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[I] XMMS plugin to use NAS
[T] The Network Audio System is used on most NCD X-terminals and is sometimes part [T] of the standard X distribution, primarily for getting the sound to the right [T] place. [T] [T] Be aware that you're sending upto 180 kb/sec over the network between your [T] X-terminal and the machine you're running xmms on. Don't blame me if some [T] sysadmin kicks your butt for hogging the network. [T] [T] The time indicator isn't very reliable; it might be off by as much as half [T] a second, depending on your machine. This is very hard to get right, because [T] I don't know when the data actually reaches the other side of the network. [T] [T] The low water mark doesn't seem to work 100%, so be sure to have a large [T] enough playing buffer (5000 milliseconds or so should do) [T] [T] The Network Audio System doesn't support separate left and right volume, [T] so the balance slider will not work.
[U] ftp://mud.stack.nl/pub/OuterSpace/willem/
[A] Willem Monsuwe <willem@stack.nl> [M] Benjamin Schieder <blindcoder@scavenger.homeip.net>
[C] extra/multimedia
[L] GPL [S] Beta [V] 0.2 [P] X -----5---9 800.000
[D] 228537536 xmms-nas-0.2.tar.gz ftp://mud.stack.nl/pub/OuterSpace/willem/