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[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/mnemoc/rsbac/rsbac.desc
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
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[I] Rule Set Based Access Control (RSBAC) for Linux 

[T] RSBAC is a flexible, powerful and fast open source access control 
[T] framework for current Linux kernels, which has been in stable production
[T] use since January 2000 (version 1.0.9a). All development is independent 
[T] of governments and big companies, and no existing access control code has
[T] been reused.
[T] The standard package includes a range of access control models like MAC, 
[T] RC, ACL (see below). Furthermore, the runtime registration facility (REG)
[T] makes it easy to implement your own access control model as a kernel 
[T] module and get it registered at runtime.

[U] http://www.rsbac.org/

[A] Amon Ott <ao@rsbac.org>
[M] Alejandro Mery <amery@geeks.cl>

[C] extra/security

[S] Stable
[V] 1.2.2
[P] O -?---5---9 211.200

[CV-DEL] \.(gz|bz2)$ \.tar$ ^[^0-9]+ .*\.(md5sum|pgpcert)$

[O] pkg_rsbac_lxpatches="1 2 3a 4 5 6 7"
[O] pkg_rsbac_patches=""

[D] 2452966771 rsbac-admin-v1.2.2.tar.bz2 http://www.rsbac.org/code/
[D] 2259588141 rsbac-v1.2.2.tar.bz2 http://www.rsbac.org/code/
[D] 2470950398 patch-2.4.25-v1.2.2.gz http://www.rsbac.org/patches/v1.2.2/
[D] 694307496 rsbac-bugfix-v1.2.2-1.diff http://www.rsbac.org/bugfixes/
[D] 2139391995 rsbac-bugfix-v1.2.2-2.diff http://www.rsbac.org/bugfixes/
[D] 3596180133 rsbac-bugfix-v1.2.2-3a.diff http://www.rsbac.org/bugfixes/
[D] 2545676893 rsbac-bugfix-v1.2.2-4.diff http://www.rsbac.org/bugfixes/
[D] 2041033066 rsbac-bugfix-v1.2.2-5.diff http://www.rsbac.org/bugfixes/
[D] 3654417755 rsbac-bugfix-v1.2.2-6.diff http://www.rsbac.org/bugfixes/
[D] 2467966817 rsbac-bugfix-v1.2.2-7.diff http://www.rsbac.org/bugfixes/