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# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
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# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/alessandro/webmin/nodefuser.patch
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 Clifford Wolf
# This patch file is dual-licensed. It is available under the license the
# patched project is licensed under, as long as it is an OpenSource license
# as defined at http://www.opensource.org/ (e.g. BSD, X11) or under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.

diff -ruN webmin-1.180/setup.sh webmin-1.180-new/setup.sh
--- webmin-1.180/setup.sh	2005-01-24 23:15:16.000000000 +0100
+++ webmin-1.180-new/setup.sh	2005-01-29 15:07:12.515588416 +0100
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
 			echo "Webmin does not support being started at boot time on your system."
-	makeboot=$atboot
+	#ROCK makeboot=$atboot
 	# Copy files to target directory
 	echo "***********************************************************************"
@@ -455,8 +455,8 @@
 	echo "Creating web server config files.."
 	echo "port=$port" >> $cfile
-	echo "root=$wadir" >> $cfile
-	echo "mimetypes=$wadir/mime.types" >> $cfile
+	echo "root=$prefix" >> $cfile
+	echo "mimetypes=$prefix/mime.types" >> $cfile
 	echo "addtype_cgi=internal/cgi" >> $cfile
 	echo "realm=Webmin Server" >> $cfile
 	echo "logfile=$var_dir/miniserv.log" >> $cfile
@@ -490,15 +490,16 @@
 	md5pass=`$perl -e 'print crypt("test", "\\$1\\$A9wB3O18\\$zaZgqrEmb9VNltWTL454R/") eq "\\$1\\$A9wB3O18\\$zaZgqrEmb9VNltWTL454R/" ? "1\n" : "0\n"'`
-	if [ "$crypt" != "" ]; then
-		echo "$login:$crypt:0" > $ufile
-	else
-		if [ "$md5pass" = "1" ]; then
-			$perl -e 'print "$ARGV[0]:",crypt($ARGV[1], "\$1\$XXXXXXXX"),":0\n"' "$login" "$password" > $ufile
-		else
-			$perl -e 'print "$ARGV[0]:",crypt($ARGV[1], "XX"),":0\n"' "$login" "$password" > $ufile
-		fi
-	fi
+#ROCK 	if [ "$crypt" != "" ]; then
+#ROCK 		echo "$login:$crypt:0" > $ufile
+#ROCK 	else
+#ROCK 		if [ "$md5pass" = "1" ]; then
+#ROCK 			$perl -e 'print "$ARGV[0]:",crypt($ARGV[1], "\$1\$XXXXXXXX"),":0\n"' "$login" "$password" > $ufile
+#ROCK 		else
+#ROCK 			$perl -e 'print "$ARGV[0]:",crypt($ARGV[1], "XX"),":0\n"' "$login" "$password" > $ufile
+#ROCK 		fi
+#ROCK 	fi
+	touch $ufile
 	chmod 600 $ufile
 	echo "userfile=$ufile" >> $cfile
@@ -535,11 +536,12 @@
 	echo "Creating access control file.."
 	rm -f $afile
-	if [ "$defaultmods" = "" ]; then
-		echo "$login: $allmods" >> $afile
-	else
-		echo "$login: $defaultmods" >> $afile
-	fi
+#ROCK 	if [ "$defaultmods" = "" ]; then
+#ROCK 		echo "$login: $allmods" >> $afile
+#ROCK 	else
+#ROCK 		echo "$login: $defaultmods" >> $afile
+#ROCK 	fi
+	touch $afile
 	chmod 600 $afile
 	echo "..done"
 	echo ""
@@ -560,7 +562,7 @@
 echo "Creating start and stop scripts.."
 rm -f $config_dir/stop $config_dir/start $config_dir/restart
 echo "#!/bin/sh" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "echo Starting Webmin server in $wadir" >>$config_dir/start
+echo "echo Starting Webmin server in $prefix" >>$config_dir/start
 echo "trap '' 1" >>$config_dir/start
 echo "LANG=" >>$config_dir/start
 echo "export LANG" >>$config_dir/start
@@ -571,13 +573,13 @@
 echo "export PERLLIB" >>$config_dir/start
 uname -a | grep -i 'HP/*UX' >/dev/null
 if [ $? = "0" ]; then
-	echo "exec '$wadir/miniserv.pl' $config_dir/miniserv.conf &" >>$config_dir/start
+	echo "exec '$prefix/miniserv.pl' $config_dir/miniserv.conf &" >>$config_dir/start
-	echo "exec '$wadir/miniserv.pl' $config_dir/miniserv.conf" >>$config_dir/start
+	echo "exec '$prefix/miniserv.pl' $config_dir/miniserv.conf" >>$config_dir/start
 echo "#!/bin/sh" >>$config_dir/stop
-echo "echo Stopping Webmin server in $wadir" >>$config_dir/stop
+echo "echo Stopping Webmin server in $prefix" >>$config_dir/stop
 echo "pidfile=\`grep \"^pidfile=\" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | sed -e 's/pidfile=//g'\`" >>$config_dir/stop
 echo "kill \`cat \$pidfile\`" >>$config_dir/stop