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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
663 B

# Usage example:
# for x in [0-9]*.patch; do bash genprifixdiff.sh ${x%.patch}; done
if [ -f fixdiff_$1.patch ]; then
echo "Found existing fixdiff for $1!"
exit 1
cp $1.patch $1.patch_new
for descfile in $( lsdiff $1.patch | grep '\.desc$'; )
currpri=$( grep '^\[P\]' $descfile | sed 's, *$,,; s,.* ,,'; )
if [ -n "$currpri" ]; then
perl -i -pe "
if (not \$done) {
\$gotit = 1 if m,$descfile,;
\$done = 1 if \$gotit and s/(\[P\].*)([0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3})/\${1}$currpri/;
" $1.patch_new
echo "Generated using genprifixdiff.sh"
diff -u $1.patch $1.patch_new
} > fixdiff_$1.patch
rm -f $1.patch_new
exit 0