You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

488 lines
16 KiB

# ===============================================================
# Screen config file by Andreas Schneider <mail at>
# written by Sven Guckes <setup-screenrc at> and
# Andreas Schneider <mail at>
# Last Change: 2008-02-23 22:29:55
# Get the latest version from:
# ===============================================================
# ===============================================================
# The DISPLAY variable tells programs which display to use.
# This mainly affects programs running on the X server.
# However, when I use screen then I am usually using a terminal -
# and programs do not need to contact the X server.
# This results in programs waiting for some timeout when
# they start up - and this just keeps getting in my way.
# I therefore unset the DISPLAY variable with this command:
## unsetenv DISPLAY
# Text Tools rule! :-)
# ===============================================================
# ===============================================================
# escape ^aa # default
# escape ^pp # suggested binding for emacs users
# FAQ: Did you happen to forget the escape character
# for *the* current session?
# A: You can reset the escape character from the shell
# by giving the current session the following command:
# screen -X escape ^Aa
# i suggest you prepare your shell with the following aliases:
# alias Ea='screen -X escape a'
# alias Eo='screen -X escape o'
# alias Ep='screen -X escape p'
# alias Ex='screen -X escape x'
# ===============================================================
# STARTUP of programs in an extra window:
# ===============================================================
# Uncomment one/some following lines to automatically let
# SCREEN start some programs in the given window numbers:
# screen -t MAIL 0 muttng
# screen -t EDIT 1 vim
# screen -t GOOGLE 2 links
# screen -t NEWS 3 slrn
# screen -t WWW 4 links
# ===============================================================
# VARIABLES - Boolean values (on/off)
# ===============================================================
nethack on # default: off
autodetach on # default: on
crlf off # default: off
deflogin off # default: on
# defsilence off # default: off
hardcopy_append on # default: off
# nethack on # default: off
startup_message off # default: on
vbell off # default: ???
altscreen on # default: off
defbce off # default: off
defnonblock on # default: off
# ===============================================================
# ===============================================================
# What TERM do you run?
term "screen-256color"
# terminfo and termcap for nice 256 color terminal
# allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
attrcolor b ".I"
# tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground
termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
# ===============================================================
# VARIABLES - Number values
# ===============================================================
defscrollback 1000 # default: 100
# msgminwait 3 # default: 1
silencewait 15 # default: 30
# ===============================================================
# VARIABLES - Paths and Files (esp. programs)
# ===============================================================
# bufferfile: The file to use for commands
# "readbuf" ('<') and "writebuf" ('>'):
# bufferfile $HOME/.screen_exchange
# hardcopydir: The directory which contains all hardcopies.
# hardcopydir ~/.hardcopy
# hardcopydir ~/.screen
# shell: Default process started in screen's windows.
# Makes it possible to use a different shell inside screen
# than is set as the default login shell. Halleluja! :-)
shell -$SHELL
# most users will probably use the "bash" as the default shell:
# shell /bin/bash
# shell /bin/zsh
# shell /bin/ksh
# shell /bin/tcsh
# for an overview to shells see
# ===============================================================
# VARIABLES - Strings
# ===============================================================
# some notes on COLOR before explaining its use in
# the commands caption, hardstatus, and sorendition.
# COLOR: colors codes are combinations of
# [attribute modifier] [color description],
# eg "%{ambf}" where
# a=attribute, m=modifier, and
# b=background, f=foreground.
# the manual talks of "attribute/color modifiers".
# see the manual, section "STRING ESCAPES".
# Color table:
# 0 Black . leave color unchanged
# 1 Red b blue
# 2 Green c cyan
# 3 Brown / yellow d default color
# 4 Blue g green b bold
# 5 Purple k blacK B blinking
# 6 Cyan m magenta d dim
# 7 White r red r reverse
# 8 unused/illegal w white s standout
# 9 transparent y yellow u underline
# ===========================================
# CAPTION - shows a "caption" for the window.
# ===========================================
# a "caption" is another line which can show information -
# in addition to the hardstatus line.
caption always "%{WB}%?%-Lw%?%{kw}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{WB}%?%+Lw%?%{Wb}"
# color--------color================color++++++++color
# ===============================
# Hardstatus Line and sorendition
# ===============================
# current HARDSTATUS [2005-04-12]
# patterns: host, load, time, date.
# the "%=" at the end extends the current color unto the end of the line.
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= RY}%H %{BW} %l %{bW} %c %M %d%="
# =====================================================
# note: the use of ANSI color sequences is deprecated.
# please upgrade to (at least) screen 3.9.13
# so you can make use of the color letters/names!
# "sorendition": set the colors for
# the "messages" and "text marking"
# (ie text you mark in copy mode):
# sorendition 10 99 # default!
# sorendition 02 40 # green on black
sorendition wb # yellow on blue
# sorendition rw # red on white
# sorendition kG # black on bold green
# =====================================================
# ============================
# Password
# ============================
# # # password SZnBqiqMtfa6k
# WARNING!! Do NOT remove the comment
# if you don't know what this does!
# read on:
# this commands sets the *internal*
# password for the screen session.
# if this is set then a "lock" command will
# only let you in to the session after you
# enter the user's account password and then
# also the internal password for that session.
# so this gives additional safety.
# but if you forget the internal password
# then you can also forget about the session - ok?!
# ===============================================================
# Messages
# ===============================================================
# There are two kinds of messages: "activity" and "bell"
# They are also the names of the commands that set the
# respective messages. In every message there can be "meta
# strings" which are replaced by values. A meta string starts
# with a percent sign and is then followed by one
# of the following letters: aAcCdDfFhHlmMnstuwWyY
# The meta strings usually refer to the current
# date and time or to a window title or number.
# There are also some specials like embedded branches (with %?),
# color codes (with %{xy}) and padding (with %=, %<, %>).
# you can find their description in the manual in section
# %% percent sign (the escape character itself)
# %a either 'am' or 'pm' - according to the current time
# %A either 'AM' or 'PM' - according to the current time
# %c current time HH:MM in 24h format
# %C current time HH:MM in 12h format
# %d day number - number of current day
# %D Day's name - the weekday name of the current day
# %f flags of the window
# %F sets %? to true if the window has the focus
# %h hardstatus of the window
# %H hostname of the system
# %l current load of the system
# %m month number
# %M month name
# %n window number
# %s seconds
# %t window title
# %u all other users on this window
# %w all window numbers and names.
# %-w all window numbers up to the current window
# %+w all window numbers after the current window
# %W all window numbers and names except the current one
# %y last two digits of the year number
# %Y full year number
# Older versions of screen used a single '%' character
# to display window titles - but since version 3.7 this is
# obsoleted by '%n' and it will vanish in future releases.
# So please update your screenrc to meet this convention!
# ===============================================================
# "~" stands for the "bell" character
# activity 'Activity in window %n' # default
# use %n to display the window number and %t for its title:
# activity "activity in window #%n title: %t~"
# activity "activity in window #%n title: %t~"
activity "%C -> %n%f %t activity!"
# pass on the "beep" (CTRL-G) by adding a '~':
bell "%C -> %n%f %t bell!~"
# pow_detach_msg: Message shown when session
# gets power detached.
pow_detach_msg "BYE"
# vbell_msg: Message shown when the
# "virtual bell" rings.
vbell_msg " *beep* "
# ==============================================================
# BIND bind - defaults
# ==============================================================
# The "bind" command assign keys to (internal) commands
# SCREEN checks all the keys you type; you type the key
# which is known as the "command character" then SCREEN
# eats this key, too, and checks whether this key is
# "bound" to a command. If so then SCREEN will execute it.
# The command "bind" allows you to chose which keys
# will be assigned to the commands.
# Some commands are bound to several keys -
# usually to both some letter and its corresponding
# control key combination, eg the command
# "(create) screen" is bound to both 'c' and '^C'.
# The following list shows the default bindings:
# break ^B b
# clear C
# colon :
# copy ^[ [
# detach ^D d
# digraph ^V
# displays *
# dumptermcap .
# fit F
# flow ^F f
# bind f screen -t FETCH fetchmail -a
# focus ^I
# hardcopy h
# help ?
# history { }
# info i
# kill K k
# lastmsg ^M m
# license ,
# log H
# login L
# meta x
# monitor M
# next ^@ ^N sp n
# number N
# only Q
# other ^X
# pow_break B
# pow_detach D
# prev ^H ^P p ^?
# quit \
# readbuf <
# redisplay ^L l
# remove X
# removebuf =
# reset Z
# screen ^C c
# select " '
# silence _
# split S
# suspend ^Z z
# time ^T t
# title A
# vbell ^G
# version v
# width W
# windows ^W w
# wrap ^R r
# writebuf >
# xoff ^S s
# xon ^Q q
# ^] paste .
# - select -
# 0 select 0
# 1 select 1
# 2 select 2
# 3 select 3
# 4 select 4
# 5 select 5
# 6 select 6
# 7 select 7
# 8 select 8
# 9 select 9
# I login on
# O login off
# ] paste .
# the following table shows the default listing:ta cal
# lowercase letters:
# abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
# -bcd-f-hi-klmn-pqrst-vwx-z -> bcdfhiklmnpqrstvwxz
# capital letters:
# control + letters:
# other keys:
# "'*,.:<=>?[\_{}
# ===============================================================
# Key bindings
# ===============================================================
# Remove some default key bindings by binding
# them to "nothing" (empty right-hand-side):
# bind . dumptermcap # default
bind .
# bind ^\ quit # default
bind ^\
# bind \\ quit # default
bind \\
# bind h hardcopy # default
# bind h
# bind ^h ??? # default
# bind ^h
# bind } history # default
# bind }
# And here are the default bind commands if you need them:
# bind A title
# bind C clear
# bind D pow_detach
# bind F fit
# bind H log
# bind I login on
# bind K kill
# bind L login
# bind M monitor
# bind N number
# bind O login off
# bind Q only
# bind S split
# bind W width
# bind X remove
# bind Z reset
# ==============================================================
# BIND and the Services:
# ==============================================================
# I am using the uppercase letters to start programs/services:
# the idea:
# bind <key> <command>
# this binds the key to start a windows with <command> inside.
# bind B # unbound by default
bind B screen -t bashfaq 4 links
# DICT - Dictionary English<->German
bind D screen -t dict 4 links
# MUTT - Email User Agent
# bind E # unbound by default
bind E screen -t mail 0 muttng
# GOOGLE - Web Search Engine
# bind G # unbound by default
bind G screen -t google 0 links
# HEISE - IT NewsTicker
# bind H log # default!
bind H screen -t heise 0 links
bind M screen -t milliways 0 ssh
# Paste - use 'P' instead of ']':
# bind P # unbound by default
bind P paste .
# bind R # unbound by default
bind R screen -t root 0 su -
# bind R screen -t root 0 sudo su -
# bind V # unbound by default
bind V screen -t vim 1 vim -X
bind Y stuff
# ===============================================================
# ===============================================================
# Make shift-PgUp and shift-PgDn work like they do in xterm.
# (Note that this requires xterm to be configured to pass those
# keys through, and not try to act on them itself.)
bindkey "^[[5;2~" eval "copy" "stuff ^u"
bindkey -m "^[[5;2~" stuff ^u
bindkey -m "^[[6;2~" stuff ^d
# NumPad keybindings:
# ^[Oo / resize =
# ^[Oj * resize max
# ^[Om - resize -2
# ^[Ok + resize +2
# ^[OM Enter
# ================================
# At the very end... show the
# current version and say hello :-)
# Briefly show the version number of this starting
# screen session - but only for *one* second:
msgwait 1
# change back to showing messages
# for duration of two seconds:
msgwait 2
# Welcome the user:
# echo "welcome to screen :-)"
# vim modeline:
# Tell Vim to automatically set some options
# when you load this file into a buffer.
# et = expandtab: expand tabs to spaces
# ts=8 = tasbstop=8: use a "tabstop" of '8'
# nowrap : do not wrap lines which are longer
# than the line length on the terminal.
# vim: set ts=8 et nowrap: THPXRF EOF