[ -e $confdir/$pkg.conf ] && . $confdir/$pkg.conf
var_append patchfiles " " "${targetdir}/patches/xfree86_hotfixes.patch"
# configure the World for LVP xf_config() { echo "Configuring XFree ..." if pkginstalled expat ; then cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT /* Disable the internal expat library to use the system installed one */ #define HasExpat YES EOT fi
cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT /* Disable the internal zlib to use the system installed one */ #define HasZlib YES
/* Less warnings with recent gccs ... */ #define DefaultCCOptions -ansi GccWarningOptions
/* Make sure config files are allways installed ... */ #define InstallXinitConfig YES #define InstallXdmConfig YES #define InstallFSConfig YES
/* do not install duplicate crap in /etc/X11 */ #define UseSeparateConfDir NO
/* build statically */ #define DoLoadableServer NO #define ForceNormalLib YES
EOT if [ $arch == "x86" ] ; then echo "Enabling Matrox HALlib (since this is x86) ..." cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT
/* Additinal TV/DVI support since this is x86 */ #define HaveMatroxHal YES EOT fi }