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# ** Please have a look at CHANGELOG-<Maintainer> for the CHANGELOGs **
# This perl script can be used to create one big CHANGELOG from the others...
my %changes;
my ($d, $m);
print "\n";
chdir $1 if $0 =~ m,(.*)/,;
foreach $m (qw/CLIFFORD RENE ESDEN/) {
open(F, "CHANGELOG-$m") || die "Can't open CHANGELOG-$m: $!";
for ($d=''; <F>; $changes{$d} .= $_ if $d) {
$d=$_ if s/^(\*.*)\n/$1 [$m]\n/;
close F;
print $changes{$_} foreach sort {$b cmp $a} keys %changes;
# #
# #
# With Yoda strapped to his back, Luke climbs up one of the many thick #
# vines that grow in the swamp until he reaches the Dagobah statistics #
# lab. Panting heavily, he continues his exercises -- grepping, #
# installing new packages, logging in as root, and writing replacements #
# for two-year-old shell scripts in Python. #
# #
# YODA: Code! Yes. A programmer's strength flows from code #
# maintainability. But beware of Perl. Terse syntax...more than one way #
# to do it...default variables. The dark side of code maintainability #
# are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you when code you write. If #
# once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your #
# destiny, consume you it will. #
# #
# LUKE: Is Perl better than Python? #
# #
# YODA: No... no... no. Quicker, easier, more seductive. #
# #
# LUKE: But how will I know why Python is better than Perl? #
# #
# YODA: You will know. When your code you try to read six months from now. #
# #