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317 lines
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #
  4. #
  5. # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
  6. # Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
  7. # the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
  8. # the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
  9. #
  10. # ROCK Linux: rock-src/scripts/Config
  11. # ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf
  12. #
  13. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  14. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  15. # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  16. # (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
  17. # License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
  18. #
  19. # Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
  20. # have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
  21. # file for details.
  22. #
  24. if [ -z "${lines:=$LINES}" -o -z "${columns:=$COLUMNS}" ] ; then
  25. if [ "$( type -p stty )" ] ; then
  26. lines="$( stty size 2> /dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1 )"
  27. columns="$( stty size 2> /dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2 )"
  28. fi
  29. [ -z "$lines" -o "$lines" -le 0 ] 2> /dev/null && lines=24
  30. [ -z "$columns" -o "$columns" -le 0 ] 2> /dev/null && columns=80
  31. fi
  32. eval "$(egrep '^rockver=' scripts/parse-config)"
  33. config=default
  34. do_config_cycle=0
  35. delete_mode=0
  36. oldconfig=''
  37. nobashmod=''
  38. profile=""
  39. while [ "$1" ] ; do
  40. case "$1" in
  41. -cycle) do_config_cycle=1 ; shift ;;
  42. -delete) delete_mode=1 ; shift ;;
  43. -profile) profile='-profile' ; shift ;;
  44. -oldconfig) oldconfig='-oldconfig' ; shift ;;
  45. -nobashmod) nobashmod='-nobashmod' ; shift ;;
  46. -cfg) config="$2" ; shift ; shift ;;
  47. *)
  48. echo
  49. echo "Usage: $0 [ -delete | -oldconfig ] [ -cfg <config> ]"
  50. echo " Create and modify build configurations for the other"
  51. echo " scripts, e.g. Download, Build-Target, and Emerge-Pkg."
  52. echo
  53. echo " -cfg <config> use <config> as the configuration name. If this option"
  54. echo " is not set the name 'default' is used. If no"
  55. echo " configuration by this name exists, one with default"
  56. echo " settings is created."
  57. echo " -delete delete the specified configuration"
  58. echo " -oldconfig run without a menu-based interface; changes to settings"
  59. echo " in configuration files have to be made manually before"
  60. echo " ./scripts/Config recreates the whole configuration"
  61. echo
  62. echo "Other options:"
  63. echo " -profile create a config.profile with profiling data"
  64. echo " -nobashmod don't use the bash config helper plugin"
  65. echo
  66. exit 1 ;;
  67. esac
  68. done
  69. if [ $delete_mode = 1 ] ; then
  70. rm -rv config/$config
  71. exit $?
  72. fi
  73. if [ $do_config_cycle = 0 ]
  74. then
  75. export swpid=swp$$
  76. rm -f CONFIg.data.$swpid config.dialog.$swpid config.out.$swpid config.help.$swpid
  77. rm -f config.pcache.data.$swpid config.pcache.cmd.$swpid
  78. rm -f rockdialog.scrltmp # src/rockdialog.bin
  79. mkdir -p src
  80. if [ -z "$oldconfig" -a ! -f src/rockdialog.bin ] ; then
  81. echo "Creating rockdialog tool."
  82. command="gcc misc/rockdialog/*.c `
  83. `-Imisc/rockdialog -lncurses -o src/rockdialog.bin"
  84. echo "$command" ; eval "$command.$swpid"
  85. mv src/rockdialog.bin.$swpid src/rockdialog.bin
  86. fi
  87. echo "Creating configuration script."
  88. cat << EOT > src/rockconfig.awk.$swpid
  89. #!/usr/bin/awk -f
  90. FNR == 1 {
  91. if ( lastfile ) {
  92. print "### END of " lastfile;
  93. }
  94. print "### BEGIN of " FILENAME;
  95. lastfile = FILENAME;
  96. }
  97. END {
  98. print "### END of " FILENAME;
  99. }
  100. \$1 == "%include" {
  101. \$1 = "awk -f src/rockconfig.awk";
  102. system(\$0);
  103. next;
  104. }
  105. \$1 == "#" { next; }
  106. { print; }
  107. EOT
  108. mv src/rockconfig.awk.$swpid src/rockconfig.awk
  109. awk -f src/rockconfig.awk scripts/config.in > src/rockconfig.in.$swpid 2> /dev/null
  110. mv src/rockconfig.in.$swpid src/rockconfig.in
  111. echo "Running ROCK Linux $rockver configuration ..."
  112. while "$0" -cfg $config $oldconfig $profile $nobashmod -cycle ; do : ; done
  113. exit 0
  114. fi
  115. if [ -z "$nobashmod" ]; then
  116. if [ ! -f src/config_helper.so -o misc/tools-source/config_helper.c -nt src/config_helper.so ]; then
  117. echo "Building src/config_helper.so."
  118. gcc -shared -fPIC -Wall -o src/config_helper.so misc/tools-source/config_helper.c || exit 1
  119. fi
  120. enable -f src/config_helper.so cfghlp || exit 1
  121. fi
  122. if [ -z "$profile" ]; then
  123. bprof() { :; }
  124. bprof_print() { :; }
  125. else
  126. if [ ! -f src/bash_profiler.so -o misc/tools-source/bash_profiler.c -nt src/bash_profiler.so ]; then
  127. echo "Building src/bash_profiler.so."
  128. gcc -shared -fPIC -Wall -o src/bash_profiler.so misc/tools-source/bash_profiler.c || exit 1
  129. fi
  130. enable -f src/bash_profiler.so bprof || exit 1
  131. bprof_print() {
  132. bprof all print >> config.profile
  133. awk '
  134. $4 == "profiled" { next; }
  135. $4 != "main" { count["profiled"]+=$1; time["profiled"]+=$2; }
  136. { count[$4]+=$1; time[$4]+=$2; }
  137. END {
  138. for (id in count)
  139. printf "%7d %7Ld %10.3f %s\n", count[id], time[id], time[id]/count[id], id;
  140. }
  141. ' < config.profile | sort -n -k2 > config.profile.new
  142. mv config.profile.new config.profile
  143. }
  144. fi
  145. bprof main start
  146. . scripts/config.func
  147. arch=none
  148. if expr "`uname -m`" : "i.86" > /dev/null ; then arch=x86 ; fi
  149. if expr "`uname -m`" : "alpha" > /dev/null ; then arch=alpha ; fi
  150. if expr "`uname -m`" : "ppc" > /dev/null ; then arch=powerpc ; fi
  151. if expr "`uname -m`" : "powerpc" > /dev/null ; then arch=powerpc ; fi
  152. if expr "`uname -m`" : "sparc" > /dev/null ; then arch=sparc ; fi
  153. if expr "`uname -m`" : "mips" > /dev/null ; then arch=mips ; fi
  154. current="" ; export ROCKCFG_ARCH="$arch" ; export ROCKCFG_EXPERT=0
  155. menu_this=0 ; menu_current=0 ; menu_counter=0
  156. menu_stack=x ; menu_back=-1 ; menu_backpos=-1
  157. mkdir -p config/$config
  158. touch config/$config/config
  159. touch config/$config/packages
  160. rm -rf config/$config.$swpid
  161. cp -r config/$config config/$config.$swpid
  162. configtitle="$(printf ' %-50s %6s active packages ]' \
  163. "ROCK Linux $rockver Configuration - $config" \
  164. "[ $(echo `grep '^X' config/$config/packages | wc -l`)" )"
  165. bprof main stop
  166. . ./config/$config.$swpid/config
  167. if [ -f config/$config.$swpid/config_usr ]; then
  168. nousrconfig=0
  169. . ./config/$config.$swpid/config_usr
  170. else
  171. nousrconfig=1
  172. fi
  173. bprof main start
  174. rm -f config.dialog.$swpid config.data.$swpid config.help.$swpid
  175. touch config.dialog.$swpid config.data.$swpid config.help.$swpid
  176. echo -e "#\n# ROCK Linux $rockver Config File\n#" > config/$config.$swpid/config
  177. echo -e "#\n# ROCK Linux $rockver User Config File\n#" > config/$config.$swpid/config_usr
  178. spacer="" ; expert=0 ; tabspace="5" ; tabspace_list=""
  179. commentnr=0 ; editfilenr=0
  180. bprof mkpkglist start
  181. cmd="./scripts/Create-PkgList"
  182. [ "$ROCKCFG_DISABLE_BROKEN" = 1 ] && cmd="$cmd -nobroken"
  183. cmd="$cmd $ROCKCFG_ARCH"
  184. if [ "$cmd" != "`cat config.pcache.cmd.$swpid 2> /dev/null`" ] ; then
  185. eval "$cmd" | tee config.pcache.data.$swpid > config/$config.$swpid/packages
  186. echo "$cmd" > config.pcache.cmd.$swpid
  187. else
  188. cat config.pcache.data.$swpid > config/$config.$swpid/packages
  189. fi
  190. bprof mkpkglist stop
  191. export ROCKCFG_ID="$rockver"; pkgin; . src/rockconfig.in; pkgout
  192. echo "export ROCKCFG_ID='$ROCKCFG_ID'" >> config/$config.$swpid/config
  193. rm -f config/$config.$swpid/*.tmp
  194. sort -k3 config/$config.$swpid/packages > config/$config.$swpid/packages.sorted
  195. mv -f config/$config.$swpid/packages.sorted config/$config.$swpid/packages
  196. cut -f1,2,4,5,8- -d' ' config/$config.$swpid/packages | sed 's, [^ ]*$,,' | \
  197. tr ' ' '\t' | expand -t2,15,35, > config/$config.$swpid/packages.txt
  198. for x in ${!ROCKCFGUSR_*}; do
  199. eval "echo \"$x='\$$x'\""
  200. done >> config/$config.$swpid/config_usr
  201. configtitle="$(printf ' %-50s %6s active packages ]' \
  202. "ROCK Linux $rockver Configuration - $config" \
  203. "[ $(echo `grep '^X' config/$config.$swpid/packages | wc -l`)" )"
  204. bprof main stop
  205. if [ -z "$oldconfig" ] ; then
  206. eval "./src/rockdialog.bin --title 'Build Config' \
  207. --backtitle '$configtitle' \
  208. --menu 'Arrow keys navigate the menu. Press <Enter> to activate menu items. Highlighted letters are hotkeys.' \
  209. $(( $lines - 4 )) $(( $columns - 5 )) $(( $lines - 12 )) \
  210. '$current' `tr '\n' ' ' < config.dialog.$swpid`" 2> config.out.$swpid
  211. returncode=$? ; item="`cat config.out.$swpid`"
  212. else
  213. returncode=1
  214. fi
  215. bprof main start
  216. [ "$returncode" = 1 -a "$menu_back" -ne -1 ] && returncode="menu-back"
  217. writeback() {
  218. for x in $( ls config/$config.$swpid ); do
  219. cp config/$config.$swpid/$x config/$config.$swpid/__tmp
  220. mv config/$config.$swpid/__tmp config/$config/$x
  221. done
  222. for x in $( ls config/$config ); do
  223. [ -e config/$config.$swpid/$x ] || rm -f config/$config/$x
  224. done
  225. rm -rf config/$config.$swpid
  226. }
  227. case "$returncode" in
  228. 0|6)
  229. command="`grep "^$item " config.data.$swpid | cut -f2-`"
  230. { echo -e "\n# Remember menu position:\ncurrent='$item'"
  231. echo -e "\n# Remember sub-menu:\nmenu_current='$menu_current'"
  232. echo -e "\n# Execute this config command:\n$command"
  233. } >> config/$config.$swpid/config_usr
  234. ;;
  235. menu-back)
  236. { echo -e "\n# New menu position:\ncurrent='$menu_backpos'"
  237. echo -e "\n# New sub-menu:\nmenu_current='$menu_back'"
  238. } >> config/$config.$swpid/config_usr
  239. ;;
  240. 1|255)
  241. rm -f config.data.$swpid config.dialog.$swpid config.out.$swpid config.help.$swpid
  242. rm -f config.pcache.data.$swpid config.pcache.cmd.$swpid
  243. rm -f rockdialog.scrltmp # src/rockdialog.bin
  244. echo "New config written to config/$config/*."
  245. echo "Cleaning up. Configuration finished."
  246. writeback
  247. bprof main stop
  248. bprof_print
  249. exit 1 ;;
  250. 2)
  251. tempitem=$item
  252. item=$(echo $item | cut -f1 -d' ') # dialog(1) bug?
  253. { echo -e "\n# Remember menu position:\ncurrent='$item'"
  254. echo -e "\n# Remember sub-menu:\nmenu_current='$menu_current'"
  255. } >> config/$config.$swpid/config_usr
  256. get_help $item > config.dialog.$swpid
  257. bprof main stop
  258. ./src/rockdialog.bin --title 'ROCK Linux Config - Help' \
  259. --backtitle "ROCK Linux $rockver Configuration" \
  260. --textbox config.dialog.$swpid \
  261. $(( $lines - 4 )) $(( $columns - 5 ))
  262. bprof main start
  263. ;;
  264. *)
  265. echo "unknown returncode: $returncode"
  266. writeback
  267. bprof main stop
  268. bprof_print
  269. exit 1 ;;
  270. esac
  271. writeback
  272. bprof main stop
  273. bprof_print
  274. exit 0