mirror of the now-defunct rocklinux.org

1139 lines
46 KiB

  1. *) 1999-12-31 (1.3.7 - 1.3.8)
  2. - Added 'dontprintlogs' flag in the config file. Useful when building on
  3. slow terminals like network connections, xterms, framebuffer devs, etc.
  4. - Added the 'rock-src/misc/archive/mini-makedevs.sh' script
  5. - dump-config iptables: fixed dumping of default policies, fixed down script
  6. - skaar: updated screen-3.9.5, added autofs-3.1.3
  7. - disabled enlightenment help for the desktop operations
  8. - Added docs: port docu for ppc and sparc, 3rd party cross compile howto
  9. *) 1999-12-30 (1.3.7 - 1.3.8)
  10. - Updated: bttv-0.7.11, dia-0.83, groff-1.15, isdn4k-utils-9912291200,
  11. linux-2.3.35, modutils-2.3.9, ntp-4.0.98i, ppp-2.3.11, proxy-2.2,
  12. whois_4.4.5, xawtv-3.03
  13. - Fixed for PPC/iMAc: ncurses and cron
  14. *) 1999-12-29 (1.3.7 - 1.3.8)
  15. - Ported patch to ppc (and all other big endian archs)
  16. - Removed need for 'readlink' when loading the keymaps
  17. - modutils: added a /etc/modules.conf file (containing the defaults)
  18. - added stable kernel and devfs (opt dir)
  19. - fixed swapon permission on the install disc
  20. - fixed lilo config files (new devfs names and no "devfs=nomount")
  21. *) 1999-12-28 (1.3.7 - 1.3.8)
  22. - Added ppc architecture (iMac), added lilo documentation
  23. - Added a lot of new TODO items after some BOF sessions
  24. *) 1999-12-27 (1.3.7 - 1.3.8)
  25. - Fixed setup.d scripts: touching rcX.d/*, Ported povray to alpha
  26. - Fixed ext cksums, minor cleanups and new todo items
  27. *) 1999-12-25 (1.3.7 - 1.3.8)
  28. - skaar: new mesalib/mesalib.conf and tcp_wrappers/setenv_glibc.patch
  29. *) 1999-12-24 (1.3.6 - 1.3.7)
  30. - Fixed strace (new kernel headers), Fixed kernel config for alpha
  31. - Fixed install-disk intel build script, Released ROCK Linux 1.3.7
  32. *) 1999-12-22 (1.3.6 - 1.3.7)
  33. - Updated: devfsd-v1.3.0, devfs-patch-v150 isdn4k-utils-9912191200,
  34. libxml-1.8.2, linux-2.3.34, netfilter-0.1.14, ntp-4.0.98h,
  35. pcmcia-cs-3.1.8, mesalib-3.1
  36. - Fixed pcmcia-cs, Added netscape xswallow plugin
  37. *) 1999-12-20 (1.3.6 - 1.3.7)
  38. - Updated: gimp-1.1.14, isdn4k-utils-9912181200, pcmcia-cs-3.1.7, tcltk8.2.3
  39. freeamp-2.0.0, ggi-devel-991219, gnome-core-1.0.55, libxml-1.8.1
  40. - Created <rock-src>/Documentation/Misc-Stuff/Presentation/
  41. *) 1999-12-16 (1.3.6 - 1.3.7)
  42. - Added: abiword (ext), sketch (ext), dia (ext), Updated var. URLs
  43. - MagicPoint: fixed directory structure, added demos
  44. - Ext Build Script: don't remove src when building a single ext
  45. - Updated: gnupg-1.0.1, libtool-1.3.4, netfilter-0.1.13
  46. - Fixed the cksums of the ext files
  47. *) 1999-12-15 (1.3.6 - 1.3.7)
  48. - Minor install disk hacking: lilo.txt, "down reboot" -> "reboot"
  49. - Updated/fixed all GNOME URLs, removed gd.tuwien.ac.at gnome mirror
  50. - Updated other package/extension URLs, fixed the checkver code for exts
  51. - Updated: inn-2.2.2, linux-2.3.33, ntp-4.0.98g, devfs-148, devfsd-v1.2.14,
  52. ggv-0.82, gnumeric-0.45, libglade-0.11, libxml-1.8.0, mc-4.5.42
  53. - Fixed RLIM_INFINITY incompat. between glibc and new kernel
  54. - Fixed remaining bugs in the xcopilot package, Added NQC (Lego RCX devel)
  55. - Added: glade (base), magicpoint (ext)
  56. *) 1999-12-12 (1.3.6 - 1.3.7)
  57. - Updated: bttv-0.7.10, devfsd-v1.2.12, emacs-20.5a, gsl-0.5,
  58. isapnptools-1.21, isdn4k-utils-9912091200, linux-2.3.31,
  59. minicom-1.83.0, modutils-2.3.8, pciutils-2.1.2, pcmcia-cs-3.1.6,
  60. proxy-2.1, util-linux-2.10d, xawtv-3.02, xscreensaver-3.22
  61. - Updated devfs-146, fixed the ext-files checksums
  62. - Removed emacs skip code in arch-conf/alpha/pkg-header
  63. *) 1999-12-11 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  64. - Fixed a small bug in the isapnptools package (dummy_release_c.patch)
  65. - Skaar: added whois, net-tools patch for adding 'whois' to /etc/services
  66. - Fixed install-disk intel code, Released ROCK Linux 1.3.6
  67. *) 1999-12-06 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  68. - Network setup script: added host- and domainname, added sshd setup script
  69. - Added 'doc' package category, added packages RFC and HOWTOs
  70. - Fixed ./scripts/make-misc makecross: unset AR, RANLIB and Co.
  71. - Improved (fixed) the no_complex_math hack for glibc on alpha
  72. - Fixed small bugs in util-linux (missing '#include <locale.h>', etc.)
  73. - Added some extensions from ripclaw, re-fetched all ext desc files
  74. *) 1999-12-05 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  75. - Ported to alpha: tetex (internal compiler error), pciutils
  76. - Added a ROCK Linux 1.2.0 ISO Image to the FTP archive
  77. - Added rock-src package (the rock source tree under /usr/src/rock-src)
  78. - Recreated arch-conf/alpha/gcc/*, added an alpha gcc wrapper
  79. - Added some cool features to the 'ipnm2nwbc' command
  80. - Wrote new /etc/skel/.profile file (example login script)
  81. - Improved the no_complex_math hack for glibc on alpha
  82. *) 1999-12-04 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  83. - Ripclaw: some more sloagans, skaar: oracle uids/gids and gmake alias
  84. - lynx: added documentation and help, TODO/IDEAS file updates
  85. - Updated: Code_Medic_source-1.0.5, isdn4k-utils-9912031200,
  86. binutils-, grep-2.4, isapnptools-1.20,
  87. pcmcia-cs-3.1.5, pciutils-2.1.1, zip-23, a2ps-4.12h
  88. - Ported to alpha: openssl, lynx, libgr, isdn4k-utils
  89. *) 1999-11-30 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  90. - Updated: bsd-games-2.9, gimp-v1.1.13, gtk-engines-0.9,
  91. isdn4k-utils-9911291200, lsof_4.47, man-pages-1.28
  92. - Fixed small bugs in install_bin.c and the install-disks subdist
  93. - Ported to alpha: tcsh, xv, setserial and nethack
  94. *) 1999-11-29 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  95. - dump-config: wrote ipnatctl code and changed the man page
  96. - skaar: added fortify-netscape, ripclaw: added tara, ude, wm2 and wmx
  97. *) 1999-11-27 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  98. - skaar: updated strace-4.1 (base) and added xinetd- (ext)
  99. - made some minor alpha hackings, added lrzsz ([XYZ]-Modem Protocol)
  100. *) 1999-11-25 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  101. - Updated: Gtk-Perl-0.6123, aspell-.28.3, binutils-, bttv-0.7.6,
  102. enlightenment-0.16.3, gimp-1.1.12, gnumeric-0.44, procmail-3.14,
  103. isdn4k-utils-9911231200, libglade-0.9, mtools-3.9.6-19991121,
  104. linux-2.3.29, modutils-2.3.7, util-linux-2.10c, xscreensaver-3.21
  105. *) 1999-11-24 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  106. - Fixed the 'make-build stops at ext-pkgs' bug ...
  107. - make-build: cleanup in the abortonerror = 0 code
  108. *) 1999-11-23 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  109. - Install Bin: fixed a bug in the pager, added 'sort-name' and 'sort-size'
  110. - Setup Scripts: Adapted install-shell, pkg-install and pkg-update
  111. *) 1999-11-22 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  112. - Install disk: added swapon/swapoff, runlvedit: ignorr backup files,
  113. gpm init script: little help, Documentation/INSTALL: small updates/fixes
  114. - Install disks: no System.map file on the boot and kombo images
  115. - Added ipnm2nwbc.c to the net-tools package, Added route for
  116. - Wrote first two setup scripts (00-general and 20-network)
  117. - Workarround for sh_pdksh bug on alpha in the first lines of mktar()
  118. *) 1999-11-19 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  119. - Added pgpgp to the gnupg package, Added: XaoS (ext), GnomePGP (base)
  120. - System twm.rc: Middle mousebutton on iconmgr raises the window
  121. - OpenSSL updates from skaar, Fixed little problem with cross-building shadow
  122. - SSL-Lynx patch from skaar (pkg-conf/lynx/lynx-282-ssl.patch)
  123. - Added Init Script for XDM, Enlightenment: disable pager -> use gnomes
  124. - Added the XF86-Contrib stuff to the xfree86 package
  125. *) 1999-11-18 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  126. - Updated: bttv-0.7.4, ggi-devel-991118, isdn4k-utils-9911171200,
  127. libglade-0.8, pine4.21, util-linux-2.10b, xawtv-3.01
  128. - Fixed: bttv, isdn4k-utils, xawtv, chess
  129. *) 1999-11-17 (1.3.5 - 1.3.6)
  130. - Workarround: qt-1.44/src/widgets/qmenubar.cpp:541: Internal compiler error.
  131. - Fixed pilot-link (the value of '$LD' confused the configure script)
  132. - skaar: pkg-config/tcp_wrappers/setenv_glibc.patch, pkg-config/guile/*
  133. - Bind: added documentations (man pages, etc), Added GnuPG (base)
  134. *) 1999-11-14 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  135. - Updated: linux-2.3.28, devfs-v140, bind-8.2.2-P5, bttv-0.7.1,
  136. isdn4k-utils-9911131200, man-pages-1.27, ntp-4.0.98f,
  137. pcmcia-cs-3.1.4, samba-2.0.6
  138. - Fixed: setserial, emacs, Released ROCK Linux 1.3.5
  139. *) 1999-11-12 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  140. - Homepage updates, Minor cleanups in post_install.sh and network.conf
  141. - Downgraded to GNU termcap. It seams like the linux termcap couses some
  142. heavy bugs in the bash. I'm going to have a close look at this problem.
  143. A backup of the Linux termcap pkg is now stored in misc/termcap-pkg-x.
  144. - Some ROCK Router Linux hacking (mod-base.sh and rrl-tool.c)
  145. - Modified the install-disk subdist so it understands the new arch names
  146. - Merged packages 'sh' and 'pdksh', no '--posix-correctly' for sh_pdksh
  147. *) 1999-11-10 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  148. - Updated: Eterm-0.8.10, bind-8.2.2-P4, devfsd-v1.2.11, e2fsprogs-1.18,
  149. enlightenment-0.16.2, gdk-pixbuf-0.4, indent-2.2.4,
  150. irda-utils-0.9.5, isdn4k-utils-9911101200, lesstif-0.89.4,
  151. ntp-4.0.98e, rsync-2.3.2, smpeg-0.3.1, tcltk-822, xawtv-3.0
  152. - WU-FTPd: Use autoconf configure instead of old './build lnx'
  153. *) 1999-11-07 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  154. - Ported to alpha: ld.so, dump-config, install-disk, strace
  155. - Updated: linux-2.3.26 and devfs-136, Some minor documentation changes (FAQ)
  156. - Wrote the post_install.sh script (pkg-config/install-disk/post_install.sh)
  157. - Ported dump-config to iptables from netfilter-0.1.12
  158. - Patch: Installing termcap.so under it's soname in _all_ stages
  159. *) 1999-11-05 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  160. - Updated: alevt-1.5.1, binutils-, devfsd-v1.2.9, esound-0.2.16,
  161. gnome-core-1.0.54, gnuplot-3.7.1, isdn4k-utils-9911051200,
  162. netfilter-0.1.12, termcap-2.0.8 (gnu termcap -> linux termcap)
  163. - Improved ./scripts/make-misc config, added some config variables
  164. *) 1999-11-03 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  165. - Updated: devfsd-v1.2.8, gimp-1.1.11, hdparm-3.6, isdn4k-utils-9911021200,
  166. mc-4.5.41, memtest86-2.1, ntp-4.0.98d, pciutils-2.1,
  167. xscreensaver-3.19, gnome-users-guide-1.0.72, util-linux-2.10
  168. - Wrote workarround for gcc-bug when compiling ncurses on the alpha
  169. - Patches for the alpha port: strace, gettext, joe
  170. *) 1999-11-02 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  171. - skaar: first version of the arch-conf/sparc directory
  172. - skaar: Added Gtk/GNOME Packages: gdk-pixbuf, bonobo and ggv
  173. - Updated: linux-2.3.25, devfs-v133, pgcc-2.95.2
  174. - Fixed xcopilot ext: crazy strings after dkpg-errors broke the console
  175. - X11 Startup: use gnome-session if available
  176. *) 1999-11-01 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  177. - skaar: enlightenment conf, esound/tcpwrappers, gdbm/install-compat
  178. - Ripclaw: documentation updates, sara and nmap updates
  179. - Patched for alpha cross-build: sh-utils, fileutils, bzip2, mmv,
  180. default config.cache, util-linux, install-disk
  181. - Wrote pkg-tools man page, Wrote './scripts/make-misc config'
  182. *) 1999-10-29 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  183. - Added a ROCK Linux business-card template
  184. - Fixed some typos in cdrecord (flistdel) and mesalib (puzzle.pz)
  185. - Removed all complex math for the alpha (glibc/no_complex_func.diff)
  186. - Fixed a typo in install_bin.c (added 'kB' for parsing the pkg size)
  187. - From skaar: systat ext pkg, bc with readline
  188. *) 1999-10-28 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  189. - Patch from Stanislav Grozev <tacho@orbitel.bg>: Updated audiofile-0.1.9,
  190. gnuchess/chess-5.0, console-tools-0.2.3, esound-0.2.15,
  191. gdm-2.0beta4, gxedit-1.23, pcmcia-cs-3.1.3 and updated a lot of
  192. broken download links.
  193. - Updated: linux-2.3.24, bttv-0.6.4h, devfsd-v1.2.6, enlightenment-0.16.1,
  194. gnome-libs-1.0.54, isdn4k-utils-9910281100, gcc-2.95.2,
  195. netfilter-0.1.11, imlib-1.9.8
  196. - Added cups (printing system) ext-package from skaar
  197. *) 1999-10-27 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  198. - Updated: a2ps-4.12g, devfsd-v1.2.5, devfs-v130, e2fsprogs-1.17,
  199. gnome-pim-1.0.55, iproute2-2.2.4-now-ss991023,
  200. isdn4k-utils-9910261100, lsof_4.46, ncurses-5.0, psmisc-19
  201. - Restructured the arch-conf directory tree
  202. - Added gcc wrappers for better optimization (and other fun)
  203. - Minor changes in the format of the /vad/adm/packages/* files
  204. *) 1999-10-26 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  205. - Improvements in the CD cover autocreation script.
  206. - Redesigned the CD set: bin-cd and source-cd (instead of base-cd and ext-cd)
  207. - Fixed a small (but letal) bug in the cd-rom download-sh script
  208. - Patched mtools for devfs device names, irda-utils: installing etc files
  209. - Fixed some problems with the sdl extension (freetype.h)
  210. - Removed dummy device from the confnet program on the install disk
  211. - Fixed the loadkeys code in /etc/init.d/boot and removed the setleds code
  212. - Added: hdparm-3.5 (base), apmd-3.0beta9 (base)
  213. - install-disk: better on-line help (point to Install Guide)
  214. *) 1999-10-23 (1.3.4 - 1.3.5)
  215. - Added 'date +%s' output to buildlog, rock-debug: list ext-errors
  216. - Added ext packages from skaar: xmms, windowmaker, xpdf, vim
  217. - Updated: a2ps-4.12f, bind-8.2.2, coda-5.3.3, fnlib-0.5, gnome-print-0.10,
  218. gnumeric-0.41, isapnptools-1.19, libgtop-1.0.6, linux-2.3.23,
  219. modutils-2.3.6, mutt-1.0i, ntp-4.0.98b, wu-ftpd-2.6.0,
  220. isdn4k-utils-9910231100
  221. - Ext-Packages: checksums are now calculated using the _uncompressed_ files
  222. - Added a code-crusader extension
  223. *) 1999-10-21 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  224. - Added: mesalib (base - thanks to skaar), bttv (ext)
  225. - Activated (and adapted) the OpenGL Screensavers
  226. - Added pilot-devel (ext) and xcopilot (ext), memtest86-2.0a (opt)
  227. - Imported FAQ and INSTALL changes from Dag Bakke
  228. - Hacked arround with jx, code-crusader and code-medic
  229. - Released ROCK Linux 1.3.4
  230. *) 1999-10-20 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  231. - Added: lesstif (base), nedit (ext), xawtv (ext), alevt (ext)
  232. - Added ext pkgs from ripclaw: nmap (stable) and sara (devel)
  233. - Overworked the <rock-src>/misc/ext-intern/ structure
  234. *) 1999-10-18 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  235. - Added the Gzip and libz optimized code for ix86 (thx to skaar)
  236. - Disabled the Gzip/libz optimized code because I had some core-dumps with it
  237. - fdisk: replaced all the example disklabes with devfs device names
  238. - INSTALL: mini-man: fdisk - mke2fs - mkswap - swapon, kernel: devfs
  239. - Solved some problems that rock-debug and cdrecord had with the /opt dir
  240. - INSTALL: wrote Appendix A (Notes for installing on ix86 PC systems)
  241. - More logo/cover/etc. improvements (renamed to create-gimp-scm.pl)
  242. - Added ipfwd, fixed workbone problems (kernel headers),
  243. - INSTALL: wrote Appendix B (Notes for installing on alpha PC systems)
  244. - Install-Shell: add buffer to pager, better help, no pager if !isatty()
  245. *) 1999-10-17 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  246. - Updated: a2ps-4.12d, binutils-, coda-5.3.2,
  247. gnome-control-center-1.0.51, enlightenment-0.16.0,
  248. ggi-devel-991017, gimp-1.1.10, glib-1.2.6, gnome-core-1.0.53,
  249. gnome-games-1.0.51, gnome-libs-1.0.53, gnome-media-1.0.51,
  250. gnome-python-1.0.50, gtk+-1.2.6, gtk-engines-0.8, gtop-1.0.5,
  251. libgtop-1.0.5, libpng-1.0.5, linux-2.3.22, mtools-3.9.6-19991012,
  252. netfilter-0.1.10, pine4.20, tcl8.2.1, tk8.2.1,
  253. gnome-users-guide-1.0.71, util-linux-2.9z, xscreensaver-3.18
  254. - Removed xpm (allready part of xfree86), Updated a lot of package file URLs
  255. - Improved Documentation/Misc-Stuff/Official-Logos/createbooklet.pl
  256. - Created a CD-Rom label and improved the CD-Rom cover.
  257. - Added openssl package and xv/gzip+gv patch (thx to skaar)
  258. *) 1999-10-16 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  259. - Created ASCII Logo (Documentation/Misc-Stuff/Misc-Logos/ascii.txt)
  260. - Kicked out the files /etc/console and /etc/initctl (-> back to /dev/)
  261. - Auto-creation of a CD-Rom booklet with the install doc (gimp/script-fu)
  262. *) 1999-10-15 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  263. - Added to Documentation (file INSTALL): 'Install < configfile'
  264. - Fixed: coda ('true' at the end of coda_main()), netscape (URL)
  265. *) 1999-10-13 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  266. - Fixed some install-info problems (no empty /usr/share/info/dir file)
  267. - Merged the packages coda-server and coda-client to one big coda package
  268. - Kernel: the linux-kernel packages has now a "normal" package behavor
  269. - Install-shell: stdin not a tty => echo cmds, stdout not a tty => no anim
  270. - Install-shell: Beep after install, added Ctrl-C handler, better Ctrl-D code
  271. - Fixed: gnome-users-guide (no_gifs.patch), enlightenment (freetype_h.patch)
  272. *) 1999-10-12 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  273. - Added a lot of new todos to the Doc/Developers/TODO file.....
  274. - Updated: linux-2.3.21, devfs-123, modutils-2.3.5
  275. - Imported the new Documentation directory (thanks to Dag !!)
  276. *) 1999-10-08 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  277. - Added the alpha architecture (currently allmost untested)
  278. - Fixed some bugs in 'arch-conf/include/buildit.sh'
  279. *) 1999-10-03 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  280. - Allways test the file checksums before building an extension
  281. - Added an 'lofs' option to "./scripts/make-build buildit"
  282. - Started redesign of the ROCK Router Linux
  283. *) 1999-10-02 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  284. - Updated: ORBit-0.5.0, gnome-control-center-1.0.50, ee-0.3.11, freetype-1.3,
  285. gnome-core-1.0.51, gnome-games-1.0.50, gnome-libs-1.0.50,
  286. gnome-media-1.0.50, gnome-pim-1.0.50, gnome-utils-1.0.50,
  287. indent-2.2.3, knfsd-1.5.2, libxml-1.7.3, mc-4.5.40, texinfo-4.0,
  288. gnome-users-guide-1.0.70
  289. - Check for mmv, wget and bzip2 in scripts/help-config
  290. - Created mk-bootdisk.sh (install-disks subdist)
  291. *) 1999-09-30 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  292. - Added the 'fist' package (stackable file systems)
  293. - Some spell checking in the documentation (aspell is a cool package :-)
  294. - New README file (thanks to Dag B. <dag@bakke.com>)
  295. *) 1999-09-29 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  296. - Updated: knfsd-1.5.1, syslinux-1.48, ggi-devel-990929
  297. - Fixed a bug in the audofile pkg (dup braces in aupvlist.h)
  298. - Moved the GGI package from the base dist to the ext. dist
  299. - Added Extensions: FreeAmp, KDevelop, Rio-MPMan
  300. - ldconfig now allows shell pattern in /etc/ld.so.conf
  301. - Added Package: aspell, gaspell (replacement for ispell)
  302. - Updated netscape extension to 'communicator-4.7'
  303. *) 1999-09-28 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  304. - Updated: ORBit-0.4.96, a2ps-4.12c, binutils-, bsd-games-2.8,
  305. gnome-games-1.0.42, gnome-libs-1.0.42, gnome-pim-1.0.42,
  306. gnome-print-0.9, indent-2.2.2, libglade-0.7, libxml-1.7.2,
  307. netfilter-0.1.9, pcmcia-cs-3.1.1
  308. - Fixed a problem with the nescape extension (compat-libs)
  309. *) 1999-09-26 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  310. - Allow comments in archive/INDEX and opt/INDEX
  311. - The checkver script now also checks intern extensions
  312. - Updated: glib-1.2.5, gnome-core-1.0.41, gnome-games-1.0.41,
  313. gnome-print-0.8, gnumeric-0.38, gtk+-1.2.5, gtop-1.0.4,
  314. indent-2.2.1, libxml-1.7.1, make-3.78.1, mc-4.5.39,
  315. squid-2.2.STABLE5, util-linux-2.9y, libgtop-1.0.4
  316. - Added Extensions: Povray, SDL, SMPEG, PCCTS, CDRDAO, cdda2wav
  317. *) 1999-09-25 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  318. - Fixed small a bug in gnome-print (errno-xml)
  319. - OT: Created a Logo and a Cover for the official ROCK Linux 1.2.0 CDs
  320. - Fixed a nice bug in glibc-2.1.2 regarding Unix98 PTYs on devfs
  321. *) 1999-09-23 (1.3.3 - 1.3.4)
  322. - Updated: ORBit-0.4.95, a2ps-4.12b, binutils-,
  323. gnome-control-center-1.0.40, ggi-devel-990923, gnome-core-1.0.40,
  324. gnome-libs-1.0.40, gnome-media-1.0.41, gnome-objc-1.0.40,
  325. gnumeric-0.36, gtk-engines-0.7, gtop-1.0.3, libglade-0.6,
  326. libxml-1.7.0, make-3.78, netkit-telnet-0.14, xchat-1.2.1
  327. - Compile bash with the '--enable-usg-echo-default' configure option
  328. - Wrote the scripts pkg-update (perl) and pkg-check (sh)
  329. *) 1999-09-19 (1.3.2 - 1.3.3)
  330. - Install disks: LILO Message, clean "down" implementation, init fixes
  331. - Updated: ggi-devel-990919, gnome-pim-1.0.10, netfilter-0.1.8,
  332. ntp-4.0.98a, ppp-2.3.10, xchat-1.2.0, syslinux-1.46, inn-2.2.1
  333. - Fixed knfsd init script, Checked out sgml-tools 1.0.9 and 2.0.2
  334. - Released ROCK Linux 1.3.3
  335. *) 1999-09-17 (1.3.2 - 1.3.3)
  336. - Finished netscape extension (still not perfekt -> waiting for mozilla)
  337. - Misc. Documentation updates (thanks to Dag B. and Ripclaw).
  338. - Disabled system halt on the install disk (still open task).
  339. - Moved etc/skel/.profile creation from misc/sysfiles to
  340. pkg-config/sysfiles/sysfiles.conf (no dot files in the dist source)
  341. - Netscape/Shockwave: Autodedect for original package (ix86) or GPL clone
  342. *) 1999-09-14 (1.3.2 - 1.3.3)
  343. - Updated: ggi-devel-990915, kdelibs-1.1.2, util-linux-2.9x,
  344. python-1.5.2, ntp-4.0.97f
  345. - Added first preview of the netscape extension (doesn't work: libstdc++)
  346. - Added pilot-link extension, Improved ./scripts/make-ext
  347. *) 1999-09-12 (1.3.1 - 1.3.2)
  348. - Forced target to be $target in binutils, isdn4k-utils, tetex,
  349. gcc, ggi, libtiff and perl5 (autodedected to 'i586-*')
  350. - Added the buffer layer / page cache hotfix from Andrea Arcangeli
  351. - Added a "more/pg" like pager to the install shell
  352. - Added linear s3 framebuffer patch from pdh@colonel-panic.com
  353. - Released ROCK Linux 1.3.2
  354. *) 1999-09-11 (1.3.1 - 1.3.2)
  355. - Updated: binutils-, ggi-devel-990910, gimp-1.1.9,
  356. gnome-print-0.7, gnome-utils-1.0.13, gnumeric-0.35,
  357. gtk-engines-0.6, linux-2.3.18, pcmcia-cs-3.1.0, sharutils-4.2.1,
  358. gnome-users-guide-1.0.6, bzip2-0.9.5d, coda-5.3.1-2, groff-1.11.1
  359. - Changed the sp_lstchg field in /etc/shadow from "0" to "".
  360. - Fixed small but major bug in make-ext (sort -t: -k2 -u => sort -t: -k2)
  361. - Changed settings in login.defs: GID_MIN=1000, GETPASS_ASTERISKS=3
  362. - Fixed simple compile bug in gedit (gnome_app_remove_menu_range redefined)
  363. - Added the SCSI modules to the el torito boot image (cd-rom boot)
  364. *) 1999-09-09 (1.3.1 - 1.3.2)
  365. - Fixed remaining kernel/modules build problems, upgraded to devfs-120
  366. - Wrote a simple workaround for a pgcs bug (bin86-0.4/as/as.c with -O6)
  367. - Added a "ROCK Linux" kernel boot logo (for systems with framebuffers)
  368. - Changed default password type to MD5 crypted passwords (shadow pkg)
  369. *) 1999-09-07 (1.3.1 - 1.3.2)
  370. - Added support for pgcc (pentium optimized gcc)
  371. - Redesigned the flist code (again :-)
  372. - Fixed a config.guess / config.sub problem with 686 PCs and libgr
  373. - Updated: ORBit-0.4.94.tar.gz, XFree86-3.9.16, binutils-,
  374. coda-5.3.1, ee-0.3.10, ggi-devel-990906, glibc-2.1.2,
  375. glibc-linuxthreads-2.1.2, gnome-libs-1.0.16, imlib-1.9.7,
  376. irda-utils-0.9.4, libglade-0.5, mc-4.5.38, netfilter-0.1.7,
  377. procps-2.0.3
  378. - Updated Linux Kernel and Modules to 2.3.17
  379. *) 1999-09-05 (1.3.0 - 1.3.1)
  380. - Added iptables (+ extensions) support to the dump-config package
  381. - Added "internal extensions" which are part of the main source tree
  382. - Changed PerlFS from the base packages to the extensions
  383. - Created Documentation/LOGOS/ with an image by ripclaw
  384. - Released ROCK Linux 1.3.1
  385. *) 1999-09-04 (1.3.0 - 1.3.1)
  386. - Added support for /var/log/faillog (simple touch in shadow.conf)
  387. - Removed the dirs $base/flists, $base/confc and $base/logs
  388. - The example network conf now uses iptables instead of ipchains
  389. - Added the install modules disk which adds support for scsi, net, etc.
  390. - Added the Tcl/Tk package. No additional tcl extensions (yet :-) ...
  391. - Wrote another netfilter /usr/local -> /usr patch
  392. *) 1999-09-02 (1.3.0 - 1.3.1)
  393. - Fixed include problem which redefined struct ustat: workbone - linux-2.3.16
  394. - Replaced the remainging "__initfunc" symbols in the kernel sources and the
  395. netfilter sources with the new "__init" symbols.
  396. - Fixed a problem the new patch program coused in the xfree86 build
  397. *) 1999-09-01 (1.3.0 - 1.3.1)
  398. - Extension system version 1 finished. all we need now are some extensions.
  399. - Renamed the directory of the base dist from rock-linux-* to rock-base-*
  400. - Removed gnome-chess, Run rock-debug _after_ all packages and extensions
  401. - Removed the pkg-header functions extrthis() and checkneed()
  402. - Updated: linux-2.3.16, ImageMagick-4.2.9, binutils-,
  403. console-tools-0.2.2, console-data-1999.08.29, ggi-devel-990901,
  404. isdn4k-utils-9908291100, patch-2.5.4, xchat-1.0.0
  405. - Replaced a lot of "xxx || exit 1" blocks with "set -e <...> set +e"
  406. *) 1999-08-31 (1.3.0 - 1.3.1)
  407. - Added Download/Check Script, ./scripts/make-misc makeiso <type> <arch>
  408. - The modules package now contains all SCSI and Network hardware drivers
  409. - Wrote a quick and dirty patch to linux 2.3.15 to make all mods compile
  410. - Renamed archive/README-ROCK and opt/README-ROCK to */INDEX
  411. - Wrote the extension package system and a demo extension (nasm). Have a
  412. look a scripts/make-ext and ext-config/* for details.
  413. - Added irda-utils-0.9.2 (infrared protocols)
  414. *) 1999-08-30 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  415. - Released ROCK Linux 1.3.0
  416. *) 1999-08-29 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  417. - Fixed a bug in imagemagick (config.h defined SVR4 and this confused X11)
  418. - Wrote a workaround for the OpenGL detection of XScreensaver
  419. - Got rid of <arch>-<prog> in binutils and gcc if making a native build
  420. - Patched pcmcia-cs to the newest devel snapshot to make it work with the
  421. new linux kernel. I will fall back to the stable tree as soon as it
  422. supports Linux Kernel Verions >= 2.3.15.
  423. - Override configure options for netkit-* pkgs (it doesn't know --host=...)
  424. - Modified the coda configure script to except the --host=... value
  425. - Patched cmu-snmp to not depend on <linux/tasks.h>, Added emacs-20.4
  426. *) 1999-08-28 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  427. - Using the --host option in default $confopt for cross and native builds.
  428. This should work arround some problems with various versions of the
  429. config.guess script which is used to guess the host type if --host is
  430. missing.
  431. - Removed 'umask', 'mesg' and 'ulimit' calls in /etc/profile. Those can be
  432. configured from /etc/login.defs.
  433. - The './scripts/make-build buildit copy ...' now uses 'cp' with '-u'.
  434. - Added support for touch /var/log/lastlog (simple touch in shadow.conf)
  435. - Patched config.sub and configure of strace for 686 CPUs
  436. - Got rid of special permission and files in the source tree
  437. - Replaced ipchains with netfilter, removed lm_sensors
  438. - Updated: net-tools-1.53, ggi-devel-990828
  439. - Changed /usr/local prefix to /usr: zlib, screen
  440. *) 1999-08-27 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  441. - Updated to Linux Kernel 2.3.15 (adapted glibc because of linux/tasks.h)
  442. - Updated: binutils-, ggi-devel-990827, glib-1.2.4, gtk+-1.2.4,
  443. gnumeric-0.32, iproute2-2.2.4-now-ss990824, libglade-0.4, man-pages-1.26,
  444. raidtools-19990824-0.90, shadow-19990827, util-linux-2.9w
  445. - Added proxy-2.0 as optinal src (to be used in the router subdist)
  446. *) 1999-08-25 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  447. - Updated to Linux Kernel 2.3.15-pre3 and devfs 118
  448. - Fixed the package-build problem with Linux in stage 5
  449. - Replaced 'tar -I' with 'tar --use-compress-program=bzip2' where it could
  450. be started in en env with a tar which doesn't the -I option.
  451. - New pkg-remove prog. Its more simple and much faster now.
  452. *) 1999-08-23 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  453. - Glibc now dedects gcc-2.95.1, bison can be cross compiled
  454. - Only build the package file and description in the last stage
  455. - Log the package builds for all stages in /vad/adm/packages/*
  456. *) 1999-08-22 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  457. - Wrote descriptions to all patches (Documentation/PATCHES)
  458. - Wrote first release of the ROCK Router Linux Apache Extension
  459. - Fixed the remaining compile-problems in XFree86 3.9.15
  460. *) 1999-08-21 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  461. - Fixed a memory leak in the patch programm
  462. - Updated: ORBit-0.4.93, binutils-, control-center-1.0.6, ee-0.3.9,
  463. gcc-2.95.1, ggi-devel-990821, gnome-libs-1.0.14,
  464. isdn4k-utils-9908211100, knfsd-1.4.7, mtr-0.41, mutt-0.95.7i,
  465. screen-3.9.4, sh-utils-2.0, tcsh-6.09, apache-1.3.9
  466. - Upgraded to Linux Kernel 2.3.10 (devfs isn't ready for 2.3.14)
  467. *) 1999-08-20 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  468. - Fixed small bug in 'dump-config ipchains' ('!' before address and/or port)
  469. - Added a SysV start/stop script for Bind (the ISC DNS Server)
  470. - Upgraded to XFree86 3.9.15 (first Beta of XFree86 4.0)
  471. *) 1999-08-18 (1.2.0 - 1.3.0)
  472. - Wrote new TODO List for 1.3.x development
  473. - Added an LSM entry (Documentation/LSM)
  474. *) 1999-08-17
  475. - Released ROCK Linux 1.2.0
  476. *) 1999-08-13 (1.0b14 - 1.0b15)
  477. - Creation of the file /etc/VERSION with the ROCK Linux version information
  478. - Move doc under /usr/share/doc/$pkg to /usr/share/doc/packages/$pkg.
  479. - Solved the problem with i386-unknown-linux-gcc-1
  480. - Some cleanups in scripts/help-adapt
  481. - Added the 'mkisofs-extra-boot' patch from pdh@colonel-panic.com
  482. - Updated: ggi-devel-990813, isdn4k-utils-9908131100, ppp-2.3.9
  483. *) 1999-08-12 (1.0b14 - 1.0b15)
  484. - Finished my work on the 'set -e' modifications. All compiles clean again.
  485. - Updated: ggi-devel-990812, gnome-python-1.0.4, isdn4k-utils-9908111100
  486. - Auto-copy of cross-building include files (arch-conf/include/buildit.sh)
  487. *) 1999-08-11 (1.0b14 - 1.0b15)
  488. - Modified the X Startup files for enlightenment+gnome. No gnome-session
  489. at the moment (doesn't work - don't know why) and no gdm. The panel
  490. doesn't work as taskbar (don't know why eighter). I'm not going to look
  491. deeper at this stuff. Would be great if someone else would have a look at
  492. this things and send me a big patch ...
  493. - Added Eterm-0.8.9, Added URLs of the HOWTOs, FAQs and RFCs to the doc.
  494. - Package Version "0000" is converted to the ROCK Release Number
  495. *) 1999-08-10 (1.0b14 - 1.0b15)
  496. - Updated: bzip2-0.9.5c, ggi-devel-990809, libglade-0.3, linux-2.2.11
  497. - Added opt. sourcecode: squid-2.2.STABLE4, samba-2.0.5a, inn-2.2
  498. - Got rid of the "direct exectuteables" and added 'set -e' to pkg-default
  499. - Removed xmkdir (use 'mkdir -p' instead) and xcp (unse 'cp -a' instead)
  500. - Removed all '|| exit 1' which are not needed anymore (set -e)
  501. - Fixed a bug in the gpm init script (doesn't kill itself anymore)
  502. *) 1999-08-09 (1.0b14 - 1.0b15)
  503. - Updated: XFree86-3.3.4, ggi-devel-990808, isdn4k-utils-9908051100,
  504. mpeg_lib-1.3.1, textutils-2.0, mtools-3.9.6-19990807
  505. - All downloaded files are now stored as *.bz2 (even if they where *.gz)
  506. *) 1999-08-05 (1.0b14 - 1.0b15)
  507. - Fixed Install-Disks bugs (TRANS.TBL is no pkg, Shell-Variables in the
  508. Install/Net-Install scripts, libnss_file.so is not needed anymore)
  509. - Put standards.info on the flistdel index and fetch in extra as opt file
  510. - Updated: bzip2-0.9.5b, gimp-1.1.8, pcmcia-cs-3.0.14
  511. *) 1999-08-03 (1.0b13 - 1.0b14)
  512. - Patched some pkgs for gcc 2.95 (kdelibs, xanim, netkit-telnet, coda)
  513. - Released Beta Version 1.0b14
  514. *) 1999-08-02 (1.0b13 - 1.0b14)
  515. - Patched some pkgs for gcc 2.95 (xfree86, autoconf)
  516. - Removed dummy driver from the default network config
  517. - Default agetty on /dev/conosle is now running at 9600 baud
  518. *) 1999-08-01 (1.0b13 - 1.0b14)
  519. - Patched some pkgs for gcc 2.95 (glibc, ld.so)
  520. - New standard kernel config: only the most common drivers, smp
  521. *) 1999-07-31 (1.0b13 - 1.0b14)
  522. - Updated: gcc-2.95, lsof_4.45_W, units-1.55
  523. - Dump-config: Various documentation updates, 'modules' mode
  524. - Added the 'ROCK ROUTER Linux' subdistribution
  525. *) 1999-07-30 (1.0b13 - 1.0b14)
  526. - Updated: cvs-1.10.7, ggi-990730, gnome-libs-1.0.12, gnome-utils-1.0.12
  527. - Finished the first release of the dump-config program (cool stuff!)
  528. *) 1999-07-29 (1.0b13 - 1.0b14)
  529. - Added: nasm-0.98 (opt), syslinux-1.45 (opt)
  530. - Updated: PerlFS-0.07, ggi-devel-990729, isdn4k-utils-9907271100
  531. - Wrote the first dump-config code (look at misc/dump-config/*)
  532. - No login program for the Install/Rescue Disk - just open a root shell
  533. - Changed /etc/inittab: On default only open a agetty on /dev/console
  534. *) 1999-07-25 (1.0b13 - 1.0b14)
  535. - Updated: ggi-devel-990725, gnome-core-1.0.9, gnome-pim-1.0.9,
  536. indent-2.2.0, isdn4k-utils-9907241100, raidtools-19990724-0.90
  537. - Redesigned the Installation procedure: Now we can install over FTP/HTTP!
  538. - Added dhcp-2.0, updated the network start-stop-scripts for DHCP
  539. *) 1999-07-23 (1.0b13 - 1.0b14)
  540. - Updated: console-tools-0.2.1, e2fsprogs-1.15, ggi-devel-990723, gimp-1.1.7,
  541. isdn4k-utils-9907211100, man-pages-1.25, util-linux-2.9v
  542. *) 1999-07-16 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  543. - Updated: ggi-devel-990716, indent-2.1.1, knfsd-1.4.6, libxml-1.4.0,
  544. lsof_4.44, xscreensaver-3.17, PerlFS-0.06, devfsd-v1.2.3,
  545. isdn4k-utils-9907161100, isdn-9907161100.patch, devfs-99.4.patch
  546. - Released Beta Version 1.0b13
  547. *) 1999-07-14 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  548. - Updated: raidtools-19990713-0.90 ; Added: fips-20, rawrite-3
  549. - Added a dosutils dir to the pc cdrom with fips, warwite and lilo in it
  550. *) 1999-07-13 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  551. - Updated: ggi-devel-990713, gnumeric-0.31, isdn4k-utils-9907121100,
  552. util-linux-2.9u, mc-4.5.37, pdksh-5.2.14
  553. - Added: qt-1.44, kdelibs-1.1.1, tree-1.2, gnome-print-0.4, libglade-0.2
  554. - The puzzle script checks now for priroity dups (found allready a few :-)
  555. - Glibc and gcc names fix: only force <prog>-<arch> if it's a cross-build
  556. - Termcap installed the termcap file in /etc instead of $root/etc -> fixed
  557. - Replaced mail.local with debians mailx package
  558. *) 1999-07-11 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  559. - Updated: ImageMagick-4.2.8, ORBit-0.4.92, bison-1.28, bzip2-0.9.5a,
  560. gawk-3.0.4, ggi-devel-990711, gnome-admin-1.0.3, knfsd-1.4.4,
  561. gnome-media-, gnumeric-0.29, indent-2.1.0, tar-1.13,
  562. iproute2-2.2.4-now-ss990630, isdn4k-utils-9907111100,
  563. libtool-1.3.3, mc-4.5.36, mtools-3.9.6, shadow-19990709,
  564. teTeX-src-1.0.6, util-linux-2.9t, cmu-snmp-linux-3.7
  565. - Changed the default settings of XTerm to open a login shell
  566. - Minor updates to a big number of packages
  567. - Wrote the Package descriptions for _all_ packages
  568. *) 1999-06-29 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  569. - Updated: ggi-devel-990629, isdn4k-utils-9906291100, knfsd-1.4.2,
  570. Welcome2L-3.04
  571. *) 1999-06-26 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  572. - Updated: coda-5.2.7.tgz, ggi-devel-990626, gnome-libs-1.0.11,
  573. gnumeric-0.27, isdn4k-utils-9906261100, pcmcia-cs-3.0.13,
  574. devfsd-v1.2.2, devfs-patch-v99.3, tetex-1.0.5
  575. - Improved the ckeckver retry code (It's great stuff now! :-)
  576. - Added: ltrace_0.3.6, pciutils-2.0, at-2.9b
  577. - Redesigned /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group
  578. *) 1999-06-24 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  579. - Updated: ggi-devel-990624, gnome-core-1.0.7, isdn4k-utils-9906241100,
  580. knfsd-1.4.1, libxml-1.2.0, bind-8.2.1
  581. *) 1999-06-20 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  582. - Added more information to the package desc files (build host and time)
  583. - Updated the README file and some other Documentation
  584. - Exclude debug-files from the CD-ROM image (mkisofs -m <glob>)
  585. - Corrected the Package Ser. settings (base, util, x11, com, fun)
  586. - Precompile the pcmcia-cs package and the kernel bzImage
  587. - Only one kernel-config for the modules and the bzImage
  588. *) 1999-06-19 (1.0b12 - 1.0b13)
  589. - Switched over to the .bz2 source package: ipchains, knfsd, linux, lynx,
  590. man, man-pages, modutils, net-tools, raidtools, util-linux, xggi
  591. - Updated: ggi-devel-990619, isdn4k-utils-9906191100, lm_sensors-2.3.4
  592. - Removed: alien, gperf, superopt, nana, guile, pcapture
  593. - Building bzip2 allready in stage 1 (cross-build)
  594. - Creating the binary packages as .tar.bz2 files
  595. - Creating the rock sourcode distribution as .tar.bz2 file
  596. - Added retry functionality to make-misc checkver
  597. *) 1999-06-17 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  598. - Fixed compile-problem: linux-2.2.10 <-> lilo-21
  599. - Released Beta Version 1.0b12
  600. *) 1999-06-16 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  601. - Updated: linux-2.2.10, alien_6.39, ggi-devel-990616, xchat-0.9.7
  602. isdn4k-utils-9906141100, man-pages-1.24, recode-3.5
  603. - Upd. Kernel Patches: isdn-9906111100, ikd-2.2.9-1, devfs-99.2, remount-5
  604. *) 1999-06-12 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  605. - Updated: xscreensaver-3.14, ORBit-0.4.90, devfsd-v1.2.1,
  606. ggi-devel-990612, gsl-0.4.1, isdn4k-utils-9906121100,
  607. knfsd-1.4, mtr-0.39, pcmcia-cs-3.0.12, shadow-19990607
  608. - Improved rock-debug (duplicated bins check)
  609. - Removed the X11 documentation Package (X333src-3.tgz)
  610. - Improved make-misc checkver (multiple connections)
  611. *) 1999-06-06 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  612. - Added: bsd-games-2.7, iproute2-2.2.4-now-ss990530, PerlFS-0.05
  613. - Removed: man9 (there are better and not so old documentations available)
  614. - Updated: coda-5.2.4, ggi-devel-990606, gimp-1.1.6, gnome-core-1.0.6,
  615. isdn4k-utils-9906051100, knfsd-1.3.3a, libxml-1.1.0,
  616. lm_sensors-2.3.3, lynx2-8-2, mutt-0.95.6i, wu-ftpd-2.5.0
  617. *) 1999-06-03 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  618. - Updated: ggi-devel-990603
  619. - Auto creation of the archs "i486-pc", "i586-pc" and "i686-pc".
  620. *) 1999-06-02 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  621. - Updated: ImageMagick-4.2.7, ggi-devel-990602, gnome-libs-1.0.10,
  622. gnome-media-1.0.9, gnome-pim-1.0.8, indent-1.10.0,
  623. ipchains-1.3.9, isdn4k-utils-9905281100, knfsd-1.3.3,
  624. libgtop-1.1.0, libtool-1.3.2, mc-4.5.33, pcmcia-cs-3.0.11,
  625. util-linux-2.9s, console-tools-0.2.0, console-data-1999.04.15
  626. *) 1999-05-30 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  627. - Redesigned the Architecture stuff (arch != cpu). The new default
  628. architecture is "i386-pc" (instead of "i586" - I got some "Illegal
  629. Instructions" on pre-pentiums when optimicing for pentiums ... :-).
  630. - added two new rock-debug checks (missing files and bad files)
  631. *) 1999-05-27 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  632. - Updated: gnome-python-1.0.3, libghttp-1.0.4, mc-4.5.32, pcmcia-cs-3.0.10
  633. - Solved a Problem with XGGI (XGGI doesn't support XFree86 Input Ext.).
  634. - Switched to the strace patch from Stanislav Brabec and Massimiliano Ghilardi.
  635. *) 1999-05-25 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  636. - Updated: binutils-, ggi-devel-990525, glibc-2.1.1,
  637. glibc-linuxthreads-2.1.1, isdn4k-utils-9905241100, updated-2.11
  638. *) 1999-05-23 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  639. - Improved pkg-install and pkg-remove (process more pkgs at once)
  640. - Updated: alien_6.38, gdbm-1.8.0, ggi-devel-990523, gnumeric-0.26
  641. knfsd-1.3.2, ntp-4.0.93a
  642. *) 1999-05-18 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  643. - Updated: ImageMagick-4.2.5, alien_6.37, coda-5.2.3, cvs-1.10.6,
  644. ggi-devel-990518, ntp-4.0.93, procinfo-17, xggi-1.6.1
  645. *) 1999-05-15 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  646. - Updated: Gtk-Perl-0.5121, ggi-devel-990515, glib-1.2.3, gtk+-1.2.3,
  647. gnome-network-1.0.2, isdn4k-utils-9905121100, knfsd-1.3.1,
  648. lm_sensors-2.3.2, lsof_4.43, ppp-2.3.8, ssh-1.2.27
  649. *) 1999-05-07 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  650. - Updated: alien-6.36, coda-5.2.2, ggi-devel-990507, gimp-1.1.5,
  651. gnome-libs-1.0.9, gnumeric-0.25, isdn4k-utils-9905051100,
  652. less-340, libghttp-1.0.3, libtool-1.3, lm_sensors-2.3.1,
  653. mc-4.5.31, nana-2.4, util-linux-2.9r, Image-Magic-4.2.4
  654. *) 1999-04-27 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  655. - Updated: ImageMagick-4.2.3, alien-6.33, binutils-,
  656. ggi-devel-990426, gnome-python-1.0.2, isdn4k-utils-9904261100,
  657. lm_sensors-2.3.0, mutt-0.95.5i, net-tools-1.52, ntp-4.0.92h
  658. - Added: gtk-perl-0.5120, genromfs-0.3, coda-5.2.0, raidtools-19990421-0.90
  659. *) 1999-04-25 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  660. - Fixed a bug in the Install Shell (Ctrl-D and empty lines)
  661. - Extended the Install Shell (Size Infos in the lists)
  662. *) 1999-04-23 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  663. - Updated: mtools-3.9.5, ggi-devel-990421
  664. - Added: tcp_wrappers-7.6, portmap-4, knfsd-1.2.2a
  665. - Fixed more bugs with the boot, root, and kombo disk-images
  666. *) 1999-04-21 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  667. - Redesigned the Kernel-Patches Stuff
  668. - Added a Kernel-Patch which updates the ISDN Code
  669. - Added: WorkBone-2.4, ElectricFence-2.0.5, ntp-4.0.92g
  670. *) 1999-04-20 (1.0b11 - 1.0b12)
  671. - Fixed a few bugs with the boot, root, and kombo disk-images
  672. - Added automatic compilation of kernel modules
  673. - Added the ppp-2.3.7 and isdn4linux-9904201100 packages
  674. *) 1999-04-18 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  675. - Updated: ImageMagick-4.2.2, ggi-devel-990418, glib-1.2.2, gtk+-1.2.2,
  676. gnumeric-0.24, netkit-ntalk-0.11, procps-2.0.2, linux_logo-3.0,
  677. procmail-3.13.1, gdb-4.18
  678. - Released Beta Version 1.0b11
  679. *) 1999-04-17 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  680. - Updated: linux-2.2.6, devfs-97, strace-
  681. *) 1999-04-16 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  682. - Fixed a (letal) bug in the '$flistdel' code I introduced at 1999-04-01.
  683. - Root now has an alias for 'ls' to use allways the '-a' option.
  684. - Sendmail now works together with bind.
  685. *) 1999-04-14 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  686. - Updated: ORBit-0.4.3, alien-6.31, gnome-control-center-1.0.5,
  687. enlightenment-0.15.5, ggi-devel-990414, gnome-core-1.0.5,
  688. gnome-libs-1.0.8, gnome-pim-1.0.7, gnuchess-4.0.pl80,
  689. gnumeric-0.23, less-337, lsof-4.42, man-1.5g, mc-4.5.30,
  690. mtr-0.37, perl-5.005_03, rsync-2.3.1, xggi-1.6.0,
  691. gnome-users-guide-1.0.5, gnats-3.110
  692. *) 1999-04-03 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  693. - Updated: cvs-1.10.5, binutils-, gdb-4.17.11
  694. - Fixed a glibc-2.1 <-> libgr bug (yet another 'stdout problem')
  695. - Var. improvements in the system.twmrc config file
  696. *) 1999-04-01 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  697. - Added: gnome-chess-0.0.2
  698. - Joe is now using the ncurses library
  699. - Fixed some file-sharing problems with libgr and lib{jpeg,png,tiff,zlib}
  700. - Fixed some other file-sharing problems with gnome-python and python
  701. *) 1999-03-31 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  702. - Auto-Creation of a kernel, a boot floppy and a root floppy
  703. - The auto-created ISO-9660 CD-ROM image is now bootable
  704. *) 1999-03-27 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  705. - Updated: ggi-devel-990330, gimp-1.1.4, gnome-core-1.0.4,
  706. linux-2.2.5, man-pages-1.23, mc-4.5.28
  707. *) 1999-03-26 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  708. - Updated: gnome-libs-1.0.5, ggi-devel-990324, glib-1.2.1, gtk+-1.2.1,
  709. ORBit-0.4.2, control-center-1.0.4, gnome-admin-1.0.2,
  710. gnome-objc-1.0.2
  711. *) 1999-03-24 (1.0b10 - 1.0b11)
  712. - Updated: linux-2.2.4, apache-1.3.6, ggi-devel-990324, procps-2.0.1,
  713. xanim-2801, wu-ftpd-2.4.2
  714. *) 1999-03-21 (1.0b9 - 1.0b10)
  715. - Reorganised runlevel numbers
  716. - Added: isapnptools-1.18, loadlin-16
  717. - Updated: enlightenment-0.15.4, ggi-devel-990321, gnome-games-1.0.2,
  718. gnome-libs-1.0.4, gtop-1.0.2, libghttp-1.0.2, mc-4.5.27,
  719. net-tools-1.51
  720. - Minor changes in the /etc/dircolors file
  721. - Released Beta Version 1.0b10
  722. *) 1999-03-18 (1.0b9 - 1.0b10)
  723. - Updated: gnome-control-center-1.0.2, egcs-1.1.2, enlightenment-0.15.3,
  724. enlightenment-conf-0.15, ggi-devel-990318, gnome-core-1.0.3,
  725. gnome-libs-1.0.3, gnome-pim-1.0.3, gnome-python-1.0.1,
  726. gnumeric-0.18, libghttp-1.0.1, mc-4.5.26, mtools-3.9.4,
  727. mtr-0.33, procps-2.0, rsync-2.3.0, xanim2800, gimp-1.1.3
  728. - Added: cmu-snmp-3.6, bind-8.2
  729. *) 1999-03-09 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  730. - Updated: linux-2.2.3
  731. - Finished full rebuild: 23 hours on my workstation (AMD K6-2 300Mhz,
  732. 128 MB RAM, Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra Wide SCSI, IBM DDRS-39130W HD)
  733. - Released Beta Version 1.0b9
  734. *) 1999-03-08 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  735. - Added: gnome-utils-1.0.1, gnome-pim-1.0.1, gnome-admin-1.0.1,
  736. gnome-media-1.0.1, gnome-audio-1.0.0, gnome-network-1.0.1,
  737. gnome-games-1.0.1, ee-0.3.8, gedit-0.5.1, GXedit-1.22,
  738. gnotepad+-1.0.8, gnumeric-0.15, gtop-1.0.1, gdm-1.0.0, xchat-0.9.1
  739. - Updated: ggi-devel-990308, mtr-0.3, shadow-19990307
  740. *) 1999-03-07 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  741. - Added: ORBit-0.4.0, audiofile-0.1.6, esound-0.2.8, gsl-0.4,
  742. gtk-engines-0.5, libgr-2.0.13, glib-1.2.0, gtk-1.2.0,
  743. gnome-libs, libgtop, libxml, libghttp, gnome-obj,
  744. gnome-python, gnome-control-center, enlightenment-conf,
  745. gnome-core, gnome-users-guide
  746. - Updated: mc-4.5.23
  747. *) 1999-03-06 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  748. - Removed a "feature" from the 'file' command which coused a lot of
  749. troubles in the autobuild process when used by libtool's 'ltconfig'.
  750. - Updated: console-tools-1999.03.02, ggi-devel-990306, mtr-0.31,
  751. mutt-0.95.4i, imlib-1.9.4, vera-1.5
  752. *) 1999-03-03 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  753. - Ported the ikd and the logo-select patches to the 2.2.2 kernel.
  754. - Various improvements to the twm config file (system.twmrc).
  755. *) 1999-03-01 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  756. - Updated: ImageMagick-4.2.1, enlightenment-0.15.0-19990225,
  757. lsof_4.41_W, minicom-1.82.1
  758. - checkver: a2ps, teTeX-src, teTeX-lib, XFree86, minicom, egcs
  759. - Added: xanim
  760. *) 1999-02-26 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  761. - pkg-remove handles now directories better
  762. - hotfix to 'mtr' because the new gtk
  763. *) 1999-02-25 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  764. - Some improvements in 'runlvedit'
  765. - PCMCIA-CS Install-Improvements (init-script)
  766. - Finished a whole rebuild (began yesterday - took about 19 hours :-)
  767. - Upgraded to gtk-1.1.16 and gimp-1.1.2 (devel versions)
  768. - Moved the whole GGI stuff in only 2 packages: kgicon and ggi
  769. - Added: gnuplot-3.7, xpm-3.4k, freetype-1.2
  770. - Updated: enlightenment-0.15.0-19990224, updated-2.0, ggi-devel-990225,
  771. bash-2.03, linux-2.2.2
  772. *) 1999-02-23 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  773. - Install ghostscript-fonts as part of ghostscript
  774. - Removed the 'createflist' build flag
  775. - Wrote the pkg-diff tool
  776. *) 1999-02-22 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  777. - Some install-disks improvements
  778. - Added: a2ps-4.12
  779. *) 1999-02-21 (1.0b8 - 1.0b9)
  780. - Updated: pcmcia-cs-3.0.9, bison-1.27, ggi-devel-990221, grep-2.3,
  781. imlib-1.9.3, lm_sensors-2.2.2, readline-4.0
  782. *) 1999-02-12 (1.0b7 - 1.0b8)
  783. - Fixed a few bugs in the install-disk package
  784. - Released 1.0b8
  785. *) 1999-02-12 (1.0b7 - 1.0b8)
  786. - Updated: imlib-1.9.2, lsof_4.40_W, util-linux-2.9i,
  787. ImageMagick-4.2.0, mutt-0.95.3i
  788. - Install the pcmcia-cs sources in /usr/src
  789. *) 1999-02-11 (1.0b7 - 1.0b8)
  790. - Updated: ImageMagick-4.1.9, bison-1.26a, ggi-devel-990211, gzip-1.2.4a,
  791. net-tools-1.50, pine-4.10, sendmail-8.9.3, sysklogd-1.3-31
  792. *) 1999-02-08 (1.0b7 - 1.0b8)
  793. - Updated: glibc-2.1, linux-2.2.1
  794. *) 1999-01-25 (1.0b7 - 1.0b8)
  795. - ImageMagick seams to work now
  796. - Various bugfixes: tetex, cron
  797. - Nice animation as new Install Shell busy display
  798. *) 1999-01-24 (1.0b7 - 1.0b8)
  799. - Fixed problems with the new glibc/kernel (gpm, lm_sensors)
  800. - Updated: ImageMagick-4.1.8, bash-2.02.1, libpng-1.0.3,
  801. libungif-4.1.0, ggi-devel-990124
  802. *) 1999-01-23 (1.0b7 - 1.0b8)
  803. - Updated: linux-2.2.0pre9, glibc-2.1.111
  804. - Added a "busy display" to the Install Shell
  805. *) 1999-01-20 (1.0b6 - 1.0b7)
  806. - Fixed general stage 5 / rebuild problem with /usr/info/dir
  807. - Ported: libmpeg-1.3.0
  808. - Updated: shadow-981228
  809. *) 1999-01-19 (1.0b6 - 1.0b7)
  810. - Fixed problems with the new glibc/kernel (strace, lsof, net-tools)
  811. - Created subdistributions "root" and "install-disks"
  812. - Updated X11R6.3 to XFree86
  813. - Some documentation updates
  814. *) 1999-01-18 (1.0b6 - 1.0b7)
  815. - Now we use 'dircolors' to configure the colored ls
  816. - Updated: alien-6.28, automake-1.4, e2fsprogs-1.14,
  817. lm_sensors-2.1.2, linux-2.2.0pre7, glibc-2.1.110
  818. - Ported: xaw3d-1.3, ghostscript-5.50, gv-3.5.8
  819. - teTeX seams to work now as it should be ....
  820. *) 1999-01-17 (1.0b6 - 1.0b7)
  821. - Fixed Unix98 stuff in the screen package
  822. - teTeX compiles and installs (after 3 days debugging) - but
  823. there are still open tasks with teTeX ...
  824. *) 1999-01-13 (1.0b6 - 1.0b7)
  825. - Synced up with the new direcory tree of the GNU archive
  826. - Updated: autoconf-2.13, apache-1.3.4, lilo-colors-1.21.0
  827. - Ported LaTeX (tetex) to ROCK Linux (not finished)
  828. - Improved the Install Shell