#!/bin/bash usage() { cat <<EOF $0: commit build results into ROCK Sonar Usage: $0 <config> [ <config> ... ] EOF exit 1; } confirm() { unset yesno while [ "${yesno}" != "yes" -a "${yesno}" != "no" ] ; do echo -n "${@} [yes|no] ? " read yesno done [ "${yesno}" = "yes" ] && return 0 return 1 } commit(){ . scripts/parse-config . config/${1}/config . config/${1}/config_usr if [ ! -d "build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/var/adm" ] ; then echo "Directory does not exist: build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/var/adm" >&2 echo "Did you run Build-Target for this configuration?" >&2 return 1 fi echo "ROCK Version is: ${rockver}" revision="`svn info | grep Revision | cut -f2 -d' ' 2>&1`" echo "Subversion revision is: ${revision}" target="${ROCKCFG_TARGET}"; echo "Target is: ${target}" echo "Please enter a description (for example: \"personal tree 2004-12-02\"):" read description echo "Please enter a comment: (for example: \"optimised for Pentium MMX\"):" read comment finished=0 while [ ${finished} -eq 0 ] ; do echo "ROCK Version: ${rockver}" echo "Revision : ${revision}" echo "Target : ${target}" echo "Description : ${description}" echo "Comment : ${comment}" if ! confirm "Do you want to change these information?" ; then finished=1 continue fi read -p "ROCK Version [${rockver}]: " tmp [ -n "${tmp}" ] && rockver="${tmp}" unset tmp read -p "Revision [${revision}]: " tmp [ -n "${tmp}" ] && revision="${tmp}" unset tmp read -p "Target [${target}]: " tmp [ -n "${tmp}" ] && target="${tmp}" unset tmp read -p "Description [${description}]: " tmp [ -n "${tmp}" ] && description="${tmp}" unset tmp read -p "Comment [${comment}]: " tmp [ -n "${tmp}" ] && comment="${tmp}" unset tmp done echo -n "Creating varadm.tar.bz2 ... " cd build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/var/ tar --use-compress-program=bzip2 -cf varadm.tar.bz2 adm/{dependencies,descs,flists} echo "done" echo -n "Uploading to ROCK Sonar ... " curl -k -F "v=${rockver}" -F "r=${revision}" -F "t=${target}" -F "d=${description}" -F "c=${comment}" -F "action=add" -F "f=@varadm.tar.bz2" http://sonar.rocklinux.org/ echo "done" echo -n "Cleaning up ... " rm -f varadm.tar.bz2 cd - echo "done" } [ -z "$1" ] && usage while [ -n "${1}" ] ; do config="${1#config/}" if [ -d "config/${config}" ] ; then commit "${config}" else echo "Configuration \"${config}\" does not exist!" >&2 fi shift done