This is an installer for the commercial version of winex.
  It does NOT come with winex or an implied license for winex.
  Also, it does not install the CVS-Version of winex, since Transgaming
  didn't want an other distribution to ship it.
  For details, please see the following mailing-list-archives:
  The initial Intent To Package:
  A summary of the whole discussion:
  And some clarification from Transgaming's CEO:
  To install this package you have to manually download both the recent
  winex-binaries and the recent Point-2-Play binaries (both in tar.gz)
  and then point to those binaries from within scripts/Config

  Please provide the path to the WineX tarball in tar.gz or .tgz format.

  Please provide the path to the Point2Play tarball in tar.gz or .tgz format.