[COPY] --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- [COPY] [COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. [COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing [COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by [COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! [COPY] [COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/gnome14/gtk+12/gtk+12.cache [COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf [COPY] [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by [COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or [COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public [COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. [COPY] [COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please [COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM [COPY] file for details. [COPY] [COPY] --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END --- [TIMESTAMP] 1093101120 Sat Aug 21 17:12:00 2004 [CONFIG-ID] 2.1.0-DEV-x86-reference-expert [ROCKVER] 2.1.0-DEV [LOGS] 5-gtk+12.log 9-gtk+12.err [BUILDTIME] 19996 (5) [SIZE] 7.04 MB, 263 files [DEP] 00-dirtree autoconf automake18 bash binutils bzip2 coreutils [DEP] diffutils file findutils gcc32 gcc32:dev gettext glib12 glib12:dev [DEP] glibc23 glibc23:dev gnome-libs14 grep gtkhtml10 linux24-header:dev [DEP] make mktemp net-tools orbit10 patch perl5 sed sysfiles tar texinfo [DEP] xfree86 xfree86:dev [9-ERROR] `./docs/html/gtk_tut_table.gif' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/html/gtk_tut_table.gif' [9-ERROR] `./docs/macros.texi' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/macros.texi' [9-ERROR] `./docs/refcounting.txt' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/refcounting.txt' [9-ERROR] `./docs/styles.txt' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/styles.txt' [9-ERROR] `./docs/texinfo.tex' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/texinfo.tex' [9-ERROR] `./docs/text' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/text' [9-ERROR] `./docs/text/gtk_tut_fr.txt' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/text/gtk_tut_fr.txt' [9-ERROR] `./docs/text/gtk_tut_it.txt' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/text/gtk_tut_it.txt' [9-ERROR] `./docs/text/gtkfaq.txt' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/text/gtkfaq.txt' [9-ERROR] `./docs/text/gtk_tut.txt' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/text/gtk_tut.txt' [9-ERROR] `./docs/text_widget.txt' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/text_widget.txt' [9-ERROR] `./docs/widget_system.txt' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/widget_system.txt' [9-ERROR] `ABOUT-NLS' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/ABOUT-NLS' [9-ERROR] `AUTHORS' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/AUTHORS' [9-ERROR] `COPYING' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/COPYING' [9-ERROR] `HACKING' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/HACKING' [9-ERROR] `INSTALL' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/INSTALL' [9-ERROR] `NEWS' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/NEWS' [9-ERROR] `NEWS.pre-1-0' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/NEWS.pre-1-0' [9-ERROR] `README' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/README' [9-ERROR] `README.cvs-commits' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/README.cvs-commits' [9-ERROR] `TODO' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/TODO' [9-ERROR] `ChangeLog' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/ChangeLog' [9-ERROR] `ChangeLog.pre-1-0' -> `/opt/gnome/share/doc/gtk+12/ChangeLog.pre-1-0' [9-ERROR] Creating file list and doing final adaptions ... [9-ERROR] Processing static lib corrections ... [9-ERROR] Verifing the .la files ... [9-ERROR] Found 520 files for this package. [9-ERROR] Applying package split: 40 gtk+12:dev (/lib/.*\.(la|a|o)$|/include/) [9-ERROR] Applying package split: 42 gtk+12:dev /pkgconfig/ [9-ERROR] Applying package split: 60 gtk+12:doc /share/doc/ [9-ERROR] Calculating package dependencies ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12> Creating flist file ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12> Creating package dependencies file ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12> Creating md5sum and cksum files ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12> Creating package description ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12:dev> Creating flist file ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12:dev> Creating package dependencies file ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12:dev> Creating md5sum and cksum files ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12:dev> Creating package description ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12:doc> Creating flist file ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12:doc> Creating package dependencies file ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12:doc> Creating md5sum and cksum files ... [9-ERROR] <gtk+12:doc> Creating package description ... [9-ERROR] Making post-install adaptions. [9-ERROR] Found shared files with other packages: [9-ERROR] opt/gnome/share/info/dir: glib12 gtk+12 orbit10 [9-ERROR] --- BUILD ERROR --- [9-ERROR] removed `/var/adm/logs/9-gtk+12.log' [9-ERROR] Finished building gtk+12=gtk+12.