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40 lines
878 B

  1. set nocompatible
  2. colorscheme koehler
  3. "set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 7
  4. set guifont=Terminus\ 8
  5. " `set list` to activate
  6. set showbreak=
  7. set listchars=tab:→·,eol:↲,nbsp:␣,trail,extends:⟩,precedes:⟨
  8. filetype indent on
  9. syntax on
  10. set nu!
  11. set hlsearch
  12. if has("autocmd")
  13. " OpenSDE
  14. autocmd BufEnter *.in,*.conf,parse-config* set filetype=sh
  15. autocmd BufEnter *.h set filetype=c
  16. autocmd filetype c source ~/.vim/c.vim
  17. autocmd filetype sh source ~/.vim/sh.vim
  18. autocmd filetype xml source ~/.vim/xml.vim
  19. autocmd filetype lua source ~/.vim/lua.vim
  20. " autocmd filetype python source ~/.vim/python.vim
  21. endif
  22. " , #perl # comments
  23. map ,# :s/^/#/<CR>
  24. " ,/ C/C++/C#/Java // comments
  25. map ,/ :s/^/\/\//<CR>
  26. " ,< HTML comment
  27. map ,< :s/^\(.*\)$/<!-- \1 -->/<CR><Esc>:nohlsearch<CR>
  28. " c++ java style comments
  29. map ,* :s/^\(.*\)$/\/\* \1 \*\//<CR><Esc>:nohlsearch<CR>