Browse Source

moved kdirstat, kdevelop and koffice* into kde

updated kdevelop (3.0.1) and arts (1.2.0)

git-svn-id: c5f82cb5-29bc-0310-9cd0-bff59a50e3bc
Rene Rebe 21 years ago
14 changed files with 474 additions and 2 deletions
  1. +2
  2. +36
  3. +23
  4. +42
  5. +36
  6. +27
  7. +43
  8. +29
  9. +35
  10. +38
  11. +49
  12. +38
  13. +27
  14. +49

+ 2
- 2

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
[S] Stable
[V] 1.1.95
[V] 1.2.0
[P] X -----5---9 309.000
[D] 1924372502 arts-1.1.95.tar.bz2
[D] 1881441321 arts-1.2.0.tar.bz2

+ 36
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/kdevelop/kdevelop.cache
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[TIMESTAMP] 1073258491 Mon Jan 5 00:21:31 2004
[CONFIG-ID] 2.0.0-rc5-x86-pentium-mmx-32-reference
[ROCKVER] 2.0.0-rc5
[LOGS] 5-kdevelop.log 9-kdevelop.log
[BUILDTIME] 321526 (9)
[SIZE] 15.06 MB, 915 files
[DEP] bash binutils bzip2 coreutils diffutils expat fam file findutils
[DEP] flex freetype gawk gcc3 gettext glibc23 grep gzip kdelibs31 kdevelop
[DEP] libart_lgpl23 libjpeg libpng linux24-header m4 make mktemp net-tools
[DEP] pcre perl5 qt qt31 sed sysfiles tar util-linux xfree86 zlib

+ 23
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/kdevelop/kdevelop.conf
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
. $base/package/*/*/kde-31.conf

+ 42
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/kdevelop/kdevelop.desc
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[I] The Integrated Development Environment of KDE
[T] Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C/C++ with support for
[T] QT 2.x and KDE 2.x
[A] KDevelop Team <>
[M] Rene Rebe <>
[C] extra/development extra/desktop/kde
[S] Stable
[V] 3.0.1
[P] X -----5---9 630.000
[D] 3928984509 kdevelop-3.0.1.tar.bz2

+ 36
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/kdirstat/kdirstat.cache
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[TIMESTAMP] 1073244753 Sun Jan 4 20:32:33 2004
[CONFIG-ID] 2.0.0-rc5-x86-pentium-mmx-32-reference
[ROCKVER] 2.0.0-rc5
[LOGS] 5-kdirstat.log 9-kdirstat.log
[BUILDTIME] 16357 (9)
[SIZE] 0.73 MB, 43 files
[DEP] bash binutils bzip2 coreutils diffutils expat fam file findutils
[DEP] freetype gcc3 gettext glibc23 grep kdelibs31 kdirstat libart_lgpl23
[DEP] libjpeg libpng libxml2 linux24-header make mktemp net-tools patch
[DEP] perl5 qt qt31 sed sysfiles tar util-linux xfree86 zlib

+ 27
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/kdirstat/kdirstat.conf
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
. $base/package/*/*/kde-31.conf
#var_append makeopt " " "LIBPYTHON=\'-lpython2.2 -ldb -lreadline -ltermcap \
#-lssl -lcrypto -lcrypt -lgdbm -lz -lpthread\'"

+ 43
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/kdirstat/kdirstat.desc
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[I] A KDE graphical disk usage utility
[T] KDirStat is a graphical disk usage utility, very much like the Unix
[T] "du" command. In addition to that, it comes with some cleanup facilities
[T] to reclaim disk space.
[A] Stefan Hundhammer <>
[M] Rene Rebe <>
[C] extra/tool extra/desktop/kde
[S] Stable
[V] 2.4.0
[P] X -----5---9 627.000
[D] 2288606276 kdirstat-2.4.0.tar.bz2

+ 29
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/kdirstat/ogg-color.patch
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
# This patch file is dual-licensed. It is available under the license the
# patched project is licensed under, as long as it is an OpenSource license
# as defined at (e.g. BSD, X11) or under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
--- kdirstat-2.4.0/kdirstat/ktreemapview.cpp.orig 2003-12-24 01:26:01.720000000 +0100
+++ kdirstat-2.4.0/kdirstat/ktreemapview.cpp 2003-12-24 01:26:44.110000000 +0100
@@ -660,6 +660,7 @@
if ( lowerExt == "wav" ) return Qt::yellow;
if ( lowerExt == "mp3" ) return Qt::yellow;
+ if ( lowerExt == "ogg" ) return Qt::yellow;
if ( lowerExt == "avi" ) return QColor( 0xa0, 0xff, 0x00 );
if ( lowerExt == "mov" ) return QColor( 0xa0, 0xff, 0x00 );

+ 35
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/koffice-i18n/koffice-i18n.cache
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[TIMESTAMP] 1073253239 Sun Jan 4 22:53:59 2004
[CONFIG-ID] 2.0.0-rc5-x86-pentium-mmx-32-reference
[ROCKVER] 2.0.0-rc5
[LOGS] 5-koffice-i18n.log 9-koffice-i18n.log
[BUILDTIME] 50601 (9)
[SIZE] 47.12 MB, 3479 files
[DEP] bash bzip2 coreutils diffutils findutils gawk gcc3 gettext grep
[DEP] kdelibs31 koffice-i18n libxml2 make mktemp net-tools perl5 sed
[DEP] sysfiles tar util-linux

+ 38
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/koffice-i18n/koffice-i18n.conf
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
. $base/package/*/*/kde-31.conf
for x in `cat subdirs | tr '\n' ' '` ; do
cd $x
./configure $confopt --cache-file=../config.cache
make || true
make install || true
cd ..

+ 49
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/koffice-i18n/koffice-i18n.desc
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[I] The translations for the office-suite of the KDE project
[T] KOffice is the full-featured office-suite of the KDE project.
[T] This release includes the following components: KWord (a frame-based,
[T] full-featured word processor); KPresenter (a presentation application);
[T] KSpread (a spreadsheet application); KIllustrator (a vector-drawing
[T] application); Krayon (a bitmap image editor); Kivio (a flowchart app-
[T] lication); KChart (a chart drawing application); KFormula (a formula
[T] editor); Kugar (a tool for generating business quality reports); and
[T] filters (for importing/exporting documents).
[A] The KDE-Team (see
[M] Rene Rebe <>
[C] extra/office extra/desktop/kde
[S] Beta
[V] 1.3
[P] X -----5---9 628.000
[D] 2216536262 koffice-i18n-1.3.tar.bz2

+ 38
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/koffice/koffice.cache
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[TIMESTAMP] 1073250450 Sun Jan 4 22:07:30 2004
[CONFIG-ID] 2.0.0-rc5-x86-pentium-mmx-32-reference
[ROCKVER] 2.0.0-rc5
[LOGS] 5-koffice.log 9-koffice.log
[BUILDTIME] 560703 (9)
[SIZE] 42.62 MB, 3526 files
[DEP] alsa arts31 aspell audiofile bash binutils bzip2 coreutils diffutils
[DEP] expat fam findutils freetype gawk gcc3 gettext glib glibc23 grep
[DEP] imagemagick jasper kdelibs31 koffice libart_lgpl23 libgsf libjpeg
[DEP] libpng libtiff libxml2 libxslt linux24-header mad make mktemp
[DEP] net-tools ogg-vorbis patch pcre perl5 pkgconfig python qt qt31 sed
[DEP] sysfiles tar tcltk util-linux wv2 xfree86 zlib

+ 27
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/koffice/koffice.conf
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
# have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
# file for details.
. $base/package/*/*/kde-31.conf
#var_append makeopt " " "LIBPYTHON=\'-lpython2.2 -ldb -lreadline -ltermcap \
#-lssl -lcrypto -lcrypt -lgdbm -lz -lpthread\'"

+ 49
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/kde/koffice/koffice.desc
[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Clifford Wolf
[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
[COPY] have a look at and the Documentation/TEAM
[COPY] file for details.
[I] The office-suite of the KDE project
[T] KOffice is the full-featured office-suite of the KDE project.
[T] This release includes the following components: KWord (a frame-based,
[T] full-featured word processor); KPresenter (a presentation application);
[T] KSpread (a spreadsheet application); KIllustrator (a vector-drawing
[T] application); Krayon (a bitmap image editor); Kivio (a flowchart app-
[T] lication); KChart (a chart drawing application); KFormula (a formula
[T] editor); Kugar (a tool for generating business quality reports); and
[T] filters (for importing/exporting documents).
[A] The KDE-Team (see
[M] Rene Rebe <>
[C] extra/office extra/desktop/kde
[S] Stable
[V] 1.3
[P] X -----5---9 627.000
[D] 2826883571 koffice-1.3.tar.bz2
