mirror of the now-defunct rocklinux.org

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# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
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# ROCK Linux: rock-src/misc/jailing/parse-config
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
# Revwrite --with-<option>=<pkg_path> in confopt
# to correct <path> when <option> is relative to
# a jailed package.
jail_confopt_paths_rewrite() {
# This list will grow
for y in mysql postgresql openldap apache; do
if eval "[ \"\${ROCKCFG_JAILING_$y}\" = 1 ]" ; then
# Correct eventual misconfigured jail
# To be removed!
if eval "[ ! \"\${ROCKCFG_JAILDIR_$y}\" ]" ; then
eval "export \${ROCKCFG_JAILDIR_$y}=\
eval "y_path=$root/\"\${ROCKCFG_JAILDIR_$y}/usr\""
var_append LDFLAGS ' ' "-L/${y_path}/lib"
# Set correct optname and y_path
# This will grow too
case "$y" in
postgresql) optname=pgsql ;;
openldap) optname=ldap ;;
apache) optname=apxs2
y_path=${y_path}/sbin/apxs ;;
*) optname=$y ;;
# Rewrite
confopt=$(eval "echo $confopt" | xargs -n1 | sed " \
s|^--with-${optname}=shared.*$|--with-${optname}=shared,${y_path}|g; \
s|^--with-${optname}=[^,]*$|--with-${optname}=${y_path}|g; \
" | xargs)
# Sometime pkg has internal support for <optname> so
# if there's no =... or =shared it means internal
# support want to be used.
# Only mysql in php is using this ... for now
if [ ! "`echo ${has_internal} | grep $optname`" ] ; then
confopt=$(echo $confopt | xargs -n1 | sed " \
s|^--with-${optname}$|--with-${optname}=${y_path}|g \
" | xargs)
export LDFLAGS
unset y optname y_path
jail_samejail() {
eval "export ROCKCFG_JAILING_$1=\"\$ROCKCFG_JAILING_$2\""
eval "export ROCKCFG_JAILDIR_$1=\"\$ROCKCFG_JAILDIR_$2\""
if [ "${ROCKCFG_JAILING}" = 1 ] ; then
[ "$pkg" = php ] && jail_samejail php apache
[ "$pkg" = subversion ] && jail_samejail subversion apache
if eval "[ \"\${ROCKCFG_JAILING_$pkg}\" = 1 ]" ; then
. $base/misc/jailing/jail-functions
. $base/misc/jailing/package-functions
if eval "[ ! \"\${ROCKCFG_JAILDIR_$pkg}\" ]" ; then
eval "export \${ROCKCFG_JAILDIR_$pkg}=\"${ROCKCFG_BASEJAIL}/$pkg\""
eval "export jail=\"\${ROCKCFG_JAILDIR_$pkg}\""
case "$pkg" in
# Setting destvar
postfix) destvar='install_root' ;;
php) destvar='INSTALL_ROOT' ;;
*) destvar='DESTDIR' ;;
[ -e $base/misc/jailing/$pkg.patch ] && var_append patchfiles ' ' $base/misc/jailing/$pkg.patch
for i in `ls $base/misc/jailing/$pkg-*.patch 2>/dev/null` ; do
var_append patchfiles ' ' "$i"
case "$pkg" in
# Special package settings
apache) postmake='jail_pkg_apache_postmake' ;;
postfix) postmake='jail_pkg_postfix_postmake' ;;
openldap) postmake='jail_ensure_users ldap' ;;
mysql) var_append extraconfopt " " "--with-mysql-user=$pkg"
inmake='jail_ensure_users mysql'
postmake='jail_pkg_mysql_postmake' ;;
php) has_internal='mysql' ;;
hook_add prepare 7 jail_set_confopt
hook_add preconf 1 jail_create
hook_add inmake 9 '[ "$destvar" ] && var_append makeinstopt " " "$destvar=$root/$jail"'
hook_add postmake 9 jail_copy_needed_libs
var_append flistroot " " "$jail"
echo_status "Jailing support activated to directory "'$root/'"$jail"
hook_add preconf 6 'jail_confopt_paths_rewrite'