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  8. [COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/tibit/mjpegtools/mjpegtools.cache
  9. [COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
  10. [COPY]
  11. [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  12. [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  13. [COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  14. [COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
  15. [COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
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  17. [COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
  18. [COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
  19. [COPY] file for details.
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  22. [TIMESTAMP] 1142517082 Thu Mar 16 14:51:22 2006 (5)
  23. [TIMESTAMP] 1142770691 Sun Mar 19 13:18:11 2006 (9)
  24. [CONFIG-ID] TRUNK-x86-reference
  26. [LOGS] 5-mjpegtools.log 9-mjpegtools.log
  27. [BUILDTIME] 15946 (5)
  28. [BUILDTIME] 16752 (9)
  29. [SIZE] 1.82 MB, 113 files
  30. [DEP] 00-dirtree atk atk:dev bash2 binutils bzip2 cairo cairo:dev coreutils
  31. [DEP] diffutils expat findutils freetype freetype:dev gawk gcc34 gcc34:dev
  32. [DEP] glib glib:dev glibc23 glibc23:dev gnome-libs14 gnome14-dirtree
  33. [DEP] gnome2-dirtree grep gtk+ gtk+:dev libdv libdv:dev libjpeg libjpeg:dev
  34. [DEP] libpng libpng:dev libsdl libsdl:dev linux26-header:dev make mktemp
  35. [DEP] nas net-tools pango pango:dev pkgconfig rrdtool sed sysfiles tar
  36. [DEP] util-linux xorg xorg:dev zlib:dev
  37. [PROVIDES] anytovcd.sh glav jpeg2yuv lav2avi.sh lav2mpeg lav2wav lav2yuv
  38. [PROVIDES] lavaddwav lavinfo lavpipe lavplay lavrec lavtrans lavvideo
  39. [PROVIDES] liblavfile.a liblavfile.so liblavjpeg.a liblavjpeg.so
  40. [PROVIDES] liblavplay.a liblavplay.so liblavrec.a liblavrec.so
  41. [PROVIDES] libmjpegutils.a libmjpegutils.so libmpeg2encpp.a
  42. [PROVIDES] libmpeg2encpp.so libmplex2.a libmplex2.so matteblend.flt
  43. [PROVIDES] mjpeg_simd_helper mp2enc mpeg2enc mpegtranscode mplex
  44. [PROVIDES] multiblend.flt pgmtoy4m png2yuv pnmtoy4m ppmtoy4m testrec
  45. [PROVIDES] transist.flt y4mblack y4mcolorbars y4mdenoise y4mhist
  46. [PROVIDES] y4minterlace y4mshift y4mspatialfilter y4mstabilizer y4mtopnm
  47. [PROVIDES] y4mtoppm y4mtoyuv y4munsharp ypipe yuv2lav yuv4mpeg yuvcorrect
  48. [PROVIDES] yuvcorrect_tune yuvdeinterlace yuvdenoise yuvfps yuvinactive
  49. [PROVIDES] yuvkineco yuvmedianfilter yuvplay yuvscaler yuvycsnoise
  50. [PROVIDES] yuyvtoy4m