Dimitar Zhekov <jimmy@is-vn.bg>:
Changes to sysfiles for better -text and install support.
stone_gui_dialog.sh, stone_gui_text.sh, stone.sh: use type
-p instead of which (the latter does not exist in 2nd stage
small). IMHO, we should prefer type -p to which, because
we depend on bash, which has type -p, and our which is an
alias or a replacement script.
stone_gui_text.sh: instead of "Press ENTER for next page"
on long menus, display a ">>" prompt and read. Valid input
is processed as usual, EOF or invalid input exits to
caller, and ENTER (i.e. an empty line) displays the next
page (as before). The last prompt, ">", remains unchanged.
stone_gui_text.sh: clear the input line when a gui_input
is answered with EOF. Currently there is no way to clear
an input line (can't clear clock_rtc, con_blank, ...)
stone_mod_gas.sh: this is gastone, a simple stone-based
package manager. Supports categories and (un)installing
a single package or an entire category. Requires gzip.
stone_mod_packages.sh: allow mount options (I use --bind)
and support gastone. Don't Display gasgui if it's missing.
stone_mod_setup.sh: while installing, call set_tmarea()
instead of set_tmzone [it's the new entrypoint for setting
time zone] and call set_vcfont [seems logical - all other
i18n-setting stone stuff is called].
git-svn-id: http://www.rocklinux.org/svn/rock-linux/trunk@1364 c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc
21 years ago |
# --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- # # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. # Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing # the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by # the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! # # ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/stone_gui_dialog.sh # ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public # License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. # # Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please # have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM # file for details. # # --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END --- # # Filename: gui_dialog.sh # Description: # ============ # This file provides the gui-functions implemented with # the use of dialog, i.e. a curses based menu-frontend.
gui_dialog_lines="$( stty size | cut -d' ' -f1 )" gui_dialog_columns="$( stty size | cut -d' ' -f2 )"
gui_dialog_s70=$(( gui_dialog_columns - 10 )) gui_dialog_s62=$(( gui_dialog_columns - 18 )) gui_dialog_s15=$(( gui_dialog_lines - 10 ))
gui_dialog() { dialog --stdout --title 'STONE - Setup Tool ONE - ROCK Linux System Configuration' "$@" }
# [ the following variables act as staticly declared variables in functions (in # C), i.e. they keep their content even after return of the certain function # to be used again and again in this function. ] # # Important is to know that an element of `gui_menu_tree_name' corresponds # to an element of `gui_menu_tree_value' by the same number, i.e. # gui_menu_tree_value[0] contains the value of gui_menu_tree_name[0] # declare -a gui_menu_tree_name declare -a gui_menu_tree_value gui_menu_tree_id=-1
# Use: gui_menu "ID" "Title" "Text" "Action" [ "Text" "Action" [ .. ] ] # gui_menu() { # `cmd_ar' acts as a kind of mapper between the choosen category # and the function's/command's name that is responsible for what # next is to do. This command/function is finally executed. local -a cmd_ar
# Although dialog does folding itself, we're forced # to do it directly, because we need the number of # lines to compute the size of a widget. local id="$1" title="$( echo "$2" | fmt -$gui_dialog_s62 )" local y_text=$( echo "$title" | wc -l ) y_menu=$(( ($#-2) / 2 )) local nr=1 x="'" y choosen='' ; shift 2
[ $(( $y_text + $y_menu )) -gt $gui_dialog_s15 ] && \
y_menu=$(( gui_dialog_s15 - y_text ))
if [ $id = main ] ; then local cmd="gui_dialog --cancel-label Exit" elif [ "$gui_nocancel" = 1 ] ; then cmd="gui_dialog --no-cancel" else local cmd="gui_dialog --cancel-label Back" ; fi
# In case of having been in the current menu before (found out by # checking the current ID for the ones saved in `gui_menu_tree_name[]'), # make the old item be cursored again. local default='' count for (( count=$gui_menu_tree_id; $count >= 0; count-- )) do if [ "${gui_menu_tree_name[$count]}" = $id ] ; then default="${gui_menu_tree_value[$count]}" gui_menu_tree_id=$(( $count - 1 )) break fi done
cmd="$cmd --default-item \${default:-1}" cmd="$cmd --menu '${title//$x/$x\\$x$x}'" cmd="$cmd $(( $y_text + $y_menu + 6 )) $gui_dialog_s70 $y_menu"
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do y="${2#\*}" if [ -z "$default" -a "$y" != "$2" ] ; then default="$nr" fi if [ -z "$y" ] ; then if [ -z "$1" ] ; then # this line should become a blank one cmd="$cmd ' ' ' '" else # the purpose of this line is only to # display additional information about # the item before cmd="$cmd '-' '${1//$x/$x\\$x$x}'" fi else cmd="$cmd $nr '${1//$x/$x\\$x$x}'" cmd_ar[$nr]="$y" ((nr++)) fi
shift ; shift done
# `choosen' gets the choosen item that represents in fact # the dereferencer for `cmd_ar'. choosen="$(eval "$cmd")"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # if enter is pressed on an ``additional information line'', # do nothing. [ "$choosen" = "-" ] && return 0
gui_menu_tree_id=$(( $gui_menu_tree_id + 1 )) gui_menu_tree_name[$gui_menu_tree_id]=$id gui_menu_tree_value[$gui_menu_tree_id]=$choosen
eval "${cmd_ar[$choosen]}" return 0 else return 1 fi }
# Use: gui_input "Text" "Default" "VarName" # gui_input() { local headlines="$( echo "$1" | fmt -$gui_dialog_s62 )" \
height=$(( $(echo "$headlines" | wc -l) + 7 )) tmp cmd
if [ "$gui_nocancel" = 1 ] ; then cmd="gui_dialog --no-cancel" else local cmd="gui_dialog --cancel-label Back" ; fi
if tmp="$($cmd --inputbox "$headlines" $height $gui_dialog_s70 "$2")"; then eval "$3='$tmp'" fi }
# Use: gui_message "Text" # gui_message() { local headlines="$( echo "$1" | fold -w $gui_dialog_s62 )" gui_dialog --msgbox "$headlines" \
$(( $( echo "$headlines" | wc -l ) + 5 )) $gui_dialog_s70 }
# Use: gui_yesno "Text" # gui_yesno() { local headlines="$( echo "$1" | fmt -$gui_dialog_s62 )" gui_dialog --yesno "$headlines" \
$(( $( echo "$headlines" | wc -l ) + 4 )) $gui_dialog_s70 }
# Use: gui_edit "Text" "File" # gui_edit() { # find editor for x in $EDITOR vi nvi emacs xemacs pico ; do if type -p $x > /dev/null then xx=$x ; break ; fi done if [ "$xx" ] ; then eval "$xx $2" else gui_message "Cannot find any editor. Make sure \$EDITOR is set." fi }
# Use: gui_cmd "Title" "Command" # (Title isn't used in this GUI type) gui_cmd() { shift ; eval "$@" read -p "Press ENTER to continue." }