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[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/hannes/cbrowser/cbrowser.desc
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[I] a gui to cscope, a sourcecode indexing tool
[T] Cbrowser is a graphical C/C++ source code searching and browsing tool,
[T] and a hierarchical function call viewer.
[T] Cbrowser is a front end to the popular source code indexing and querying
[T] program cscope. The cscope code has been released as Open Source by
[T] Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (SCO) under the BSD license.
[T] Both of these tools have text based user interfaces, and have limited file
[T] viewing capabilities. Cbrowser provides a full featured source code viewer
[T] with syntax highlighing and full text searching. The file viewer can be
[T] detached so multiple files can be viewed simultaneously.
[T] Cbrowser helps manage the recursive process of searching through source
[T] code by providing a history mechanism. Every query is recorded and can
[T] be recalled at any time, without the need of re-querying the database.
[T] Cbrowser allows you to build and use multiple source code databases for
[T] individual software projects. Switching databases is as simple as
[T] selecting the file, and a history of all databases used is kept at all
[T] times.
[T] Best of all, cbrowser provides a hierarchical function call tree.
[T] Functions may be expanded and contracted to show or hide the functions they
[T] call. The function's code itself is shown in an adjoining viewer. This
[T] feature is implemented using the megawidget Library by Jeff Hobbs which
[T] luckily for me comes with an unrestricted license.
[U] http://cbrowser.sf.net/
[A] Chris Felaco <cfelaco@users.sourceforge.net>
[M] hannes <hannes@eperm.net>
[C] extra/development
[S] Stable
[V] 0.8
[P] X -?---5---9 213.600
[D] 1892302700 cbrowser-0.8.tar.gz http://dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/cbrowser/