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# According to RFC-1700, plus various additions
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# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/etc_protocols.txt
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
# See "man 5 protocols" for details.
ip 0 IP # internet protocol v4, pseudo protocol number
raw 255 RAW # RAW IP interface
icmp 1 ICMP # Internet Control Message [RFC792,JBP]
igmp 2 IGMP # Internet Group Management [RFC1112,JBP]
ggp 3 GGP # Gateway-to-Gateway [RFC823,MB]
ipencap 4 IP-ENCAP # IP in IP (encasulation) [JBP]
st 5 ST # Stream [RFC1190,IEN119,JWF]
tcp 6 TCP # Transmission Control [RFC793,JBP]
ucl 7 UCL # UCL [PK]
egp 8 EGP # Exterior Gateway Protocol [RFC888,DLM1]
igp 9 IGP # any private interior gateway [JBP]
bbn-rcc-mon 10 BBN-RCC-MON # BBN RCC Monitoring [SGC]
nvp-ii 11 NVP-II # Network Voice Protocol [RFC741,SC3]
pup 12 PUP # PUP [PUP,XEROX]
argus 13 ARGUS # ARGUS [RWS4]
emcon 14 EMCON # EMCON [BN7]
xnet 15 XNET # Cross Net Debugger [IEN158,JFH2]
chaos 16 CHAOS # Chaos [NC3]
udp 17 UDP # User Datagram [RFC768,JBP]
mux 18 MUX # Multiplexing [IEN90,JBP]
dcn-meas 19 DCN-MEAS # DCN Measurement Subsystems [DLM1]
hmp 20 HMP # Host Monitoring [RFC869,RH6]
prm 21 PRM # Packet Radio Measurement [ZSU]
trunk-1 23 TRUNK-1 # Trunk-1 [BWB6]
trunk-2 24 TRUNK-2 # Trunk-2 [BWB6]
leaf-1 25 LEAF-1 # Leaf-1 [BWB6]
leaf-2 26 LEAF-2 # Leaf-2 [BWB6]
rdp 27 RDP # Reliable Data Protocol [RFC908,RH6]
irtp 28 IRTP # Internet Reliable Transaction [RFC938,TXM]
iso-tp4 29 ISO-TP4 # ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 [RFC905,RC77]
netblt 30 NETBLT # Bulk Data Transfer Protocol [RFC969,DDC1]
mfe-nsp 31 MFE-NSP # MFE Network Services Protocol [MFENET,BCH2]
merit-inp 32 MERIT-INP # MERIT Internodal Protocol [HWB]
sep 33 SEP # Sequential Exchange Protocol [JC120]
3pc 34 3PC # Third Party Connect Protocol [SAF3]
idpr 35 IDPR # Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol [MXS1]
xtp 36 XTP # XTP [GXC]
ddp 37 DDP # Datagram Delivery Protocol [WXC]
idpr-cmtp 38 IDPR-CMTP # IDPR Control Message Transport Proto [MXS1]
tp++ 39 TP++ # TP++ Transport Protocol [DXF]
il 40 IL # IL Transport Protocol [DXP2]
ipv6 41 IPv6 # Internet Protocol, version 6
# sip 41 SIP # Simple Internet Protocol [SXD]
sdpr 42 SDRP # Source Demand Routing Protocol [DXE1]
sip-sr 43 SIP-SR # SIP Source Route [SXD]
sip-frag 44 SIP-FRAG # SIP Fragment [SXD]
idpr 45 IDRP # Inter-Domain Routing Protocol [Sue Hares]
rsvp 46 RSVP # Reservation Protocol [Bob Braden]
gre 47 GRE # General Routing Encapsulation [Tony Li]
mhrp 48 MHRP # Mobile Host Routing Protocol[David Johnson]
bna 49 BNA # BNA [Gary Salamon]
sipp-esp 50 SIPP-ESP esp ESP # SIPP Encap Security Payload [Steve Deering]
sipp-ah 51 SIPP-AH ah AH # SIPP Authentication Header [Steve Deering]
i-nlsp 52 I-NLSP # Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA [GLENN]
swipe 53 SWIPE # IP with Encryption [JI6]
nhrp 54 NHRP # NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol
# 55-57 # Unassigned [JBP]
icmp6 58 ICMPV6 icmpv6 # Internet Control Message Protocol version 6
# 59-60 # Unassigned [JBP]
# 61 # any host internal protocol [JBP]
cftp 62 CFTP # CFTP [CFTP,HCF2]
# 63 # any local network [JBP]
sat-expak 64 SAT-EXPAK # SATNET and Backroom EXPAK [SHB]
kryptolan 65 KRYPTOLAN # Kryptolan [PXL1]
rvd 66 RVD # MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol [MBG]
ippc 67 IPPC # Internet Pluribus Packet Core [SHB]
# 68 # any distributed file system [JBP]
sat-mon 69 SAT-MON # SATNET Monitoring [SHB]
visa 70 VISA # VISA Protocol [GXT1]
ipcv 71 IPCV # Internet Packet Core Utility [SHB]
cpnx 72 CPNX # Computer Protocol Network Executive [DXM2]
cphb 73 CPHB # Computer Protocol Heart Beat [DXM2]
wsn 74 WSN # Wang Span Network [VXD]
pvp 75 PVP # Packet Video Protocol [SC3]
br-sat-mon 76 BR-SAT-MON # Backroom SATNET Monitoring [SHB]
sun-nd 77 SUN-ND # SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary [WM3]
wb-mon 78 WB-MON # WIDEBAND Monitoring [SHB]
iso-ip 80 ISO-IP # ISO Internet Protocol [MTR]
vmtp 81 VMTP # VMTP [DRC3]
secure-vmtp 82 SECURE-VMTP # SECURE-VMTP [DRC3]
vines 83 VINES # VINES [BXH]
ttp 84 TTP # TTP [JXS]
nsfnet-igp 85 NSFNET-IGP # NSFNET-IGP [HWB]
dgp 86 DGP # Dissimilar Gateway Protocol [DGP,ML109]
tcf 87 TCF # TCF [GAL5]
ospfigp 89 OSPFIGP # OSPFIGP [RFC1583,JTM4]
sprite-rpc 90 Sprite-RPC # Sprite RPC Protocol [SPRITE,BXW]
larp 91 LARP # Locus Address Resolution Protocol [BXH]
mtp 92 MTP # Multicast Transport Protocol [SXA]
ax.25 93 AX.25 # AX.25 Frames [BK29]
ipip 94 IPIP # IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol [JI6]
micp 95 MICP # Mobile Internetworking Control Pro. [JI6]
scc-sp 96 SCC-SP # Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro. [HXH]
etherip 97 ETHERIP # Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation [RXH1]
encap 98 ENCAP # Encapsulation Header [RFC1241,RXB3]
# 99 # any private encryption scheme [JBP]
gmtp 100 GMTP # GMTP [RXB5]
# 101-254 # Unassigned [JBP]