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[I] GNU (or Gtk+) Krell Monitors (or Meters)

[T] With a single process, GKrellM manages multiple stacked monitors and supports
[T] applying themes to match the monitors appearance to your window manager,
[T] Gtk, or any other theme.
[T] GKrellM Features
[T]     * SMP CPU, Disk, Proc, and active net interface monitors with LEDs.
[T]     * Internet monitor that displays current and charts historical port
[T]       hits.
[T]     * Memory and swap space usage meters and a system uptime monitor.
[T]     * File system meters show capacity/free space and can mount/umount.
[T]     * A mbox/maildir/MH/POP3/IMAP mail monitor which can launch a mail
[T]       reader
[T]       or remote mail fetch program.
[T]     * Clock/calendar and hostname display.
[T]     * APM laptop battery monitor.
[T]     * CPU/motherboard temperature/fan/voltages display if lm_sensors
[T]       modules installed.
[T]     * Multiple monitors managed by a single process to reduce system load.
[T]     * A timer button that can execute PPP or ISDN logon/logoff scripts.
[T]     * Charts are autoscaling with configurable grid line resolution, or
[T]       can be set to a fixed scale mode.
[T]     * Separate colors for "in" and "out" data.  The in color is used for
[T]       CPU user time, disk read, forks, and net receive data.  The out color
[T]       is used for CPU sys time, disk write, load, and net transmit data.
[T]     * Commands can be configured to run when monitor labels are clicked.
[T]     * GKrellM is plugin capable so special interest monitors can be created.
[T]     * Many themes are available.

[U] http://gkrellm.net

[A] Bill Wilson <bill@gkrellm.net>
[M] Daniel Pischl <nookie@dltmail.de>

[C] extra/tool

[S] Stable
[V] 2.2.0
[P] X -?---5---9 159.800

[D] 1144670883 gkrellm-2.2.0.tar.bz2 http://web.wt.net/~billw/gkrellm/