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# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/sysfiles.conf
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
main_sf() {
local services
cd $root/
echo "Creating various etc/* files ..."
for x in $( cd $confdir ; echo etc_*.txt ) ; do
y="${x%.txt}" ; z="/"
if [ -f "${y//_/$z}" ]
echo "Found old ${y//_/$z} (don't overwrite)."
touch "${y//_/$z}"
cp -v "$confdir/$x" "${y//_/$z}"
chmod +x etc/initscript etc/rc.d/rc
echo "Add missing entries to etc/services .."
services=$( echo "$desc_D" | egrep 'services[^ ]*.txt' | \
tr ' ' '\t' | tr -s '\t' | cut -f2 )
{ echo -e '\n# Entries from http://www.graffiti.com/services\n#'
while read line ; do
prot=`echo $line | cut -f2 -d' '`
grep -q " $prot " $root/etc/services || echo "$line"
done < $archdir/$services
} >> $root/etc/services
echo "Creating usr/sbin/sysnote ..."
cat > usr/sbin/sysnote << EOT
${EDITOR:-vi} /etc/conf/NOTE
chmod 600 /etc/conf/NOTE
chown 0:0 /etc/conf/NOTE
chmod +x usr/sbin/sysnote
echo "Create /etc/issue, /etc/issue.ansi and /etc/issue.net ... "
rocktxt="ROCK Linux $rockver $arch"
. $confdir/issue-std.sh
. $confdir/issue-net.sh
echo "Set ownership and permissions ... "
chmod 640 etc/shadow
chown 0:3 etc/shadow
chmod 750 etc/rc.d
touch var/log/wtmp var/run/utmp
chmod 664 var/log/wtmp var/run/utmp
chown 0:5 var/log/wtmp var/run/utmp
echo "Creating etc/mtab ..."
# ln -fvs ../proc/mounts etc/mtab
touch etc/mtab
echo "Creating example etc/skel/.profile ..."
cp $confdir/skel-profile.txt etc/skel/.profile
echo "Creating etc/VERSION, etc/ROCK-VERSION and etc/ROCK-CONFIG ..."
echo "ROCK Linux $rockver (`date +%Y/%m/%d`)" > etc/ROCK-VERSION
ln -sf ROCK-VERSION etc/VERSION ; rm -rf etc/ROCK-CONFIG
cp -r $base/config/$config/. etc/ROCK-CONFIG
sed -i -e "s,ROCKCFG_SRC_TMPFS='.',ROCKCFG_SRC_TMPFS='0',g" etc/ROCK-CONFIG/config
echo "Installing btee ..."
cmd="$CC -Wall -O2 $confdir/btee.c -o $root/sbin/btee"
echo "$cmd" ; $cmd
echo "Installing rc ..."
cmd="$CC -Wall -O2 $confdir/rc.c -o $root/sbin/rc"
echo "$cmd" ; $cmd
echo "Installing mkpkg and helpers ..."
cmd="$CC -Wall -O2 $base/misc/tools-source/fl_stparse.c -o $root/usr/lib/fl_stparse"
echo "$cmd" ; $cmd
cmd="$CC -Wall -O2 $base/misc/tools-source/fl_wrparse.c -o $root/usr/lib/fl_wrparse"
echo "$cmd" ; $cmd
cp $confdir/mkpkg.sh $root/usr/sbin/mkpkg
chmod +x $root/usr/sbin/mkpkg
echo "Installing postinstall ..."
cp -v $confdir/sbin_postinstall.sh $root/usr/sbin/postinstall
chmod +x $root/usr/sbin/postinstall
echo "Installing 'system' init script ..."
install_init system $confdir/system.init
echo "Exporting LINGUAS environment variable ..."
if [ "$ROCKCFG_LINGUAS" == "all" ] ; then
echo "# export LINGUAS=" > $root/etc/profile.d/linguas
elif [ "$ROCKCFG_LINGUAS" == "none" ] ; then
echo "export LINGUAS=" > $root/etc/profile.d/linguas
echo "export LINGUAS=\"$ROCKCFG_LINGUAS\"" > $root/etc/profile.d/linguas
if [ $stagelevel -gt 1 ] ; then
echo "Running postsysfiles.in scripts ..."
for x in $base/misc/*/postsysfiles.in
do [ -f $x ] && . $x ; done
for x in $base/package/*/*/postsysfiles.in
y=${x%/*}; y=${y##*/}
if [ -f $x ] && pkginstalled "$y"
then . $x; fi
fi ; true