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22 lines
458 B

cp $archdir/grml-x-$ver.zsh grml-x.zsh
patch grml-x.zsh < $confdir/incprep.diff
perl -i -pe '
if (/^INC:(.*)$/) {
my $fn="'$archdir/grml-'$1'-$ver.zsh'";
open(INC, "$fn") || die "$fn: $!";
$_ = "## BEGIN grml-$1 ##\n".join("",<INC>)."## END grml-$1 ##\n";
close INC;
' grml-x.zsh
cp grml-x.zsh $bindir/grml-x
chmod +x $bindir/grml-x
cp $archdir/grml-x-$ver.man $mandir/man1/grml-x.1