Installation Overview: The ROCK Linux install / rescue system boots up in two stages. In the first stage only a small binary is running which is used to load the complete install / rescue system into the memory. So in the first stage you can load network and scsi kernel modules, configure network devices (for netwok installation) or load the system from a floppy or CD-ROM device. For a normal installation from the first CD-ROM you only need to press enter for each question to do use default options. You can freely choose which terminal devices (e.g. 'vc/1' or 'tts/0'). If you just hit <ENTER>, you'll use vc/1 to vc/6. To start the installation just exectute our Setup Tool ONE via 'stone' or 'stone -text', if you prefer non-dialog based menus. In STONE you can create your partitions and filesystems and after selecting the Package Manager choose wich packages to install. At the end reboot your machine with 'reboot -f'.