# Maintained by Clifford Wolf <clifford@rocklinux.org>
# File Format:
#       - Lines starting with '#' and empty lines are ignored
#       - One line per flag, no leading whitespaces
#	- Flags are followed by a tab and a short description

CORE		This is a Crystal ROCK Package

DIETLIBC	Packages which can be linked with dietlibc
JAIL		Packages which can be jailed (see misc/jailing/...)

CC		A C compiler (the package is using ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_CC)
CXX		A C++ compiler (the package is using ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_CXX)
F77		A Fortran compiler (the package is using ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_F77)
KCC		A C compiler for building the kernel (ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_KCC)

KERNEL		An OS kernel package

MTA		Package is an MTAs and is using install_setmailer()
PRINTER		Printing System and is using install_setprinter()