exec < /dev/console > /dev/console 2> /dev/console ; cd / export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" umount /old_root/dev /old_root/proc /old_root ; rmdir /old_root grep -v "^rootfs " /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab freeramdisk /dev/rd/* 2> /dev/null
mkdir -p /lib/modules/$( uname -r ) echo -n >> /lib/modules/$( uname -r )/modules.dep
cd /dev ; rm -f fd ln -sf /proc/kcore core ln -sf /proc/self/fd fd ln -sf fd/0 stdin ln -sf fd/1 stdout ln -sf fd/2 stderr cd /
echo echo ' ******************************************************************' echo ' * Welcome to the ROCK Linux 2nd stage boot disk. *' echo ' ******************************************************************' echo echo 'This is a small linux distribution, loaded into your PCs memory. It has' echo 'everything needed to install ROCK Linux, restore an old installation or' echo 'perform some administrative tasks.'
for x in /etc/setup-*.sh /setup/setup.sh ; do if [ -f "$x" ] ; then echo ; echo "Running $x ..." ; sh $x echo "Setup script $x finished." fi done
echo echo "Enter the names of all terminal devices (e.g. 'vc/1' or 'tts/0')." echo -n "An empty text stands for vc/1 - vc/6: " ; read ttydevs [ -z "$ttydevs" ] && ttydevs="vc/1 vc/2 vc/3 vc/4 vc/5 vc/6"
echo echo 'Just type "stone" now if you want to make a normal installation of a ROCK' echo 'Linux build (or type "stone -text" if you prefer non-dialog based menus).'
echo -e '#!/bin/sh\ncd ; exec /bin/sh --login' > /sbin/login-shell chmod +x /sbin/login-shell
for x in $ttydevs ; do ( ( while : ; do agetty -i 38400 $x -n -l /sbin/login-shell ; done ) & ) done
exec < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 while : ; do sleep 1 ; done