# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/linux24/lx_config.sh
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
treever=${pkg/linux/} ; treever=${treever/-*/}
lx_cpu=`echo "$arch_machine" | sed -e s/x86/i386/ \
-e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/powerpc/ppc/`
[ $arch = sparc -a "$ROCKCFG_SPARC_64BIT_KERNEL" = 1 ] && \
MAKE="$MAKE ARCH=$lx_cpu CROSS_COMPILE=$archprefix KCC=$KCC"
# correct the abolute path for patchfiles supplied in the .conf file
for x in $patchfiles ; do
if [ ! -e $x ] ; then
var_remove patchfiles " " "$x"
var_append patchfiles " " "$x"
auto_config ()
if [ -f $base/architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf.sh ] ; then
echo " using: architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf.sh"
. $base/architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf.sh > .config
elif [ -f $base/architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf.m4 ] ; then
echo " using: architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf.m4"
m4 -I $base/architecture/$arch -I $base/architecture/share \
$base/architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf.m4 > .config
elif [ -f $base/architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf ] ; then
echo " using: architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf"
cp $base/architecture/$arch/kernel$treever.conf .config
elif [ -f $base/architecture/$arch/kernel.conf.sh ] ; then
echo " using: architecture/$arch/kernel.conf.sh"
. $base/architecture/$arch/kernel.conf.sh > .config
elif [ -f $base/architecture/$arch/kernel.conf.m4 ] ; then
echo " using: architecture/$arch/kernel.conf.m4"
m4 -I $base/architecture/$arch -I $base/architecture/share \
$base/architecture/$arch/kernel.conf.m4 > .config
elif [ -f $base/architecture/$arch/kernel.conf ] ; then
echo " using: architecture/$arch/kernel.conf"
cp $base/architecture/$arch/kernel.conf .config
echo " using: no rock kernel config found"
cp arch/$lx_cpu/defconfig .config
echo " merging (system default): 'arch/$lx_cpu/defconfig'"
grep '^CONF.*=y' arch/$lx_cpu/defconfig | cut -f1 -d= | \
while read tag ; do egrep -q "(^| )$tag[= ]" .config || echo "$tag=y"
done >> .config ; cp .config .config.1
# all modules needs to be first so modules can be disabled by i.e.
# the targets later
echo "Enabling all modules ..."
yes '' | eval $MAKE no2modconfig > /dev/null ; cp .config .config.2
if [ -f $base/target/$target/kernel$treever.conf.sh ] ; then
confscripts="$base/target/$target/kernel$treever.conf.sh $confscripts"
elif [ -f $base/target/$target/kernel.conf.sh ] ; then
confscripts="$base/target/$target/kernel.conf.sh $confscripts"
for x in $confscripts ; do
echo " running: $x"
sh $x .config
cp .config .config.3
# merge various text/plain config files
for x in $base/config/$config/linux.cfg \
$base/target/$target/kernel.conf ; do
if [ -f $x ] ; then
echo " merging: 'config/$config/linux.cfg'"
tag="$(sed '/CONFIG_/ ! d; s,.*CONFIG_\([^ =]*\).*,\1,' \
$x | tr '\n' '|')"
egrep -v "\bCONFIG_($tag)\b" < .config > .config.4
sed 's,\(CONFIG_.*\)=n,# \1 is not set,' \
$x >> .config.4
cp .config.4 .config
# create a valid .config
yes '' | eval $MAKE oldconfig > /dev/null ; cp .config .config.5
# last disable broken crap
sh $base/package/base/linux24/disable-broken.sh \
$pkg_linux_brokenfiles < .config > config.6
cp config.6 .config
# create a valid .config (dependencies might need to be disabled)
yes '' | eval $MAKE oldconfig > /dev/null
# save final config
cp .config .config_modules
echo "Creating config without modules ...."
sed "s,\(CONFIG_.*\)=m,# \1 is not set," .config > .config_new
mv .config_new .config
# create a valid .config (dependencies might need to be disabled)
yes '' | eval $MAKE oldconfig > /dev/null
mv .config .config_nomods
# which .config to use?
if [ "$ROCKCFG_PKG_LINUX_CONFIG_STYLE" = "modules" ] ; then
cp .config_modules .config
cp .config_nomods .config
lx_config ()
echo "Generic linux source patching and configuration ..."
hook_eval prepatch
hook_eval postpatch
echo "Redefining some VERSION flags ..."
x="-`echo $ver-rock | cut -d - -f 2-`"
sed -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION =.*/EXTRAVERSION = $x/" Makefile > Makefile.new
mv Makefile.new Makefile
echo "Correcting user and permissions ..."
chown -R root.root . * ; chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX .
if [[ $treever = 24* ]] ; then
echo "Create symlinks and a few headers for <$lx_cpu> ... "
eval $MAKE include/linux/version.h symlinks
cp $base/package/base/linux24/autoconf.h include/linux/
touch include/linux/modversions.h
if [ "$$ROCKCFG_PKG_LINUX_CONFIG_STYLE" = none ] ; then
echo "Using \$base/config/\$config/linux.cfg."
echo "Since automatic generation is disabled ..."
cp -v $base/config/$config/linux.cfg .config
echo "Automatically creating default configuration ...."
echo "... configuration finished!"
if [[ $treever != 24* ]] ; then
echo "Create symlinks and a few headers for <$lx_cpu> ... "
eval $MAKE include/linux/version.h include/asm
eval $MAKE oldconfig > /dev/null
echo "Clean up the *.orig and *~ files ... "
rm -f .config.old `find -name '*.orig' -o -name '*~'`
echo "Generic linux source configuration finished."
pkg_linux_brokenfiles="$base/architecture/$arch/kernel-disable.lst \
$base/architecture/$arch/kernel$treever-disable.lst \
$base/package/base/linux$treever/disable-broken.lst \