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[I] A GNOME 2 applet that shows the status of your Caps, Num, and Scroll Lock keys.
[T] Lock Keys Applet (formerly Led_applet) is a GNOME 2 applet that shows [T] the status of the Caps-, Num-, and Scroll Lock keys. It saves the status [T] of the Lock keys and restores it when starting GNOME 2.
[U] http://mfcn.ilo.de/led_applet/
[A] Joergen Scheibengruber <mfcn@gmx.de> [M] Juergen Sawinski <jsaw@rocklinux.org>
[C] extra/tool extra/desktop/gnome
[L] GPL [S] Stable [V] 1.0 [P] X -?---5---9 188.200
[D] 1909782087 lock-keys-applet-1.0.tar.gz http://mfcn.ilo.de/led_applet/