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# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/stone_mod_general.sh
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
# [MAIN] 10 general,main Various general system configurations
set_keymap() {
keymap=$(ls -l /etc/default.keymap 2> /dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,')
[ -z "$keymap" ] && keymap="none" ; keymap="${keymap%.map.gz}"
case "`uname -m`" in
mapdir="`echo /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386`"
mapdir="`echo /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/mac`" # ppc is a symlink
mapdir="`echo /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/sun`"
gui_message "Can't auto-detect your architecture and so I can't find the right /usr/share/kbd/keymaps sub-directory for your system. Sorry."
cmd="gui_menu 'general_keymap' 'Select one of the"
cmd="$cmd following keyboard mappings. (Current: $keymap)'"
cmd="$cmd 'none (kernel defaults)' 'rm -f /etc/default.keymap ; loadkeys defkeymap'"
cmd="$cmd $( find $mapdir -type f ! -path '*/include/*' -name '*.map.gz' -printf '%P\n' | sed 's,\(.*\)/\(.*\).map.gz$,"\2 (\1)" "ln -sf '$mapdir'/& /etc/default.keymap ; loadkeys \2",' | expand -30 | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
eval "$cmd"
set_vcfont() {
vcfont=$(ls -l /etc/default.vcfont 2> /dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,')
if [ -z "$vcfont" ] ; then vcfont="none"
else vcfont="`echo $vcfont | sed -e "s,\.\(fnt\|psf.*\)\.gz$,,"`" ; fi
cmd="gui_menu 'general_vcfont' 'Select one of the"
cmd="$cmd following console fonts. (Current: $vcfont)'"
cmd="$cmd 'none (kernel defaults)' 'rm -f /etc/default.vcfont ; setfont'"
cmd="$cmd $( find $fontdir -type f \( -name '*.fnt.gz' -or -name '*.psf*.gz' \) -printf '%P\n' | sed 's,\(.*\).\(fnt\|psf.*\)\.gz$,"\1" "ln -sf '$fontdir'/& /etc/default.vcfont ; setfont \1",' | expand -30 | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
eval "$cmd"
if [ -f /etc/conf/kbd ] ; then
sed -e "s/kbd_rate=.*/kbd_rate=$kbd_rate/" \
-e "s/kbd_delay=.*/kbd_delay=$kbd_delay/" < /etc/conf/kbd \
> /etc/conf/kbd.tmp
grep kbd_rate= /etc/conf/kbd.tmp || echo kbd_rate=$kbd_rate \
>> /etc/conf/kbd.tmp
grep kbd_delay= /etc/conf/kbd.tmp || echo kbd_delay=$kbd_delay \
>> /etc/conf/kbd.tmp
mv /etc/conf/kbd.tmp /etc/conf/kbd
echo -e "kbd_rate=$kbd_rate\nkbd_delay=$kbd_delay\n" \
> /etc/conf/kbd
[ "$kbd_rate" -a "$kbd_delay" ] && kbdrate -r $kbd_rate -d $kbd_delay
set_kbd_rate() {
gui_input "Set new console keyboard auto-repeat rate" \
"$kbd_rate" "kbd_rate"
set_kbd_delay() {
gui_input "Set new console keyboard auto-repeat delay" \
"$kbd_delay" "kbd_delay"
if [ -f /etc/conf/console ] ; then
sed -e "s/con_term=.*/con_term=$con_term/" \
-e "s/con_blank=.*/con_blank=$con_blank/" \
< /etc/conf/console > /etc/conf/console.tmp
grep con_term= /etc/conf/console.tmp || \
echo con_term=$con_term >> /etc/conf/console.tmp
grep con_blank= /etc/conf/console.tmp || \
echo con_blank=$con_blank >> /etc/conf/console.tmp
mv /etc/conf/console.tmp /etc/conf/console
echo -e "con_term=$con_term\ncon_blank=$con_blank\n" \
> /etc/conf/console
[ "$con_term" -a "$con_blank" ] && \
setterm -term $con_term -blank $con_blank > /dev/console
set_con_term() {
gui_input "Set new console screen terminal type" \
"$con_term" "con_term"
set_con_blank() {
gui_input "Set new console screen blank interval" \
"$con_blank" "con_blank"
set_tmzone() {
tz="$( ls -l /etc/localtime | cut -f7- -d/ )"
cmd="gui_menu 'general_tmzone' 'Select one of the"
cmd="$cmd following time zones. (Current: $tz)'"
cmd="$cmd $( grep '^[^#]' /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab | \
cut -f3 | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's,[^ ]\+,& '`
`'"ln -sf ../usr/share/zoneinfo/& /etc/localtime",g' )"
eval "$cmd"
set_dtime() {
dtime="`date '+%m-%d %H:%M %Y'`" ; newdtime="$dtime"
gui_input "Set new date and time (MM-DD hh:mm YYYY, localtime)" \
"$dtime" "newdtime"
if [ "$dtime" != "$newdtime" ] ; then
echo "Setting new date and time ($newdtime) ..."
date "$( echo $newdtime | sed 's,[^0-9],,g' )"
hwclock --systohc --utc
set_locale_sub() {
rm -f /etc/profile.d/locale
[ "$1" != "none" ] && echo "export LANG='$1'" > /etc/profile.d/locale
set_locale() {
unset LANG ; [ -f /etc/profile.d/locale ] && . /etc/profile.d/locale
locale="${LANG:-none}" ; cmd="gui_menu 'general_locale' 'Select one of the following locales. (Current: $locale)' 'none' 'set_locale_sub none'"
x="$( echo -e "POSIX\tC" | expand -52 )"
cmd="$cmd '$x' 'set_locale_sub C' $(
grep -H ^title /usr/share/i18n/locales/* 2> /dev/null | \
awk -F '"' '{ sub(".*/", "", $1); sub("[\\.:].*", "", $1); '"
printf \" '%-52s%s' 'set_locale_sub %s'\", \$2, \$1, \$1; }"
eval "$cmd"
main() {
unset LANG ; [ -f /etc/profile.d/locale ] && . /etc/profile.d/locale
locale="${LANG:-none}" ; tz="$( ls -l /etc/localtime | cut -f7- -d/ )"
keymap=$(ls -l /etc/default.keymap 2> /dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,')
[ "$keymap" ] || keymap="none" ; keymap="${keymap%.map.gz}"
vcfont=$(ls -l /etc/default.vcfont 2> /dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,')
if [ -z "$vcfont" ] ; then vcfont="none"
else vcfont="`echo $vcfont | sed -e "s,\.\(fnt\|psf.*\)\.gz$,,"`" ; fi
dtime="`date '+%m-%d %H:%M %Y'`"
[ -f /etc/conf/kbd ] && . /etc/conf/kbd
[ "$kbd_rate" ] || kbd_rate=30
[ "$kbd_delay" ] || kbd_delay=250
[ -f /etc/conf/console ] && . /etc/conf/console
[ "$con_term" ] || con_term=linux
[ "$con_blank" ] || con_blank=0
gui_menu general 'Various general system configurations' \
"Set console keyboard mapping ....... $keymap" "set_keymap" \
"Set console screen font ............ $vcfont" "set_vcfont" \
"Set system-wide time zone .......... $tz" "set_tmzone" \
"Set date and time (localtime) ...... $dtime" "set_dtime" \
"Set system-wide locale (language) .. $locale" "set_locale" \
"Set console keyboard repeat rate ... $kbd_rate" "set_kbd_rate" \
"Set console keyboard repeat delay .. $kbd_delay" "set_kbd_delay" \
"Set console screen terminal type ... $con_term" "set_con_term" \
"Set console screen blank interval .. $con_blank" "set_con_blank" \
"Run the (daily) 'cron.run' script now" "cron.run"
do : ; done