[I] A KDE theme engine based on RedHat's BlueCurve [T] This is a set of widget styles for KDE, GTK1, and GTK2 based apps. The [T] underlying code is based upon Blue/FreeCurve - however, *extensive* [T] modifications have been made. [T] [T] The following is a list of some of the changes in this theme: [T] [T] * Use KDE colours/fonts - read in via ~/.qt/qtrc, a la Geramik [T] * Better check and radio buttons - consistant between Qt, Gtk1, and [T] Gtk2 [T] * Pushbuttons now depress [T] * Comboboxes - fixed arrow size, and remove line from underneath arrow [T] * New sliders [T] * Draw box around splitter [T] * Better KDE progress bar [T] * More consistent spinboxes [T] * Removed slashes - replaced with horiz/vert lines [T] * New toolbar/menu bar handles [T] * Shading of objects is now consistent between KDE and GTK apps - [T] things like 3d frames, and pushbuttons, should now be exactly the [T] same. [U] http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=5065 [A] Craig Drummond [M] Chris Efant [C] extra/theme extra/desktop/kde extra/desktop/gnome [L] GPL [S] Stable [V] 0.20 [P] X -----5---9 633.000 [D] 430321196 QtCurve-0.20.tar.gz http://www.cpdrummond.freeuk.com/ [O] . $base/package/*/*/kde-32.conf