# # --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- # # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. # Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing # the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by # the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! # # ROCK Linux: rock-src/scripts/config.in # ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 Clifford Wolf # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public # License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. # # Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please # have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM # file for details. # # --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END --- # # Main config script # # Execution of sub-scripts: # # - architecture/*/preconfig.in # # * Selecting Architecture # * architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/config.in # # - misc/*/preconfig.in # - target/*/preconfig.in # - package/*/*/preconfig.in # # * Selecting Target # * target/$ROCKCFG_TARGET/config.in # # * misc/*/noexpertconfig.in # # * {package/*,misc}/*/config-*.in # * {package/*,misc}/*/config.in # * Various common build options # # - package/*/*/postconfig.in # - misc/*/postconfig.in # - architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/postconfig.in # - target/$ROCKCFG_TARGET/postconfig.in # # Only procedures marked with '*' might interact with the user. # # Naming-scheme for extening config variables: # # Core: ROCKCFG_* # Archs: ROCKCFG_ARCH_<Arch-Name>_* # Targets: ROCKCFG_TRG_<Target-Name>_* # Packages: ROCKCFG_PKG_<Pkg-Name>_* # # Config-Internal Variables: # # Core: CFGTEMP_* # Archs: CFGTEMP_ARCH_<Arch-Name>_* # Targets: CFGTEMP_TRG_<Target-Name>_* # Packages: CFGTEMP_PKG_<Pkg-Name>_* # # Config Presets: ROCKCFGSET_* # CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST="" CFGTEMP_TARGETLIST="" %include architecture/*/preconfig.in comment_id '- Architecture, CPU and Optimization' COMMENT_ARCHCPUOPT block_begin 7 choice ROCKCFG_ARCH $ROCKCFG_ARCH $CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST ROCKCFG_ID="$ROCKCFG_ID-$ROCKCFG_ARCH" if [ -f architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/config.in ] then . architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/config.in ; fi bool 'This is a cross-build between architectures' ROCKCFG_CROSSBUILD 0 if [ "$ROCKCFG_CROSSBUILD" = 1 ] ; then pkgfilter sed -e 's,^\(. ..\)[^ ]*,\1--------,' ROCKCFG_ID="$ROCKCFG_ID-cross" ; ROCKCFGSET_USE_CROSSCC=1 fi block_end %include misc/*/preconfig.in %include target/*/preconfig.in %include package/*/*/preconfig.in comment ' ' comment_id '- Target Distribution' COMMENT_TARGET block_begin 7 choice ROCKCFG_TARGET generic $CFGTEMP_TARGETLIST ROCKCFG_ID="$ROCKCFG_ID-$ROCKCFG_TARGET" if [ -f target/$ROCKCFG_TARGET/config.in ] then . target/$ROCKCFG_TARGET/config.in ; fi block_end comment ' ' comment_id '- Build System Configuration' COMMENT_BUILD_SYS_CONF block_begin 3 bool 'Make a parallel (cluster) build' ROCKCFG_PARALLEL 0 if [ "$ROCKCFG_PARALLEL" = 1 ] ; then block_begin 10 ROCKCFG_PARALLEL_MAX="`echo $ROCKCFG_PARALLEL_MAX | sed 's,[^0-9],,g'`" text 'Maximum size of job queue' ROCKCFG_PARALLEL_MAX 10 text 'Command for adding jobs' ROCKCFG_PARALLEL_ADDJOB '' block_end else bool 'Abort when a package-build fails' \ ROCKCFG_ABORT_ON_ERROR 0 fi bool 'Retry building broken packages' ROCKCFG_RETRY_BROKEN 0 bool 'Disable packages which are marked as broken' \ ROCKCFG_DISABLE_BROKEN 0 bool 'Do not try building packages if deps failed' \ ROCKCFG_NOBROKENDEPS 0 bool 'Always clean up src dirs (even on pkg fail)' \ ROCKCFG_ALWAYS_CLEAN 0 bool 'Create debug information (xtrace) for builds' ROCKCFG_XTRACE 0 bool 'Use TMPFS for building packages' ROCKCFG_SRC_TMPFS 0 if [ "$ROCKCFG_SRC_TMPFS" = 1 ] ; then block_begin comment '! WARNING: This feature can hang your system, if' comment '! you do not have enough virtual memory!' text 'TMPFS mount options' ROCKCFG_SRC_TMPFS_OPT \ 'size=800M,nr_inodes=100k' bool 'Write tmpfs log to var/adm/rock-debug/tmpfslog.txt' \ ROCKCFG_SRC_TMPFS_LOG 0 block_end fi block_end %include misc/*/noexpertconfig.in comment ' ' block_begin 3 bool 'Show expert-only and experimental options' ROCKCFG_EXPERT 0 block_end if [ $ROCKCFG_EXPERT = 1 ] ; then ROCKCFG_ID="$ROCKCFG_ID-expert" else ROCKCFG_ID="$ROCKCFG_ID-noexpert" ; fi expert_begin comment ' ' comment '- Binary package format' block_begin 3 bool 'Create *.tar.bz2 binary packages' ROCKCFG_CREATE_TARBZ2 0 bool 'Create *.gem binary packages' ROCKCFG_CREATE_GEM 1 bool 'Append version number to package files' ROCKCFG_PKGFILE_VER 1 block_end comment ' ' comment '- Additional Package Selection' block_begin 3 choice ROCKCFG_PKGSEL_TPL none none 'No package preselection template' \ $( cd misc/pkgsel; grep -H "^# TITLE: " *.in | tr ' ' '_' | sed 's,\.in:#_TITLE:_, ,' ) if [ -f misc/pkgsel/${ROCKCFG_PKGSEL_TPL}.in ]; then . misc/pkgsel/${ROCKCFG_PKGSEL_TPL}.in fi bool 'Custom package selection' ROCKCFG_PKGSEL 0 if [ "$ROCKCFG_PKGSEL" = 1 ] ; then menu_begin MENU_PKGSEL_RULES 'Edit package selection rules' # Active error checking: explicitly show an annoying popup filter=`printf "^[-xXoO][ \t]\+[a-zA-Z0-9_/*+.-]"` if grep -lvq "$filter" config/$config/pkgsel 2> /dev/null && \ ./src/rockdialog.bin --title "Build Config" --yesno \ "Invalid line(s) in package rule set. Remove?" 5 50 then grep "$filter" < config/$config/pkgsel \ > config/$config/pkgsel.new mv config/$config/pkgsel.new config/$config/pkgsel fi unset filter editfile ROCKCFG_PKGSEL_FILE config/$config/pkgsel \ 'Package selection rules' echo "# created from 'pkgsel'" > config/$config/pkgsel.awk while read action patternlist ; do case "$action" in [xX]) action='$1="X"' ;; [oO]) action='$1="O"' ;; -) action='next' ;; *) echo '{ exit; }' continue ;; esac address="" ; first="(" ; others="&&" while read pattern ; do if [ -z "$address" ] && \ [ "$pattern" = "!" ] ; then address="! " ; others="||" else pattern="$( echo "$pattern" | sed \ -e 's,[^a-zA-Z0-9_/\*+\.-],,g' \ -e 's,[/\.\+],\\&,g' \ -e 's,\*,[^ ]*,g' )" [ "$pattern" ] || continue address="$address$first" address="$address / $pattern /" first=" $others" fi done < <( echo "$patternlist" | tr '\t ' '\n\n' ) echo "$address ) { $action; }" done < config/$config/pkgsel >> config/$config/pkgsel.awk echo '{ print; }' >> config/$config/pkgsel.awk pkgout gawk -f config/$config/pkgsel.awk < config/$config/packages \ > config/$config/packages.new 2> /dev/null if [ -s config/$config/packages.new ] ; then mv config/$config/packages.new config/$config/packages else rm -f config/$config/packages.new comment '---- Syntax error(s) in rule set!' fi pkgin menu_end else rm -f config/$config/pkgsel rm -f config/$config/pkgsel.awk fi startprog ROCKCFG_SHOW_PKGLIST 'Show the current package list' \ "./src/rockdialog.bin --title 'ROCK Linux Config - Package List' \ --backtitle 'ROCK Linux $rockver Configuration' \ --textbox config/$config/packages.txt \ $(( $lines - 4 )) $(( $columns - 5 ))" block_end comment ' ' %include $( ls {package/*,misc}/*/config{,-*}.in 2>/dev/null | sed 's,\(.*/\)\([^/]*\),\2 \1\2,' | sort | cut -f2 -d' ' ) comment ' ' comment '- Additional GNU Configure Options' block_begin 5 editfile ROCKCFG_CONFOPT_FILE config/$config/confopt \ 'GNU Configure Options' if [ -f config/$config/confopt ] ; then const ROCKCFG_CONFIGURE_OPTS "`tr '\n' ' ' \ < config/$config/confopt`" else const ROCKCFG_CONFIGURE_OPTS "" fi for option in $ROCKCFG_CONFIGURE_OPTS ; do if [ "${option#--with-}" = "$option" -a \ "${option#--without-}" = "$option" ] then comment '---- Warning! The custom options may break packages!' break fi done block_end comment ' ' text 'Additional compiler flags' ROCKCFG_C_FLAGS "" comment ' ' comment_id '- Flist detection technique' COMMENT_FLIST block_begin 5 choice ROCKCFG_FLIST flwrapper \ flwrapper 'Use the flist wrapper library for flist creation' \ strace 'Use strace to get the file list' \ find 'Use find on timestamp-file for flist creation' block_end comment ' ' comment '- Various Options' block_begin 5 bool 'Build and use a (pseudo-)cross compiler' ROCKCFG_USE_CROSSCC 1 bool 'Make rebuild stage (stage 9)' ROCKCFG_DO_REBUILD_STAGE 1 if [ $ROCKCFG_CROSSBUILD != 1 ]; then bool 'Run a check/test for packages with support' ROCKCFG_DO_CHECK 0 fi if [ $ROCKCFG_USE_CROSSCC != 1 ]; then pkgfilter sed 's,^\([XO] \)0,\1-,' fi if [ $ROCKCFG_DO_REBUILD_STAGE != 1 ]; then pkgfilter sed 's,^\([XO] [0-8-]*\)9 ,\1- ,' fi choice ROCKCFG_OPT size \ smart 'Smart optimisiation using a profile database' \ bizarre 'Inverse smart optimisation (this is bizarre)' \ speed 'Hard optimise for speed (often pretty slow)' \ size 'Hard optimise for size (recommended)' \ lazy 'Lazy optimisiation (for debugging binaries)' bool 'Create binaries with debug symbols' ROCKCFG_DEBUG 0 bool 'Create statically linked binaries' ROCKCFG_STATIC 0 bool 'Disable exceptions and rtti in C++' ROCKCFG_LIMITCXX 0 bool 'Enable c-compiler multilib support' ROCKCFG_MULTILIB 0 bool 'Disable National Language Support' ROCKCFG_DISABLE_NLS 0 if [ "$ROCKCFG_DISABLE_NLS" = 1 ] ; then pkgremove gettext fi bool 'Automatic documentation creation' ROCKCFG_CREATE_DOCS 1 bool 'Create cache files after packages have been built' \ ROCKCFG_CREATE_CACHE 1 bool 'Run Paranoia Checks in Build-Target and Build-Pkg' \ ROCKCFG_PARANOIA_CHECK 1 bool 'Abbreviate ROCK Config ID with checksum' ROCKCFG_IDCKSUM 0 block_end expert_end %include package/*/*/postconfig.in %include misc/*/postconfig.in %include architecture/*/postconfig.in %include target/*/postconfig.in pkgfilter sed '/^[XO] --* / d;' [ $ROCKCFG_EXPERT = 1 ] || ROCKCFG_ID="`echo $ROCKCFG_ID | sed 's,-noexpert.*,,'`" [ "$ROCKCFG_IDCKSUM" = 1 ] && ROCKCFG_ID="`echo $ROCKCFG_ID | cksum | cut -f1 -d' '`" const ROCKCFG_SHORTID "$ROCKCFG_ID" ROCKCFG_ID="$config-$ROCKCFG_ID"