mirror of the now-defunct rocklinux.org

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[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
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[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/stf/zapping/zapping.cache
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[TIMESTAMP] 1168583024 Fri Jan 12 07:23:44 2007 (5)
[TIMESTAMP] 1168783910 Sun Jan 14 15:11:50 2007 (9) ERROR
[TIMESTAMP] 1168964268 Tue Jan 16 17:17:48 2007 (9) ERROR
[TIMESTAMP] 1169134553 Thu Jan 18 16:35:53 2007 (9) ERROR
[CONFIG-ID] TRUNK-x86-reference
[LOGS] 5-zapping.log 9-zapping.err
[BUILDTIME] 24092 (5)
[SIZE] 11.09 MB, 90 files
[DEP] 00-dirtree alsa alsa:dev applewmproto applewmproto:dev arts arts:dev
[DEP] atk atk:dev audiofile audiofile:dev bash2 binutils bzip2 cairo
[DEP] cairo:dev coreutils cpan-xml-parser cvm dbus dbus-glib dbus-glib:dev
[DEP] dbus:dev diffutils docbookx esound esound:dev evolution-webcal
[DEP] expat expat:dev findutils fontconfig fontconfig:dev freetype
[DEP] freetype:dev gawk gcc40 gcc40:dev gconf gconf:dev gettext glib
[DEP] glib:dev glibc23 glibc23:dev gnome-keyring gnome-keyring:dev
[DEP] gnome-nettool gnome-vfs gnome-vfs:dev gnome2-dirtree grep gtk+
[DEP] gtk+:dev gtkam imake libart_lgpl23 libart_lgpl23:dev libbonobo
[DEP] libbonobo:dev libbonoboui libbonoboui:dev libglade libglade:dev
[DEP] libgnome libgnome:dev libgnomecanvas libgnomecanvas:dev libgnomeui
[DEP] libgnomeui:dev libice libice:dev libjpeg libjpeg:dev libpng
[DEP] libpng:dev libsm libsm:dev libx11 libx11:dev libxau libxau:dev
[DEP] libxcursor libxdmcp libxdmcp:dev libxext libxext:dev libxfixes libxi
[DEP] libxinerama libxinerama:dev libxml2 libxml2:dev libxmu libxmu:dev
[DEP] libxrandr libxrender libxrender:dev libxt libxt:dev libxv libxv:dev
[DEP] libxxf86dga libxxf86dga:dev libxxf86vm libxxf86vm:dev libzvbi
[DEP] libzvbi:dev liferea linux-libc-headers:dev lirc lirc:dev make
[DEP] mktemp net-tools netpbm openssl orbit2 orbit2:dev pango pango:dev
[DEP] perl5 pioneers pkgconfig popt popt:dev python python:dev rrdtool rte
[DEP] rte:dev scrollkeeper sed sensors-applet streamtuner sysfiles tar tcl
[DEP] tk twoftpd ucspi-unix util-linux videoproto:dev vino xextproto:dev
[DEP] xf86dgaproto:dev xf86vidmodeproto:dev xineramaproto:dev xorg-cf-files
[DEP] xproto:dev zlib zlib:dev
[PROVIDES] libalirc.zapping.so libdeinterlace.zapping.so libmpeg.zapping.so
[PROVIDES] libscreenshot.zapping.so libsubtitle.zapping.so
[PROVIDES] libteletext.zapping.so zapping zapping_remote zapping_setup_fb
[9-ERROR] Installed schema `/schemas/apps/zapping/plugins/subtitle/show_dheight' for locale `ja'
[9-ERROR] Installed schema `/schemas/apps/zapping/plugins/subtitle/show_dheight' for locale `fr'
[9-ERROR] Installed schema `/schemas/apps/zapping/plugins/subtitle/show_dheight' for locale `nl'
[9-ERROR] Attached schema `/schemas/apps/zapping/window/chroma_key_color' to key `/apps/zapping/window/chroma_key_color'
[9-ERROR] Installed schema `/schemas/apps/zapping/window/chroma_key_color' for locale `de'
[9-ERROR] Installed schema `/schemas/apps/zapping/window/chroma_key_color' for locale `C'
[9-ERROR] Installed schema `/schemas/apps/zapping/window/chroma_key_color' for locale `ja'
[9-ERROR] You must have at least one <locale> entry in a <schema>
[9-ERROR] test -z "/usr/share/applications" || mkdir -p -- "/usr/share/applications"
[9-ERROR] /ROCK/build/ref0111-TRUNK-x86-reference/ROCK/tools.chroot/wrapper/install -c -m 644 'zapping.desktop' '/usr/share/applications/zapping.desktop'
[9-ERROR] test -z "/etc/gconf/schemas" || mkdir -p -- "/etc/gconf/schemas"
[9-ERROR] /ROCK/build/ref0111-TRUNK-x86-reference/ROCK/tools.chroot/wrapper/install -c -m 644 'zapping.schemas' '/etc/gconf/schemas/zapping.schemas'
[9-ERROR] make[2]: Leaving directory `/ROCK/loop/src.zapping.1169134297.6101.428350364/zapping-0.10cvs6'
[9-ERROR] make[1]: Leaving directory `/ROCK/loop/src.zapping.1169134297.6101.428350364/zapping-0.10cvs6'
[9-ERROR] Trying to copy the default documentation ...
[9-ERROR] Creating file list and doing final adaptions ...
[9-ERROR] Processing /lib corrections ...
[9-ERROR] Verifing the .la files ...
[9-ERROR] Checking usr/share/applications/zapping.desktop ...
[9-ERROR] Adding X-ROCK-Name tag (zapping)
[9-ERROR] Found 104 files for this package.
[9-ERROR] Applying package split: 40 zapping:dev (/lib/.*\.(la|a|o)$|/include/|/man[23]/)
[9-ERROR] Applying package split: 42 zapping:dev /pkgconfig/
[9-ERROR] Applying package split: 60 zapping:doc /share/doc/
[9-ERROR] Calculating package dependencies ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping> Creating flist file ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping> Creating package dependencies file ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping> Creating package description ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping> Creating md5sum and cksum files ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping:dev> Creating flist file ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping:dev> Creating package dependencies file ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping:dev> Creating package description ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping:dev> Creating md5sum and cksum files ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping:doc> Creating flist file ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping:doc> Creating package dependencies file ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping:doc> Creating package description ...
[9-ERROR] <zapping:doc> Creating md5sum and cksum files ...
[9-ERROR] Making post-install adaptions.
[9-ERROR] Found shared files with other packages:
[9-ERROR] etc/opt/gnome2/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree-cs.xml: evolution-webcal vino zapping
[9-ERROR] etc/opt/gnome2/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree-de.xml: evolution-webcal vino zapping
[9-ERROR] etc/opt/gnome2/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree-es.xml: evolution-webcal vino zapping
[9-ERROR] etc/opt/gnome2/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree-fr.xml: evolution-webcal vino zapping
[9-ERROR] etc/opt/gnome2/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree-it.xml: evolution-webcal vino zapping
[9-ERROR] etc/opt/gnome2/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree-ja.xml: evolution-webcal vino zapping
[9-ERROR] etc/opt/gnome2/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree-nl.xml: evolution-webcal vino zapping
[9-ERROR] etc/opt/gnome2/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml: evolution-webcal liferea vino zapping
[9-ERROR] var/opt/gnome2/log/scrollkeeper.log: gnome-nettool gtkam pioneers sensors-applet streamtuner zapping