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[I] small system utilities for embedded systems
[T] Most of the typical Unix userland typically comes from either the GNU project [T] or the BSD people. Those sources are ancient and optimized for features, not [T] for small size, and now that computers are fast enough and have lots of RAM, [T] implementations became larger and larger. Features like internationalization [T] eat lots of memory and disk space. [T] [T] For embedded system and boot disks (and desktops and servers for purist Unix [T] users), you rather want small than internationalized versions of the utilities. [T] That's why I started to reimplement a few important typical userland programs [T] that I need on boot and rescue disks, making sure that you can link it against [T] diet libc to create very small statically linked binaries. [T] [T] By the way: one of the major goals for the embedded utilities is that the small [T] size is not achieved by omitting POSIX features. Unfortunately, I don't have a [T] copy of the POSIX standard, so feel free to correct me!
[U] http://www.fefe.de/embutils/
[A] Felix von Leitner <web@fefe.de> [M] hannes <hannes@eperm.net>
[C] base/system [F] DIETLIBC
[L] GPL [S] Stable [V] 0.16 [P] X -?---5---9 180.300
[D] 1534060679 embutils-0.16.tar.bz2 ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/linux/dietlibc/