mirror of the now-defunct rocklinux.org
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

332 lines
9.4 KiB

#!/bin/gawk -f
# Usually I'd write this in perl. But this should also work on a system
# with no perl installed, so it's in awk ...
function debug(text) {
if ( print_debug )
print text > "/dev/stderr";
function autocomplete(mod, id) {
driver_initrd[id] = 1;
if ( mod ~ /^snd-/ ) {
driver_mod[id] = driver_mod[id] \
" snd-pcm-oss snd-seq-oss snd-mixer-oss";
driver_initrd[id] = 0;
if ( modidx[mod] ~ "/video/" ) {
driver_cmd[id] = driver_cmd[id] \
"\n:touch /dev/vc/{1,2,3,4,5,6}" \
"\n:fbset -a 800x600-60" \
"\nchvt 2; sleep 1; chvt 1";
driver_initrd[id] = 0;
function get_pci_drivers() {
debug("Reading /lib/modules/" kernel "/modules.pcimap.");
while ( (getline < ("/lib/modules/" kernel "/modules.pcimap")) > 0 ) {
id = sprintf( "%04x%04x", and(strtonum($2),0xffff),
# always prefer ALSA drivers if available
if ( id in pci_driver && pci_driver[id] ~ /^snd-/ ) continue;
pci_driver[id] = $1;
while ( (getline < "/usr/share/pci.ids") > 0 ) {
if ( /^\t\t/ ) {
id = $1 $2;
sub("^\t+[0-9a-f]+[ \t]+[0-9a-f]+[ \t]+", "");
pci_descs[id] = vendor_name " " $0;
} else
if ( /^\t/ ) {
id = vendor_id $1;
sub("^\t+[0-9a-f]+[ \t]+", "");
pci_descs[id] = vendor_name " " $0;
} else {
vendor_id = $1;
sub("^[0-9a-f]+[ \t]+", "");
vendor_name = $0;
while ( (getline < "/proc/bus/pci/devices") > 0 ) {
id = "pci" $1 " (Device " $2 ")";
driver_mod[id] = pci_driver[$2];
driver_dsc[id] = pci_descs[$2];
driver_cmd[id] = "";
drivers[id] = id;
autocomplete(pci_driver[$2], id);
function get_isapnp_drivers() {
debug("Reading /lib/modules/" kernel "/modules.isapnpmap.");
while ( (getline < ("/lib/modules/" kernel "/modules.isapnpmap")) > 0 ) {
vendor = strtonum($2);
device = strtonum($3);
# ugly mangling performed in the kernel ...
id = sprintf ("%c%c%c%x%x%x%x",
65 + and (vendor / 4, 0x3f) - 1,
65 + or (and (vendor, 3) * 8, and (vendor / 8192, 7) ) - 1,
65 + and (vendor / 256, 0x1f) - 1,
and (device / 16, 0x0f),
and (device, 0x0f),
and (device / 4096, 0x0f),
and (device / 256, 0x0f) );
isapnp_driver[id] = $1;
while ( (getline < "/proc/bus/isapnp/devices") > 0 ) {
id = substr ($2,0,7);
iid = "isapnp" id;
driver_mod[iid] = isapnp_driver[id];
driver_dsc[iid] = "ISA PnP (" id ")"; #isapnp_descs[id];
driver_cmd[iid] = "";
drivers[iid] = iid;
autocomplete(isapnp_driver[id], iid);
function match_usb_dev() {
if ( usb_device[ "Vendor" ] == 0 && usb_device[ "ProdID" ] == 0 ) return;
usbmap_idx[ "Vendor" ] = 1;
usbmap_idx[ "ProdID" ] = 2;
usbmap_idx[ "DevLo" ] = 4;
usbmap_idx[ "DevHi" ] = 8;
usbmap_idx[ "DevCls" ] = 16;
usbmap_idx[ "DevSub" ] = 32;
usbmap_idx[ "DevProt" ] = 64;
usbmap_idx[ "IfCls" ] = 128;
usbmap_idx[ "IfSub" ] = 256;
usbmap_idx[ "IfProt" ] = 512;
usbmap_idx[ "DrvInfo" ] = 1024;
for ( usb_driver_id=0; usb_driver_id < usb_driver_c; usb_driver_id++ ) {
for ( usbmap_idx_id in usbmap_idx ) {
if ( and(usb_driver[usb_driver_id, "match"], usbmap_idx[usbmap_idx_id]) ) {
if ( (usb_driver[usb_driver_id, usbmap_idx_id] != \
usb_device[usbmap_idx_id]) ) found=0;
if (found) {
if ( usb_modlist != "" ) usb_modlist = usb_modlist " ";
usb_modlist = usb_modlist usb_driver[usb_driver_id, "mod"];
if ( usb_modlist != "" ) {
id = "usb-device " usb_device[ "Vendor" ] ":" usb_device[ "ProdID" ] " (" usb_modlist ")";
driver_mod[id] = usb_modlist;
driver_dsc[id] = usb_device[ "Desc" ] " (" usb_modlist ")";
gsub(" +", " ", driver_dsc[id]);
driver_cmd[id] = "";
drivers[id] = id;
autocomplete(pci_driver[$2], id);
function get_usb_flag(name) {
split($0, usb_flags, " +");
for ( usb_flag_id in usb_flags ) {
split(usb_flags[usb_flag_id], usb_flag, "[=(]");
if ( usb_flag[1] == name ) return strtonum("0x" usb_flag[2]);
return 0;
function get_usb_drivers() {
while ( ("lspci -v" | getline) > 0 ) {
if ( / USB Controller: / ) {
if ( /prog-if.*OHCI/ )
{ usb_ctrl_driver="usb-ohci"; usb_ctrl_desc="OHCI"; }
if ( /prog-if.*UHCI/ )
{ usb_ctrl_driver="usb-uhci"; usb_ctrl_desc="UHCI"; }
if ( usb_ctrl_desc != "" ) {
sub("^[^ ]*", ""); sub("\\(rev .*$", "");
usb_ctrl_desc = usb_ctrl_desc $0;
if ( usb_ctrl_driver && modidx[usb_ctrl_driver] ) {
debug("Found USB " usb_ctrl_driver " device in lspci output.");
id = "usb-controller (PCI " usb_ctrl_driver ")";
driver_mod[id] = usb_ctrl_driver;
driver_dsc[id] = usb_ctrl_desc;
driver_cmd[id] = "\nmount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb";
drivers[id] = id;
autocomplete(usb_ctrl_driver, id);
debug("Reading /lib/modules/" kernel "/modules.usbmap.");
for ( usb_driver_c=0;
(getline < ("/lib/modules/" kernel "/modules.usbmap")) > 0;
usb_driver_c++ ) {
if ( $1 == "#" ) { usb_driver_c--; continue; }
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "mod" ] = $1;
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "match" ] = strtonum($2);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "Vendor" ] = strtonum($3);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "ProdID" ] = strtonum($4);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "DevLo" ] = strtonum($5);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "DevHi" ] = strtonum($6);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "DevCls" ] = strtonum($7);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "DevSub" ] = strtonum($8);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "DevProt" ] = strtonum($9);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "IfCls" ] = strtonum($10);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "IfSub" ] = strtonum($11);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "IfProt" ] = strtonum($12);
usb_driver[usb_driver_c, "DrvInfo" ] = strtonum($13);
while ( (getline < "/proc/bus/usb/devices") > 0 ) {
if ( $1 == "T:" ) {
if ( usb_device["Vendor"] != "" ) match_usb_dev();
usb_device[ "Vendor" ] = 0;
usb_device[ "ProdID" ] = 0;
usb_device[ "DevLo" ] = 0; # FIXME: Where is this value in bus/usb/devices?
usb_device[ "DevHi" ] = 0; # FIXME: Where is this value in bus/usb/devices?
usb_device[ "DevCls" ] = 0;
usb_device[ "DevSub" ] = 0;
usb_device[ "DevProt" ] = 0;
usb_device[ "IfCls" ] = 0;
usb_device[ "IfSub" ] = 0;
usb_device[ "IfProt" ] = 0;
usb_device[ "DrvInfo" ] = 0; # FIXME: Where is this value in bus/usb/devices?
usb_device[ "Desc" ] = "USB:";
if ( $1 == "P:" ) {
usb_device[ "Vendor" ] = get_usb_flag("Vendor");
usb_device[ "ProdID" ] = get_usb_flag("ProdID");
if ( $1 == "D:" ) {
usb_device[ "DevCls" ] = get_usb_flag("Cls");
usb_device[ "DevSub" ] = get_usb_flag("Sub");
usb_device[ "DevProt" ] = get_usb_flag("Sub");
if ( $1 == "I:" ) {
usb_device[ "IfCls" ] = get_usb_flag("Cls");
usb_device[ "IfSub" ] = get_usb_flag("Sub");
usb_device[ "IfProt" ] = get_usb_flag("Prot");
if ( $1 == "S:" ) {
if ( ! match($0, "SerialNumber") ) {
sub(".*=", "");
usb_device[ "Desc" ] = usb_device[ "Desc" ] " " $0;
if ( usb_device["Vendor"] != "" ) match_usb_dev();
function print_driver(id) {
if ( driver_initrd[id] ) {
tmp = driver_mod[id];
gsub(" +", "\nmodprobe ", tmp);
tmp = "modprobe " tmp driver_cmd[id];
} else {
tmp = driver_mod[id] "\t#no-initrd";
gsub(" +", "\t#no-initrd\nmodprobe ", tmp);
tmp = "modprobe " tmp driver_cmd[id];
if ( disable_default ) {
gsub("\n", "\n#", tmp);
tmp = "#" tmp;
if ( driver_dsc[id] == "" ) {
tmp2 = driver_mod[id]; gsub(" .*", "", tmp2);
driver_dsc[id] = "Unkown device for driver " tmp2;
if ( file ) {
print "New Device: " id;
print "\n### " id " ###" >> file;
print "# " driver_dsc[id] >> file;
if ( print_echos )
print "echo '" driver_dsc[id] "'" >> file;
print tmp >> file;
} else {
print "\n### " id " ###";
print "# " driver_dsc[id];
if ( print_echos )
print "echo '" driver_dsc[id] "'";
print tmp;
for (i=1; i<ARGC; i++) {
if ( ARGV[i] == "-k" )
kernel = ARGV[++i];
else if ( ARGV[i] == "-s" )
file = ARGV[++i];
else if ( ARGV[i] == "-d" )
disable_default = 1;
else if ( ARGV[i] == "-D" )
print_debug = 1;
else if ( ARGV[i] == "-V" )
print_echos = 1;
else {
print "\n" \
"HWScan - ROCK Linux (www.rocklinux.org)" "\n" \
"Copyright 2003 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>" "\n" \
"This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY." "\n" \
"\n" \
"Usage: hwscan [ [--] options ]" "\n" \
"\n" \
" -k <kernel-version> ......... use /lib/modules/<thisvalue>/" "\n" \
" -s <hw-init-script> ......... e.g. /etc/conf/kernel" "\n" \
" -d .......................... disable new driver on default" "\n" \
" -D .......................... debug (print auto-detected values)" "\n" \
" -V .......................... verbose (add echo's)" "\n";
exit 1;
if ( ! kernel ) {
if ( ("cat /proc/version" | getline) > 0 ) {
kernel = $3;
} else {
kernel = "*";
debug("Auto-detected kernel version: " kernel);
for ( c=0; (("find /lib/modules/" kernel \
"/. -name '*.o' -printf '%P %f\n'") | getline) > 0; c++ ) {
sub("\\.o$", "");
modidx[$2] = $1;
debug("Found " c " modules in /lib/modules/" kernel ".");
while ( file && (getline < file) > 0 ) {
if ( /^### .* ###$/ ) {
sub("^### ", "");
sub(" ###$", "");
skip[$0] = 1;
debug("Mark existing driver " $0 " to be skipped.");
for (i in drivers) {
id = drivers[i];
if ( driver_mod[id] && ! skip[id] ) {