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# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/x11/xorg/xf_config.sh
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
# extract and patch base
xf_extract() {
echo "Extracting source (for package version $ver) ..."
for x in $xf_files ; do
tar $taropt $archdir/$x
cd xc
for x in $xf_patches ; do
echo "Patching source ($x) ..."
bunzip2 < $archdir/$x | patch -p1 -E
# extract additional gl* stuff
xf_extract_gl() {
mkdir release ; ln -s ../.. release/xc
tar $taropt $archdir/mangl.tar.bz2
tar $taropt $archdir/manglu.tar.bz2
tar $taropt $archdir/manglx.tar.bz2
rm -rf release
# extract the Matrox HALlib (additional TV/DVI out support on x86)
xf_extract_hallib() {
echo "Extracting mgaHALlib (For Matrox (>G400) cards) ..."
tar $taropt $archdir/mgadrivers-$mga_version-src.tbz2
cp mgadrivers-$mga_version-src/4.2.0/drivers/src/HALlib/mgaHALlib.a \
rm -rf mgadrivers-$mga_version-src
if [ $arch == "x86" && $arch_machine != "x86_64" ] ; then
echo "Enabling Matrox HALlib (since this is x86) ..."
cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT
/* Additinal TC/DVI support since this is x86 */
#define HaveMatroxHal YES
# apply the patches
xf_patch() {
cp -v programs/twm/system.twmrc programs/twm/system.twmrc.orig
for x in $patchfiles ; do
if [ -f $x ] ; then
echo "Apply patch $x ..."
patch -Nf -p1 < $x
fi ; done
find \( -name 'config.guess' -o -name 'config.sub' \) \
-exec chmod +x '{}' ';'
# build the World
xf_build() {
eval $MAKE World
cd nls ; eval $MAKE ; cd ..
# install the World
xf_install() {
echo "Create /etc/X11 (if it's not already there) ..."
mkdir -p $root/etc/X11
eval $MAKE install
eval $MAKE install.man
cd nls ; eval $MAKE install ; cd ..
rm -fv $root/etc/fonts/*.bak
rm -fv $root/usr/X11
rm -fv $root/usr/bin/X11
rm -fv $root/usr/lib/X11
rm -fv $root/usr/include/X11
ln -sv X11R6 $root/usr/X11
ln -sv ../X11/bin $root/usr/bin/X11
ln -sv ../X11/lib/X11 $root/usr/lib/X11
ln -sv ../X11/include/X11 $root/usr/include/X11
mkdir -p $root/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
echo "Copy TWM config files ..."
cp -v programs/twm/system.twmrc.orig \
cp -v programs/twm/sample-twmrc/*.twmrc $root/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/twm/
register_wm twm TWM /usr/X11/bin/twm
echo "Copying default example configs ..."
cp -fv $base/package/x11/${pkg}/xorg.conf.data \
cp -fv $root/etc/X11/xorg.conf{.example,}
cp -fv $base/package/x11/${pkg}/local.conf.data \
echo "Fixing compiled keymaps directory ..."
mkdir -p $root/var/lib/xkb $root/etc/X11/xkb
cp -fu programs/xkbcomp/compiled/README $root/var/lib/xkb
rm -rf $root/etc/X11/xkb/compiled
ln -sf ../../../var/lib/xkb $root/etc/X11/xkb/compiled
echo "Installing xfs init script ..."
install_init xfs $base/package/x11/${pkg}/xfs.init
register_xdm xdm 'X11 dislay manager' /usr/X11R6/bin/xdm
echo "Installing the xdm start script (multiplexer) ..."
cp $confdir/startxdm.sh $root/usr/X11R6/bin/startxdm
chmod +x $root/usr/X11R6/bin/startxdm
echo "Installing X-Windows Setup Script ..."
cp -fv $base/package/x11/${pkg}/stone_mod_${pkg}.sh $root/etc/stone.d/mod_${pkg}.sh
echo "export WINDOWMANAGER=kde" > $root/etc/profile.d/windowmanager
echo "Installing X-Windows Cron Script ..."
cp -fv $base/package/x11/${pkg}/${pkg}.cron \
chmod +x $root/etc/cron.daily/80-${pkg}
# configure the World
xf_config() {
echo "Configuring X-Windows ..."
cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT
/* Disable the internal zlib to use the system installed one */
#define HasZlib YES
/* Disable the internal expat library to use the system installed one */
#define HasExpat YES
/* Less warnings with recent gccs ... */
#define DefaultCCOptions -ansi GccWarningOptions
/* Make sure config files are allways installed ... */
#define InstallXinitConfig YES
#define InstallXdmConfig YES
#define InstallFSConfig YES
/* do not install duplicate crap in /etc/X11 */
#define UseSeparateConfDir NO
if [ $arch == "x86" && $arch_machine != "x86_64" ] ; then
echo "Enabling Matrox HALlib (since this is x86) ..."
cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT
/* Additinal TV/DVI support since this is x86 */
#define HaveMatroxHal YES