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[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/python/python.cache
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
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[TIMESTAMP] 1117653999 Wed Jun 1 21:26:39 2005 (5)
[TIMESTAMP] 1118020524 Mon Jun 6 03:15:24 2005 (9)
[CONFIG-ID] TRUNK-x86-reference-expert
[LOGS] 5-python.log 9-python.log
[BUILDTIME] 14560 (5)
[BUILDTIME] 17144 (9)
[SIZE] 35.85 MB, 3265 files
[DEP] 00-dirtree bash2 bdb42 bdb42:dev binutils bluez-libs:dev bzip2
[DEP] bzip2:dev coreutils diffutils findutils gawk gcc34 gcc34:dev gdbm
[DEP] gdbm:dev glibc23 glibc23:dev grep kdebindings linux26-header:dev
[DEP] make mktemp ncurses:dev net-tools openssl openssl:dev patch readline
[DEP] readline:dev sed sysfiles tar tcl tcl:dev tk tk:dev util-linux xorg
[DEP] xorg:dev zlib:dev
[PROVIDES] _bisect.so _bsddb.so _codecs_cn.so _codecs_hk.so
[PROVIDES] _codecs_iso2022.so _codecs_jp.so _codecs_kr.so _codecs_tw.so
[PROVIDES] _csv.so _curses.so _curses_panel.so _heapq.so _hotshot.so
[PROVIDES] _locale.so _multibytecodec.so _random.so _socket.so _ssl.so
[PROVIDES] _testcapi.so _weakref.so array.so audioop.so binascii.so bz2.so
[PROVIDES] cPickle.so cStringIO.so cmath.so collections.so cryptmodule.so
[PROVIDES] datetime.so dbm_failed.so dl.so fcntl.so gdbmmodule.so grp.so
[PROVIDES] idle imageop.so itertools.so libpython2.4.a libpython2.4.so
[PROVIDES] linuxaudiodev.so math.so md5.so mmap.so nis.so operator.so
[PROVIDES] ossaudiodev.so parser.so pwd.so pydoc pyexpat.so python
[PROVIDES] python2.4 readline.so regex.so resource.so rgbimg.so select.so
[PROVIDES] sha.so smtpd.py strop.so struct.so syslogmodule.so termios.so
[PROVIDES] time.so timing.so unicodedata.so xxsubtype.so zlibmodule.so