arch_bigendian=yes |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
32) |
arch_machine=sparc |
arch_target="sparc-unknown-linux-gnu" |
arch_sizeof_char_p=4 ;; |
64) |
arch_machine=sparc64 |
arch_target="sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu" |
arch_sizeof_char_p=8 ;; |
esac |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/sparc/config.hlp |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
Controls whether to build a 64-bit or 32-bit user-space. |
(64-bit does currently only work with the dietlibc - not |
with the glibc - and is so _not_ recommended!) |
This options controls whether to buildt a 64-Bit kernel. |
Enable installing several versions of the same library. |
Please select the CPU you want to optimise for. |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/sparc/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
# Advanced SPARC options and 64 bit work by Rene Rebe |
# General architecture switch |
choice ROCKCFG_SPARC_BITS 32 \ |
32 "build 32 bit user-space SPARC (v7 and above)" \ |
64 "build 64 bit user-space SPARC (v9 - Ultra SPARC)" |
# Some architecture special switches |
if [ "$ROCKCFG_SPARC_BITS" = 32 ] ; then |
bool 'Build a 64 bit kernel for PCI Ultra SPARC' ROCKCFG_SPARC_64BIT_KERNEL 0 |
# later set multilib here |
fi |
# Now the optimisations that result from the options above |
if [ "$ROCKCFG_SPARC_BITS" = 64 -o "$ROCKCFG_SPARC_64BIT_KERNEL" = 1 ] ; then |
choice ROCKCFG_SPARC_OPT generic \ |
generic "No special optimisation" \ |
v9 "Optimised for UltraSPARC" |
else |
choice ROCKCFG_SPARC_OPT generic \ |
generic "No special optimisation" \ |
v7 "Optimised for Cypress" \ |
v8 "Optimised for Super/Hyper SPARC" \ |
v9 "Optimised for Ultra SPARC" |
fi |
if [ "$ROCKCFG_SPARC_OPT" != generic ] ; then |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
if [ "$ROCKCFG_SPARC_OPT" != "generic" ] ; then |
var_append GCC_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-mcpu=$ROCKCFG_SPARC_OPT" |
case "$ROCKCFG_SPARC_OPT" in |
v7) tune=cypress ;; |
v8) tune=superspace ;; |
v9) tune=ultrasparc ;; |
esac |
[ "$tune" ] && var_append GCC_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-mtune=$tune" |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
CONFIG_ISDN_DRV_PCBIT 2002-07-24 2.4.18 edss1.c |
CONFIG_PARPORT 2002-07-24 2.4.18 parport_pc.c |
@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ |
# |
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit |
# |
# |
# Code maturity level options |
# |
# |
# Loadable module support |
# |
# |
# General setup |
# |
# CONFIG_AP1000 is not set |
# CONFIG_SMP is not set |
# CONFIG_SUN4 is not set |
# CONFIG_PCI is not set |
# |
# Console drivers |
# |
# CONFIG_FB_BWTWO is not set |
# CONFIG_FB_CGTHREE is not set |
# CONFIG_FB_P9100 is not set |
# CONFIG_FB_LEO is not set |
# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set |
# CONFIG_FBCON_FONTS is not set |
# |
# Misc Linux/SPARC drivers |
# |
# CONFIG_SUN_BPP is not set |
# CONFIG_SUN_VIDEOPIX is not set |
# CONFIG_TADPOLE_TS102_UCTRL is not set |
# |
# Linux/SPARC audio subsystem (EXPERIMENTAL) |
# |
# CONFIG_SPARCAUDIO is not set |
# CONFIG_SPARCAUDIO_AMD7930 is not set |
# CONFIG_SPARCAUDIO_CS4231 is not set |
# CONFIG_PARPORT is not set |
# CONFIG_PRINTER is not set |
# |
# Floppy, IDE, and other block devices |
# |
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set |
# |
# Networking options |
# |
# CONFIG_PACKET_MMAP is not set |
# CONFIG_NETLINK is not set |
# CONFIG_NETFILTER is not set |
# CONFIG_FILTER is not set |
# CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST is not set |
# CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set |
# CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set |
# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set |
# CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set |
# CONFIG_IP_ALIAS is not set |
# CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES is not set |
# |
# (it is safe to leave these untouched) |
# |
# CONFIG_IPV6_EUI64 is not set |
# CONFIG_KHTTPD is not set |
# CONFIG_ATM is not set |
# |
# |
# |
# CONFIG_IPX_INTERN is not set |
# CONFIG_SPX is not set |
# CONFIG_X25 is not set |
# CONFIG_LAPB is not set |
# CONFIG_BRIDGE is not set |
# CONFIG_LLC is not set |
# CONFIG_ECONET is not set |
# CONFIG_WAN_ROUTER is not set |
# |
# QoS and/or fair queueing |
# |
# CONFIG_NET_SCHED is not set |
# |
# ISDN subsystem |
# |
# CONFIG_ISDN is not set |
# |
# SCSI support |
# |
# |
# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CDrom) |
# |
# |
# Some SCSI devices (e.g. CD jukebox) support multiple LUNs |
# |
# |
# SCSI low-level drivers |
# |
# |
# Fibre Channel support |
# |
# |
# FC4 drivers |
# |
# |
# FC4 targets |
# |
# |
# Network device support |
# |
# |
# CCP compressors for PPP are only built as modules. |
# |
# CONFIG_SLIP_MODE_SLIP6 is not set |
# |
# Unix98 PTY support |
# |
# |
# Filesystems |
# |
# CONFIG_QUOTA is not set |
# CONFIG_ADFS_FS is not set |
# CONFIG_HFS_FS is not set |
# CONFIG_UMSDOS_FS is not set |
# CONFIG_JOLIET is not set |
# CONFIG_UDF_FS is not set |
# CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set |
# CONFIG_DEVFS_DEBUG is not set |
# CONFIG_QNX4FS_FS is not set |
# |
# Network File Systems |
# |
# CONFIG_NFSD_SUN is not set |
# CONFIG_NCPFS_STRONG is not set |
# CONFIG_NCPFS_NFS_NS is not set |
# CONFIG_NCPFS_OS2_NS is not set |
# CONFIG_NCPFS_NLS is not set |
# CONFIG_NCPFS_EXTRAS is not set |
# |
# Partition Types |
# |
# |
# Native Language Support |
# |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_437 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_737 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_775 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_850 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_852 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_855 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_857 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_860 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_861 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_862 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_863 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_864 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_865 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_866 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_869 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_874 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_1 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_2 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_3 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_4 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_5 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_6 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_7 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_8 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_9 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_14 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_15 is not set |
# CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_R is not set |
# |
# Watchdog |
# |
# |
# Kernel hacking |
# |
# CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ is not set |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/sparc/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
arch_sizeof_short=2 |
arch_sizeof_int=4 |
arch_sizeof_long=4 |
arch_sizeof_long_long=8 |
arch_sizeof_char_p=4 |
arch_bigendian=no |
arch_machine=i386 |
arch_target=i386-pc-linux-gnu |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
if [ "$ROCKCFG_X86_BITS" = 32 ] ; then |
case "$ROCKCFG_X86_OPT" in |
i?86) |
arch_machine="$ROCKCFG_X86_OPT" ;; |
pentium|pentium-mmx|k6*) |
arch_machine="i586" ;; |
pentium*|athlon*) |
arch_machine="i686" ;; |
esac |
else |
arch_sizeof_char_p=8 |
arch_machine="x86_64" |
fi |
arch_target="${arch_machine}-pc-linux-gnu" |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/x86/config.hlp |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
Please select the specific type of x86-CPU you want to optimise |
binaries for. |
You can also choose to not optimise for any specific CPU. The resulting |
binaries will run on any x86-compatible CPU but with a significant loss |
in performance. |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/x86/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
# General architecture switch |
choice ROCKCFG_X86_BITS 32 \ |
32 "build 32 bit (normal x86)" \ |
64 "build 64 bit (AMD 64 - Opteron)" |
if [ "$ROCKCFG_X86_BITS" = 32 ] ; then |
choice ROCKCFG_X86_OPT generic \ |
generic "No special optimisation" \ |
i386 "Optimised for Intel 386" \ |
i486 "Optimised for Intel 486" \ |
pentium "Optimised for Intel Pentium" \ |
pentium-mmx "Optimised for Intel Pentium with MMX" \ |
pentiumpro "Optimised for Intel Pentium-Pro" \ |
pentium2 "Optimised for Intel Pentium 2" \ |
pentium3 "Optimised for Intel Pentium 3" \ |
pentium4 "Optimised for Intel Pentium 4" \ |
k6 "Optimised for AMD K6" \ |
k6-2 "Optimised for AMD K6-2" \ |
k6-3 "Optimised for AMD K6-3" \ |
athlon "Optimised for AMD Athlon" \ |
athlon-tbird "Optimised for AMD Athlon Thunderbird" \ |
athlon4 "Optimised for AMD Athlon 4" \ |
athlon-xp "Optimised for AMD Athlon XP" \ |
athlon-mp "Optimised for AMD Athlon MP" |
else |
choice ROCKCFG_X86_OPT generic \ |
generic "No special optimisation" \ |
athlon "Optimised for AMD Athlon" |
fi |
if [ $ROCKCFG_X86_OPT != generic ] ; then |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
if [ "$ROCKCFG_X86_OPT" != "generic" ] ; then |
var_append GCC3_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-march=$ROCKCFG_X86_OPT" |
fi |
case "$ROCKCFG_X86_OPT" in |
i386|i486) |
var_append GCC2_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-march=$ROCKCFG_X86_OPT" ;; |
pentium|pentium-mmx) |
var_append GCC2_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-march=pentium" ;; |
pentium*) |
var_append GCC2_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-march=pentiumpro" ;; |
k6*|athlon*) |
var_append GCC2_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-march=k6" ;; |
esac |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
case "$ROCKCFG_IA32_OPT" in |
pentium|pentium-mmx) |
var_append ICC_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-tpp5" ;; |
pentium4) |
var_append ICC_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-tpp7" ;; |
pentium*) |
var_append ICC_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-tpp6" ;; |
esac |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
{ |
cat <<- 'EOT' |
define(`INTEL', `Intel X86 PCs')dnl |
dnl CPU configuration |
dnl |
linux_arch=386 |
for x in "i386 386" \ |
"i486 486" \ |
"pentium 586" \ |
"pentium-mmx 586MMX" \ |
"pentiumpro 686" \ |
"pentium2 PENTIUMII" \ |
"pentium3 PENTIUMIII" \ |
"pentium4 PENTIUM4" \ |
"k6 K6" \ |
"k6-2 K6" \ |
"k6-3 K6" \ |
"athlon K7" \ |
"athlon-tbird K7" \ |
"athlon4 K7" \ |
"athlon-xp K7" \ |
"athlon-mp K7" |
do |
set $x |
[ "$1" = "$ROCKCFG_X86_OPT" ] && linux_arch=$2 |
done |
# echo `grep -A 20 'Processor family' \ |
# /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/ | expand | \ |
# cut -c 57- | cut -f1 -d' ' | tr -d '"'` |
# |
for x in 386 486 586 586TSC 586MMX 686 PENTIUMIII PENTIUM4 \ |
do |
if [ "$linux_arch" != "$x" ] |
then echo "# CONFIG_M$x is not set" |
else echo "CONFIG_M$x=y" ; fi |
done |
echo |
cat <<- 'EOT' |
dnl Memory Type Range Register support |
dnl (improvements in graphic speed ...) |
dnl |
dnl PC Speaker for 2.5/6 kernel |
include(`kernel-common.conf') |
include(`kernel-scsi.conf') |
include(`kernel-net.conf') |
include(`kernel-fs.conf') |
} | m4 -I $base/architecture/$arch -I $base/architecture/share |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/architecture/x86/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST="$CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST x86 Intel_x86_and_compatible_PCs" |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
basedirs="Documentation|architecture|misc|package|scripts|target"; |
error=0 |
for patch in "$@" |
do |
plevel=1 |
for plevelc in 2 0 1 |
do |
if egrep -q "^--- ([^/]*/){$plevelc}($basedirs)" $patch; then |
plevel=$plevelc |
fi |
done |
echo |
echo "*** patch -fp$plevel --dry-run < $patch" |
patch -fp$plevel --dry-run < $patch || error=1 |
done |
if [ $error = 1 ]; then |
echo |
echo "*** Dry run returned errors." |
echo |
exit 1 |
fi |
echo |
read -p 'Press ENTER to apply the patches or Ctrl-C to abort: ' |
echo |
for patch in "$@" |
do |
plevel=1 |
for plevelc in 2 0 1 |
do |
if egrep -q "^--- ([^/]*/){$plevelc}($basedirs)" $patch; then |
plevel=$plevelc |
fi |
done |
echo "*** patch -fp$plevel < $patch" |
patch -fp$plevel <$patch |
echo |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/bash-xterm.patch |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
Little hack for bash: Adding 'xterm' option which causes bash to print the |
PS1 prompt and the command bash is executing now in the title bar. |
I'm not sure if my changes in execute_cmd.c will cause any troubles when |
used with redirects and complex command blocks. |
Written by Clifford <>, 2001-04-08 |
diff -ruN bash-2.04-orig/builtins/builtins.c bash-2.04/builtins/builtins.c
--- bash-2.04-orig/builtins/builtins.c Sun Apr 8 11:19:48 2001
+++ bash-2.04/builtins/builtins.c Sun Apr 8 11:29:59 2001
@@ -765,6 +765,7 @@
#if defined (READLINE) |
" vi use a vi-style line editing interface", |
#endif /* READLINE */ |
+ " xterm create xterm title escape codes",
" xtrace same as -x", |
" -p Turned on whenever the real and effective user ids do not match.", |
" Disables processing of the $ENV file and importing of shell", |
diff -ruN bash-2.04-orig/builtins/set.def bash-2.04/builtins/set.def
--- bash-2.04-orig/builtins/set.def Thu Aug 5 13:44:25 1999
+++ bash-2.04/builtins/set.def Sun Apr 8 11:36:59 2001
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
# include "../bashhist.h" |
#endif |
-extern int interactive;
+extern int interactive, xterm_mode;
extern int noclobber, posixly_correct, ignoreeof, eof_encountered_limit; |
#if defined (READLINE) |
extern int rl_editing_mode, no_line_editing; |
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
#if defined (READLINE) |
vi use a vi-style line editing interface |
#endif /* READLINE */ |
+ xterm create xterm title escape codes
xtrace same as -x |
-p Turned on whenever the real and effective user ids do not match. |
Disables processing of the $ENV file and importing of shell |
@@ -195,6 +196,7 @@
{ "emacs", (int *)NULL, set_edit_mode, get_edit_mode }, |
{ "vi", (int *)NULL, set_edit_mode, get_edit_mode }, |
#endif |
+ { "xterm", &xterm_mode, (Function *)NULL, (Function *)NULL },
{ (char *)NULL, (int *)NULL } |
}; |
diff -ruN bash-2.04-orig/execute_cmd.c bash-2.04/execute_cmd.c
--- bash-2.04-orig/execute_cmd.c Tue Jan 25 17:29:11 2000
+++ bash-2.04/execute_cmd.c Sun Apr 8 12:49:23 2001
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
# include "bashhist.h" |
#endif |
-extern int posixly_correct;
+extern int posixly_correct, xterm_mode;
extern int executing, breaking, continuing, loop_level; |
extern int interactive, interactive_shell, login_shell, expand_aliases; |
extern int parse_and_execute_level, running_trap, trap_line_number; |
@@ -2367,6 +2367,16 @@
/* Remember what this command line looks like at invocation. */ |
command_string_index = 0; |
print_simple_command (simple_command); |
+ /* Create xterm title */
+ if (xterm_mode)
+ {
+ char *txt = get_string_value ("PS1");
+ txt = txt ? decode_prompt_string (txt) : NULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "\033]0;%s%s\007", txt ? txt : "bash: ",
+ the_printed_command);
+ FREE(txt); fflush(stderr);
+ }
first_word_quoted = |
simple_command->words ? (simple_command->words->word->flags & W_QUOTED): 0; |
diff -ruN bash-2.04-orig/flags.c bash-2.04/flags.c
--- bash-2.04-orig/flags.c Thu Aug 5 13:20:28 1999
+++ bash-2.04/flags.c Sun Apr 8 11:35:24 2001
@@ -147,6 +147,11 @@
int brace_expansion = 1; |
#endif |
+/* Non-zero means that the shell prints xterm escape codes for creating
+ a new title text before printing the promt and before exetucing a
+ command. */
+int xterm_mode = 0;
/* **************************************************************** */ |
/* */ |
/* The Flags ALIST. */ |
diff -ruN bash-2.04-orig/parse.y bash-2.04/parse.y
--- bash-2.04-orig/parse.y Tue Feb 22 19:12:03 2000
+++ bash-2.04/parse.y Sun Apr 8 12:32:08 2001
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
#if defined (BUFFERED_INPUT) |
extern int bash_input_fd_changed; |
#endif |
+extern int xterm_mode;
extern int errno; |
/* **************************************************************** */ |
@@ -153,6 +154,7 @@
/* The decoded prompt string. Used if READLINE is not defined or if |
editing is turned off. Analogous to current_readline_prompt. */ |
static char *current_decoded_prompt; |
+static char *current_decoded_ps1_prompt;
/* The number of lines read from input while creating the current command. */ |
int current_command_line_count; |
@@ -975,6 +977,10 @@
interrupt_immediately++; |
} |
+ if (xterm_mode) fprintf(stderr, "\033]0;%s\007",
+ current_decoded_ps1_prompt ?
+ current_decoded_ps1_prompt : "bash");
current_readline_line = readline (current_readline_prompt ? |
current_readline_prompt : ""); |
@@ -3421,6 +3427,10 @@
ps1_prompt = get_string_value ("PS1"); |
ps2_prompt = get_string_value ("PS2"); |
+ FREE (current_decoded_ps1_prompt);
+ current_decoded_ps1_prompt = ps1_prompt ?
+ decode_prompt_string (ps1_prompt) : (char *)NULL;
if (!prompt_string_pointer) |
prompt_string_pointer = &ps1_prompt; |
@@ -3468,6 +3478,8 @@
static void |
print_prompt () |
{ |
+ if (xterm_mode) fprintf(stderr, "\033]0;%s\007",
+ current_decoded_ps1_prompt ? current_decoded_ps1_prompt : "bash");
fprintf (stderr, "%s", current_decoded_prompt); |
fflush (stderr); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
for x ; do [ -f $x.orig ] || cp -v $x $x.orig ; done |
$EDITOR "$@" |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# |
# WARNING: Create backup copies of your files before you use this tool |
# for editing the categories of your packages !!! |
# |
# Usage: sh misc/archive/ package/base/*/*.desc |
# or: sh misc/archive/ -a |
# |
set -e |
item='' |
tmp=$( mktemp ) |
if [ $(dialog --version 2>&1| grep -c "0.9") -eq 0 ]; then |
echo "dialog's version at least 0.9 needed" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [ "$1" = "-a" -o "$1" = "--all" ] |
then files="$(find package/ -name *.desc | sort -t '/' -k 4)" |
else files="$@" |
fi |
until |
pkglst=$(grep '^\[C\]' $files | sed -e 's,^[^:]*/,,;' \ |
-e 's,\.[^ ]* , ",;' -e 's,$,",;' | sed -e 's, "$,",' \ |
| tr '\n' ' ' ) |
eval dialog --backtitle \"ROCK Linux package category editor\" \ |
${item:+--default-item} $item --cancel-label \ |
Quit --menu \"Choose the package you want to edit\" \ |
42 120 35 $pkglst 2> $tmp |
item="$( cat $tmp )" |
cat $tmp |
[ -z "$item" ] |
do |
for file in $files; do |
[[ $file = */$item.desc ]] && break |
done |
(for category in $(awk '/^[^# ]/ {print $1}' < Documentation/Developers/PKG-CATEGORIES); do |
echo -n $category $category |
if [ -n "$(grep "^\[C\].*$category" $file )" ] |
then echo -e " on " |
else echo -e " off " |
fi |
done ) > $tmp |
dialog --cancel-label Back --backtitle " categories for $item " \ |
--checklist "$(grep '^\[I\]' $file | sed 's/\[I\] //' )" \ |
42 80 35 $(cat $tmp) 2> $tmp |
value=$( cat $tmp | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/ $//' ) |
if [ "$value" ] ; then |
cat $file | sed "s,^\[C\] .*,\[C\] $value,g" > $tmp |
cat $tmp > $file |
#grep -v '^\[C\]' "$file" > $tmp |
#echo -e '\n'"[C] $value" >> $tmp |
#./scripts/Create-DescPatch $item | patch -p1 |
fi |
done |
rm -f $tmp |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
/* ccat (counting cat) |
* |
* |
* This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
* Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
* the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
* the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
* |
* ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/ccat.c |
* ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
* |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
* License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
* |
* Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
* have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
* file for details. |
* |
*/ |
#define VERSION "2000-06-15" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <errno.h> |
int main(int argc) { |
char s1[]="................................" |
"................................"; |
char buf[10240]; |
int c,rc1,rc2; |
if (argc != 1) { |
fprintf(stderr, |
"ccat (counting cat) Version " VERSION "\n" |
"Copyright (C) 2000 Clifford Wolf, Thomas Baumgartner\n" |
"\n" |
" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" |
" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" |
" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n" |
" (at your option) any later version.\n" |
"\n" |
" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" |
" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" |
" GNU General Public License for more details.\n" |
"\n" |
" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" |
" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n" |
" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n" |
"\n" |
"Usage: `ccat' reads from its stdin and writes to stdout. No command line\n" |
" arguments ar allowed. A status bar is printed to stderr.\n\n" |
); fflush(stderr); |
return 1; |
} |
c=1024; rc1=rc2=0; |
while (1) { |
if (c%1024 == 0) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\r%6d0 MB [%s]\r%6d0 MB [", |
c/1024,s1,c/1024); fflush(stderr); |
} |
if ( (rc1=read(0,buf,10240)) <= 0 ) { rc2=rc1; break; } |
if (c%16 == 0) { |
fprintf(stderr,"X"); fflush(stderr); |
} |
if ( (rc2=write(1,buf,rc1)) != rc1 ) break; |
c++; |
} |
if (rc1 == -1) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\nRead ERROR: %s\n",strerror(errno)); |
} else if (rc2 == -1) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\nWrite ERROR: %s\n",strerror(errno)); |
} else if (rc2 != rc1) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\nWrite ERROR: Only %d of %d bytes " |
"in the last block has been written.\n",rc2,rc1); |
} else |
fprintf(stderr,"\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ |
/* gcc -O2 -Wall cdromchk.c -o cdromchk |
* |
* |
* This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
* Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
* the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
* the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
* |
* ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/cdromchk.c |
* ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
* |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
* License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
* |
* Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
* have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
* file for details. |
* |
*/ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <sys/types.h> |
#include <sys/stat.h> |
#include <fcntl.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <errno.h> |
#include <string.h> |
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { |
int cdrom,file; |
char buf1[4096]; |
char buf2[4096]; |
int rc1,rc2,rc3; |
int c1=0,c2=0; |
if (argc != 3) { |
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <cdrom> <iso-file>\n",argv[0]); |
return 1; |
} |
fprintf(stderr,"Checking CD-ROM ..."); |
if ( (cdrom=open(argv[1],O_RDONLY|O_SYNC)) == 0 ) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s: Can't open %s: %s\n", |
argv[0],argv[1],strerror(errno)); |
return 1; |
} |
if ( (file=open(argv[2],O_RDONLY)) == 0 ) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s: Can't open %s: %s\n", |
argv[0],argv[2],strerror(errno)); |
return 1; |
} |
while ( (rc1=read(file,buf1,4096)) > 0 ) { |
for (rc2=0; rc2 < rc1; rc2+=rc3) { |
rc3=read(cdrom,buf2+rc2,rc1-rc2); |
if (rc3 == -1) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s: cdrom read error: %s\n", |
argv[0],strerror(errno)); |
return 1; |
} |
if (rc3 == 0) break; |
} |
if (rc2 != rc1) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s: cdrom read error: %d of " |
"%d bytes\n",argv[0],rc2,rc1); |
return 1; |
} |
if (memcmp(buf1,buf2,rc2)) {\ |
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s: cdrom data differs from " |
"the iso file\n",argv[0]); |
return 1; |
} |
c1+=rc2; c2+=rc2; |
if (c1 > (1048576*16)) { |
c1=0; |
fprintf(stderr,"."); |
} |
} |
if (rc1 == -1) { |
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s: file read error: %s\n", |
argv[0],strerror(errno)); |
return 1; |
} |
fprintf(stderr," OK (%d MB).\n",c2/1048576); |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
tmp1=`mktemp` |
tmp2=`mktemp` |
find -type d -name CVS | while read dirname ; do |
echo ${dirname%/*} |
awk -F "/" '$1 == "" && $3 !~ /^-/ { |
print "'"${dirname%/*}"'/" $2; }' < $dirname/Entries |
done | sed 's,./,,' | sort > $tmp1 |
find | grep -v '/CVS' | grep -v '/\.$' | sed 's,./,,' | sort > $tmp2 |
diff -u0 $tmp1 $tmp2 | grep '^[-+][A-Za-z]' | \ |
egrep -xv '\+Documentation/(FAQ|LSM)' | \ |
sed 's,^-,cvs remove ,; s,^+,cvs add ,' |
rm -f $tmp1 $tmp2 |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
if [ "$1" = "rm" ] ; then |
find $2 -type f ! -path '*/CVS/*' | xargs rm -vf |
elif [ "$1" = "mv" -o "$1" = "cp" ] ; then |
find $2 -type d ! -name CVS -printf "$3/%P\n" | xargs mkdir -p |
find $2 -type f ! -path '*/CVS/*' -printf "$1 -v %p $3/%P\n" | sh |
else |
echo "Usage: $0 mv source-dir target-dir" |
echo "Usage: $0 cp source-dir target-dir" |
echo " or: $0 rm remove-dir" |
exit 1 |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# Convert an Old-Style ROCK Linux Extension to the standard package format. |
# |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
if [ -z "$1" -o ! -f "$1.ext" ] ; then |
[ ! -f "$1.ext" ] && echo "No such file: $1.ext" |
echo "Usage: $0 <ext-name>" |
exit 1 |
fi |
egrep '^# +\[' $1.ext | sed 's,^# *,,' | \ |
egrep -v '^\[(P|PRI|PRIORITY)\]' > $1.desc |
pri=`{ egrep '^# +\[(P|PRI|PRIORITY)\] +' $1.ext ; echo ". . 5" ; } | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f3 -d' '` |
echo "[P] X ------6--9 300.$pri" >> $1.desc |
{ |
echo "#" |
echo "# Converted from $name.ext by <rock-base>/misc/archive/" |
echo "#" |
echo |
echo 'if [ "$prefix" != "opt/$pkg" ] ; then' |
echo ' abort "!! This package is converted from an old-style .ext file and' |
echo '!! might only compile fine when built with the Build-Pkg' |
echo '!! option \"-prefix /opt/$pkg\"."' |
echo 'fi' |
echo |
echo "main() {" |
egrep -v '^# +\[' $1.ext |
echo "}" |
echo |
echo "autoextract=0" |
echo "custmain=main" |
echo |
} > $1.conf |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
for x in unix linux i{3,4,5,6}86 alpha powerpc ppc gnuc \ |
intel_compiler ; do |
for y in $x __${x}__ _${x}_ __$x _$x ; do |
for z in $y $( echo $y | tr a-z A-Z ) ; do |
echo "X$z $z" >> /tmp/$$.c |
done |
done |
done |
echo "== ${1:-cc} -E ==" |
${1:-cc} -E /tmp/$$.c | egrep -xv '(X(.*) \2|#.*)' | \ |
cut -c2- | sed 's, , ,' | expand -20 |
rm -f /tmp/$$.c |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
/* Hello World in C (by Clifford) |
* |
* |
* This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
* Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
* the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
* the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
* |
* ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/hello.c |
* ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
* |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
* License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
* |
* Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
* have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
* file for details. |
* |
*/ |
#include <stdio.h> |
int main() { |
printf("Hello World! (A simple C program.)\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
// Hello World in C++ (by Clifford)
// This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
// Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
// the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
// the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
// ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/
// ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
// License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
// Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
// have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
// file for details.
#include <iostream.h>
int main() { |
cout << "Hello World! (A simple C++ program.)\n"; |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
c Hello World in Fortran (by Clifford) |
c |
c |
c This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
c Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
c the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
c the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
c |
c ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/hello.f |
c ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
c |
c This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
c (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
c License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
c |
c Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
c have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
c file for details. |
c |
program hello_world |
print *, "Hello World! (A simple Fortran program.)" |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
// Hello World in Java (by Clifford) |
// Compile with 'gcj --main=hello' |
// |
// |
// This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
// Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
// the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
// the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
// |
// ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/ |
// ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
// |
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
// (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
// License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
// |
// Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
// have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
// file for details. |
// |
public class hello { |
public static void main (String[] args) { |
System.out.println("Hello World! (A simple Java program.)"); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/archive/ |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
signal=15 |
returncode=0 |
for port ; do |
xport="`printf '%04X' $port 2> /dev/null || echo ERROR`" |
if [ "$xport" = "ERROR" ] ; then |
echo "Not a valid port number: $port" >&2 |
returncode=$(($returncode + 1)) |
else |
echo "Sending signal $signal to all processes connected" \ |
"to port $port:" |
for proto in tcp udp ; do |
echo -n " Inodes for `echo $proto | tr a-z A-Z`/$xport: " |
inodes=`egrep "^ *[0-9]+: +[0-9A-F]+:$xport " /proc/net/$proto | |
tr -s ' ' | cut -f11 -d' ' | tr '\n' ' '` |
if [ "$inodes" ] ; then |
echo "$inodes (getting pids)" |
for inode in $inodes ; do |
echo -n " PIDs for inode $inode: " |
pids="`ls -l /proc/[0-9]*/fd/* 2> /dev/null | \ |
grep 'socket:\['$inode'\]' | tr -s ' ' | |
cut -f9 -d' ' | cut -f3 -d/ | tr '\n' ' '`" |
if [ "$pids" ] ; then |
echo "$pids (sending signal)" |
kill -$signal $pids |
else |
echo "None found." |
fi |
done |
else |
echo "None found." |
fi |
done |
fi |
done |
exit $returncode |