@ -1 +1,5 @@ |
3236835844 tor_aliases_v4 http://shellscripts.org/projects/t/toraliases/version_4/ |
3236835844 tor_aliases_v4 http://shellscripts.org/projects/t/toraliases/version_4/ |
1930262293 rockate_640x480.jpg http://pallas.crash-override.net/~blindcoder/ |
3137166457 rockate_800x600.jpg http://pallas.crash-override.net/~blindcoder/ |
1408201020 rockate_1024x768.jpg http://pallas.crash-override.net/~blindcoder/ |
4002653970 rockate_1280x1024.jpg http://pallas.crash-override.net/~blindcoder/ |
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ |
prog Networksetup xterm xterm -e su root /usr/sbin/stone -x11 rockate |
prog xterm xterm xterm |
prog xterm xterm xterm |
separator |
separator |
menufile Programs folder /usr/share/icewm/ROCK |
menufile Programs folder /usr/share/icewm/ROCK |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
[Desktop Entry] |
Encoding=UTF-8 |
Name=irrsi |
Comment=IRC Client |
Exec=torify irssi |
Terminal=true |
Type=Application |
Categories=Network;IRCClient |
X-ROCK-Name=irssi |
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ |
servers = ( |
{ address = "irc.fu-berlin.de"; chatnet = "IRCnet"; port = "6668"; }, |
{ address = "irc.efnet.net"; chatnet = "EFNet"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.undernet.org"; chatnet = "Undernet"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.dal.net"; chatnet = "DALnet"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = ""; chatnet = "freenode"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = ""; chatnet = "freenodegpg"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.gnome.org"; chatnet = "GIMPNet"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.ptlink.net"; chatnet = "PTlink"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.sorcery.net"; chatnet = "SorceryNet"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.hashmark.net"; chatnet = "Hashmark"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.ptnet.org"; chatnet = "PTnet"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.azzurra.org"; chatnet = "AzzurraNET"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.stardock.com"; chatnet = "stardock"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "irc.lugs.ch"; chatnet = "lugs"; port = "6667"; }, |
{ address = "silc.silcnet.org"; chatnet = "SILC"; port = "706"; } |
); |
chatnets = { |
IRCnet = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "4"; |
max_modes = "3"; |
max_msgs = "5"; |
max_whois = "4"; |
max_query_chans = "5"; |
}; |
EFNet = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "4"; |
max_modes = "4"; |
max_msgs = "3"; |
max_whois = "1"; |
}; |
Undernet = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "4"; |
max_modes = "3"; |
max_msgs = "3"; |
max_whois = "30"; |
}; |
DALnet = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "4"; |
max_modes = "6"; |
max_msgs = "3"; |
max_whois = "30"; |
}; |
freenode = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "4"; |
max_msgs = "1"; |
max_modes = "4"; |
max_whois = "1"; |
}; |
GIMPNet = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "4"; |
max_modes = "4"; |
max_msgs = "3"; |
max_whois = "1"; |
}; |
PTlink = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "1"; |
max_modes = "6"; |
max_msgs = "30"; |
max_whois = "1"; |
}; |
SorceryNet = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "30"; |
max_modes = "6"; |
max_msgs = "30"; |
max_whois = "30"; |
}; |
Hashmark = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "4"; |
max_modes = "3"; |
max_msgs = "3"; |
max_whois = "30"; |
}; |
PTnet = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "30"; |
max_modes = "13"; |
max_msgs = "10"; |
max_whois = "30"; |
}; |
AzzurraNET = { |
type = "IRC"; |
max_kicks = "4"; |
max_modes = "6"; |
max_msgs = "3"; |
}; |
SILC = { type = "SILC"; }; |
stardock = { type = "IRC"; }; |
lugs = { type = "IRC"; }; |
}; |
channels = ( |
{ name = "#tor"; chatnet = "freenode"; autojoin = "yes"; }, |
{ name = "#tor"; chatnet = "freenodegpg"; autojoin = "yes"; }, |
); |
aliases = { |
J = "join"; |
WJOIN = "join -window"; |
WQUERY = "query -window"; |
LEAVE = "part"; |
BYE = "quit"; |
EXIT = "quit"; |
SIGNOFF = "quit"; |
DESCRIBE = "action"; |
DATE = "time"; |
HOST = "userhost"; |
LAST = "lastlog"; |
SAY = "msg *"; |
WI = "whois"; |
WII = "whois $0 $0"; |
WW = "whowas"; |
W = "who"; |
N = "names"; |
M = "msg"; |
T = "topic"; |
C = "clear"; |
CL = "clear"; |
K = "kick"; |
KB = "kickban"; |
KN = "knockout"; |
BANS = "ban"; |
B = "ban"; |
MUB = "unban *"; |
UB = "unban"; |
IG = "ignore"; |
UNIG = "unignore"; |
SB = "scrollback"; |
UMODE = "mode $N"; |
WC = "window close"; |
WN = "window new hide"; |
SV = "say Irssi $J ($V) - http://irssi.org/"; |
GOTO = "sb goto"; |
CHAT = "dcc chat"; |
UPTIME = "eval exec - expr `date +%s` - \\$F | awk '{print \"Irssi uptime: \"int(\\\\\\$1/3600/24)\"d \"int(\\\\\\$1/3600%24)\"h \"int(\\\\\\$1/60%60)\"m \"int(\\\\\\$1%60)\"s\" }'"; |
CALC = "exec - if which bc &>/dev/null\\; then echo '$*' | bc | awk '{print \"$*=\"$$1}'\\; else echo bc was not found\\; fi"; |
INVITELIST = "mode $C +I"; |
Q = "QUERY"; |
}; |
statusbar = { |
# formats: |
# when using {templates}, the template is shown only if it's argument isn't |
# empty unless no argument is given. for example {sb} is printed always, |
# but {sb $T} is printed only if $T isn't empty. |
items = { |
# start/end text in statusbars |
barstart = "{sbstart}"; |
barend = "{sbend}"; |
topicbarstart = "{topicsbstart}"; |
topicbarend = "{topicsbend}"; |
# treated "normally", you could change the time/user name to whatever |
time = "{sb $Z}"; |
user = "{sb {sbnickmode $cumode}$N{sbmode $usermode}{sbaway $A}}"; |
# treated specially .. window is printed with non-empty windows, |
# window_empty is printed with empty windows |
window = "{sb $winref:$itemname{sbmode $M}}"; |
window_empty = "{sb $winref{sbservertag $tag}}"; |
prompt = "{prompt $[.15]itemname}"; |
prompt_empty = "{prompt $winname}"; |
topic = " $topic"; |
topic_empty = " Irssi v$J - http://irssi.org/help/"; |
# all of these treated specially, they're only displayed when needed |
lag = "{sb Lag: $0-}"; |
act = "{sb Act: $0-}"; |
more = "-- more --"; |
}; |
# there's two type of statusbars. root statusbars are either at the top |
# of the screen or at the bottom of the screen. window statusbars are at |
# the top/bottom of each split window in screen. |
default = { |
# the "default statusbar" to be displayed at the bottom of the window. |
# contains all the normal items. |
window = { |
disabled = "no"; |
# window, root |
type = "window"; |
# top, bottom |
placement = "bottom"; |
# number |
position = "1"; |
# active, inactive, always |
visible = "active"; |
# list of items in statusbar in the display order |
items = { |
barstart = { priority = "100"; }; |
time = { }; |
user = { }; |
window = { }; |
window_empty = { }; |
lag = { priority = "-1"; }; |
act = { priority = "10"; }; |
more = { priority = "-1"; alignment = "right"; }; |
barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; }; |
}; |
}; |
# statusbar to use in inactive split windows |
window_inact = { |
type = "window"; |
placement = "bottom"; |
position = "1"; |
visible = "inactive"; |
items = { |
barstart = { priority = "100"; }; |
window = { }; |
window_empty = { }; |
more = { priority = "-1"; alignment = "right"; }; |
barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; }; |
}; |
}; |
# we treat input line as yet another statusbar :) It's possible to |
# add other items before or after the input line item. |
prompt = { |
type = "root"; |
placement = "bottom"; |
# we want to be at the bottom always |
position = "100"; |
visible = "always"; |
items = { |
prompt = { priority = "-1"; }; |
prompt_empty = { priority = "-1"; }; |
# treated specially, this is the real input line. |
input = { priority = "10"; }; |
}; |
}; |
# topicbar |
topic = { |
type = "root"; |
placement = "top"; |
position = "1"; |
visible = "always"; |
items = { |
topicbarstart = { priority = "100"; }; |
topic = { }; |
topic_empty = { }; |
topicbarend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; }; |
}; |
}; |
}; |
}; |
settings = { |
core = { |
real_name = "ROCKate User"; |
user_name = "rocker"; |
nick = "rocker"; |
quit_message = "http://www.rocklinux.org/index.php/ROCKate"; |
server_reconnect_time = "5min"; |
server_connect_timeout = "5min"; |
}; |
"irc/dcc" = { |
dcc_autoresume = "yes"; |
dcc_autoget = "no"; |
dcc_upload_path = "/home/rocker/"; |
dcc_send_replace_space_with_underscore = "yes"; |
dcc_autoaccept_lowports = "no"; |
dcc_download_path = "/home/rocker/"; |
dcc_port = "5000"; |
}; |
"irc/core" = { |
ctcp_version_reply = "none of your god-damn business. shoo-shoo!"; |
ctcp_userinfo_reply = "none of your god-damn business. shoo-shoo!"; |
}; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
# |
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. |
# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing |
# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by |
# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text! |
# |
# ROCK Linux: rock-src/target/tor/fixedfiles/mod_rockate.sh |
# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2007 Clifford Wolf |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public |
# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING. |
# |
# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please |
# have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM |
# file for details. |
# |
# |
# ROCKate network setup |
rockate_configure() { |
local device="${1}" |
read inet ip rest < <( ip addr show ${device} | grep 'inet ' ) |
gui_input "Enter IP address for ${device}" ${ip} newip |
if [ -n "${newip}" -a "${newip}" != "${ip}" ] ; then |
ip addr del "${ip}" dev "${device}" |
ip addr add "${newip}" dev "${device}" |
fi |
} |
rockate_defaultroute(){ |
local gw="${1}" |
gui_input "Enter IP Address for the default router" ${gw} newgw |
if [ -n "${newgw}" -a "${gw}" != "${newgw}" ] ; then |
route del -net default ${gw} |
route add -net default ${newgw} |
fi |
} |
main() { |
#eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:DC:7C:EE:8A |
while |
menu="" |
while read name a b c mac ; do |
read inet ip rest < <( ip addr show ${name} | grep 'inet ' ) |
menu="${menu} 'Device ${name} (${mac})' ''" |
menu="${menu} ' IP Address: ${ip}' ''" |
menu="${menu} ' Configure via dhcp' 'dhclient ${name}'" |
menu="${menu} ' Configure manually' 'rockate_configure ${name}'" |
done < <( ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr ) # we only want 'real' interfaces |
menu="${menu} '' ''" |
read dest gw msk fl met ref use dev < <( route -n | grep ^ ) |
menu="${menu} 'Default Route: ${gw} (via ${dev})' 'rockate_defaultroute ${gw}'" |
eval gui_menu FOO "'ROCKate Configuration'" ${menu} |
do : ; done |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
[Desktop Entry] |
Encoding=UTF-8 |
Name=Network Setup |
Comment=ROCKate Network Setup |
Exec=su root /usr/sbin/stone -x11 rockate |
Terminal=true |
Type=Application |
Categories=System;Setup |
X-ROCK-Name=rockate |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
SocksPort 9050 # what port to open for local application connections |
SocksListenAddress # accept connections only from localhost |
## Send all messages of level 'notice' or higher to /var/log/tor/notices.log |
#Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log |
## Send every possible message to /var/log/tor/debug.log |
#Log debug file /var/log/tor/debug.log |
## Use the system log instead of Tor's logfiles |
#Log notice syslog |
## To send all messages to stderr: |
#Log debug stderr |
## The port on which Tor will listen for local connections from Tor |
## controller applications, as documented in control-spec.txt. |
ControlPort 9051 |
## The user tor will run as |
User tor |
# Map some addresses |
##Freenode |
mapaddress mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion # Freenode |
mapaddress 5t7o4shdbhotfuzp.onion # Freenode-GPG |
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ |
____ ___ ____ _ __ _ |
| _ \ / _ \ / ___| |/ /__ _| |_ ___ |
| |_) | | | | | | ' // _` | __/ _ \ |
| _ <| |_| | |___| . \ (_| | || __/ |
|_| \_\\___/ \____|_|\_\__,_|\__\___| |
[============> http://www.rocklinux.org/ <============] |
____ ___ ____ _ __ _ |
| _ \ / _ \ / ___| |/ /__ _| |_ ___ |
| |_) | | | | | | ' // _` | __/ _ \ |
| _ <| |_| | |___| . \ (_| | || __/ |
|_| \_\\___/ \____|_|\_\__,_|\__\___| |
[============> http://www.rocklinux.org/ <============] |
| L I V E CD | |
| L I V E CD | |
+-------------+ [F1=Overview] [F2=Options] |
+-------------+ [F1=Overview] [F2=Options] |
Actions: |
Actions: |
-------- |
-------- |
<ENTER> Start live cd system at 1024x786-16 |
livecd-1280 <Enter> Start live cd system at 1280x1024-16 |
livecd-800 <Enter> Start live cd system at 800x600-16 |
livecd-640 <Enter> Start live cd system at 640x480-16 |
livecd-text <Enter> Start live cd system in text mode |
livecd options <Enter> Start with the given options |
<ENTER> Start rockate at 1024x786-16 |
rockate-1280 <Enter> Start rockate at 1280x1024-16 |
rockate-800 <Enter> Start rockate at 800x600-16 |
rockate-640 <Enter> Start rockate at 640x480-16 |
rockate-text <Enter> Start rockate in text mode |
rockate options <Enter> Start with the given options |