# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# Filename: target/bare/pkgsel.d/mixed.all
# Copyright (C) 2008 The OpenSDE Project
# More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. A copy of the
# GNU General Public License can be found in the file COPYING.
# Add strictly required packages
X cpio
X dialog
X bash
X bdb
X gdbm
X bzip2
X cracklib
X cron
X curl
X disktype
X e2fsprogs
X eject
X embutils
X reiserfsprogs
X ed
X expat
X file
X fget
X coreutils
X mmv
X findutils
X gawk
X gdb
X gettext
X gpm
X grep
X groff
X gzip
X unifdef
X jfsutils
X nullmailer
X kbd
X less
X libjpeg
X libpng
X libtiff
X libungif
X libvolume_id
X linux26
X linux-header
X man
X man-pages
X mine
X minised
X mktemp
X module-init-tools
X ncompress
X ncurses
X nfs-utils
X openssh
X openssl
X rsync
X pam
X parted
X pdksh
X perl
X procinfo
X procps
X psmisc
X pciutils
X usbutils
X screen
X sudo
X pkgconfig
X readline
X sed
X shadow
X strace
X sysfiles
X iana-etc
X sysklogd
X sysvinit
X tar
X texinfo
X time
X udev
X unzip
X util-linux
X vim
X vlock
X wget
X xfsprogs
X zip
X zlib
# Subversion, to let people get our source
X apr
X apr-util
X neon
X subversion
X cvs
# and let people create ISOs here
X dvdrtools
X popt
# sysfiles split
X stone
X mkinitrd
###################### Begin desktop basic packages and deps#############################
X pcre
X perl-xml-parser
X libusb
X libidl
X libxml
X libxslt
X ppp
X python
# graphics
X libart_lgpl23
X libmng
X sane-backends
X lcms
X libgphoto
X gimp
# fonts
X bitstream-vera-fonts
X freefonts
# printing
X ghostscript
X ghostscript-fonts
X cups
X gutenprint
# gtk/gnome
X atk
X glib
X pango
X cairo
X gtk+
X libgsf
X gconf
X orbit2
# Needed by GIMP
X pygtk
X pygobject
X pycairo
# kde
X qt3
X arts
X kdelibs
# sound
X audio/alsa*
X ogg-vorbis
X cdrdao
X libcdio
X lame
X libmad
X audiofile
X taglib
###################### End desktop basic packages and deps######################