diff --git a/package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_README b/package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_README
index c2fbd1e1f..b19baafbf 100644
--- a/package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_README
+++ b/package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_README
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ Or another /etc/network/config:
 	interface eth0
-		script dyndns.sh		# update dyndns
+		dyndns				# update dyndns
+						# requires ezipudate
+						# and setup in stone
 		allow ip		# office
 		allow ip		# home
 		allow tcp 80			# webserver is open
diff --git a/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.conf b/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.conf
index 3a4cda31a..c62fa94bb 100644
--- a/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.conf
+++ b/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.conf
@@ -23,6 +23,13 @@
 ezipupdate_pm() {
 	mkdir -p ${root}/etc/ezipupdate/
 	cp -v example*conf ${root}/etc/ezipupdate/
+	cp -v ${confdir}/stone.conf.template $root/etc/ezipupdate/
+	for x in ${root}/etc/ezipupdate/*.conf ; do
+		sed -e "s,/usr/local/bin,$bindir,g" -i ${x}
+		chmod +x ${x}
+	done
+	cp -v ${confdir}/mod_ezipupdate.sh ${root}/etc/stone.d/
+	cp -v ${confdir}/rocknet_dyndns.sh ${root}/etc/network/modules/dyndns.sh
 hook_add postmake 4 "ezipupdate_pm"
diff --git a/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/mod_ezipupdate.sh b/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/mod_ezipupdate.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f32830d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/mod_ezipupdate.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
+# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
+# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
+# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/mod_ezipupdate.sh
+# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 Clifford Wolf
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
+# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
+# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
+# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
+# file for details.
+# [MAIN] 60 ezipupdate EZ-Ipupdate Configuration (dyndns et al)
+ezipupdate_new_step3 () {
+	cmd=""
+	iface="$1"
+	tos="$2"
+	gui_input "Please enter the dns name you want to update" "" hostname
+	gui_input "Please enter the username for $hostname" "" user
+	gui_input "Please enter the password for $hostname" "" pass
+	gui_input "Please enter the MX record for $hostname" "$hostname" mx
+	gui_input "Please enter the number of times the update should be tried" 3 retries
+	gui_input "Please enter the mail-address errors should be reported to" "root@localhost" errorsto
+	gui_input "Please enter the period to check if the IP-address changed in seconds" 1800 checkperiod
+	gui_yesno "Do you want wildcard dnsnames? (*.$hostname would all resolve to your current IP-Address)"
+	wildcard=$?
+	cmd="-e 's,INTERFACE,$iface,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,SERVICETYPE,$tos,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,HOSTNAME,$hostname,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,USER,$user,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,PASS,$pass,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,MXADDRESS,$mx,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,RETRIES,$retries,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,EMAILADDRESS,$errorsto,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,PERIOD,$checkperiod,g'"
+	[ $wildcard -eq 1 ] && cmd="$cmd -e 's,wildcard,# nowildcard,g'"
+	eval "sed $cmd /etc/ezipupdate/stone.conf.template > /etc/ezipupdate/stone.$iface"
+ezipupdate_new_step2 () {
+	cmd=""
+	iface="$1"
+	for x in ezip pgpow dhs dyndns dyndns-static dyndns-custom ods tzo \
+		easydns easydns-partner gnudip justlinux dyns hn zoneedit \
+		heipv6tb ; do
+		cmd="$cmd '$x' 'ezipupdate_new_step3 $iface $x'"
+	done
+	eval "gui_menu ezipupdate_new_step2 'Please select the type of service' $cmd"
+ezipupdate_new_step1 () {
+	cmd=""
+	while read iface ; do
+		[ -f /etc/ezipupdate/stone.$iface ] && continue
+		cmd="$cmd '$iface' 'ezipupdate_new_step2 $iface'"
+	done < <( grep interface /etc/network/config | cut -f 2 -d\ | cut -f1 -d\( | sort )
+	eval "gui_menu ezipupdate_new_step1 'Please select the interface to use' $cmd"
+ezipupdate_change_tos () {
+	cmd=""
+	for x in ezip pgpow dhs dyndns dyndns-static dyndns-custom ods tzo \
+		easydns easydns-partner gnudip justlinux dyns hn zoneedit \
+		heipv6tb ; do
+		cmd="$cmd '$x' 'tos=$x'"
+	done
+	eval "gui_menu ezipupdate_change_tos 'Please select the new type of service' $cmd"
+ezipupdate_change_wildcard () {
+	gui_yesno "Do you want wildcard dnsnames? (*.$hostname would all resolve to your current IP-Address)"
+	case "$?" in
+		1) wildcard=0 ; ;;
+		0) wildcard=1 ; ;;
+	esac
+ezipdate_change_iface () {
+	cmd=""
+	while read i ; do
+		[ -f /etc/ezipupdate/stone.$i -a $i != $oldiface ] && continue
+		cmd="$cmd '$i' 'iface=$i'"
+	done < <( grep interface /etc/network/config | cut -f 2 -d\ | cut -f1 -d\( | sort )
+	eval "gui_menu ezipupdate_change_iface 'Please select the new interface to use' $cmd"
+ezipupdate_edit () {
+	iface=$1
+	oldiface=$1
+	conf=/etc/ezipupdate/stone.$iface
+	tos="`grep ^service-type $conf | cut -f2 -d=`"
+	hostname="`grep ^host $conf | cut -f2 -d=`"
+	IFS=":" read user pass < <( grep ^user $conf | cut -f2 -d= )
+	mx="`grep ^mx $conf | cut -f2 -d=`"
+	retries="`grep ^retrys $conf | cut -f2 -d=`"
+	errorsto="`grep ^notify-email $conf | cut -f2 -d=`"
+	checkperiod="`grep ^period $conf | cut -f2 -d=`"
+	wildcard=`grep -c ^wildcard $conf`
+	run=0
+	while [ $run -eq 0 ] ; do 
+		yesno="yes"
+		[ $wildcard -eq 0 ] && yesno="no"
+		gui_menu "ezipupdate_edit" "EZ-IPUpdate settings for $iface" \
+			 "Type of service: $tos" "ezipupdate_change_tos" \
+			 "Interface to check: $iface" "ezipdate_change_iface" \
+			 "Hostname: $hostname" "gui_input 'Enter new hostname' '$hostname' hostname" \
+			 "Username: $user" "gui_input 'Enter new username' '$user' user" \
+			 "Password: $pass" "gui_input 'Enter new password' '$pass' pass" \
+			 "MX-Record: $mx" "gui_input 'Enter new MX-Record' '$mx' mx" \
+			 "Retries: $retries" "gui_input 'Enter new number of retries' '$retries' retries" \
+			 "Report errors to: $errorsto" "gui_input 'Enter new mail address to report errors to' '$errorsto' errorsto" \
+			 "Checking period in seconds: $checkperiod" "gui_input 'Enter new period to check if IP-address changed in seconds' '$checkperiod' checkperiod" \
+			 "Wildcard DNS: $yesno" "ezipupdate_change_wildcard"
+		run=$?
+	done
+	rm -f /etc/ezipupdate/stone.$oldiface
+	cmd="-e 's,INTERFACE,$iface,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,SERVICETYPE,$tos,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,HOSTNAME,$hostname,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,USER,$user,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,PASS,$pass,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,MXADDRESS,$mx,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,RETRIES,$retries,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,EMAILADDRESS,$errorsto,g'"
+	cmd="$cmd -e 's,PERIOD,$checkperiod,g'"
+	[ $wildcard -eq 0 ] && cmd="$cmd -e 's,wildcard,# nowildcard,g'"
+	eval "sed $cmd /etc/ezipupdate/stone.conf.template > /etc/ezipupdate/stone.$iface"
+main() {
+	run=0
+	while [ $run -eq 0 ] ; do
+		cmd=""
+		for conf in /etc/ezipupdate/stone.* ; do
+			[ -f $conf ] || continue
+			[ "$conf" == "/etc/ezipupdate/stone.conf.template" ] && continue
+			interface="`grep 'interface=' $conf | cut -f2 -d=`"
+			if [ -z "$interface" ] ; then
+				gui_message "Bogus interface configuration: $interface! Please edit $conf manually!"
+				continue
+			fi
+			cmd="$cmd 'Edit interface $interface' 'ezipupdate_edit $interface'"
+		done
+		cmd="$cmd 'Add new interface' 'ezipupdate_new_step1'"
+		eval "gui_menu ezipupdate 'EZ-Ipupdate Configuration' $cmd"
+		run=$?
+	done
diff --git a/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/rocknet_dyndns.sh b/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/rocknet_dyndns.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cd323b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/rocknet_dyndns.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+public_dyndns() {
+	addcode up 5 5 "dyndns_start $if"
+	addcode down 5 5 "dyndns_stop $if"
+dyndns_start () {
+	if=$1
+	[ ! -f /etc/ezipupdate/stone.$if ] && \
+		error "$if not configured for ez-ipupdate usage! Run \`stone' first!"
+	ez-ipupdate -F /var/run/ez-ipupdate.$if.pid -c /etc/ezipupdate/stone.$if
+dyndns_stop () {
+	if=$1
+	[ ! -f /etc/ezipupdate/stone.$if ] && \
+		error "$if not configured for ez-ipupdate usage! Run \`stone' first!"
+	kill -QUIT `cat /var/run/ez-ipupdate.$if.pid`
+	rm -f /var/run/ez-ipupdate.$if.pid
diff --git a/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/stone.conf.template b/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/stone.conf.template
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e2dbfd98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/blindcoder/ezipupdate/stone.conf.template
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ez-ipupdate -c
+# ezipupdate INTERFACE configuration used by stone
+# do not edit by hand! Use `stone' instead!