[COPY] --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- [COPY] [COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. [COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing [COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by [COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! [COPY] [COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/joe/joe.desc [COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf [COPY] [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by [COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or [COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public [COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. [COPY] [COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please [COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM [COPY] file for details. [COPY] [COPY] --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END --- [I] Joe's Own Editor [T] JOE is a powerful ASCII-text screen editor. It has a "mode-less" [T] user interface which is similer to many user- friendly PC editors. [T] Users of Micro-Pro's WordStar or Borland's "Turbo" languages will feel [T] at home. JOE is a full featured UNIX screen-editor though, and has [T] many fea- tures for editing programs and text. [T] [T] JOE also emulates several other editors. JSTAR is a close immitation [T] of WordStar with many "JOE" extensions. JPICO is a close immitation of [T] the Pine mailing system's PICO editor, but with many extensions and [T] improvements. JMACS is a GNU-EMACS immitation. RJOE is a restricted [T] version of JOE, which allowes you to edit only the files specified on [T] the command line. [A] Joseph H. Allen <jhallen@world.std.com> [M] Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> [C] extra/editor [L] GPL [S] Stable [V] 2.9.8 [P] X -?-3-----9 109.100 [D] 715804343 joe-2.9.8.tar.gz http://dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/joe-editor/