diff --git a/package/powerpc/linux-mol/linux-mol.desc b/package/powerpc/linux-mol/linux-mol.desc
index 3eb9215bc..700843d27 100644
--- a/package/powerpc/linux-mol/linux-mol.desc
+++ b/package/powerpc/linux-mol/linux-mol.desc
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 [I] Mac On Linux
-[T] Mac-on-Linux makes it possible to run Mac OS (including OS X) under
-[T] Linux/ppc. MOL is not an emulator but runs the OS directly without 
+[T] Mac-On-Linux makes it possible to run Mac OS (including OS X) under
+[T] Linux/PPC. MOL is not an emulator but runs the OS directly without 
 [T] any CPU emulation. Moreover, NO ROM IMAGE is required.
 [T] It is also possible to run a Linux/PPC in MOL.
diff --git a/package/powerpc/mol/mol.desc b/package/powerpc/mol/mol.desc
index 2a6b75476..380a189e9 100644
--- a/package/powerpc/mol/mol.desc
+++ b/package/powerpc/mol/mol.desc
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 [I] Mac On Linux
-[T] Mac-on-Linux makes it possible to run Mac OS (including OS X) under
-[T] Linux/ppc. MOL is not an emulator but runs the OS directly without 
+[T] Mac-On-Linux makes it possible to run Mac OS (including OS X) under
+[T] Linux/PPC. MOL is not an emulator but runs the OS directly without 
 [T] any CPU emulation. Moreover, NO ROM IMAGE is required.
 [T] It is also possible to run a Linux/PPC in MOL.