#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
* Original work by Jeff Garzik * * External file lists, symlink, pipe and fifo support by Thayne Harbaugh */
#define xstr(s) #s
#define str(s) xstr(s)
static unsigned int offset; static unsigned int ino = 721;
struct file_handler { const char *type; int (*handler)(const char *line); };
static void push_string(const char *name) { unsigned int name_len = strlen(name) + 1;
fputs(name, stdout); putchar(0); offset += name_len; }
static void push_pad (void) { while (offset & 3) { putchar(0); offset++; } }
static void push_rest(const char *name) { unsigned int name_len = strlen(name) + 1; unsigned int tmp_ofs;
fputs(name, stdout); putchar(0); offset += name_len;
tmp_ofs = name_len + 110; while (tmp_ofs & 3) { putchar(0); offset++; tmp_ofs++; } }
static void push_hdr(const char *s) { fputs(s, stdout); offset += 110; }
static void cpio_trailer(void) { char s[256]; const char name[] = "TRAILER!!!";
sprintf(s, "%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX" "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", "070701", /* magic */ 0, /* ino */ 0, /* mode */ (long) 0, /* uid */ (long) 0, /* gid */ 1, /* nlink */ (long) 0, /* mtime */ 0, /* filesize */ 0, /* major */ 0, /* minor */ 0, /* rmajor */ 0, /* rminor */ (unsigned)strlen(name)+1, /* namesize */ 0); /* chksum */ push_hdr(s); push_rest(name);
while (offset % 512) { putchar(0); offset++; } }
static int cpio_mkslink(const char *name, const char *target, unsigned int mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { char s[256]; time_t mtime = time(NULL);
sprintf(s,"%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX" "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", "070701", /* magic */ ino++, /* ino */ S_IFLNK | mode, /* mode */ (long) uid, /* uid */ (long) gid, /* gid */ 1, /* nlink */ (long) mtime, /* mtime */ (unsigned)strlen(target)+1, /* filesize */ 3, /* major */ 1, /* minor */ 0, /* rmajor */ 0, /* rminor */ (unsigned)strlen(name) + 1,/* namesize */ 0); /* chksum */ push_hdr(s); push_string(name); push_pad(); push_string(target); push_pad(); return 0; }
static int cpio_mkslink_line(const char *line) { char name[PATH_MAX + 1]; char target[PATH_MAX + 1]; unsigned int mode; int uid; int gid; int rc = -1;
if (5 != sscanf(line, "%" str(PATH_MAX) "s %" str(PATH_MAX) "s %o %d %d", name, target, &mode, &uid, &gid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized dir format '%s'", line); goto fail; } rc = cpio_mkslink(name, target, mode, uid, gid); fail: return rc; }
static int cpio_mkgeneric(const char *name, unsigned int mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { char s[256]; time_t mtime = time(NULL);
sprintf(s,"%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX" "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", "070701", /* magic */ ino++, /* ino */ mode, /* mode */ (long) uid, /* uid */ (long) gid, /* gid */ 2, /* nlink */ (long) mtime, /* mtime */ 0, /* filesize */ 3, /* major */ 1, /* minor */ 0, /* rmajor */ 0, /* rminor */ (unsigned)strlen(name) + 1,/* namesize */ 0); /* chksum */ push_hdr(s); push_rest(name); return 0; }
enum generic_types { GT_DIR, GT_PIPE, GT_SOCK };
struct generic_type { const char *type; mode_t mode; };
static struct generic_type generic_type_table[] = { [GT_DIR] = { .type = "dir", .mode = S_IFDIR }, [GT_PIPE] = { .type = "pipe", .mode = S_IFIFO }, [GT_SOCK] = { .type = "sock", .mode = S_IFSOCK } };
static int cpio_mkgeneric_line(const char *line, enum generic_types gt) { char name[PATH_MAX + 1]; unsigned int mode; int uid; int gid; int rc = -1;
if (4 != sscanf(line, "%" str(PATH_MAX) "s %o %d %d", name, &mode, &uid, &gid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized %s format '%s'", line, generic_type_table[gt].type); goto fail; } mode |= generic_type_table[gt].mode; rc = cpio_mkgeneric(name, mode, uid, gid); fail: return rc; }
static int cpio_mkdir_line(const char *line) { return cpio_mkgeneric_line(line, GT_DIR); }
static int cpio_mkpipe_line(const char *line) { return cpio_mkgeneric_line(line, GT_PIPE); }
static int cpio_mksock_line(const char *line) { return cpio_mkgeneric_line(line, GT_SOCK); }
static int cpio_mknod(const char *name, unsigned int mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, char dev_type, unsigned int maj, unsigned int min) { char s[256]; time_t mtime = time(NULL);
if (dev_type == 'b') mode |= S_IFBLK; else mode |= S_IFCHR;
sprintf(s,"%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX" "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", "070701", /* magic */ ino++, /* ino */ mode, /* mode */ (long) uid, /* uid */ (long) gid, /* gid */ 1, /* nlink */ (long) mtime, /* mtime */ 0, /* filesize */ 3, /* major */ 1, /* minor */ maj, /* rmajor */ min, /* rminor */ (unsigned)strlen(name) + 1,/* namesize */ 0); /* chksum */ push_hdr(s); push_rest(name); return 0; }
static int cpio_mknod_line(const char *line) { char name[PATH_MAX + 1]; unsigned int mode; int uid; int gid; char dev_type; unsigned int maj; unsigned int min; int rc = -1;
if (7 != sscanf(line, "%" str(PATH_MAX) "s %o %d %d %c %u %u", name, &mode, &uid, &gid, &dev_type, &maj, &min)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized nod format '%s'", line); goto fail; } rc = cpio_mknod(name, mode, uid, gid, dev_type, maj, min); fail: return rc; }
/* Not marked static to keep the compiler quiet, as no one uses this yet... */ static int cpio_mkfile(const char *name, const char *location, unsigned int mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { char s[256]; char *filebuf = NULL; struct stat buf; int file = -1; int retval; int rc = -1;
mode |= S_IFREG;
retval = stat (location, &buf); if (retval) { fprintf (stderr, "File %s could not be located\n", location); goto error; }
file = open (location, O_RDONLY); if (file < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "File %s could not be opened for reading\n", location); goto error; }
filebuf = malloc(buf.st_size); if (!filebuf) { fprintf (stderr, "out of memory\n"); goto error; }
retval = read (file, filebuf, buf.st_size); if (retval < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Can not read %s file\n", location); goto error; }
sprintf(s,"%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX" "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", "070701", /* magic */ ino++, /* ino */ mode, /* mode */ (long) uid, /* uid */ (long) gid, /* gid */ 1, /* nlink */ (long) buf.st_mtime, /* mtime */ (int) buf.st_size, /* filesize */ 3, /* major */ 1, /* minor */ 0, /* rmajor */ 0, /* rminor */ (unsigned)strlen(name) + 1,/* namesize */ 0); /* chksum */ push_hdr(s); push_string(name); push_pad();
fwrite(filebuf, buf.st_size, 1, stdout); offset += buf.st_size; push_pad(); rc = 0; error: if (filebuf) free(filebuf); if (file >= 0) close(file); return rc; }
static int cpio_mkfile_line(const char *line) { char name[PATH_MAX + 1]; char location[PATH_MAX + 1]; unsigned int mode; int uid; int gid; int rc = -1;
if (5 != sscanf(line, "%" str(PATH_MAX) "s %" str(PATH_MAX) "s %o %d %d", name, location, &mode, &uid, &gid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized file format '%s'", line); goto fail; } rc = cpio_mkfile(name, location, mode, uid, gid); fail: return rc; }
void usage(const char *prog) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n" "\t%s <cpio_list>\n" "\n" "<cpio_list> is a file containing newline separated entries that\n" "describe the files to be included in the initramfs archive:\n" "\n" "# a comment\n" "file <name> <location> <mode> <uid> <gid>\n" "dir <name> <mode> <uid> <gid>\n" "nod <name> <mode> <uid> <gid> <dev_type> <maj> <min>\n" "slink <name> <target> <mode> <uid> <gid>\n" "pipe <name> <mode> <uid> <gid>\n" "sock <name> <mode> <uid> <gid>\n" "\n" "<name> name of the file/dir/nod/etc in the archive\n" "<location> location of the file in the current filesystem\n" "<target> link target\n" "<mode> mode/permissions of the file\n" "<uid> user id (0=root)\n" "<gid> group id (0=root)\n" "<dev_type> device type (b=block, c=character)\n" "<maj> major number of nod\n" "<min> minor number of nod\n" "\n" "example:\n" "# A simple initramfs\n" "dir /dev 0755 0 0\n" "nod /dev/console 0600 0 0 c 5 1\n" "dir /root 0700 0 0\n" "dir /sbin 0755 0 0\n" "file /sbin/kinit /usr/src/klibc/kinit/kinit 0755 0 0\n", prog); }
struct file_handler file_handler_table[] = { { .type = "file", .handler = cpio_mkfile_line, }, { .type = "nod", .handler = cpio_mknod_line, }, { .type = "dir", .handler = cpio_mkdir_line, }, { .type = "slink", .handler = cpio_mkslink_line, }, { .type = "pipe", .handler = cpio_mkpipe_line, }, { .type = "sock", .handler = cpio_mksock_line, }, { .type = NULL, .handler = NULL, } };
#define LINE_SIZE (2 * PATH_MAX + 50)
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *cpio_list; char line[LINE_SIZE]; char *args, *type; int ec = 0; int line_nr = 0;
if (2 != argc) { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); }
if (! (cpio_list = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to open '%s': %s\n\n", argv[1], strerror(errno)); usage(argv[0]); exit(1); }
while (fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, cpio_list)) { int type_idx; size_t slen = strlen(line);
if ('#' == *line) { /* comment - skip to next line */ continue; }
if (! (type = strtok(line, " \t"))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: incorrect format, could not locate file type line %d: '%s'\n", line_nr, line); ec = -1; }
if ('\n' == *type) { /* a blank line */ continue; }
if (slen == strlen(type)) { /* must be an empty line */ continue; }
if (! (args = strtok(NULL, "\n"))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: incorrect format, newline required line %d: '%s'\n", line_nr, line); ec = -1; }
for (type_idx = 0; file_handler_table[type_idx].type; type_idx++) { int rc; if (! strcmp(line, file_handler_table[type_idx].type)) { if ((rc = file_handler_table[type_idx].handler(args))) { ec = rc; fprintf(stderr, " line %d\n", line_nr); } break; } }
if (NULL == file_handler_table[type_idx].type) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown file type line %d: '%s'\n", line_nr, line); } } cpio_trailer();
exit(ec); }