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[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/x11/imagemagick/imagemagick.cache
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
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[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
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[TIMESTAMP] 1119118612 Sat Jun 18 20:16:52 2005 (5)
[TIMESTAMP] 1119433173 Wed Jun 22 11:39:33 2005 (7)
[TIMESTAMP] 1119476393 Wed Jun 22 23:39:53 2005 (9)
[CONFIG-ID] TRUNK-x86-reference-expert
[LOGS] 5-imagemagick.log 7-imagemagick.log 9-imagemagick.log
[BUILDTIME] 44197 (5)
[BUILDTIME] 46434 (7)
[BUILDTIME] 46384 (9)
[SIZE] 8.28 MB, 315 files
[DEP] 00-dirtree bash2 binutils bzip2 bzip2:dev coreutils diffutils expat
[DEP] findutils freetype freetype:dev gawk gcc34 gcc34:dev ghostscript
[DEP] glibc23 glibc23:dev graphviz graphviz:dev grep jasper:dev lcms
[DEP] lcms:dev libgd libjpeg libjpeg:dev libpng libpng:dev libtiff
[DEP] libtiff:dev libtool libxml2 libxml2:dev linux26-header:dev make
[DEP] mktemp net-tools perl5 sed ssleay-perlmod sysfiles tar util-linux
[DEP] xorg xorg:dev zlib:dev
[PROVIDES] Magick++-config Magick-config Magick.so Wand-config analyze.a
[PROVIDES] analyze.so animate art.a art.so avi.a avi.so avs.a avs.so bmp.a
[PROVIDES] bmp.so caption.a caption.so cin.a cin.so cip.a cip.so clip.a
[PROVIDES] clip.so cmyk.a cmyk.so compare composite conjure convert cut.a
[PROVIDES] cut.so dcm.a dcm.so dib.a dib.so display dot.a dot.so dps.a
[PROVIDES] dps.so dpx.a dpx.so ept.a ept.so fax.a fax.so fits.a fits.so
[PROVIDES] gif.a gif.so gradient.a gradient.so gray.a gray.so histogram.a
[PROVIDES] histogram.so html.a html.so icon.a icon.so identify import
[PROVIDES] jp2.a jp2.so jpeg.a jpeg.so label.a label.so libMagick++.a
[PROVIDES] libMagick++.so libMagick.a libMagick.so libWand.a libWand.so
[PROVIDES] magick.a magick.so map.a map.so mat.a mat.so matte.a matte.so
[PROVIDES] meta.a meta.so miff.a miff.so mogrify mono.a mono.so montage
[PROVIDES] mpc.a mpc.so mpeg.a mpeg.so mpr.a mpr.so msl.a msl.so mtv.a
[PROVIDES] mtv.so mvg.a mvg.so null.a null.so otb.a otb.so palm.a palm.so
[PROVIDES] pattern.a pattern.so pcd.a pcd.so pcl.a pcl.so pcx.a pcx.so
[PROVIDES] pdb.a pdb.so pdf.a pdf.so pict.a pict.so pix.a pix.so plasma.a
[PROVIDES] plasma.so png.a png.so pnm.a pnm.so preview.a preview.so ps.a
[PROVIDES] ps.so ps2.a ps2.so ps3.a ps3.so psd.a psd.so pwp.a pwp.so raw.a
[PROVIDES] raw.so rgb.a rgb.so rla.a rla.so rle.a rle.so scr.a scr.so
[PROVIDES] sct.a sct.so sfw.a sfw.so sgi.a sgi.so stegano.a stegano.so
[PROVIDES] sun.a sun.so svg.a svg.so tga.a tga.so tiff.a tiff.so tile.a
[PROVIDES] tile.so tim.a tim.so ttf.a ttf.so txt.a txt.so uil.a uil.so
[PROVIDES] url.a url.so uyvy.a uyvy.so vicar.a vicar.so vid.a vid.so
[PROVIDES] viff.a viff.so wbmp.a wbmp.so wmf.a wmf.so wpg.a wpg.so x.a
[PROVIDES] x.so xbm.a xbm.so xc.a xc.so xcf.a xcf.so xpm.a xpm.so xwd.a
[PROVIDES] xwd.so ycbcr.a ycbcr.so yuv.a yuv.so