@ -1 +1 @@ |
0.3.1 |
||| |
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ |
3236835844 tor_aliases_v4 http://shellscripts.org/projects/t/toraliases/version_4/ |
1864933481 tor_aliases_v5 http://shellscripts.org/projects/t/toraliases/version_5/ |
1930262293 rockate_640x480.jpg http://pallas.crash-override.net/~blindcoder/ |
3137166457 rockate_800x600.jpg http://pallas.crash-override.net/~blindcoder/ |
1408201020 rockate_1024x768.jpg http://pallas.crash-override.net/~blindcoder/ |
4002653970 rockate_1280x1024.jpg http://pallas.crash-override.net/~blindcoder/ |
3330244223 flashblock-1.5.3.xpi http://downloads.mozdev.org/flashblock/ |
0 torbutton-1.1.2-alpha-dev.xpi http://fscked.org/proj/minihax/TorButton/ |
3000573900 adblock- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/downloads/file/45/ |
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
// Blocklist preferences
pref("extensions.blocklist.enabled", false); |
pref("extensions.blocklist.interval", 0); |
pref("extensions.blocklist.url", ""); |
pref("extensions.blocklist.detailsURL", "http://%LOCALE%.www.mozilla.com/%LOCALE%/blocklist/"); |
pref("app.update.enabled", false); |
pref("app.update.auto", false); |
// Defines how the Application Update Service notifies the user about updates:
// AUM Set to: Minor Releases: Major Releases:
// 0 download no prompt download no prompt
// 1 download no prompt download no prompt if no incompatibilities
// 2 download no prompt prompt
// See chart in nsUpdateService.js.in for more details
pref("app.update.mode", 2); |
// If set to true, the Update Service will present no UI for any event.
pref("app.update.silent", false); |
// Update service URL:
pref("app.update.url", "https://aus2.mozilla.org/update/2/%PRODUCT%/%VERSION%/%BUILD_ID%/%BUILD_TARGET%/%LOCALE%/%CHANNEL%/%OS_VERSION%/update.xml"); |
// Interval: Time between checks for a new version (in seconds)
// default=1 day
pref("app.update.interval", 0); |
// Interval: Time before prompting the user to download a new version that
// is available (in seconds) default=1 day
pref("app.update.nagTimer.download", 0); |
// Interval: Time before prompting the user to restart to install the latest
// download (in seconds) default=30 minutes
pref("app.update.nagTimer.restart", 0); |
// Interval: When all registered timers should be checked (in milliseconds)
// default=5 seconds
pref("app.update.timer", 0); |
pref("extensions.update.enabled", false); |
pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false); |
// 0 = blank, 1 = home (browser.startup.homepage), 2 = last visited page, 3 = resume previous browser session
// The behavior of option 3 is detailed at: http://wiki.mozilla.org/Session_Restore
pref("browser.startup.page", 0); |
pref("browser.startup.homepage", "about:blank"); |
pref("browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone", "ignore"); |
pref("browser.cache.disk.capacity", 0); |
// search engines URL
pref("browser.search.searchEnginesURL", ""); |
// pointer to the default engine name
pref("browser.search.defaultenginename", "chrome://browser-region/locale/region.properties"); |
// send ping to the server to update
pref("browser.search.update", false); |
// disable search suggestions by default
pref("browser.search.suggest.enabled", false); |
// handle external links
// 0=default window, 1=current window/tab, 2=new window, 3=new tab in most recent window
pref("browser.link.open_newwindow", 3); |
// 3 at the end of the tabstrip
pref("browser.tabs.closeButtons", 3); |
// Scripts & Windows prefs
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.location", true); |
pref("dom.disable_window_status_change", true); |
pref("dom.disable_window_move_resize", true); |
pref("dom.disable_window_flip", true); |
// popups.policy 1=allow,2=reject
pref("privacy.popups.policy", 2); |
pref("privacy.popups.usecustom", true); |
pref("privacy.popups.firstTime", true); |
pref("privacy.popups.showBrowserMessage", true); |
pref("privacy.item.history", true); |
pref("privacy.item.formdata", true); |
pref("privacy.item.passwords", true); |
pref("privacy.item.downloads", true); |
pref("privacy.item.cookies", true); |
pref("privacy.item.cache", true); |
pref("privacy.item.siteprefs", true); |
pref("privacy.item.sessions", true); |
pref("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", true); |
pref("privacy.sanitize.promptOnSanitize", false); |
pref("network.cookie.enableForCurrentSessionOnly", true); |
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true); |
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout", 5000); |
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly", false); |
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar", 1); |
pref("layout.spellcheckDefault", 0); |
pref("browser.safebrowsing.enabled", false); |
pref("browser.safebrowsing.remoteLookups", false); |
// Tor stuff
pref("network.proxy.http", "localhost"); |
pref("network.proxy.http_port", 8118); |
pref("network.proxy.socks", "localhost"); |
pref("network.proxy.socks_port", 9050); |
pref("network.proxy.socks_remote_dns", true); |
pref("network.proxy.ssl", "localhost"); |
pref("network.proxy.ssl_port", 8118); |
pref("network.proxy.type", 1); |
pref("extensions.torbutton.http_port", 8118); |
pref("extensions.torbutton.http_proxy", "localhost"); |
pref("extensions.torbutton.https_port", 8118); |
pref("extensions.torbutton.https_proxy", "localhost"); |
pref("extensions.torbutton.socks_host", "localhost"); |
pref("extensions.torbutton.socks_port", 9050); |
pref("extensions.torbutton.cookie_jars", true); |
pref("extensions.torbutton.clear_cookies", false); |
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
prog Networksetup xterm xterm -e su root /usr/sbin/stone -x11 rockate |
prog xterm xterm xterm |
prog Networksetup xterm xterm -bg black -fg grey -e su root /usr/sbin/stone -x11 rockate |
prog xterm xterm xterm -bg black -fg grey |
separator |
menufile Programs folder /usr/share/icewm/ROCK |
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/x86/grub/stone_mod_grub.sh |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
# |
# [MAIN] 70 grub GRUB Boot Loader Setup |
create_device_map() { |
gui_cmd '(Re-)Create GRUB Device Map' "$( cat << "EOT" |
rm -vf /boot/grub/device.map |
echo quit | grub --batch --device-map=/boot/grub/device.map |
)" |
} |
normalize_device() { |
local master_devid this_devid this_devname |
local device="$1" |
master_devid="`ls -lL $device | awk '{print $5 $6;}'`" |
while read this_devid this_devname; do |
if [ "$this_devid" = "$master_devid" ]; then |
device="$this_devname" |
fi |
done < <( ls -lL --time-style='+xx' /dev/[hs]d[a-z]* | |
awk '{print $5 $6 " " $8;}'; ) |
echo "$device" |
} |
convert_device () { |
device="$1" |
# extract device type (block) and major number for root drive |
user_drive_maj=`ls -Ll $device | |
awk '{if ($6 < 64) printf("%c%d0", $1, $5); else printf("%c%d1", $1, $5)}'` |
# does the bios know about the above drive? |
tmp_part="" |
for bios_drive in `grep -v '^#' /boot/grub/device.map|awk '{print $2}'`; do |
test -e $bios_drive || continue |
bios_drive_maj=`ls -Ll $bios_drive | |
awk '{if ($6 < 64) printf("%c%d0", $1, $5); else printf("%c%d1", $1, $5)}'` |
if [ "$user_drive_maj" = "$bios_drive_maj" ]; then |
# yupi ya yeh! we found the drive! |
root_drive=`grep $bios_drive /boot/grub/device.map | awk '{print $1}'` |
tmp_part=`ls -Ll $device | awk '{print $6}'` |
break |
fi |
done |
# give up |
if [ -z "$tmp_part" ]; then |
echo "(unknown)" |
return |
fi |
# convert the partition number to GRUB style |
if [ $tmp_part -gt 64 ]; then |
# hd[bdfh] |
# this doesn't handle the disk itself correctly - just the partitions |
root_part=$[$tmp_part-65] |
else |
root_part=$[$tmp_part-1] |
fi |
unset tmp_part |
drive=`echo $root_drive | sed "s:)$:,$root_part):"` |
# Do we need some user confirmation to this result??? |
# ... |
unset device |
echo $drive |
} |
create_boot_menu() { |
cat << EOT > /boot/grub/menu.lst |
timeout 8 |
default 0 |
title ROCKate 1024 |
kernel $bootdrive$bootpath/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram init=/linuxrc video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=0x317 rw |
initrd $bootdrive$bootpath/initrd.img |
title ROCKate 1280 |
kernel $bootdrive$bootpath/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram init=/linuxrc video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=0x31A rw |
initrd $bootdrive$bootpath/initrd.img |
title ROCKate 800 |
kernel $bootdrive$bootpath/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram init=/linuxrc video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=0x314 rw |
initrd $bootdrive$bootpath/initrd.img |
title ROCKate 640 |
kernel $bootdrive$bootpath/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram init=/linuxrc video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=0x311 rw |
initrd $bootdrive$bootpath/initrd.img |
title ROCKate Text only |
kernel $bootdrive$bootpath/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram init=/linuxrc vga=0 rw 3 |
initrd $bootdrive$bootpath/initrd.img |
if [ -f /boot/memtest86.bin ] ; then |
cat << EOT >> /boot/grub/menu.lst |
title MemTest86 (SGI memory tester) |
kernel $bootdrive$bootpath/memtest86.bin |
fi |
gui_message "This is the new /boot/grub/menu.lst file: |
$( cat /boot/grub/menu.lst )" |
} |
grub_install() { |
gui_cmd 'Installing GRUB' "echo -e 'root $bootdrive\\nsetup (hd0)\\nquit' | grub --batch --device-map=/boot/grub/device.map" |
} |
grub_init() { |
rootdev="`grep ' / ' /proc/mounts | tail -n 1 | \ |
awk '/\/dev\// { print $1; }'`" |
bootdev="`grep ' /boot ' /proc/mounts | tail -n 1 | \ |
awk '/\/dev\// { print $1; }'`" |
if [ "$rootdev" = "/dev/root" -a '!' -e /dev/root ]; then |
rootdev="`cat /proc/cmdline | tr ' ' '\n' | \ |
grep '^root=' | cut -f2- -d= | head -n1`" |
fi |
[ -z "$bootdev" ] && bootdev="$rootdev" |
rootdev=`normalize_device $rootdev` |
bootdev=`normalize_device $bootdev` |
# i=0 |
# rootdev="$( cd `dirname $rootdev` ; pwd -P )/$( basename $rootdev )" |
# while [ -L $rootdev ] ; do |
# directory="$( cd `dirname $rootdev` ; pwd -P )" |
# rootdev="$( ls -l $rootdev | sed 's,.* -> ,,' )" |
# [ "${rootdev##/*}" ] && rootdev="$directory/$rootdev" |
# i=$(( $i + 1 )) ; [ $i -gt 20 ] && rootdev="Not found!" |
# done |
# i=0 |
# bootdev="$( cd `dirname $bootdev` ; pwd -P )/$( basename $bootdev )" |
# while [ -L $bootdev ] ; do |
# directory="$( cd `dirname $bootdev` ; pwd -P )" |
# bootdev="$( ls -l $bootdev | sed 's,.* -> ,,' )" |
# [ "${bootdev##/*}" ] && bootdev="$directory/$bootdev" |
# i=$(( $i + 1 )) ; [ $i -gt 20 ] && bootdev="Not found!" |
# done |
if [ -s /boot/grub/device.map ] ; then |
rootdrive=`convert_device $rootdev` |
bootdrive=`convert_device $bootdev` |
else |
rootdrive='No Device Map found!' |
bootdrive='No Device Map found!' |
fi |
if [ "$rootdrive" = "$bootdrive" ] |
then bootpath="/boot" ; else bootpath="" ; fi |
} |
grub_setup() { |
if gui_yesno "Do you want to install the GRUB bootloader in MBR now?"; then |
grub_init; create_device_map |
grub_init; create_boot_menu |
grub_init; grub_install |
fi |
} |
main() { |
while |
grub_init |
gui_menu grub 'GRUB Boot Loader Setup' \ |
'(Re-)Create GRUB Device Map' 'create_device_map' \ |
"Root Device ... $rootdev" "" \ |
"Boot Drive .... $bootdrive$boot_path" "" \ |
'' '' \ |
'(Re-)Create default boot menu' 'create_boot_menu' \ |
'(Re-)Install GRUB in MBR of (hd0)' 'grub_install' \ |
'' '' \ |
"Edit /boot/grub/device.map (Device Map)" \ |
"gui_edit 'GRUB Device Map' /boot/grub/device.map" \ |
"Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst (Boot Menu)" \ |
"gui_edit 'GRUB Boot Menu' /boot/grub/menu.lst" |
do : ; done |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
icewm |
imlib |
glib12 |
tor |
privoxy |
dillo |
gtk+12 |
xterm |
irssi |
xdialog |
firefox |
gtk+ |
glib |
atk |
pango |
cairo |
libidl |
grub |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
tmp="`mktemp`" |
sed -e 's,$confdir/stone_mod_grub.sh,$base/target/$target/fixedfiles/mod_grub.sh,g' $confdir/$pkg.conf > $tmp |
. $tmp |
rm -f $tmp |