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[TIMESTAMP] 1123947805 Sat Aug 13 17:43:25 2005 (5)
[TIMESTAMP] 1124188417 Tue Aug 16 12:33:37 2005 (9)
[CONFIG-ID] TRUNK-x86-reference
[LOGS] 5-scilab.log 9-scilab.log
[BUILDTIME] 51852 (5)
[BUILDTIME] 52394 (9)
[SIZE] 74.31 MB, 11552 files
[DEP] 00-dirtree bash2 binutils bzip2 coreutils diffutils findutils gawk
[DEP] gcc34 gcc34:dev glibc23 glibc23:dev grep libxslt linux26-header:dev
[DEP] make mktemp ncurses:dev net-tools ocaml ocaml:dev sed sysfiles tar
[DEP] tcl tcl:dev tk tk:dev util-linux xaw3d xaw3d:dev xorg xorg:dev
[PROVIDES] .cvsignore .scicos_pal Atlas.spec BEpsf Blatdoc Blatdocs
[PROVIDES] Blatexpr Blatexpr2 Blatexprs Blpr LINUX SEpsf Slatexpr Slatexpr2
[PROVIDES] Slatexprs Slpr dold f77-linux intersci intersci-n minfopr
[PROVIDES] modelicac scilab scilex scilink wgscilabE.mnu wgscilabF.mnu
[PROVIDES] wscilabE.mnu wscilabF.mnu