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[I] Ports of all the games from NetBSD-current that are free
[T] This is the bsd-games package for Linux, containing ports of all the [T] games from NetBSD-current that are free in the usual (DFSG/OSD) sense [T] (i.e. modified and unmodified versions can be freely distributed, [T] including for profit). [T] [T] This package contains the following games: [T] [T] adventure: the original adventure by Crowther and Woods [T] arithmetic: arithmetic quiz/speed test [T] atc: air traffic control [T] backgammon: backgammon [T] banner: display a message in big letters [T] battlestar: adventure game on a battlestar [T] bcd: outputs text in an antique form [T] boggle: boggle [T] caesar: reads fortunes from the game fortune, also some internet [T] posts [T] canfield: curses-based solitaire [T] countmail: tell you how much new mail you have [T] cribbage: cribbage [T] dm: dungeon master, regulates games playing [T] factor: factor a number [T] fish: go fish [T] fortune: displays a random silly message [T] gomoku: gomoku [T] hangman: guess the word before it is too late [T] hunt: hunt each other in a maze (multiplayer -- great) [T] mille: mille borne against the computer [T] monop: monopoly [T] morse: output morse code [T] number: output the English text for a number [T] phantasia: interterminal fantasy game [T] pig: output text in Pig Latin [T] pom: display the phase of the moon [T] ppt: outputs text in another antique form [T] primes: generate primes [T] quiz: random knowledge tests [T] rain: attempts to create a rain drop effect (best at 9600 baud) [T] random: random lines from a file or random numbers [T] robots: well... avoid the robots [T] sail: sail your ship into battle [T] snake: grab the cash and avoid the snake and exit [T] tetris: tetris [T] trek: We come in peace, shoot to kill. It's worse than that, he's [T] dead Jim. Ye cannot change the laws of physics. It's life [T] Jim, but not as we know it. There's Klingons on the starboard [T] bow ... [T] wargames: would you like to play a game? [T] worm: eat the numbers without running into anything [T] worms: random worms scurrying across your screen [T] wump: hunt the wumpus
[A] Joseph S. Myers <jsm28@cam.ac.uk> {Porting it to Linux} [M] Rene Rebe <rene@exactcode.de>
[C] extra/game
[L] BSD [S] Stable [V] 2.14 [P] X -?---5---9 117.200
[D] 1302769788 bsd-games-2.14.tar.gz ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/games/