diff --git a/package/target-finish/1st-stage/1st-stage.conf b/package/target-finish/1st-stage/1st-stage.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..280857c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/target-finish/1st-stage/1st-stage.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+first_stage_mainfunction ()
+echo "Creating initrd data:"
+rm -rf $disksdir/initrd
+mkdir -p $disksdir/initrd/{dev,proc,sys,tmp,scsi,net,bin,etc,lib}
+cd $disksdir/initrd; ln -s bin sbin; ln -s . usr
+# make mount not complain
+touch etc/fstab
+if [ "$ROCKCFG_CROSSBUILD" = "1" ] ; then
+	cross_compile="`find ${base}/ROCK/tools.cross/ -name "*-readelf"`"
+	cross_compile="${cross_compile##*/}"
+	cross_compile="${cross_compile%%readelf}"
+case ${initrdfs} in
+	ext2fs|ext3fs|cramfs) 
+		initrd_img="${disksdir}/initrd.img"
+		;;
+	ramfs)
+		initrd_img="${disksdir}/initrd.cpio"
+		;;
+echo "Creating some device nodes"
+mknod ${targetdir}/dev/ram0	b 1 0
+mknod ${targetdir}/dev/null	c 1 3
+mknod ${targetdir}/dev/zero	c 1 5
+mknod ${targetdir}/dev/tty	c 5 0
+mknod ${targetdir}/dev/console	c 5 1
+# this copies a set of programs and the necessary libraries into a
+# chroot environment
+echo "Create checkisomd5 binary"
+cp -r ${base}/misc/isomd5sum ${base}/build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/
+cat >${base}/build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/compile_isomd5sum.sh <<EOF
+cd /isomd5sum
+make clean
+make CC=gcc
+chmod +x ${base}/build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/compile_isomd5sum.sh
+chroot ${base}/build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/ /compile_isomd5sum.sh
+cp ${base}/build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/isomd5sum/checkisomd5 bin/
+rm -rf ${base}/build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/compile_isomd5sum.sh ${base}/build/${ROCKCFG_ID}/isomd5sum
+echo "Copying and adjusting linuxrc scipt"
+cp ${base}/target/${target}/linuxrc.sh sbin/init
+chmod +x sbin/init
+sed -i -e "s,^STAGE_2_BIG_IMAGE=\"2nd_stage.tar.gz\"$,STAGE_2_BIG_IMAGE=\"${ROCKCFG_SHORTID}/2nd_stage.tar.gz\"," \
+       -e "s,^STAGE_2_SMALL_IMAGE=\"2nd_stage_small.tar.gz\"$,STAGE_2_SMALL_IMAGE=\"${ROCKCFG_SHORTID}/2nd_stage_small.tar.gz\"," \
+       sbin/init
+libdirs="${rootdir}/lib `sed -e"s,^\(.*\),${rootdir}\1," ${rootdir}/etc/ld.so.conf | tr '\n' ' '`"
+needed_libs() {
+	local x="${1}" library
+	${cross_compile}readelf -d ${x} 2>/dev/null | grep "(NEEDED)" |
+		sed -e"s,.*Shared library: \[\(.*\)\],\1," |
+		while read library ; do
+			find ${libdirs} -name "${library}" 2>/dev/null |
+			sed -e "s,^${rootdir},,g" | tr '\n' ' '
+		done
+libs="${libs} `needed_libs bin/checkisomd5`"
+echo "Copying other files ... "
+for x in ${rock_targetdir}/initrd/initrd_* ; do
+	[ -f ${x} ] || continue
+	while read file target ; do
+		file="${rootdir}/${file}"
+		[ -e ${file} ] || continue
+		while read f ; do
+			tfile=${targetdir}/${target}${f#${file}}
+			[ -e ${tfile} ] && continue
+			if [ -d ${f} -a ! -L ${f} ] ; then
+				mkdir -p ${tfile}
+				continue
+			else
+				mkdir -p ${tfile%/*}
+			fi
+# 			if [ -b ${f} -o -c ${f} -o -p ${f} -o -L ${f} ] ; then
+				cp -a ${f} ${tfile}
+# 			else
+# 				cp ${f} ${tfile}
+# 			fi
+			file -L ${f} | grep -q ELF || continue
+			libs="${libs} `needed_libs ${f}`"
+		done < <( find "${file}" )
+	done < ${x}
+for x in modprobe.static modprobe.static.old insmod.static insmod.static.old ; do
+	if [ -f ../2nd_stage/sbin/${x/.static/} ]; then
+		rm -f bin/${x/.static/}
+		cp -a ../2nd_stage/sbin/${x/.static/} bin/
+	fi
+	if [ -f ../2nd_stage/sbin/$x ]; then
+		rm -f bin/$x bin/${x/.static/}
+		cp -a ../2nd_stage/sbin/$x bin/
+		ln -sf $x bin/${x/.static/}
+	fi
+echo "Copy scsi and network kernel modules."
+tmptar="`mktemp`" ; tar cfT ${tmptar} /dev/null
+for x in $( cd ../2nd_stage ; ls -d lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/{scsi,net} )
+	[ -e "../2nd_stage/${x}" ] && tar rf ${tmptar} -C ../2nd_stage ${x}
+tar xf ${tmptar} ; rm -f ${tmptar}
+[ -e lib/modules ] && find lib/modules -type f -exec $STRIP --strip-debug {} \;
+for x in ../2nd_stage/lib/modules/*/modules.{dep,pcimap,isapnpmap} ; do
+	cp $x ${x#../2nd_stage/} || echo "not found: $x" ;
+for x in lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/{scsi,net}; do
+	[ -d $x ] && ln -s ${x#lib/modules/} lib/modules/
+rm -f lib/modules/[0-9]*/kernel/drivers/scsi/{st,scsi_debug}.{o,ko}
+rm -f lib/modules/[0-9]*/kernel/drivers/net/{dummy,ppp*}.{o,ko}
+echo "Copying required libraries ... "
+while [ -n "${libs}" ] ; do
+	oldlibs=${libs}
+	libs=""
+	for x in ${oldlibs} ; do
+		[ -e ${targetdir}/${x} ] && continue
+		mkdir -p ${targetdir}/${x%/*}
+		cp ${rootdir}/${x} ${targetdir}/${x}
+		file -L ${rootdir}/${x} | grep -q ELF || continue
+		for y in `needed_libs ${rootdir}/${x}` ; do
+			[ ! -e "${targetdir}/${y}" ] && libs="${libs} ${y}"
+		done
+	done
+echo "Creating links for identical files ..."
+while read ck fn
+	# don't link empty files...
+	if [ "${oldck}" = "${ck}" -a -s "${fn}" ] ; then
+		echo "\`- Found ${fn#${targetdir}} -> ${oldfn#${targetdir}}."
+		rm ${fn} ; ln -s /${oldfn#${targetdir}} ${fn}
+	else
+		oldck=${ck} ; oldfn=${fn}
+	fi
+done < <( find ${targetdir} -type f | xargs md5sum | sort )
+cd ..
+echo "Creating initrd filesystem image (${initrdfs}): "
+case "${initrdfs}" in
+	[ "${block_size}" == "" ] && block_size=4096
+	mkfs.cramfs -b ${block_size} ${targetdir} ${initrd_img}
+	;;
+#	cp -a ${targetdir}/{linuxrc,init}
+	( cd ${targetdir} ; find | cpio -o -c > ${initrd_img} ; )
+	;;	
+	[ "${block_size}" == "" ] && block_size=1024
+	block_count=$(( ( 1024 * ${ramdisk_size} ) / ${block_size} ))
+	echo "Creating temporary files."
+	tmpdir=`mktemp -d` ; mkdir -p ${tmpdir}
+	dd if=/dev/zero of=${initrd_img} bs=${block_size} count=${block_count} &> /dev/null
+	tmpdev="`losetup -f 2>/dev/null`"
+	if [ -z "${tmpdev}" ] ; then
+		for x in /dev/loop* /dev/loop/* ; do
+			[ -b "${x}" ] || continue
+			losetup ${x} 2>&1 >/dev/null || tmpdev="${x}"
+			[ -n "${tmpdev}" ] && break
+		done
+		if [ -z "${tmpdev}" ] ; then
+			echo "No free loopback device found!"
+			rm -f ${tmpfile} ; rmdir ${tmpdir}; exit 1
+		fi
+	fi
+	echo "Using loopback device ${tmpdev}."
+	losetup "${tmpdev}" ${initrd_img}
+	echo "Writing initrd image file."
+	mkfs.${initrdfs:0:4} -b ${block_size} -m 0 -N 360 -q ${tmpdev} &> /dev/null
+	mount -t ${initrdfs:0:4} ${tmpdev} ${tmpdir}
+	rmdir ${tmpdir}/lost+found/
+	cp -a ${targetdir}/* ${tmpdir}
+	umount ${tmpdir}
+	echo "Removing temporary files."
+	losetup -d ${tmpdev}
+	rm -rf ${tmpdir}
+	;;
+echo "Compressing initrd image file."
+gzip -9 -c ${initrd_img} > ${initrd_img}.gz
+mv ${initrd_img%.img}{.img,}.gz
diff --git a/package/target-finish/1st-stage/1st-stage.desc b/package/target-finish/1st-stage/1st-stage.desc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c4a07980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/target-finish/1st-stage/1st-stage.desc
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
+[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
+[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
+[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/mdadm/mdadm.desc
+[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
+[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
+[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
+[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
+[COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
+[COPY] file for details.
+[I] Raid Configuration Tool
+[T] mdadm is a tool for creating, managing and monitoring
+[T] device arrays using the "md" driver in Linux, also
+[T] known as Software RAID arrays
+[A] The ROCK Linux Project
+[M] The ROCK Linux Project
+[C] extra/base
+[L] GPL
+[S] Stable
+[V] 1
+[P] O --------8- 195.200
diff --git a/package/target-finish/2nd-stage/2nd-stage.conf b/package/target-finish/2nd-stage/2nd-stage.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3612640c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/target-finish/2nd-stage/2nd-stage.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+package_map="       +00-dirtree         +$ROCKCFG_PKG_GLIBC_BRANCH 
+-automake17         -automake18         -automake19         -gcc2
+-gcc33              -gcc34              -gcc40              -gcc41
+-gmp                -mpfr               -rockinitrd         +stone
+-linux24-source     -linux26-header     -linux24            +udev
+-linux26-source     -linux26-header     -linux26            -postinstall
+-binutils           -bin86              -nasm               -dietlibc
++grub               +lilo               +yaboot             +aboot
++silo               +parted             +mac-fdisk          +pdisk
++xfsprogs           +dosfstools         +jfsutils	    +hfsutils
++e2fsprogs          +reiserfsprogs      +genromfs           +device-mapper
++popt               +file               +mdadm              +lvm2
++dump               +eject              +disktype           +lvm-wrapper
++hdparm             +memtest86          +cpuburn            +bonnie++
+-mine               -bize               -termcap            +ncurses
++readline           -strace             -ltrace             -perl5
+-m4                 -time               -gettext            -zlib
++$ROCKCFG_PKG_BASH_DEFAULT              +attr               +acl                +findutils
++mktemp             +coreutils          -diffutils          -patch
+-make               +grep               +sed                +gzip
++tar                +gawk               -flex               +bzip2
+-texinfo            +less               -groff              -man
++nvi                -bison              +bc                 +cpio
++ed                 -autoconf           -automake           -libtool
++curl               +wget               +dialog             +minicom
++lrzsz              +rsync              +tcpdump            +module-init-tools
++sysvinit           +shadow             +util-linux         +wireless-tools
++net-tools          +procps             +psmisc             +rockplug
++modutils           +pciutils           -cron               +portmap
++sysklogd           +devfsd             +setserial          +iproute2
++netkit-base        +netkit-ftp         +netkit-telnet      +netkit-tftp
++sysfiles           +libpcap            +iptables           +tcp_wrappers
+-kiss               +kbd		-syslinux           +ntfsprogs
+-ethtool	    -uml_utilities	+ddrescue           +libelf"
+package_map="+$ROCKCFG_PKG_LINUX_DEFAULT +$packager $package_map"
+progs="agetty bash cat cp date dd df ifconfig ln ls $packager mkdir mke2fs \
+       mkswap mount mv rm reboot route sleep swapoff swapon sync umount \
+       eject chmod chroot grep halt rmdir sh shutdown uname killall5 \
+       stone mktemp sort fold sed mkreiserfs cut head tail disktype"
+progs="$progs fdisk sfdisk"
+if [ $arch = ppc ] ; then
+	progs="$progs mac-fdisk pdisk"
+if [ $packager = bize ] ; then
+	progs="$progs bzip2 md5sum"
+2nd_stage_mainfunction ()
+taropt="--use-compress-program=bzip2 -xf"
+echo "Creating 2nd stage filesystem:"
+mkdir -p $disksdir/2nd_stage
+cd $disksdir/2nd_stage
+mkdir -p mnt/source mnt/target
+if [ -f ../../pkgs/bize.tar.bz2 -a ! -f ../../pkgs/mine.tar.bz2 ] ; then
+	packager=bize
+	packager=mine
+echo "Extracting the packages archives."
+for x in $( ls ../../pkgs/*.tar.bz2 | tr . / | cut -f8 -d/ )
+	if [ -z "${x##*:dev*}" -o -z "${x##*:doc*}" ]
+	then
+		# simply ignore :dev and :doc packages
+		true
+	elif echo "" $package_map "" | grep -q " +$x "
+	then
+		echo "\`- Extracting $x.tar.bz2 ..."
+		tar --use-compress-program=bzip2 -xpf ../../pkgs/$x.tar.bz2
+	elif ! echo "" $package_map "" | grep -q " -$x "
+	then
+		echo "\`- Not found in \$package_map: $x"
+		echo "    ... target/bootdisk/build_stage1.sh"
+	fi
+echo "Saving boot/* - we do not need this on the 2nd stage ..."
+rm -rf ../boot ; mkdir ../boot
+mv boot/* ../boot/
+echo "Remove the stuff we do not need ..."
+rm -rf home usr/{local,doc,man,info,games,share}
+rm -rf var/adm/* var/games var/adm var/mail var/opt
+rm -rf usr/{include,src} usr/*-linux-gnu {,usr/}lib/*.{a,la,o}
+for x in usr/lib/*/; do rm -rf ${x%/}; done
+echo "Installing some terminfo databases ..."
+tar $taropt ../../pkgs/ncurses.tar.bz2	\
+	usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm	usr/share/terminfo/a/ansi	\
+	usr/share/terminfo/n/nxterm	usr/share/terminfo/l/linux	\
+	usr/share/terminfo/v/vt200	usr/share/terminfo/v/vt220	\
+	usr/share/terminfo/v/vt100	usr/share/terminfo/s/screen
+if [ -f ../../pkgs/kbd.tar.bz2 ] ; then
+	echo "Installing some keymaps ..."
+	tar $taropt ../../pkgs/kbd.tar.bz2 \
+		usr/share/kbd/keymaps/amiga	usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty \
+		usr/share/kbd/keymaps/atari	usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwertz \
+		usr/share/kbd/keymaps/sun
+	find usr/share/kbd -name '*dvo*' -o -name '*az*' -o -name '*fgG*' | \
+		xargs rm -f
+if [ -f ../../pkgs/pciutils.tar.bz2 ] ; then
+	echo "Installing pci.ids ..."
+	tar $taropt ../../pkgs/pciutils.tar.bz2 \
+		usr/share/pci.ids
+echo "Creating 2nd stage linuxrc."
+cp -v $base/target/$target/linuxrc2.sh sbin/init ; chmod -v +x sbin/init
+cp -v $base/target/$target/shutdown sbin/shutdown ; chmod -v +x sbin/shutdown
+echo '$STONE install' > etc/stone.d/default.sh
+echo "Creating 2nd_stage.tar.gz archive."
+tar -czvf ../2nd_stage.tar.gz * ; cd ..
+echo "Creating small 2nd stage filesystem:"
+mkdir -pv 2nd_stage_small ; cd 2nd_stage_small
+mkdir -pv dev proc sys tmp bin lib etc share
+mkdir -pv mnt/source mnt/target
+ln -sv bin sbin ; ln -sv . usr
+echo "Copy the most important programs ..."
+for x in $progs ; do
+	fn=""
+	[ -f ../2nd_stage/bin/$x ] && fn="bin/$x"
+	[ -f ../2nd_stage/sbin/$x ] && fn="sbin/$x"
+	[ -f ../2nd_stage/usr/bin/$x ] && fn="usr/bin/$x"
+	[ -f ../2nd_stage/usr/sbin/$x ] && fn="usr/sbin/$x"
+	if [ "$fn" ] ; then
+		cp -v ../2nd_stage/$fn $fn
+	else
+		echo "\`- Program not found: $x"
+	fi
+echo "Copy the required libraries ..."
+found=1 ; while [ $found = 1 ]
+	found=0
+	for x in ../2nd_stage/lib ../2nd_stage/usr/lib
+	do
+		for y in $( cd $x ; ls *.so.* 2> /dev/null )
+		do
+			if [ ! -f lib/$y ] &&
+			   grep -q $y bin/* lib/* 2> /dev/null
+			then
+				echo "\`- Found $y."
+				cp -v $x/$y lib/$y ; found=1
+			fi
+		done
+	done
+echo "Copy linuxrc."
+cp -v ../2nd_stage/sbin/init sbin/init
+echo "Copy /etc/fstab."
+cp -v ../2nd_stage/etc/fstab etc
+echo "Copy stone.d."
+mkdir -pv etc/stone.d
+for i in gui_text mod_install mod_packages mod_gas default ; do
+	cp -v ../2nd_stage/etc/stone.d/$i.sh etc/stone.d
+echo "Creating links for identical files."
+while read ck fn
+	if [ "$oldck" = "$ck" ] ; then
+		echo "\`- Found $fn -> $oldfn."
+		rm -v $fn ; ln -v $oldfn $fn
+	else
+		oldck=$ck ; oldfn=$fn
+	fi
+done < <( find -type f | xargs md5sum | sort )
+echo "Creating 2nd_stage_small.tar.gz archive."
+tar -cvf- * | gzip -9 > ../2nd_stage_small.tar.gz ; cd ..
diff --git a/package/target-finish/2nd-stage/2nd-stage.desc b/package/target-finish/2nd-stage/2nd-stage.desc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c4a07980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/target-finish/2nd-stage/2nd-stage.desc
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
+[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
+[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
+[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/mdadm/mdadm.desc
+[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
+[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
+[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
+[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
+[COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
+[COPY] file for details.
+[I] Raid Configuration Tool
+[T] mdadm is a tool for creating, managing and monitoring
+[T] device arrays using the "md" driver in Linux, also
+[T] known as Software RAID arrays
+[A] The ROCK Linux Project
+[M] The ROCK Linux Project
+[C] extra/base
+[L] GPL
+[S] Stable
+[V] 1
+[P] O --------8- 195.200