@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
' Python interface to PostgreSQL for managing database nodes. '
r ''' Python interface to PostgreSQL for managing database nodes.
from subprocess import Popen , PIPE
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extensions
class Db ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , name ) :
self . _name = name
self . _p = Popen ( ' /usr/bin/psql -Aqt -U postgres ' , stdin = PIPE , stdout = PIPE , stderr = PIPE , shell = True )
self . conn = psycopg2 . connect ( " dbname= ' postgres ' user= ' postgres ' host= ' localhost ' password= ' ' " ) ;
self . conn . set_isolation_level ( psycopg2 . extensions . ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT )
self . cursor = self . conn . cursor ( )
def _run ( self , command , args = [ ] ) :
execfn = [ command ] + list ( args )
@ -19,77 +24,77 @@ class Db(object):
def _runsql ( self , sql , db = ' postgres ' ) :
given_sql = sql
sql = sql + ' \ echo this is the end ' + ' \n '
self . _p . stdout . flush ( )
self . _p . stdin . write ( str ( sql ) )
out = " "
out = self . _p . stdout . readline ( )
while out . find ( " this is the end " ) == - 1 :
out = out + self . _p . stdout . readline ( )
lout = out . replace ( ' this is the end ' , ' ' )
return lout . strip ( )
self . cursor . execute ( given_sql )
try :
out = self . cursor . fetchall ( )
except Exception , e :
out = " Executed with exception "
return out
def _get_owner ( self ) :
sql = " SELECT pg_get_userbyid(datdba) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ' " + self . sanitize ( self . _name ) + " ' ; "
sql = " SELECT pg_get_userbyid(datdba) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ' " + self . _name + " ' ; "
own = self . _runsql ( sql )
return own
def _set_owner ( self , owner ) :
sql = " ALTER DATABASE " + self . _name + " OWNER TO " + self . sanitize ( owner ) + " ; "
sql = " ALTER DATABASE " + self . _name + " OWNER TO " + owner + " ; "
own = self . _runsql ( sql )
return own
db_ owner = property ( _get_owner , _set_owner )
owner = property ( _get_owner , _set_owner )
def db_ OID( self ) :
sql = " SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ' " + self . sanitize ( self . _name ) + " ' ; "
def OID ( self ) :
sql = " SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ' " + self . _name + " ' ; "
oid = self . _runsql ( sql )
return oid
def db_ info( self ) :
def info ( self ) :
information = { ' size ' : ' ' , ' encoding ' : ' ' , ' collation ' : ' ' , ' ctype ' : ' ' }
information [ ' size ' ] = self . _runsql ( " SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size( ' " + self . sanitize ( self . _name ) + " ' )); " )
information [ ' encoding ' ] , information [ ' collation ' ] , \
information [ ' ctype ' ] = self . _runsql ( " SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding), datcollate, datctype FROM pg_database WHERE datname= ' " + self . sanitize ( self . _name ) + " ' ; " ) . split ( ' | ' )
information [ ' size ' ] = self . _runsql ( " SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size( ' " + self . _name + " ' )); " )
inf = self . _runsql ( """ SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding),
datcollate , datctype FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ' " " " +self._name+ " ' ; " )
information [ ' encoding ' ] = inf [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
information [ ' collation ' ] = inf [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
information [ ' ctype ' ] = inf [ 0 ] [ 2 ]
return information
def db_ connections( self ) :
sql = " SELECT numbackends from pg_stat_database WHERE datname = ' " + self . sanitize ( self . _name ) + " ' ; "
def connections ( self ) :
sql = " SELECT numbackends from pg_stat_database WHERE datname = ' " + self . _name + " ' ; "
cncs = self . _runsql ( sql )
return cncs
def user_exists ( self , user ) :
sql = " SELECT rolname FROM pg_authid WHERE rolname = ' " + self . sanitize ( user ) + " ' ; "
sql = " SELECT rolname FROM pg_authid WHERE rolname = ' " + user + " ' ; "
u = self . _runsql ( sql )
if ( u == " " ) :
if ( len ( u ) == 0 ) :
return False
return True
def db_exists ( self , xdb ) :
sql = " SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ' " + self . sanitize ( xdb ) + " ' ; "
sql = " SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ' " + xdb + " ' ; "
d = self . _runsql ( sql )
if ( d == " " ) :
if ( len ( d ) == 0 ) :
return False
return True
def db_d elete ( self ) :
def delete ( self ) :
if self . db_exists ( self . _name ) == True :
sql = " DROP DATABASE " + self . sanitize ( self . _name ) + " ; "
sql = " DROP DATABASE " + self . _name + " ; "
drop = self . _runsql ( sql )
return drop
return " Failed "
def db_ create( self , own , coll , ctyp , enc = u ' UTF8 ' ) :
def create ( self , own , coll , ctyp , enc = u ' UTF8 ' ) :
if self . db_exists ( self . _name ) == False :
sql = " CREATE DATABASE " + self . sanitize ( self . _name ) + " WITH OWNER = " + self . sanitize ( own ) + " ENCODING = ' " + self . sanitiz e( enc ) + " ' LC_COLLATE = ' " + self . sanitize ( coll ) + " ' LC_CTYPE = ' " + self . sanitize ( ctyp ) + " ' ; "
sql = " CREATE DATABASE " + self . _name + " WITH OWNER = " + own + " ENCODING = ' " + enc + " ' LC_COLLATE = ' " + coll + " ' LC_CTYPE = ' " + ctyp + " ' ; "
create = self . _runsql ( sql )
return create
return " Failed "
def db_d ump ( self , path , method ) :
def dump ( self , path , method ) :
dump = Popen ( [ ' /usr/bin/pg_dump ' , ' -U ' , ' postgres ' , ' -F ' + method , self . _name ] , stdout = PIPE )
fl = open ( path , " wb " )
gz = Popen ( [ ' gzip ' ] , stdin = dump . stdout , stdout = fl )
@ -97,46 +102,50 @@ class Db(object):
return " Finished dumping " + self . _name
def db_ rename( self , old , new ) :
def rename ( self , old , new ) :
if self . db_exists ( new ) == True or self . db_exists ( old ) == False :
return " Cannot "
sql = " ALTER DATABASE " + self . sanitize ( old ) + " RENAME TO " + self . sanitize ( new ) + " ; "
sql = " ALTER DATABASE " + old + " RENAME TO " + new + " ; "
rename = self . _runsql ( sql )
return rename
def copy ( ) :
def db_ list ( self ) :
def dblist ( self ) :
sql = " SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname NOT IN ( ' template0 ' , ' template1 ' , ' postgres ' ); "
dbl = self . _runsql ( sql )
return dbl
dblist = self . _runsql ( sql )
return dblist
def usr_ list ( self ) :
def usrlist ( self ) :
sql = " SELECT rolname FROM pg_authid WHERE rolcanlogin=true; "
usrl = self . _runsql ( sql )
return usrl
def usr_add ( self , us , passw ) :
sql = " CREATE ROLE " + self . sanitize ( us ) + " WITH NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOCREATEUSER LOGIN PASSWORD ' " + self . sanitize ( passw ) + " ' ; "
usra = self . _runsql ( sql )
return usra
def usr_delete ( self , us ) :
sql = " DROP ROLE IF EXISTS " + self . sanitize ( us ) + " ; "
usrd = self . _runsql ( sql )
return usrd
def sanitize ( self , s ) :
mset = ' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnoprstuvxyz-_. '
return ' ' . join ( [ c for c in s if c in mset ] )
usrlist = self . _runsql ( sql )
return usrlist
def _test ( ) :
test = Db ( u ' postgres ' )
print test . db_list ( )
print test . usr_list ( )
print test . db_info [ ' encoding ' ] , test . info [ ' collation ' ] , test . info [ ' ctype ' ]
print test . sanitize ( " aaaa-fgdg?sd/!_fb*gs ' h;s ' hdghj.dn " )
print " "
print ' Encoding is ' , test . info [ ' encoding ' ] , ' Collation is ' , test . info [ ' collation ' ] , ' CType is ' , test . info [ ' ctype ' ]
# print test.owner
# print test.connections
print " User aaa is " , test . user_exists ( " aaa " )
print " User postgres is " , test . user_exists ( " postgres " )
print " database xxxaaa is " , test . db_exists ( " xxxaaa " )
print " database postgres is " , test . db_exists ( " postgres " )
print test . dblist ( )
test2 = Db ( u ' test ' )
# print test2.create(u'postgres', u'en_US.UTF-8', u'en_US.UTF-8')
print test2 . dblist ( )
test2 . rename ( u ' test ' , u ' bbb ' )
print test2 . dblist ( )
#print test2.usrlist()
#print test2.owner
#test2.owner = u'karasz'
#print test2.owner
#test = Db(u'aaa')
#test.create(u'postgres', u'en_US.UTF-8', u'en_US.UTF-8')
# print test.dump('/tmp/aaa.gz',u'p')
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
_test ( )