#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $depdb = "scripts/dep_db.txt"; my $pkgfile = "config/default/packages"; my $rootdir = "";
my $showinst = 0; my $showdups = 0;
sub help() { print "\n"; print "Usage $0 [ <options> ] <pkg> [ <pkg> [ .. ] ]\n"; print "\n"; print "Options:\n"; print "\n"; print " -cfg <config> Use package list from config\n"; print " -root <dir> Use dir as root directory\n"; print " -depdb <file> Use file as dependency database\n"; print "\n"; print " -chroot Use 'build/<config>../' as root\n"; print "\n"; print " -showinst Also show already installed deps\n"; print " -showdups Also show already printed deps\n"; print "\n";
exit 1; }
while ( $#ARGV >= 0 and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ ) { my $opt = shift @ARGV; if ( $opt eq "-cfg" ) { $pkgfile = "config/".(shift @ARGV)."/packages"; next; } if ( $opt eq "-root" ) { $rootdir = shift @ARGV; next; } if ( $opt eq "-depdb" ) { $depdb = shift @ARGV; next; } if ( $opt eq "-chroot" ) { my $cfgfile = $pkgfile; $cfgfile =~ s/packages$/config/; $rootdir = "build/".`source $cfgfile; echo \$ROCKCFG_ID;`; chomp $rootdir; next; } if ( $opt eq "-showinst" ) { $showinst = 1; next; } if ( $opt eq "-showdups" ) { $showdups = 1; next; } help; }
help if $#ARGV < 0;
my %pkgs; my %pkgs_reverse;
open(F, "<$pkgfile") or die "Can't open $pkgfile: $!"; while (<F>) { next unless /^X/; my @f = split /\s+/; if ( $f[4] =~ /(.*)=(.*)/ ) { $pkgs{$2} = $1; push @{$pkgs_reverse{$1}}, $2; } else { $pkgs{$f[4]} = $f[4]; push @{$pkgs_reverse{$f[4]}}, $f[4]; }
} close F;
my %deps;
open(F, "<$depdb") or die "Can't open $depdb: $!"; while (<F>) { chomp; die "DepDB syntax error" unless /^(\S+): \d+ \d+ (.*)\s+\1$/; next unless defined $pkgs_reverse{$1}; my @deplist = split /\s+/, $2; foreach (@{$pkgs_reverse{$1}}) { $deps{$_} = \@deplist; } } close F;
my %duptags;
sub showdeps($$); sub showdeps($$) { my $sp = " " x $_[0]; my $p = $_[1];
my $is_dup = defined $duptags{$p}; $duptags{$p} = 1;
my $is_inst = -f "$rootdir/var/adm/packages/$p"; while (<$rootdir/var/adm/packages/$p:*>) { $is_inst = 1 if -f "$_"; }
if ( $_[0] > 0 ) { return if $is_dup and not $showdups; return if $is_inst and not $showinst; }
print "${sp}$p"; print " (already_installed)" if $is_inst; print " (duplicate)" if $is_dup; print "\n";
return if $is_dup; return if $is_inst;
foreach (@{$deps{$p}}) { showdeps($_[0]+1, $_) if defined $deps{$_}; } }
foreach my $p (@ARGV) { showdeps(0, $p); }